, NoImplicitPrelude
           , DeriveDataTypeable
           , BangPatterns

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}

{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module System.USB.Base where

-- Imports

-- from base:
import Prelude               ( Num, (+), (-), (*), Integral, fromIntegral, div
                             , Enum, fromEnum, error, String, ($!), seq
import Foreign.C.Types       ( CUChar, CInt, CUInt )
import Foreign.C.String      ( CStringLen )
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca )
import Foreign.Marshal.Array ( allocaArray )
import Foreign.Storable      ( peek, peekElemOff )
import Foreign.Ptr           ( Ptr, castPtr, plusPtr, nullPtr )
import Foreign.ForeignPtr    ( ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr, touchForeignPtr )
import Control.Exception     ( Exception, throwIO, bracket, bracket_, onException, assert )
import Control.Monad         ( (=<<), return, when )
import Control.Arrow         ( (&&&) )
import Data.Function         ( ($), (.), on )
import Data.Data             ( Data )
import Data.Typeable         ( Typeable )
import Data.Maybe            ( Maybe(Nothing, Just), maybe, fromMaybe )
import Data.List             ( lookup, (++) )
import Data.Int              ( Int )
import Data.Word             ( Word8, Word16 )
import Data.Eq               ( Eq, (==), (/=) )
import Data.Ord              ( Ord, (<), (>) )
import Data.Bool             ( Bool(False, True), not, otherwise, (&&) )
import Data.Bits             ( Bits, (.|.), setBit, testBit, shiftL, shiftR )
import System.IO             ( IO )
import System.IO.Unsafe      ( unsafePerformIO )
import Text.Show             ( Show, show )
import Text.Read             ( Read )
import Text.Printf           ( printf )

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
import Data.Functor          ( fmap, (<$>) )
import Control.Monad         ( fmap )
import Control.Applicative   ( (<$>) )

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 700
import Prelude               ( fromInteger, negate )
import Control.Monad         ( (>>), fail )

-- from bytestring:
import qualified Data.ByteString          as B  ( ByteString, packCStringLen, drop, length )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI ( createAndTrim, createAndTrim' )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe   as BU ( unsafeUseAsCStringLen )

-- from text:
import           Data.Text                ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE ( decodeUtf16LE )

-- from vector:
import           Data.Vector                ( Vector )
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic  as VG ( convert, map )

-- from bindings-libusb:
import Bindings.Libusb

-- from usb (this package):
import Utils ( bits, between, genToEnum, genFromEnum, peekVector, mapPeekArray
             , allocaPeek, ifM, uncons


-- from base:
import Prelude                 ( undefined )
import Foreign.C.Types         ( CShort, CChar )
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc   ( allocaBytes, free )
import Foreign.Marshal.Array   ( peekArray0, copyArray, advancePtr )
import Foreign.Storable        ( sizeOf, poke )
import Foreign.Ptr             ( nullFunPtr, freeHaskellFunPtr )
import Control.Monad           ( (>>=), mapM_, forM )
import Data.IORef              ( newIORef, atomicModifyIORef, readIORef )
import System.Posix.Types      ( Fd(Fd) )
import Control.Exception       ( uninterruptibleMask_ )
import Control.Concurrent.MVar ( MVar, newEmptyMVar, takeMVar, putMVar )
import System.IO               ( hPutStrLn, stderr )

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
import GHC.Event
import System.Event
  ( FdKey
  , registerFd, unregisterFd
  , registerTimeout, unregisterTimeout
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
  , getSystemTimerManager

-- from containers:
import Data.IntMap ( IntMap, fromList, insert, updateLookupWithKey, elems )

-- from bytestring:
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI ( create )

--from vector:
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed         as Unboxed  ( Vector )
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable        as Storable ( Vector )
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic         as VG  ( empty, length, sum, foldM_, unsafeFreeze)
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VGM ( unsafeNew, unsafeWrite )

-- from usb (this package):
import Timeval            ( withTimeval )
import qualified Poll     ( toEvent )
import SystemEventManager ( getSystemEventManager )
import Utils              ( pokeVector )

#if defined(HAS_EVENT_MANAGER) || defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import qualified Foreign.Concurrent as FC ( newForeignPtr )

#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr ( newForeignPtr )


import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
#define COMMON_INSTANCES Show, Read, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic
#define COMMON_INSTANCES Show, Read, Eq, Data, Typeable


#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0)
import Control.Exception ( mask, mask_ )
import Control.Exception ( blocked, block, unblock )
import Data.Function     ( id )

mask :: ((IO a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> IO b
mask io = do
  b  blocked
  if b
    then io id
    else block $ io unblock

mask_ :: IO a -> IO a
mask_ = block

-- * Initialization

{-| Abstract type representing a USB session.

The concept of individual sessions allows your program to use multiple threads
that can independently use this library without interfering with eachother.

Sessions are created and initialized by 'newCtx' and are automatically closed
when they are garbage collected.

The only functions that receive a @Ctx@ are 'setDebug' and 'getDevices'.
data Ctx = Ctx
      ctxGetWait :: !(Maybe Wait),
      getCtxFrgnPtr :: !(ForeignPtr C'libusb_context)
    } deriving Typeable

instance Eq Ctx where (==) = (==) `on` getCtxFrgnPtr

withCtxPtr :: Ctx -> (Ptr C'libusb_context -> IO a) -> IO a
withCtxPtr = withForeignPtr . getCtxFrgnPtr

libusb_init :: IO (Ptr C'libusb_context)
libusb_init = alloca $ \ctxPtrPtr -> do
                handleUSBException $ c'libusb_init ctxPtrPtr
                peek ctxPtrPtr

newCtxNoEventManager :: (ForeignPtr C'libusb_context -> Ctx) -> IO Ctx
newCtxNoEventManager ctx = mask_ $ do
                             ctxPtr <- libusb_init
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
                             ctx <$> FC.newForeignPtr ctxPtr
                                       (c'libusb_exit ctxPtr)
                             ctx <$> newForeignPtr p'libusb_exit ctxPtr

-- | Create and initialize a new USB context.
-- This function may throw 'USBException's.
newCtx :: IO Ctx
newCtx = newCtxNoEventManager Ctx

-- | A function to wait for the termination of a submitted transfer.
type Wait = Timeout -> Lock -> Ptr C'libusb_transfer -> IO ()

{-| Create and initialize a new USB context.

This function may throw 'USBException's.

Note that the internal @libusb@ event handling can return errors. These errors
occur in the thread that is executing the event handling loop. 'newCtx' will
print these errors to 'stderr'. If you need to handle the errors yourself (for
example log them in an application specific way) please use 'newCtx''.
newCtx :: IO Ctx
newCtx = newCtx' $ \e -> hPutStrLn stderr $
  thisModule ++ ": libusb_handle_events_timeout returned error: " ++ show e

-- | Like 'newCtx' but enables you to specify the way errors should be handled
-- that occur while handling @libusb@ events.
newCtx' :: (USBException -> IO ()) -> IO Ctx
newCtx' handleError = do
  mbEvtMgr <- getSystemEventManager
  case mbEvtMgr of
    Nothing -> newCtxNoEventManager $ Ctx Nothing
    Just evtMgr -> mask_ $ do
      ctxPtr <- libusb_init

      let handleEvents = do
            err <- withTimeval noTimeout $
                    c'libusb_handle_events_timeout ctxPtr
            when (err /= c'LIBUSB_SUCCESS) $
              if err == c'LIBUSB_ERROR_INTERRUPTED
              then handleEvents
              else handleError $ convertUSBException err

          register :: CInt -> CShort -> IO FdKey
          register fd evt = registerFd evtMgr (\_ _ -> handleEvents)
                                              (Fd fd) (Poll.toEvent evt)

      -- Register initial libusb file descriptors with the event manager:
      pollFdPtrLst <- c'libusb_get_pollfds ctxPtr
      pollFdPtrs <- peekArray0 nullPtr pollFdPtrLst
      fdKeys <- forM pollFdPtrs $ \pollFdPtr -> do
        C'libusb_pollfd fd evt <- peek pollFdPtr
        fdKey <- register fd evt
        return (fromIntegral fd, fdKey)
      fdKeyMapRef <- newIORef $! (fromList fdKeys :: IntMap FdKey)
      free pollFdPtrLst

      -- Be notified when libusb file descriptors are added or removed:
      aFP <- mk'libusb_pollfd_added_cb $ \fd evt _ -> mask_ $ do
              fdKey <- register fd evt
              newFdKeyMap <- atomicModifyIORef fdKeyMapRef $ \fdKeyMap ->
                  let newFdKeyMap = insert (fromIntegral fd) fdKey fdKeyMap
                  in (newFdKeyMap, newFdKeyMap)
              newFdKeyMap `seq` return ()

      rFP <- mk'libusb_pollfd_removed_cb $ \fd _ -> mask_ $ do
              (newFdKeyMap, fdKey) <- atomicModifyIORef fdKeyMapRef $ \fdKeyMap ->
                  let (Just fdKey, newFdKeyMap) =
                          updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing)
                                              (fromIntegral fd)
                  in (newFdKeyMap, (newFdKeyMap, fdKey))
              newFdKeyMap `seq` unregisterFd evtMgr fdKey

      c'libusb_set_pollfd_notifiers ctxPtr aFP rFP nullPtr

      -- Check if we have to do our own timeout handling and construct the
      -- appropriate Wait function:
      r <- c'libusb_pollfds_handle_timeouts ctxPtr

