* Add URI normalization features. * Widen dependency on base. * Introduce URIRef, a GADT representation of absolute and relative URIs. * Fix bug wher trailing ampersand in the query section would not parse. 0.1.9 * Fix type bug in serializeRelativeRef' 0.1.8 * Fix bug where uri-encoded paths would not decode when parsed. 0.1.7 * Add bytestring serialization functions. This is a common use case and exporting these prevents the user from directly depending on blaze-builder and re-implementing these functions in every application. 0.1.6 * Add Ord instances 0.1.5 * Fix serialization bug where userinfo was not including the @ separator. 0.1.4 * Bump attoparsec bounds 0.1.3 * Include test modules in distribution 0.1.2 * Add support for GHC 7.10 0.1.1 * Switch to blaze-bytestring for less contentious dependencies 0.1 * Add generic lenses (breaking field name changes). * Add support for relative refs. * Make Query instance of Generic, Typeable. 0.0.1 * Initial release.