import Control.Lens hiding ((&), value) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord import Options.Applicative import Paths_unscramble import System.IO import Unscramble.Input import Unscramble.Output import Unscramble.Score import Unscramble.Search import Unscramble.Types parseOpts :: Parser ScrambleOpts parseOpts = ScrambleOpts <$> option ( long "size" & short 's' & metavar "SIZE" & help "Grid size (default 4)" & value 4) <*> option ( long "score" & metavar "SYSTEM" & help "Scoring system (one of \27[1mswf\27[0m (default),\ \ \27[1mboggle\27[0m, \27[1mword-wars\27[0m)" & value SWF) <*> option ( long "display" & short 'd' & metavar "STYLE" & help "Display style: \27[1mone-line\27[0m to print all\ \ the words in order on one line, or \27[1mchunked\27[0m\ \ to display three-at-a-time with a board diagram for each." & value Chunked) main :: IO () main = do sopts <- execParser opts grid' <- readGrid (gridSize sopts) mult' <- case scoreSystem sopts of SWF -> readMult _ -> return $ Multiplier [] Nothing [] Nothing filepath <- getDataFileName "lists/enable.txt" withFile filepath ReadMode $ \h -> do cont <- hGetContents h let foundWords = sortBy ((invert .) . comparing (_1 ^$)) . mapMaybe (\a -> searchGrid a grid' mult' (scoreSystem sopts)) $ lines cont display foundWords grid' mult' sopts where opts = info (helper <*> parseOpts) ( fullDesc & progDesc "Solve a Boggle-like word game" & header "unscramble") invert LT = GT invert GT = LT invert x = x