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
      timerMgr <- getSystemTimerManager
      let timerMgr = evtMgr

      let wait :: Wait
          !wait | r == 0    = manualTimeout
                | otherwise = \_ -> autoTimeout

          manualTimeout timeout lock transPtr
              | timeout == noTimeout = autoTimeout lock transPtr
              | otherwise = do
                  tk <- registerTimeout timerMgr (timeout * 1000) handleEvents
                  acquire lock
                      (uninterruptibleMask_ $ do
                         unregisterTimeout timerMgr tk
                         _err <- c'libusb_cancel_transfer transPtr
                         acquire lock)

          autoTimeout lock transPtr =
                  acquire lock
                      (uninterruptibleMask_ $ do
                         _err <- c'libusb_cancel_transfer transPtr
                         acquire lock)

      fmap (Ctx (Just wait)) $ FC.newForeignPtr ctxPtr $ do
        -- Remove notifiers after which we can safely free the FunPtrs:
        c'libusb_set_pollfd_notifiers ctxPtr nullFunPtr nullFunPtr nullPtr
        freeHaskellFunPtr aFP
        freeHaskellFunPtr rFP

        -- Unregister all registered file descriptors from the event manager:
        readIORef fdKeyMapRef >>= mapM_ (unregisterFd evtMgr) . elems

        -- Finally deinitialize libusb:
        c'libusb_exit ctxPtr

-- | Checks if the system supports asynchronous I\/O.
-- * 'Nothing' means asynchronous I\/O is not supported so synchronous I\/O should
--   be used instead.
-- * @'Just' wait@ means that asynchronous I\/O is supported. The @wait@
-- function can be used to wait for submitted transfers.
getWait :: DeviceHandle -> Maybe Wait
getWait = ctxGetWait . getCtx . getDevice

{-| Set message verbosity.

The default level is 'PrintNothing'. This means no messages are ever
printed. If you choose to increase the message verbosity level you must ensure
that your application does not close the @stdout@/@stderr@ file descriptors.

You are advised to set the debug level to 'PrintWarnings'. Libusb is
conservative with its message logging. Most of the time it will only log
messages that explain error conditions and other oddities. This will help you
debug your software.

The LIBUSB_DEBUG environment variable overrules the debug level set by this
function. The message verbosity is fixed to the value in the environment
variable if it is defined.

If @libusb@ was compiled without any message logging, this function does nothing:
you'll never get any messages.

If @libusb@ was compiled with verbose debug message logging, this function does
nothing: you'll always get messages from all levels.
setDebug :: Ctx -> Verbosity -> IO ()
setDebug ctx verbosity = withCtxPtr ctx $ \ctxPtr ->
                           c'libusb_set_debug ctxPtr $ genFromEnum verbosity

-- | Message verbosity
data Verbosity =
          PrintNothing  -- ^ No messages are ever printed by the library
        | PrintErrors   -- ^ Error messages are printed to stderr
        | PrintWarnings -- ^ Warning and error messages are printed to stderr
        | PrintInfo     -- ^ Informational messages are printed to stdout,
                        --   warning and error messages are printed to stderr
          deriving (Enum, Ord, COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- * Enumeration

{-| Abstract type representing a USB device detected on the system.

You can only obtain a USB device from the 'getDevices' function.

Certain operations can be performed on a device, but in order to do any I/O you
will have to first obtain a 'DeviceHandle' using 'openDevice'.

Just because you have a reference to a device does not mean it is necessarily
usable. The device may have been unplugged, you may not have permission to
operate such device or another process or driver may be using the device.

To get additional information about a device you can retrieve its descriptor
using 'getDeviceDesc'.
data Device = Device
    { getCtx :: !Ctx -- ^ This reference to the 'Ctx' is needed so that it won't
                    --   gets garbage collected. The finalizer @libusb_exit@ is
                    --   run only when all references to 'Devices' are gone.

    , getDevFrgnPtr :: !(ForeignPtr C'libusb_device)
    } deriving Typeable

instance Eq Device where (==) = (==) `on` getDevFrgnPtr

-- | Devices are shown as: @Bus \<'busNumber'\> Device \<'deviceAddress'\>@
instance Show Device where
    show d = printf "Bus %03d Device %03d" (busNumber d) (deviceAddress d)

withDevicePtr :: Device -> (Ptr C'libusb_device -> IO a) -> IO a
withDevicePtr (Device ctx devFP ) f = do
  x <- withForeignPtr devFP f
  touchForeignPtr $ getCtxFrgnPtr ctx
  return x

{-| Returns a vector of USB devices currently attached to the system.

This is your entry point into finding a USB device.


 * 'NoMemException' on a memory allocation failure.


Visual description of the 'devPtrArrayPtr':

                              ^           D
                          D   │           ^
                          ^   │           │
                          │   │           │
devPtrArrayPtr:         ┏━┷━┳━┷━┳━━━┳━━━┳━┷━┓
                 P ───> ┃ P ┃ P ┃ P ┃ P ┃ P ┃
                                  │   │
P = pointer                       v   │
D = device structure              D   │
getDevices :: Ctx -> IO (Vector Device)
getDevices ctx =
    withCtxPtr ctx $ \ctxPtr ->
      alloca $ \devPtrArrayPtr -> mask $ \restore -> do
        numDevs <- checkUSBException $ c'libusb_get_device_list ctxPtr
        devPtrArray <- peek devPtrArrayPtr
        let freeDevPtrArray = c'libusb_free_device_list devPtrArray 0
        devs <- restore (mapPeekArray mkDev numDevs devPtrArray)
                 `onException` freeDevPtrArray
        return devs
        mkDev :: Ptr C'libusb_device -> IO Device
        mkDev devPtr = Device ctx <$>
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
                              FC.newForeignPtr devPtr
                                 (c'libusb_unref_device devPtr)
                              newForeignPtr p'libusb_unref_device devPtr

-- Both of the following numbers are static variables in the libusb device
-- structure. It's therefore safe to use unsafePerformIO:

-- | The number of the bus that a device is connected to.
busNumber :: Device -> Word8
busNumber dev = unsafePerformIO $ withDevicePtr dev c'libusb_get_bus_number

-- | The address of the device on the bus it is connected to.
deviceAddress :: Device -> Word8
deviceAddress dev = unsafePerformIO $ withDevicePtr dev c'libusb_get_device_address

-- * Device handling

-- ** Opening & closing devices

{-| Abstract type representing a handle of a USB device.

You can acquire a handle from 'openDevice'.

A device handle is used to perform I/O and other operations. When finished with
a device handle you should close it by applying 'closeDevice' to it.
data DeviceHandle = DeviceHandle
    { getDevice :: !Device -- This reference is needed for keeping the 'Device'
                          -- and therefor the 'Ctx' alive.
                          -- ^ Retrieve the 'Device' from the 'DeviceHandle'.
    , getDevHndlPtr :: !(Ptr C'libusb_device_handle)
    } deriving Typeable

instance Eq DeviceHandle where (==) = (==) `on` getDevHndlPtr

instance Show DeviceHandle where
    show devHndl = "{USB device handle to: " ++ show (getDevice devHndl) ++ "}"

withDevHndlPtr :: DeviceHandle -> (Ptr C'libusb_device_handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withDevHndlPtr (DeviceHandle (Device ctx devFrgnPtr) devHndlPtr) f = do
  x <- f devHndlPtr
  touchForeignPtr devFrgnPtr
  touchForeignPtr $ getCtxFrgnPtr ctx
  return x

{-| Open a device and obtain a device handle.

A handle allows you to perform I/O on the device in question.

This is a non-blocking function; no requests are sent over the bus.

It is advisable to use 'withDeviceHandle' because it automatically closes the
device when the computation terminates.


 * 'NoMemException' if there is a memory allocation failure.

 * 'AccessException' if the user has insufficient permissions.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
openDevice :: Device -> IO DeviceHandle
openDevice dev = withDevicePtr dev $ \devPtr ->
                   alloca $ \devHndlPtrPtr -> do
                     handleUSBException $ c'libusb_open devPtr devHndlPtrPtr
                     DeviceHandle dev <$> peek devHndlPtrPtr

{-| Close a device handle.

Should be called on all open handles before your application exits.

This is a non-blocking function; no requests are sent over the bus.
closeDevice :: DeviceHandle -> IO ()
closeDevice devHndl = withDevHndlPtr devHndl c'libusb_close

{-| @withDeviceHandle dev act@ opens the 'Device' @dev@ and passes
the resulting handle to the computation @act@. The handle will be closed on exit
from @withDeviceHandle@ whether by normal termination or by raising an
withDeviceHandle :: Device -> (DeviceHandle -> IO a) -> IO a
withDeviceHandle dev = bracket (openDevice dev) closeDevice

-- ** Getting & setting the configuration

-- | Identifier for configurations.
-- Can be retrieved by 'getConfig' or by 'configValue'.
type ConfigValue = Word8

{-| Determine the value of the currently active configuration.

