module Unused.CLI.Views.MissingTagsFileError
    ( missingTagsFileError
    ) where

import           Unused.CLI.Util
import qualified Unused.CLI.Views.Error as V
import           Unused.TagsSource (TagSearchOutcome(..))

missingTagsFileError :: TagSearchOutcome -> IO ()
missingTagsFileError e = do
    V.errorHeader "There was a problem finding a tags file."
    printOutcomeMessage e

    putStr "\n"

    setSGR [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity]
    putStr "If you're generating a ctags file to a custom location, "
    putStrLn "you can pipe it into unused:"
    setSGR [Reset]

    putStrLn "    cat custom/ctags | unused --stdin"

    putStr "\n"

    setSGR [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity]
    putStrLn "You can find out more about Exuberant Ctags here:"
    setSGR [Reset]
    putStrLn ""

    putStr "\n"

    setSGR [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity]
    putStrLn "You can read about a good git-based Ctags workflow here:"
    setSGR [Reset]
    putStrLn ""

    putStr "\n"

printOutcomeMessage :: TagSearchOutcome -> IO ()
printOutcomeMessage (TagsFileNotFound directoriesSearched) = do
    putStrLn "Looked for a 'tags' file in the following directories:\n"
    mapM_ (\d -> putStrLn $ "* " ++ d) directoriesSearched
printOutcomeMessage (IOError e) = do
    putStrLn "Received error when loading tags file:\n"
    putStrLn $ "    " ++ show e