{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

-- | Library for converting types to and from binary, so that they can
-- be written to and from files, stored compactly in memory, and so on.
-- This is a preliminary version of the library, hence I have decided
-- /not/ to optimise heavily, beyond putting in strictness annotations
-- in where they seem appropriate.
-- A good place to start optimising would probably be the separate
-- "Bytes" libary.
-- See also "BinaryInstances", which declares instances for the standard
-- types (and one or two others), "BinaryUtils", which contains
-- (mostly) material for declaring new instances, "BinaryExtras",
-- which contains other miscellaneous utilities, and finally
-- "BinaryAll" which just imports and reexports everything.
module Util.Binary (

   hWrite, -- :: HasBinary a IO => Handle -> a -> IO ()
   hRead, -- :: HasBinary a IO => Handle -> IO a

   writeToBytes, -- :: HasBinary a StateBinArea => a -> IO (Bytes,Int)
   writeToBytes0, -- :: HasBinary a StateBinArea => Int -> a -> IO (Bytes,Int)
   readFromBytes, -- :: HasBinary a StateBinArea => (Bytes,Int) -> IO a


   -- Ways of constructing WriteBinary/ReadBinary instances (not usually
   -- required explicitly).
   toWriteBinaryHandle, -- :: Handle -> WriteBinary IO
   toReadBinaryHandle, -- :: Handle -> ReadBinary IO

   -- Functions required for writing directly to binary areas.
   StateBinArea, -- = StateT BinArea IO

   -- writing a BinArea

   -- create
   mkEmptyBinArea, -- :: Int -> IO BinArea
   -- pass as argument to writeBin
   writeBinaryBinArea, -- :: WriteBinary StateBinArea
   -- close and get contents.
   closeBinArea, -- :: BinArea -> IO (Bytes,Int)

   -- reading a BinArea

   -- create
   mkBinArea, -- :: (Bytes,Int) -> BinArea
   -- pass to things which read.
   readBinaryBinArea, -- :: ReadBinary StateBinArea
   -- check that the BinArea is completely read.
   checkFullBinArea, -- :: BinArea -> IO ()

   -- Functions for transforming WriteBinary/ReadBinary values.
      -- :: (forall a . m a -> n a) -> WriteBinary m -> WriteBinary n
      -- :: (forall a . m a -> n a) -> ReadBinary m -> ReadBinary n

   ) where

-- Standard imports
import System.IO

-- GHC imports
import Control.Monad.State

-- Our imports
import Util.Bytes

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The general framework
-- Type variable "m" is a monad; "a" is the thing to read or write.
-- NB.  Bytes values are currently not subject to the garbage-collector,
-- and so need to be explicitly freed.   The following rules for this
-- should be observed.
-- (1) For writeBytes, it is only guaranteed that the argument "Bytes"
--     will be valid at the actual time of evaluation.
-- (2) For readBytes, it is the caller's responsibility to free the returned
--     area.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A consumer of binary data
data WriteBinary m =
   WriteBinary {
      writeByte :: Byte -> m (),
         -- ^ write one byte
      writeBytes :: Bytes -> Int -> m ()
         -- ^ write multiple bytes

-- | A source of binary data
data ReadBinary m =
   ReadBinary {
      readByte :: m Byte,
         -- ^ read one byte
      readBytes :: Int -> m Bytes
         -- ^ read multiple bytes

class HasBinary a m where
   writeBin :: WriteBinary m -> a -> m ()
      -- ^ Given a consumer of binary data, and an (a), write out the (a)
   readBin :: ReadBinary m -> m a
      -- ^ Given a source of binary data, provide an (a)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reading/Writing HasBinary instances to Handles.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Write an (a) to a 'Handle'
hWrite :: HasBinary a IO => Handle -> a -> IO ()
hWrite handle a = writeBin (toWriteBinaryHandle handle) a

-- | Read an (a) from a 'Handle'
hRead :: HasBinary a IO => Handle -> IO a
hRead handle = readBin (toReadBinaryHandle handle)

toWriteBinaryHandle :: Handle -> WriteBinary IO
toWriteBinaryHandle handle =
   WriteBinary {
      writeByte = hPutByte handle,
      writeBytes = hPutBytes handle

toReadBinaryHandle :: Handle -> ReadBinary IO
toReadBinaryHandle handle =
   ReadBinary {
      readByte = hGetByte handle,
      readBytes = hGetBytes handle

toWriteBinaryHandleDebug :: Handle -> WriteBinary IO
toWriteBinaryHandleDebug handle =
   WriteBinary {
      writeByte = (\ b -> bracketDebug 1 (hPutByte handle b)),
      writeBytes = (\ b i -> bracketDebug i (hPutBytes handle b i))

toReadBinaryHandleDebug :: Handle -> ReadBinary IO
toReadBinaryHandleDebug handle =
   ReadBinary {
      readByte = bracketDebug 1 (hGetByte handle),
      readBytes = (\ i -> bracketDebug i (hGetBytes handle i))

bracketDebug :: Int -> IO a -> IO a
bracketDebug i act =
      putStr ("[" ++ show i)
      hFlush stdout
      a <- act
      putStr "]"
      hFlush stdout
      return a

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Writing HasBinary instances to a memory area
-- We do this by allocating an area, and then doubling its size as
-- necessary.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Somewhere to where you write binary data in memory.
data BinArea = BinArea {
   bytes :: ! Bytes, -- current storage area
   len :: ! Int, -- its length
   next :: ! Int -- where to write next bit of data.