You could formulate your own control request to obtain this information, but
this function has the advantage that it may be able to retrieve the information
from operating system caches (no I/O involved).

If the OS does not cache this information, then this function will block while
a control transfer is submitted to retrieve the information.

This function returns 'Nothing' if the device is in unconfigured state.


 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
getConfig :: DeviceHandle -> IO (Maybe ConfigValue)
getConfig devHndl =
    alloca $ \configPtr -> do
      withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
        handleUSBException $ c'libusb_get_configuration devHndlPtr configPtr
      unmarshal <$> peek configPtr
          unmarshal 0 = Nothing
          unmarshal n = Just $ fromIntegral n

{-| Set the active configuration for a device.

The operating system may or may not have already set an active configuration on
the device. It is up to your application to ensure the correct configuration is
selected before you attempt to claim interfaces and perform other operations.

If you call this function on a device already configured with the selected
configuration, then this function will act as a lightweight device reset: it
will issue a SET_CONFIGURATION request using the current configuration, causing
most USB-related device state to be reset (altsetting reset to zero, endpoint
halts cleared, toggles reset).

You cannot change/reset configuration if your application has claimed interfaces
- you should free them with 'releaseInterface' first. You cannot change/reset
configuration if other applications or drivers have claimed interfaces.

A configuration value of 'Nothing' will put the device in an unconfigured
state. The USB specification states that a configuration value of 0 does this,
however buggy devices exist which actually have a configuration 0.

You should always use this function rather than formulating your own
SET_CONFIGURATION control request. This is because the underlying operating
system needs to know when such changes happen.

This is a blocking function.


 * 'NotFoundException' if the requested configuration does not exist.

 * 'BusyException' if interfaces are currently claimed.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected

 * Another 'USBException'.
setConfig :: DeviceHandle -> Maybe ConfigValue -> IO ()
setConfig devHndl config =
    withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
      handleUSBException $ c'libusb_set_configuration devHndlPtr $
        marshal config
            marshal = maybe (-1) fromIntegral

-- ** Claiming & releasing interfaces

{-| Identifier for interfaces.

Can be retrieved by 'interfaceNumber'.
type InterfaceNumber = Word8

{-| Claim an interface on a given device handle.

You must claim the interface you wish to use before you can perform I/O on any
of its endpoints.

It is legal to attempt to claim an already-claimed interface, in which case this
function just returns without doing anything.

Claiming of interfaces is a purely logical operation; it does not cause any
requests to be sent over the bus. Interface claiming is used to instruct the
underlying operating system that your application wishes to take ownership of
the interface.

This is a non-blocking function.


 * 'NotFoundException' if the requested interface does not exist.

 * 'BusyException' if the interface is already claimed.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.

claimInterface :: DeviceHandle -> InterfaceNumber -> IO ()
claimInterface devHndl ifNum =
    withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
      handleUSBException $ c'libusb_claim_interface devHndlPtr
                                                    (fromIntegral ifNum)

{-| Release an interface previously claimed with 'claimInterface'.

You should release all claimed interfaces before closing a device handle.

This is a blocking function. A SET_INTERFACE control request will be sent to the
device, resetting interface state to the first alternate setting.


 * 'NotFoundException' if the interface was not claimed.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected

 * Another 'USBException'.
releaseInterface :: DeviceHandle -> InterfaceNumber -> IO ()
releaseInterface devHndl ifNum =
    withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
      handleUSBException $ c'libusb_release_interface devHndlPtr
                                                      (fromIntegral ifNum)

{-| @withClaimedInterface@ claims the interface on the given device handle then
executes the given computation. On exit from @withClaimedInterface@, the
interface is released whether by normal termination or by raising an exception.
withClaimedInterface :: DeviceHandle -> InterfaceNumber -> IO a -> IO a
withClaimedInterface devHndl ifNum = bracket_ (claimInterface   devHndl ifNum)
                                              (releaseInterface devHndl ifNum)

-- ** Setting interface alternate settings

-- | Identifier for interface alternate settings.
-- Can be retrieved by 'interfaceAltSetting'.
type InterfaceAltSetting = Word8

{-| Activate an alternate setting for an interface.

The interface must have been previously claimed with 'claimInterface'.

You should always use this function rather than formulating your own
SET_INTERFACE control request. This is because the underlying operating system
needs to know when such changes happen.

This is a blocking function.


 * 'NotFoundException' if the interface was not claimed or the requested
   alternate setting does not exist.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
setInterfaceAltSetting :: DeviceHandle
                       -> InterfaceNumber
                       -> InterfaceAltSetting
                       -> IO ()
setInterfaceAltSetting devHndl ifNum alternateSetting =
    withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
      handleUSBException $
        c'libusb_set_interface_alt_setting devHndlPtr
                                           (fromIntegral ifNum)
                                           (fromIntegral alternateSetting)

-- ** Clearing & Resetting devices

{-| Clear the halt/stall condition for an endpoint.

Endpoints with halt status are unable to receive or transmit data until the halt
condition is stalled.

You should cancel all pending transfers before attempting to clear the halt

This is a blocking function.


 * 'NotFoundException' if the endpoint does not exist.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
clearHalt :: DeviceHandle -> EndpointAddress -> IO ()
clearHalt devHndl endpointAddr =
    withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
      handleUSBException $
        c'libusb_clear_halt devHndlPtr (marshalEndpointAddress endpointAddr)

{-| Perform a USB port reset to reinitialize a device.

The system will attempt to restore the previous configuration and alternate
settings after the reset has completed.

If the reset fails, the descriptors change, or the previous state cannot be
restored, the device will appear to be disconnected and reconnected. This means
that the device handle is no longer valid (you should close it) and rediscover
the device. A 'NotFoundException' is raised to indicate that this is the

This is a blocking function which usually incurs a noticeable delay.


 * 'NotFoundException' if re-enumeration is required, or if the
   device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
resetDevice :: DeviceHandle -> IO ()
resetDevice devHndl = withDevHndlPtr devHndl $
                        handleUSBException . c'libusb_reset_device

-- ** USB kernel drivers

{-| Determine if a kernel driver is active on an interface.

If a kernel driver is active, you cannot claim the interface, and libusb will be
unable to perform I/O.


 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
kernelDriverActive :: DeviceHandle -> InterfaceNumber -> IO Bool
kernelDriverActive devHndl ifNum =
  withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr -> do
    r <- c'libusb_kernel_driver_active devHndlPtr (fromIntegral ifNum)
    case r of
      0 -> return False
      1 -> return True
      _ -> throwIO $ convertUSBException r

{-| Detach a kernel driver from an interface.

If successful, you will then be able to claim the interface and perform I/O.


 * 'NotFoundException' if no kernel driver was active.

 * 'InvalidParamException' if the interface does not exist.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
detachKernelDriver :: DeviceHandle -> InterfaceNumber -> IO ()
detachKernelDriver devHndl ifNum =
    withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
      handleUSBException $ c'libusb_detach_kernel_driver devHndlPtr
                                                         (fromIntegral ifNum)

{-| Re-attach an interface's kernel driver, which was previously
detached using 'detachKernelDriver'.


 * 'NotFoundException' if no kernel driver was active.

 * 'InvalidParamException' if the interface does not exist.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * 'BusyException' if the driver cannot be attached because the interface
   is claimed by a program or driver.

 * Another 'USBException'.
attachKernelDriver :: DeviceHandle -> InterfaceNumber -> IO ()
attachKernelDriver devHndl ifNum =
    withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
      handleUSBException $ c'libusb_attach_kernel_driver devHndlPtr
                                                         (fromIntegral ifNum)

{-| If a kernel driver is active on the specified interface the driver is
detached and the given action is executed. If the action terminates, whether by
normal termination or by raising an exception, the kernel driver is attached
again. If a kernel driver is not active on the specified interface the action is
just executed.


 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
withDetachedKernelDriver :: DeviceHandle -> InterfaceNumber -> IO a -> IO a
withDetachedKernelDriver devHndl ifNum action =
    ifM (kernelDriverActive devHndl ifNum)
        (bracket_ (detachKernelDriver devHndl ifNum)
                  (attachKernelDriver devHndl ifNum)

-- * Descriptors

-- ** Device descriptor

{-| A structure representing the standard USB device descriptor.

This descriptor is documented in section 9.6.1 of the USB 2.0 specification.

This structure can be retrieved by 'deviceDesc'.
data DeviceDesc = DeviceDesc
    { -- | USB specification release number.
      deviceUSBSpecReleaseNumber :: !ReleaseNumber

      -- | USB-IF class code for the device.
    , deviceClass :: !Word8

      -- | USB-IF subclass code for the device, qualified by the 'deviceClass'
      -- value.
    , deviceSubClass :: !Word8

      -- | USB-IF protocol code for the device, qualified by the 'deviceClass'
      -- and 'deviceSubClass' values.
    , deviceProtocol :: !Word8

      -- | Maximum packet size for endpoint 0.
    , deviceMaxPacketSize0 :: !Word8

      -- | USB-IF vendor ID.
    , deviceVendorId :: !VendorId

      -- | USB-IF product ID.
    , deviceProductId :: !ProductId

      -- | Device release number.
    , deviceReleaseNumber :: !ReleaseNumber

      -- | Optional index of string descriptor describing manufacturer.
    , deviceManufacturerStrIx :: !(Maybe StrIx)

      -- | Optional index of string descriptor describing product.
    , deviceProductStrIx :: !(Maybe StrIx)

      -- | Optional index of string descriptor containing device serial number.
    , deviceSerialNumberStrIx :: !(Maybe StrIx)

      -- | Number of possible configurations.
    , deviceNumConfigs :: !Word8
    } deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

type ReleaseNumber = (Int, Int, Int, Int)

type VendorId  = Word16
type ProductId = Word16

-- ** Configuration descriptor

{-| A structure representing the standard USB configuration descriptor.

