{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}

-- | This module provides splittable supplies for unique identifiers.
--   The main idea gows back to L. Augustsson, M. Rittri, and D. Synek
--   and is described in their paper 'On generating unique names'
--   (Journal of Functional Programming 4(1), 1994. pp. 117-123). The
--   implementation at hand is taken from the GHC sources and includes
--   bit fiddling to allow multiple supplies that generate unique
--   identifiers by prepending a character given at initialization.
module Data.Unique.Id (

  Id, hashedId, IdSupply, initIdSupply, splitIdSupply, idFromSupply

 ) where

import GHC.Exts
import GHC.IOBase ( unsafeDupableInterleaveIO )

import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )

-- | Unique identifiers are of type 'Id' and can be hashed to an 'Int'
--   usning the function 'hashedId'.
newtype Id = Id { hashedId :: Int }

-- | Supplies for unique identifiers are of type 'IdSupply' and can be
--   split into two new supplies or yield a unique identifier.
data IdSupply = IdSupply Int# IdSupply IdSupply

-- | Generates a new supply of unique identifiers. The given character
--   is prepended to generated numbers.
initIdSupply :: Char -> IO IdSupply
initIdSupply (C# c) =
 case uncheckedIShiftL# (ord# c) (unboxedInt 24) of
  mask ->
   let mkSupply =
        unsafeDupableInterleaveIO (
         nextInt  >>= \ (I# u) ->
         mkSupply >>= \ l ->
         mkSupply >>= \ r ->
         return (IdSupply (word2Int# (or# (int2Word# mask) (int2Word# u))) l r))
    in mkSupply

-- | Splits a supply of unique identifiers to yield two of them.
splitIdSupply :: IdSupply -> (IdSupply,IdSupply)
splitIdSupply (IdSupply _ l r) = (l,r)

-- | Yields the unique identifier from a supply.
idFromSupply :: IdSupply -> Id
idFromSupply (IdSupply n _ _) = Id (I# n)

instance Eq Id where Id (I# x) == Id (I# y) = x ==# y

instance Ord Id
  Id (I# x) <  Id (I# y) = x <#  y
  Id (I# x) <= Id (I# y) = x <=# y

  compare (Id (I# x)) (Id (I# y)) =
   if x ==# y then EQ else if x <# y then LT else GT

instance Show Id
  showsPrec _ i s = case unpackId i of (c,n) -> c:show n++s

unboxedInt :: Int -> Int#
unboxedInt (I# x) = x

global :: IORef Int
global = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0)

nextInt :: IO Int
nextInt = do
  n <- readIORef global
  writeIORef global (succ n)
  return n

unpackId :: Id -> (Char,Int)
unpackId (Id (I# i)) =
 let tag = C# (chr# (uncheckedIShiftRL# i (unboxedInt 24)))
     num = I# (word2Int# (and# (int2Word# i) 
                               (int2Word# (unboxedInt 16777215))))
  in (tag, num)