-- | Write an (a) to memory.  The 'Int' is the length of the area.
writeToBytes :: HasBinary a StateBinArea => a -> IO (Bytes,Int)
writeToBytes = writeToBytes0 1000
   -- Be generous, since memory is cheap.  Make it a bit less than a power
   -- of two, since some memory allocation algorithms (buddy algorithm)
   -- like this.

-- | Write an (a) to memory.
-- The integer argument is an initial guess at the number of bytes
-- that will be needed.  This should be greater than 0.  If it is
-- too small, there will be unnecessary reallocations; if too large,
-- too much memory will be used.
writeToBytes0 :: HasBinary a StateBinArea => Int -> a -> IO (Bytes,Int)
-- The result is returned as a pair (data area,length)
writeToBytes0 len0 a =
      binArea0 <- mkEmptyBinArea len0
      ((),binArea1) <- runStateT (writeBin writeBinaryBinArea a) binArea0
      closeBinArea binArea1

-- | Create an empty 'BinArea', given the initial size.
mkEmptyBinArea :: Int -> IO BinArea
-- the argument gives the initial size to use (which had better be positive).
mkEmptyBinArea len =
      bytes <- bytesMalloc len
      return (BinArea {
         bytes = bytes,
         len = len,
         next = 0

-- | Return all the data currently in the 'BinArea'
closeBinArea :: BinArea -> IO (Bytes,Int)
closeBinArea binArea =
         bytes1 = bytes binArea
         len = next binArea
      bytes2 <- bytesReAlloc bytes1 len
      return (bytes2,len)

-- | a state monad containing the BinArea.
type StateBinArea = StateT BinArea IO

-- | A 'BinArea' as somewhere to put binary data.
writeBinaryBinArea :: WriteBinary StateBinArea
writeBinaryBinArea = WriteBinary {
   writeByte = (\ byte ->
      StateT (\ binArea0 ->
               next0 = next binArea0
               next1 = next0 + 1
            binArea1 <- ensureBinArea binArea0 next1
            putByteToBytes byte (bytes binArea1) next0
            return ((),binArea1 {next = next1})
   writeBytes = (\ bytes' len ->
      StateT (\ binArea0 ->
               next0 = next binArea0
               next1 = next0 + len
            binArea1 <- ensureBinArea binArea0 next1
            putBytesToBytes bytes' 0 (bytes binArea1) next0 len
            return ((),binArea1 {next = next1})

-- | ensure that the given BinArea can hold at least len bytes.
ensureBinArea :: BinArea -> Int -> IO BinArea
ensureBinArea binArea size =
   if size <= len binArea
         return binArea
              len1 = 2*size
           bytes1 <- bytesReAlloc (bytes binArea) len1
           return (BinArea {
              bytes = bytes1,
              len = len1,
              next = next binArea

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reading Binary instances from a memory area
-- We use BinArea's for this too.  But this is simpler, because we don't have to
-- worry about reallocing.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Read a value from binary data in memory.  The 'Int' is the length,
-- and there will be an error if this is either too small or too large.
readFromBytes :: HasBinary a StateBinArea => (Bytes,Int) -> IO a
readFromBytes (bl@(bytes',len')) =
         binArea0 = mkBinArea bl

      (a,binArea1) <- runStateT (readBin readBinaryBinArea) binArea0
      checkFullBinArea binArea1
      return a

-- | Turn binary data in memory into a 'BinArea' (so that you can
-- read from it).
mkBinArea :: (Bytes,Int) -> BinArea
mkBinArea (bytes',len') =
   BinArea {
      bytes = bytes',
      len = len',
      next = 0

checkFullBinArea :: BinArea -> IO ()
checkFullBinArea binArea =
   if next binArea == len binArea
         return ()
         error "Binary.checkFullBinArea: mysterious extra bytes"

-- | A BinArea as a source of binary data.
readBinaryBinArea :: ReadBinary StateBinArea
readBinaryBinArea = ReadBinary {
   readByte = StateT (\ binArea0 ->
            next0 = next binArea0
            next1 = next0 + 1
         checkBinArea binArea0 next1
         byte <- getByteFromBytes (bytes binArea0) next0
         return (byte,binArea0 {next = next1})
   readBytes = (\ len ->
      StateT (\ binArea0 ->
               next0 = next binArea0
               next1 = next0 + len
            checkBinArea binArea0 next1
            bytes' <- bytesMalloc len
            putBytesToBytes (bytes binArea0) next0 bytes' 0 len
            return (bytes',binArea0 {next = next1})

checkBinArea :: BinArea -> Int -> IO ()
-- check that the given BinArea can hold at least len bytes.
checkBinArea binArea newNext =
   if newNext > len binArea
         error "Binary.checkBinArea - BinArea overflow on read"
         return ()

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Lifting writeBinary and readBinary instances.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Transform the monad used by a 'WriteBinary'
liftWriteBinary :: (forall a . m a -> n a) -> WriteBinary m -> WriteBinary n
liftWriteBinary lift wb =
      writeByte2 b = lift (writeByte wb b)
      writeBytes2 b i = lift (writeBytes wb b i)
      WriteBinary {writeByte = writeByte2,writeBytes = writeBytes2}

-- | Transform the monad used by a 'ReadBinary'
liftReadBinary :: (forall a . m a -> n a) -> ReadBinary m -> ReadBinary n
liftReadBinary lift rb =
      readByte2 = lift (readByte rb)
      readBytes2 i = lift (readBytes rb i)
      ReadBinary {readByte = readByte2,readBytes = readBytes2}