This descriptor is documented in section 9.6.3 of the USB 2.0 specification.

This structure can be retrieved by 'getConfigDesc'.
data ConfigDesc = ConfigDesc
    { -- | Identifier value for the configuration.
      configValue :: !ConfigValue

      -- | Optional index of string descriptor describing the configuration.
    , configStrIx :: !(Maybe StrIx)

      -- | Configuration characteristics.
    , configAttribs :: !ConfigAttribs

      -- | Maximum power consumption of the USB device from the bus in the
      -- configuration when the device is fully operational.  Expressed in 2 mA
      -- units (i.e., 50 = 100 mA).
    , configMaxPower :: !Word8

      -- | Vector of interfaces supported by the configuration.
    , configInterfaces :: !(Vector Interface)

      -- | Extra descriptors. If @libusb@ encounters unknown configuration
      -- descriptors, it will store them here, should you wish to parse them.
    , configExtra :: !B.ByteString

    } deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- *** Configuration attributes

-- | The USB 2.0 specification specifies that the configuration attributes only
-- describe the device status.
type ConfigAttribs = DeviceStatus

data DeviceStatus = DeviceStatus
    { remoteWakeup :: !Bool -- ^ The Remote Wakeup field indicates whether the
                           --   device is currently enabled to request remote
                           --   wakeup. The default mode for devices that
                           --   support remote wakeup is disabled.
    , selfPowered  :: !Bool -- ^ The Self Powered field indicates whether the
                           --   device is currently self-powered
    } deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- ** Interface descriptor

-- | An interface is represented as a vector of alternate interface settings.
type Interface = Vector InterfaceDesc

{-| A structure representing the standard USB interface descriptor.

This descriptor is documented in section 9.6.5 of the USB 2.0 specification.

This structure can be retrieved using 'configInterfaces'.
data InterfaceDesc = InterfaceDesc
    { -- | Number of the interface.
      interfaceNumber :: !InterfaceNumber

      -- | Value used to select the alternate setting for the interface.
    , interfaceAltSetting :: !InterfaceAltSetting

      -- | USB-IF class code for the interface.
    , interfaceClass :: !Word8

      -- | USB-IF subclass code for the interface, qualified by the
      -- 'interfaceClass' value.
    , interfaceSubClass :: !Word8

      -- | USB-IF protocol code for the interface, qualified by the
      -- 'interfaceClass' and 'interfaceSubClass' values.
    , interfaceProtocol :: !Word8

      -- | Optional index of string descriptor describing the interface.
    , interfaceStrIx :: !(Maybe StrIx)

      -- | Vector of endpoints supported by the interface.
    , interfaceEndpoints :: !(Vector EndpointDesc)

      -- | Extra descriptors. If @libusb@ encounters unknown interface
      -- descriptors, it will store them here, should you wish to parse them.
    , interfaceExtra :: !B.ByteString
    } deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- ** Endpoint descriptor

{-| A structure representing the standard USB endpoint descriptor.

This descriptor is documented in section 9.6.3 of the USB 2.0 specification.

This structure can be retrieved by using 'interfaceEndpoints'.
data EndpointDesc = EndpointDesc
    { -- | The address of the endpoint described by the descriptor.
      endpointAddress :: !EndpointAddress

    -- | Attributes which apply to the endpoint when it is configured using the
    -- 'configValue'.
    , endpointAttribs :: !EndpointAttribs

    -- | Maximum packet size the endpoint is capable of sending/receiving.
    , endpointMaxPacketSize :: !MaxPacketSize

    -- | Interval for polling endpoint for data transfers. Expressed in frames
    -- or microframes depending on the device operating speed (i.e., either 1
    -- millisecond or 125 &#956;s units).
    , endpointInterval :: !Word8

    -- | /For audio devices only:/ the rate at which synchronization feedback
    -- is provided.
    , endpointRefresh :: !Word8

    -- | /For audio devices only:/ the address of the synch endpoint.
    , endpointSynchAddress :: !Word8

    -- | Extra descriptors. If @libusb@ encounters unknown endpoint descriptors,
    -- it will store them here, should you wish to parse them.
    , endpointExtra :: !B.ByteString
    } deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- *** Endpoint address

-- | The address of an endpoint.
data EndpointAddress = EndpointAddress
    { endpointNumber    :: !Int -- ^ Must be >= 0 and <= 15
    , transferDirection :: !TransferDirection
    } deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- | The direction of data transfer relative to the host.
data TransferDirection = Out -- ^ Out transfer direction (host -> device) used
                             --   for writing.
                       | In  -- ^ In transfer direction (device -> host) used
                             --   for reading.
                 deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- *** Endpoint attributes

-- | The USB 2.0 specification specifies that the endpoint attributes only
-- describe the endpoint transfer type.
type EndpointAttribs = TransferType

-- | Describes what types of transfers are allowed on the endpoint.
data TransferType =
          -- | Control transfers are typically used for command and status
          -- operations.

          -- | Isochronous transfers occur continuously and periodically.
        | Isochronous !Synchronization !Usage

          -- | Bulk transfers can be used for large bursty data.
        | Bulk

          -- | Interrupt transfers are typically non-periodic, small device
          -- \"initiated\" communication requiring bounded latency.
        | Interrupt
          deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- | See section of the USB 2.0 specification.
data Synchronization =
        | Asynchronous -- ^ Unsynchronized,
                       --   although sinks provide data rate feedback.
        | Adaptive     -- ^ Synchronized using feedback or feedforward
                       --   data rate information
        | Synchronous  -- ^ Synchronized to the USB’s SOF (/Start Of Frame/)
          deriving (Enum, COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- | See section of the USB 2.0 specification.
data Usage = Data
           | Feedback
           | Implicit
             deriving (Enum, COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- *** Endpoint max packet size

data MaxPacketSize = MaxPacketSize
    { maxPacketSize            :: !Size
    , transactionOpportunities :: !TransactionOpportunities
    } deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- | Number of additional transaction oppurtunities per microframe.
-- See table 9-13 of the USB 2.0 specification.
data TransactionOpportunities = Zero -- ^ None (1 transaction per microframe)
                              | One  -- ^ 1 additional (2 per microframe)
                              | Two  -- ^ 2 additional (3 per microframe)
         deriving (Enum, Ord, COMMON_INSTANCES)

{-| Calculate the maximum packet size which a specific endpoint is capable of
sending or receiving in the duration of 1 microframe.

If acting on an 'Isochronous' or 'Interrupt' endpoint, this function will
multiply the 'maxPacketSize' by the additional 'transactionOpportunities'.
If acting on another type of endpoint only the 'maxPacketSize' is returned.

This function is mainly useful for setting up /isochronous/ transfers.
maxIsoPacketSize :: EndpointDesc -> Size
maxIsoPacketSize epDesc | isochronousOrInterrupt = mps * (1 + fromEnum to)
                        | otherwise              = mps
      MaxPacketSize mps to = endpointMaxPacketSize epDesc

      isochronousOrInterrupt = case endpointAttribs epDesc of
                                 Isochronous _ _ -> True
                                 Interrupt       -> True
                                 _               -> False

-- ** Retrieving and converting descriptors

-- | Get the USB device descriptor for a given device.
-- This is a non-blocking function; the device descriptor is cached in memory.
-- This function may throw 'USBException's.
getDeviceDesc :: Device -> IO DeviceDesc
getDeviceDesc dev =
  withDevicePtr dev $ \devPtr ->
    convertDeviceDesc <$>
      allocaPeek (handleUSBException . c'libusb_get_device_descriptor devPtr)

convertDeviceDesc :: C'libusb_device_descriptor -> DeviceDesc
convertDeviceDesc d = DeviceDesc
  { deviceUSBSpecReleaseNumber = unmarshalReleaseNumber $
                                 c'libusb_device_descriptor'bcdUSB             d
  , deviceClass                = c'libusb_device_descriptor'bDeviceClass       d
  , deviceSubClass             = c'libusb_device_descriptor'bDeviceSubClass    d
  , deviceProtocol             = c'libusb_device_descriptor'bDeviceProtocol    d
  , deviceMaxPacketSize0       = c'libusb_device_descriptor'bMaxPacketSize0    d
  , deviceVendorId             = c'libusb_device_descriptor'idVendor           d
  , deviceProductId            = c'libusb_device_descriptor'idProduct          d
  , deviceReleaseNumber        = unmarshalReleaseNumber $
                                 c'libusb_device_descriptor'bcdDevice          d
  , deviceManufacturerStrIx    = unmarshalStrIx $
                                 c'libusb_device_descriptor'iManufacturer      d
  , deviceProductStrIx         = unmarshalStrIx $
                                 c'libusb_device_descriptor'iProduct           d
  , deviceSerialNumberStrIx    = unmarshalStrIx $
                                 c'libusb_device_descriptor'iSerialNumber      d
  , deviceNumConfigs           = c'libusb_device_descriptor'bNumConfigurations d

-- | Unmarshal a a 16bit word as a release number. The 16bit word should be
-- encoded as a
-- <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary-coded_decimal Binary Coded Decimal>
-- using 4 bits for each of the 4 decimals.
unmarshalReleaseNumber :: Word16 -> ReleaseNumber
unmarshalReleaseNumber abcd = (a, b, c, d)
      a = fromIntegral $  abcd              `shiftR` 12
      b = fromIntegral $ (abcd `shiftL`  4) `shiftR` 12
      c = fromIntegral $ (abcd `shiftL`  8) `shiftR` 12
      d = fromIntegral $ (abcd `shiftL` 12) `shiftR` 12

-- | Unmarshal an 8bit word to a string descriptor index. 0 denotes that a
-- string descriptor is not available and unmarshals to 'Nothing'.
unmarshalStrIx :: Word8 -> Maybe StrIx
unmarshalStrIx 0     = Nothing
unmarshalStrIx strIx = Just strIx

-- | Get a USB configuration descriptor based on its index.
-- This is a non-blocking function which does not involve any requests
-- being sent to the device.
-- Exceptions:
-- * 'NotFoundException' if the configuration does not exist.
-- * Another 'USBException'.
getConfigDesc :: Device -> Word8 -> IO ConfigDesc
getConfigDesc dev ix = withDevicePtr dev $ \devPtr ->
  bracket (allocaPeek $ handleUSBException
                      . c'libusb_get_config_descriptor devPtr ix)
          ((convertConfigDesc =<<) . peek)

convertConfigDesc :: C'libusb_config_descriptor -> IO ConfigDesc
convertConfigDesc c = do
  interfaces <- mapPeekArray convertInterface
                             (fromIntegral $ c'libusb_config_descriptor'bNumInterfaces c)
                             (c'libusb_config_descriptor'interface c)

  extra <- getExtra (c'libusb_config_descriptor'extra c)
                    (c'libusb_config_descriptor'extra_length c)

  return ConfigDesc
    { configValue         = c'libusb_config_descriptor'bConfigurationValue c
    , configStrIx         = unmarshalStrIx $
                            c'libusb_config_descriptor'iConfiguration      c
    , configAttribs       = unmarshalConfigAttribs $
                            c'libusb_config_descriptor'bmAttributes        c
    , configMaxPower      = c'libusb_config_descriptor'MaxPower            c
    , configInterfaces    = interfaces
    , configExtra         = extra

unmarshalConfigAttribs :: Word8 -> ConfigAttribs
unmarshalConfigAttribs a = DeviceStatus { remoteWakeup = testBit a 5
                                        , selfPowered  = testBit a 6

getExtra :: Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> IO B.ByteString
getExtra extra extraLength = B.packCStringLen ( castPtr extra
                                              , fromIntegral extraLength

convertInterface :: C'libusb_interface -> IO Interface
convertInterface i =
    mapPeekArray convertInterfaceDesc
                 (fromIntegral $ c'libusb_interface'num_altsetting i)
                 (c'libusb_interface'altsetting i)

convertInterfaceDesc :: C'libusb_interface_descriptor -> IO InterfaceDesc
convertInterfaceDesc i = do
  endpoints <- mapPeekArray convertEndpointDesc
                            (fromIntegral $ c'libusb_interface_descriptor'bNumEndpoints i)
                            (c'libusb_interface_descriptor'endpoint i)

  extra <- getExtra (c'libusb_interface_descriptor'extra i)
                    (c'libusb_interface_descriptor'extra_length i)

  return InterfaceDesc
    { interfaceNumber     = c'libusb_interface_descriptor'bInterfaceNumber   i
    , interfaceAltSetting = c'libusb_interface_descriptor'bAlternateSetting  i
    , interfaceClass      = c'libusb_interface_descriptor'bInterfaceClass    i
    , interfaceSubClass   = c'libusb_interface_descriptor'bInterfaceSubClass i
    , interfaceStrIx      = unmarshalStrIx $
                            c'libusb_interface_descriptor'iInterface         i
    , interfaceProtocol   = c'libusb_interface_descriptor'bInterfaceProtocol i
    , interfaceEndpoints  = endpoints
    , interfaceExtra      = extra

convertEndpointDesc :: C'libusb_endpoint_descriptor -> IO EndpointDesc
convertEndpointDesc e = do
  extra <- getExtra (c'libusb_endpoint_descriptor'extra e)
                    (c'libusb_endpoint_descriptor'extra_length e)

  return EndpointDesc
    { endpointAddress       = unmarshalEndpointAddress $
                              c'libusb_endpoint_descriptor'bEndpointAddress e
    , endpointAttribs       = unmarshalEndpointAttribs $
                              c'libusb_endpoint_descriptor'bmAttributes     e
    , endpointMaxPacketSize = unmarshalMaxPacketSize $
                              c'libusb_endpoint_descriptor'wMaxPacketSize   e
    , endpointInterval      = c'libusb_endpoint_descriptor'bInterval        e
    , endpointRefresh       = c'libusb_endpoint_descriptor'bRefresh         e
    , endpointSynchAddress  = c'libusb_endpoint_descriptor'bSynchAddress    e
    , endpointExtra         = extra

-- | Unmarshal an 8bit word as an endpoint address. This function is primarily
-- used when unmarshalling USB descriptors.
unmarshalEndpointAddress :: Word8 -> EndpointAddress
unmarshalEndpointAddress a =
    EndpointAddress { endpointNumber    = fromIntegral $ bits 0 3 a
                    , transferDirection = if testBit a 7 then In else Out

-- | Marshal an endpoint address so that it can be used by the @libusb@ transfer
-- functions.
marshalEndpointAddress :: (Bits a, Num a) => EndpointAddress -> a
marshalEndpointAddress (EndpointAddress num transDir) =
    assert (between num 0 15) $ let n = fromIntegral num
                                in case transDir of
                                     Out -> n
                                     In  -> setBit n 7

unmarshalEndpointAttribs :: Word8 -> EndpointAttribs
unmarshalEndpointAttribs a =
    case bits 0 1 a of
      0 -> Control
      1 -> Isochronous (genToEnum $ bits 2 3 a)
                       (genToEnum $ bits 4 5 a)
      2 -> Bulk
      3 -> Interrupt
      _ -> moduleError "unmarshalEndpointAttribs: this can't happen!"

unmarshalMaxPacketSize :: Word16 -> MaxPacketSize
unmarshalMaxPacketSize m =
    { maxPacketSize            = fromIntegral $ bits 0  10 m
    , transactionOpportunities = genToEnum    $ bits 11 12 m

-- ** String descriptors

-- | The size in number of bytes of the header of string descriptors.
strDescHeaderSize :: Size
strDescHeaderSize = 2

-- | Characters are encoded as UTF16LE so each character takes two bytes.
charSize :: Size
charSize = 2

{-| Retrieve a vector of supported languages.

This function may throw 'USBException's.
getLanguages :: DeviceHandle -> IO (Vector LangId)
getLanguages devHndl = allocaArray maxSize $ \dataPtr -> do
  reportedSize <- write dataPtr

  let strSize = (reportedSize - strDescHeaderSize) `div` charSize
      strPtr = castPtr $ dataPtr `plusPtr` strDescHeaderSize

  (VG.map unmarshalLangId . VG.convert) <$> peekVector strSize strPtr
        maxSize = 255 -- Some devices choke on size > 255
        write = putStrDesc devHndl 0 0 maxSize

{-| @putStrDesc devHndl strIx langId maxSize dataPtr@ retrieves the
string descriptor @strIx@ in the language @langId@ from the @devHndl@
and writes at most @maxSize@ bytes from that string descriptor to the
location that @dataPtr@ points to. So ensure there is at least space
for @maxSize@ bytes there. Next, the header of the string descriptor
is checked for correctness. If it's incorrect an 'IOException' is
thrown. Finally, the size reported in the header is returned.
putStrDesc :: DeviceHandle
           -> StrIx
           -> Word16
           -> Size
           -> Ptr CUChar
           -> IO Size
putStrDesc devHndl strIx langId maxSize dataPtr = do
  actualSize <- withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
                  checkUSBException $ c'libusb_get_string_descriptor
                                        (fromIntegral maxSize)
  when (actualSize < strDescHeaderSize) $
       throwIO $ IOException "Incomplete header"

  reportedSize <- peek dataPtr

  when (reportedSize > fromIntegral actualSize) $
       throwIO $ IOException "Not enough space to hold data"

  descType <- peekElemOff dataPtr 1

  when (descType /= c'LIBUSB_DT_STRING) $
       throwIO $ IOException "Invalid header"

  return $ fromIntegral reportedSize

{-| The language ID consists of the primary language identifier and the
sublanguage identififier as described in:


For a mapping between IDs and languages see the
<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/usb-id-database usb-id-database> package.

To see which 'LangId's are supported by a device see 'getLanguages'.
type LangId = (PrimaryLangId, SubLangId)
type PrimaryLangId = Word16
type SubLangId     = Word16

unmarshalLangId :: Word16 -> LangId
unmarshalLangId = bits 0 9 &&& bits 10 15

marshalLangId :: LangId -> Word16
marshalLangId (p, s) = p .|. s `shiftL`10

-- | Type of indici of string descriptors.
-- Can be retrieved by all the *StrIx functions.
type StrIx = Word8

{-| Retrieve a string descriptor from a device.

This function may throw 'USBException's.
getStrDesc :: DeviceHandle
           -> StrIx
           -> LangId
           -> Int -- ^ Maximum number of characters in the requested string. An
                  --   'IOException' will be thrown when the requested string is
                  --   larger than this number.
           -> IO Text
getStrDesc devHndl strIx langId nrOfChars = assert (strIx /= 0) $
    fmap decode $ BI.createAndTrim size $ write . castPtr
          write  = putStrDesc devHndl strIx (marshalLangId langId) size
          size   = strDescHeaderSize + nrOfChars * charSize
          decode = TE.decodeUtf16LE . B.drop strDescHeaderSize

{-| Retrieve a string descriptor from a device using the first supported language.

This function may throw 'USBException's.
getStrDescFirstLang :: DeviceHandle
                    -> StrIx
                    -> Int -- ^ Maximum number of characters in the requested
                           --   string. An 'IOException' will be thrown when the
                           --   requested string is larger than this number.
                    -> IO Text
getStrDescFirstLang devHndl strIx nrOfChars = do
  langIds <- getLanguages devHndl
  case uncons langIds of
    Nothing          -> throwIO $ IOException "Zero languages"
    Just (langId, _) -> getStrDesc devHndl strIx langId nrOfChars

-- * I/O

{-| Handy type synonym for read transfers.

A @ReadAction@ is a function which takes a 'Size' which defines how many bytes
to read and a 'Timeout'. The function returns an 'IO' action which, when
executed, performs the actual read and returns the 'B.ByteString' that was read
paired with a 'Status' flag which indicates whether the transfer
'Completed' or 'TimedOut'.
type ReadAction = Size -> Timeout -> IO (B.ByteString, Status)

-- | Handy type synonym for read transfers that must exactly read the specified
-- number of bytes. An 'incompleteReadException' is thrown otherwise.
type ReadExactAction = Size -> Timeout -> IO B.ByteString

{-| Handy type synonym for write transfers.

A @WriteAction@ is a function which takes a 'B.ByteString' to write and a
'Timeout'. The function returns an 'IO' action which, when exectued, returns the
number of bytes that were actually written paired with a 'Status' flag which
indicates whether the transfer 'Completed' or 'TimedOut'.
type WriteAction = B.ByteString -> Timeout -> IO (Size, Status)

-- | Handy type synonym for write transfers that must exactly write all the
-- given bytes. An 'incompleteWriteException' is thrown otherwise.
type WriteExactAction = B.ByteString -> Timeout -> IO ()

-- | Number of bytes transferred.
type Size = Int

-- | A timeout in milliseconds. A timeout defines how long a transfer should wait
-- before giving up due to no response being received.
-- Use 'noTimeout' for no timeout.
type Timeout = Int

-- | A timeout of 0 denotes no timeout so: @noTimeout = 0@.
noTimeout :: Timeout
noTimeout = 0

-- | Status of a terminated transfer.
data Status = Completed -- ^ All bytes were transferred
                        --   within the maximum allowed 'Timeout' period.
            | TimedOut  -- ^ Not all bytes were transferred
                        --   within the maximum allowed 'Timeout' period.
              deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

-- ** Types of control transfers

-- | Handy type synonym that names the parameters of a control transfer.
type ControlAction a = RequestType -> Recipient -> Request -> Value -> Index -> a

data RequestType = Standard
                 | Class
                 | Vendor
                   deriving (Enum, COMMON_INSTANCES)

data Recipient = ToDevice
               | ToInterface
               | ToEndpoint
               | ToOther
                 deriving (Enum, COMMON_INSTANCES)

type Request = Word8

-- | (Host-endian)
type Value = Word16

-- | (Host-endian)
type Index = Word16

marshalRequestType :: RequestType -> Recipient -> Word8
marshalRequestType t r = genFromEnum t `shiftL` 5 .|. genFromEnum r

-- ** Control transfers

{-| Perform a USB /control/ request that does not transfer data.


 * 'TimeoutException' if the transfer timed out.

 * 'PipeException' if the control request was not supported by the device

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 *  Another 'USBException'.
control :: DeviceHandle -> ControlAction (Timeout -> IO ())
control devHndl reqType reqRecipient request value index timeout = do
  (_, status) <- doControl
  when (status == TimedOut) $ throwIO TimeoutException
      | Just wait <- getWait devHndl =
          allocaBytes controlSetupSize $ \bufferPtr -> do
            poke bufferPtr $ C'libusb_control_setup requestType
                                                    request value index
            transferAsync wait
                          (bufferPtr, controlSetupSize)
      | otherwise = controlTransferSync devHndl
                                        request value index
                                        (nullPtr, 0)
    requestType = marshalRequestType reqType reqRecipient


{-| Perform a USB /control/ read.


 * 'PipeException' if the control request was not supported by the device

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 *  Another 'USBException'.
readControl :: DeviceHandle -> ControlAction ReadAction
readControl devHndl reqType reqRecipient request value index size timeout
  | Just wait <- getWait devHndl = do
      let totalSize = controlSetupSize + size
      allocaBytes totalSize $ \bufferPtr -> do
        poke bufferPtr $ C'libusb_control_setup requestType
                                                request value index
                                                (fromIntegral size)
        (transferred, status) <- transferAsync wait
                                               devHndl controlEndpoint
                                               (bufferPtr, totalSize)
        bs <- BI.create transferred $ \dataPtr ->
                copyArray dataPtr (bufferPtr `plusPtr` controlSetupSize) transferred
        return (bs, status)
  | otherwise = createAndTrimNoOffset size $ \dataPtr ->
                  controlTransferSync devHndl
                                      request value index
                                      (dataPtr, size)
    requestType = marshalRequestType reqType reqRecipient `setBit` 7

-- | A convenience function similar to 'readControl' which checks if the
-- specified number of bytes to read were actually read.
-- Throws an 'incompleteReadException' if this is not the case.
readControlExact :: DeviceHandle -> ControlAction ReadExactAction
readControlExact devHndl
                 reqType reqRecipient request value index
                 size timeout = do
  (bs, _) <- readControl devHndl
                         reqType reqRecipient request value index
                         size timeout
  if B.length bs /= size
    then throwIO incompleteReadException
    else return bs


{-| Perform a USB /control/ write.


 * 'PipeException' if the control request was not supported by the device

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 *  Another 'USBException'.
writeControl :: DeviceHandle -> ControlAction WriteAction
writeControl devHndl reqType reqRecipient request value index input timeout
  | Just wait <- getWait devHndl =
      BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen input $ \(dataPtr, size) -> do
        let totalSize = controlSetupSize + size
        allocaBytes totalSize $ \bufferPtr -> do
          poke bufferPtr $ C'libusb_control_setup requestType
                                                  request value index
                                                  (fromIntegral size)
          copyArray (bufferPtr `plusPtr` controlSetupSize) dataPtr size
          transferAsync wait
                        devHndl controlEndpoint
                        (bufferPtr, totalSize)
  | otherwise = BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen input $
                  controlTransferSync devHndl
                                      request value index
    requestType = marshalRequestType reqType reqRecipient

-- | A convenience function similar to 'writeControl' which checks if the given
-- bytes were actually fully written.
-- Throws an 'incompleteWriteException' if this is not the case.
writeControlExact :: DeviceHandle -> ControlAction WriteExactAction
writeControlExact devHndl
                  reqType reqRecipient request value index
                  input timeout = do
  (transferred, _) <- writeControl devHndl
                                   reqType reqRecipient request value index
                                   input timeout
  when (transferred /= B.length input) $ throwIO incompleteWriteException


controlSetupSize :: Size
controlSetupSize = sizeOf (undefined :: C'libusb_control_setup)

controlEndpoint :: CUChar
controlEndpoint = 0

controlTransferSync :: DeviceHandle
                    -> Word8 -> Request -> Value -> Index
                    -> Timeout
                    -> (Ptr byte, Size)
                    -> IO (Size, Status)
controlTransferSync devHndl
                    reqType request value index
                    (dataPtr, size) = do
  err <- withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
           c'libusb_control_transfer devHndlPtr
                                     reqType request value index
                                     (castPtr dataPtr) (fromIntegral size)
                                     (fromIntegral timeout)
  let timedOut = err == c'LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT
  if err < 0 && not timedOut
    then throwIO $ convertUSBException err
    else return ( fromIntegral err
                , if timedOut then TimedOut else Completed

-- ** Bulk transfers

{-| Perform a USB /bulk/ read.


 * 'PipeException' if the endpoint halted.

 * 'OverflowException' if the device offered more data, see
   <http://libusb.sourceforge.net/api-1.0/packetoverflow.html Packets and overflows>
   in the @libusb@ documentation.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
readBulk :: DeviceHandle -> EndpointAddress -> ReadAction
readBulk devHndl
  | Just wait <- getWait devHndl =
      readTransferAsync wait c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK devHndl
  | otherwise = readTransferSync c'libusb_bulk_transfer devHndl

{-| Perform a USB /bulk/ write.


 * 'PipeException' if the endpoint halted.

 * 'OverflowException' if the device offered more data, see
   <http://libusb.sourceforge.net/api-1.0/packetoverflow.html Packets and overflows>
   in the @libusb@ documentation.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
writeBulk :: DeviceHandle -> EndpointAddress -> WriteAction
writeBulk devHndl
  | Just wait <- getWait devHndl =
      writeTransferAsync wait c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK devHndl
  | otherwise = writeTransferSync c'libusb_bulk_transfer devHndl

-- ** Interrupt transfers

{-| Perform a USB /interrupt/ read.


 * 'PipeException' if the endpoint halted.

 * 'OverflowException' if the device offered more data, see
   <http://libusb.sourceforge.net/api-1.0/packetoverflow.html Packets and overflows>
   in the @libusb@ documentation.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
readInterrupt :: DeviceHandle -> EndpointAddress -> ReadAction
readInterrupt devHndl
  | Just wait <- getWait devHndl =
      readTransferAsync wait c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INTERRUPT devHndl
  | otherwise = readTransferSync c'libusb_interrupt_transfer devHndl

{-| Perform a USB /interrupt/ write.


 * 'PipeException' if the endpoint halted.

 * 'OverflowException' if the device offered more data, see
   <http://libusb.sourceforge.net/api-1.0/packetoverflow.html Packets and overflows>
   in the @libusb@ documentation.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
writeInterrupt :: DeviceHandle -> EndpointAddress -> WriteAction
writeInterrupt devHndl
  | Just wait <- getWait devHndl =
      writeTransferAsync wait c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INTERRUPT devHndl
  | otherwise = writeTransferSync c'libusb_interrupt_transfer devHndl


-- | Handy type synonym for the @libusb@ transfer functions.
type C'TransferFunc = Ptr C'libusb_device_handle -- devHndlPtr
                    -> CUChar                    -- endpoint address
                    -> Ptr CUChar                -- dataPtr
                    -> CInt                      -- size
                    -> Ptr CInt                  -- transferredPtr
                    -> CUInt                     -- timeout
                    -> IO CInt                   -- error

readTransferSync :: C'TransferFunc -> (DeviceHandle -> EndpointAddress -> ReadAction)
readTransferSync c'transfer = \devHndl endpointAddr -> \size timeout ->
    createAndTrimNoOffset size $ \dataPtr ->
        transferSync c'transfer
                     devHndl endpointAddr
                     (castPtr dataPtr, size)

writeTransferSync :: C'TransferFunc -> (DeviceHandle -> EndpointAddress -> WriteAction)
writeTransferSync c'transfer = \devHndl endpointAddr -> \input timeout ->
    BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen input $
      transferSync c'transfer
                   devHndl endpointAddr

transferSync :: C'TransferFunc -> DeviceHandle
                               -> EndpointAddress
                               -> Timeout
                               -> CStringLen
                               -> IO (Size, Status)
transferSync c'transfer devHndl
                        (dataPtr, size) =
    alloca $ \transferredPtr -> do
      err <- withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr ->
               c'transfer devHndlPtr
                          (marshalEndpointAddress endpointAddr)
                          (castPtr dataPtr)
                          (fromIntegral size)
                          (fromIntegral timeout)
      let timedOut = err == c'LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT
      if err /= c'LIBUSB_SUCCESS && not timedOut
        then throwIO $ convertUSBException err
        else do transferred <- peek transferredPtr
                return ( fromIntegral transferred
                       , if timedOut then TimedOut else Completed


readTransferAsync :: Wait
                  -> C'TransferType
                  -> DeviceHandle -> EndpointAddress -> ReadAction
readTransferAsync wait transType = \devHndl endpointAddr -> \size timeout ->
  createAndTrimNoOffset size $ \bufferPtr ->
      transferAsync wait
                    devHndl (marshalEndpointAddress endpointAddr)
                    (bufferPtr, size)

writeTransferAsync :: Wait
                   ->  C'TransferType
                   -> DeviceHandle -> EndpointAddress -> WriteAction
writeTransferAsync wait transType = \devHndl endpointAddr -> \input timeout ->
  BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen input $
    transferAsync wait
                  devHndl (marshalEndpointAddress endpointAddr)


type C'TransferType = CUChar

transferAsync :: Wait
              -> C'TransferType
              -> DeviceHandle -> CUChar -- ^ Encoded endpoint address
              -> Timeout
              -> (Ptr byte, Size)
              -> IO (Size, Status)
transferAsync wait transType devHndl endpoint timeout bytes =
    withTerminatedTransfer wait
                           devHndl endpoint
                           (continue Completed)
                           (continue TimedOut)
          continue status transPtr = do
            n <- peek $ p'libusb_transfer'actual_length transPtr
            return (fromIntegral n, status)


withTerminatedTransfer :: Wait
                       -> C'TransferType
                       -> Storable.Vector C'libusb_iso_packet_descriptor
                       -> DeviceHandle -> CUChar -- ^ Encoded endpoint address
                       -> Timeout
                       -> (Ptr byte, Size)
                       -> (Ptr C'libusb_transfer -> IO a)
                       -> (Ptr C'libusb_transfer -> IO a)
                       -> IO a
withTerminatedTransfer wait
                       devHndl endpoint
                       (bufferPtr, size)
                       onTimeout =
  withDevHndlPtr devHndl $ \devHndlPtr -> do
    let nrOfIsos = VG.length isos
    allocaTransfer nrOfIsos $ \transPtr -> do
      lock <- newLock
      withCallback (\_ -> release lock) $ \cbPtr -> do
        poke (p'libusb_transfer'dev_handle      transPtr) devHndlPtr
        poke (p'libusb_transfer'endpoint        transPtr) endpoint
        poke (p'libusb_transfer'type            transPtr) transType
        poke (p'libusb_transfer'timeout         transPtr) (fromIntegral timeout)
        poke (p'libusb_transfer'length          transPtr) (fromIntegral size)
        poke (p'libusb_transfer'callback        transPtr) cbPtr
        poke (p'libusb_transfer'buffer          transPtr) (castPtr bufferPtr)
        poke (p'libusb_transfer'num_iso_packets transPtr) (fromIntegral nrOfIsos)

        pokeVector (p'libusb_transfer'iso_packet_desc transPtr) isos

        mask_ $ do
          handleUSBException $ c'libusb_submit_transfer transPtr
          wait timeout lock transPtr

        status <- peek $ p'libusb_transfer'status transPtr
        case status of
          ts | ts == c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED -> onCompletion transPtr
             | ts == c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TIMED_OUT -> onTimeout    transPtr

             | ts == c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR     -> throwIO ioException
             | ts == c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_NO_DEVICE -> throwIO NoDeviceException
             | ts == c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_OVERFLOW  -> throwIO OverflowException
             | ts == c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_STALL     -> throwIO PipeException

             | ts == c'LIBUSB_TRANSFER_CANCELLED ->
                 moduleError "transfer status can't be Cancelled!"

             | otherwise -> moduleError $ "Unknown transfer status: " ++
                                          show ts ++ "!"


-- | Allocate a transfer with the given number of isochronous packets and apply
-- the function to the resulting pointer. The transfer is automatically freed
-- when the function terminates (whether normally or by raising an exception).
-- A 'NoMemException' may be thrown.
allocaTransfer :: Int -> (Ptr C'libusb_transfer -> IO a) -> IO a
allocaTransfer nrOfIsos = bracket mallocTransfer c'libusb_free_transfer
      mallocTransfer = do
        transPtr <- c'libusb_alloc_transfer (fromIntegral nrOfIsos)
        when (transPtr == nullPtr) (throwIO NoMemException)
        return transPtr


-- | Create a 'FunPtr' to the given transfer callback function and pass it to
-- the continuation function. The 'FunPtr' is automatically freed when the
-- continuation terminates (whether normally or by raising an exception).
withCallback :: (Ptr C'libusb_transfer -> IO ())
             -> (C'libusb_transfer_cb_fn -> IO a)
             -> IO a
withCallback cb = bracket (mk'libusb_transfer_cb_fn cb) freeHaskellFunPtr


-- | A lock is in one of two states: \"locked\" or \"unlocked\".
newtype Lock = Lock (MVar ()) deriving Eq

-- | Create a lock in the \"unlocked\" state.
newLock :: IO Lock
newLock = Lock <$> newEmptyMVar

Acquires the 'Lock'. Blocks if another thread has acquired the 'Lock'.

@acquire@ behaves as follows:

* When the state is \"unlocked\" @acquire@ changes the state to \"locked\".

* When the state is \"locked\" @acquire@ /blocks/ until a call to 'release' in
another thread wakes the calling thread. Upon awakening it will change the state
to \"locked\".
acquire :: Lock -> IO ()
acquire (Lock mv) = takeMVar mv

@release@ changes the state to \"unlocked\" and returns immediately.

The behaviour is undefined when a lock in the \"unlocked\" state is released!

If there are any threads blocked on 'acquire' the thread that first called
@acquire@ will be woken up.
release :: Lock -> IO ()
release (Lock mv) = putMVar mv ()

-- ** Isochronous transfers

{-| Perform a USB /isochronous/ read.

/WARNING:/ You need to enable the threaded runtime (@-threaded@) for this
function to work correctly. It throws a runtime error otherwise!


 * 'PipeException' if the endpoint halted.

 * 'OverflowException' if the device offered more data, see
   <http://libusb.sourceforge.net/api-1.0/packetoverflow.html Packets and overflows>
   in the @libusb@ documentation.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
readIsochronous :: DeviceHandle
                -> EndpointAddress
                -> Unboxed.Vector Size -- ^ Sizes of isochronous packets
                -> Timeout
                -> IO (Vector B.ByteString)
readIsochronous devHndl endpointAddr sizes timeout
    | Just wait <- getWait devHndl = do
        let totalSize = VG.sum    sizes
            nrOfIsos  = VG.length sizes
            isos      = VG.map initIsoPacketDesc $ VG.convert sizes
        allocaBytes totalSize $ \bufferPtr ->
            (marshalEndpointAddress endpointAddr)
            (bufferPtr, totalSize)
            (getPackets nrOfIsos bufferPtr)
            (\_ -> throwIO TimeoutException)
    | otherwise = needThreadedRTSError "readIsochronous"

getPackets :: Int -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr C'libusb_transfer -> IO (Vector B.ByteString)
getPackets nrOfIsos bufferPtr transPtr = do
    mv <- VGM.unsafeNew nrOfIsos
    let isoArrayPtr = p'libusb_transfer'iso_packet_desc transPtr
        go ix ptr
            | ix < nrOfIsos = do
                let isoPtr = advancePtr isoArrayPtr ix
                l <- peek (p'libusb_iso_packet_descriptor'length        isoPtr)
                a <- peek (p'libusb_iso_packet_descriptor'actual_length isoPtr)
                let transferred = fromIntegral a
                bs <- BI.create transferred $ \p -> copyArray p ptr transferred
                VGM.unsafeWrite mv ix bs
                go (ix+1) (ptr `plusPtr` fromIntegral l)
            | otherwise = VG.unsafeFreeze mv
    go 0 bufferPtr


{-| Perform a USB /isochronous/ write.

/WARNING:/ You need to enable the threaded runtime (@-threaded@) for this
function to work correctly. It throws a runtime error otherwise!


 * 'PipeException' if the endpoint halted.

 * 'OverflowException' if the device offered more data, see
   <http://libusb.sourceforge.net/api-1.0/packetoverflow.html Packets and overflows>
   in the @libusb@ documentation.

 * 'NoDeviceException' if the device has been disconnected.

 * Another 'USBException'.
writeIsochronous :: DeviceHandle
                 -> EndpointAddress
                 -> Vector B.ByteString
                 -> Timeout
                 -> IO (Unboxed.Vector Size)
writeIsochronous devHndl endpointAddr isoPackets timeout
    | Just wait <- getWait devHndl = do
        let sizes     = VG.map B.length isoPackets
            nrOfIsos  = VG.length sizes
            totalSize = VG.sum sizes
            isos      = VG.convert $ VG.map initIsoPacketDesc sizes
        allocaBytes totalSize $ \bufferPtr -> do
          copyIsos (castPtr bufferPtr) isoPackets
            (marshalEndpointAddress endpointAddr)
            (bufferPtr, totalSize)
            (getSizes nrOfIsos)
            (\_ -> throwIO TimeoutException)
    | otherwise = needThreadedRTSError "writeIsochronous"

getSizes :: Int -> Ptr C'libusb_transfer -> IO (Unboxed.Vector Size)
getSizes nrOfIsos transPtr = do
  mv <- VGM.unsafeNew nrOfIsos
  let isoArrayPtr = p'libusb_transfer'iso_packet_desc transPtr
      go ix
          | ix < nrOfIsos = do
              let isoPtr = advancePtr isoArrayPtr ix
              a <- peek (p'libusb_iso_packet_descriptor'actual_length isoPtr)
              let transferred = fromIntegral a
              VGM.unsafeWrite mv ix transferred
              go (ix+1)
          | otherwise = VG.unsafeFreeze mv
  go 0

copyIsos :: Ptr CChar -> Vector B.ByteString -> IO ()
copyIsos = VG.foldM_ $ \bufferPtr bs ->
             BU.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, len) -> do
               copyArray bufferPtr ptr len
               return $ bufferPtr `plusPtr` len

-- | An isochronous packet descriptor with all fields zero except for the length.
initIsoPacketDesc :: Size -> C'libusb_iso_packet_descriptor
initIsoPacketDesc size =
    { c'libusb_iso_packet_descriptor'length        = fromIntegral size
    , c'libusb_iso_packet_descriptor'actual_length = 0
    , c'libusb_iso_packet_descriptor'status        = 0


createAndTrimNoOffset :: Size -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO (Size, a)) -> IO (B.ByteString, a)
createAndTrimNoOffset size f = BI.createAndTrim' size $ \ptr -> do
                                 (l, x) <- f ptr
                                 return (offset, l, x)
                                       offset = 0

-- * Exceptions

-- | @handleUSBException action@ executes @action@. If @action@ returned an
-- error code other than 'c\'LIBUSB_SUCCESS', the error is converted to a
-- 'USBException' and thrown.
handleUSBException :: IO CInt -> IO ()
handleUSBException action = do err <- action
                               when (err /= c'LIBUSB_SUCCESS)
                                    (throwIO $ convertUSBException err)

-- | @checkUSBException action@ executes @action@. If @action@ returned a
-- negative integer the integer is converted to a 'USBException' and thrown. If
-- not, the integer is returned.
checkUSBException :: (Integral a, Show a) => IO a -> IO Int
checkUSBException action = do r <- action
                              if r < 0
                                then throwIO $ convertUSBException r
                                else return $ fromIntegral r

-- | Convert a @C'libusb_error@ to a 'USBException'. If the @C'libusb_error@ is
-- unknown an 'error' is thrown.
convertUSBException :: (Num a, Eq a, Show a) => a -> USBException
convertUSBException err = fromMaybe unknownLibUsbError $
                            lookup err libusb_error_to_USBException
      unknownLibUsbError =
        moduleError $ "Unknown libusb error code: " ++ show err ++ "!"

-- | Association list mapping 'C'libusb_error's to 'USBException's.
libusb_error_to_USBException :: Num a => [(a, USBException)]
libusb_error_to_USBException =
    [ (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_IO,            ioException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM, InvalidParamException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS,        AccessException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE,     NoDeviceException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND,     NotFoundException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_BUSY,          BusyException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT,       TimeoutException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_OVERFLOW,      OverflowException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE,          PipeException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_INTERRUPTED,   InterruptedException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_MEM,        NoMemException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, NotSupportedException)
    , (c'LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER,         OtherException)

-- | Type of USB exceptions.
data USBException =
   IOException String    -- ^ Input/output exception.
 | InvalidParamException -- ^ Invalid parameter.
 | AccessException       -- ^ Access denied (insufficient permissions). It may
                         --   help to run your program with elevated privileges or
                         --   change the permissions of your device using
                         --   something like @udev@.
 | NoDeviceException     -- ^ No such device (it may have been disconnected).
 | NotFoundException     -- ^ Entity not found.
 | BusyException         -- ^ Resource busy.
 | TimeoutException      -- ^ Operation timed out.
 | OverflowException     -- ^ If the device offered to much data. See
                         --   <http://libusb.sourceforge.net/api-1.0/packetoverflow.html Packets and overflows> in the @libusb@ documentation.
 | PipeException         -- ^ Pipe exception.
 | InterruptedException  -- ^ System call interrupted (perhaps due to signal).
 | NoMemException        -- ^ Insufficient memory.
 | NotSupportedException -- ^ Operation not supported or unimplemented on this
                         --   platform.
 | OtherException        -- ^ Other exception.
   deriving (COMMON_INSTANCES)

instance Exception USBException

-- | A general 'IOException'.
ioException :: USBException
ioException = IOException ""

-- | 'IOException' that is thrown when the number of bytes /read/
-- doesn't equal the requested number.
incompleteReadException :: USBException
incompleteReadException = incompleteException "read"

-- | 'IOException' that is thrown when the number of bytes /written/
-- doesn't equal the requested number.
incompleteWriteException :: USBException
incompleteWriteException = incompleteException "written"

incompleteException :: String -> USBException
incompleteException rw = IOException $
    "The number of bytes " ++ rw ++ " doesn't equal the requested number!"


moduleError :: String -> error
moduleError msg = error $ thisModule ++ ": " ++ msg

thisModule :: String
thisModule = "System.USB.Base"

needThreadedRTSError :: String -> error
needThreadedRTSError msg = moduleError $ msg ++
  " is only supported when using the threaded runtime. " ++
  "Please build your program with -threaded."