{-# LANGUAGE CPP, UnicodeSyntax, NoImplicitPrelude, FlexibleContexts #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  System.USB.IO.Synchronous.Enumerator
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2009–2010 Bas van Dijk
-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com>
-- Iteratee enumerators for endpoints.

module System.USB.IO.Synchronous.Enumerator
    ( enumReadBulk
    , enumReadInterrupt
    ) where

-- Imports

-- from base:
import Prelude               ( fromInteger, fromIntegral )
import Data.Function         ( ($) )
import Data.Word             ( Word8 )
import Data.Maybe            ( Maybe(Nothing, Just) )
import Control.Monad         ( return, (>>=), fail )
import Foreign.Storable      ( peek )
import Foreign.Ptr           ( castPtr )

-- from base-unicode-symbols:
import Data.Eq.Unicode       ( (), () )
import Data.Bool.Unicode     ( () )

-- from bindings-libusb:
import Bindings.Libusb ( c'libusb_bulk_transfer, c'libusb_interrupt_transfer
                       , c'LIBUSB_SUCCESS, c'LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT

-- from transformers:
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO )

-- from MonadCatchIO-transformers:
import Control.Monad.CatchIO ( MonadCatchIO )

-- from MonadCatchIO-transformers-foreign:
import Control.Monad.CatchIO.Foreign ( alloca, allocaBytes )

-- from usb:
import System.USB.DeviceHandling ( DeviceHandle )
import System.USB.Descriptors    ( EndpointAddress )
import System.USB.IO.Synchronous ( Timeout, Size )

import System.USB.Unsafe ( C'TransferFunc
                         , getDevHndlPtr
                         , marshalEndpointAddress
                         , convertUSBException

#ifdef __HADDOCK__
import System.USB.Descriptors    ( maxPacketSize, endpointMaxPacketSize )

#if MIN_VERSION_iteratee(0,4,0)
-- from iteratee:
import Data.Iteratee.Base               ( Stream(EOF, Chunk), runIter, idoneM )
import Data.Iteratee.Iteratee           ( Enumerator, throwErr )
import Data.Iteratee.Base.ReadableChunk ( ReadableChunk(readFromPtr) )
import Data.NullPoint                   ( NullPoint(empty) )

-- from base:
import Control.Exception ( toException )

-- from base-unicode-symbols:
import Data.Function.Unicode ( () )
-- from iteratee:
import Data.Iteratee.Base ( EnumeratorGM
                          , StreamG(Chunk)
                          , IterGV(Done, Cont)
                          , runIter
                          , enumErr
                          , throwErr
import Data.Iteratee.Base.StreamChunk ( ReadableChunk(readFromPtr) )

-- from base:
import Text.Show ( show )

-- Enumerators
#if MIN_VERSION_iteratee(0,4,0)
enumReadBulk  (ReadableChunk s Word8, NullPoint s, MonadCatchIO m)
              DeviceHandle    -- ^ A handle for the device to communicate with.
              EndpointAddress -- ^ The address of a valid 'In' and 'Bulk'
                               --   endpoint to communicate with. Make sure the
                               --   endpoint belongs to the current alternate
                               --   setting of a claimed interface which belongs
                               --   to the device.
              Size            -- ^ Chunk size. A good value for this would be
                               --   the @'maxPacketSize' . 'endpointMaxPacketSize'@.
              Timeout         -- ^ Timeout (in milliseconds) that this function
                               --   should wait for each chunk before giving up
                               --   due to no response being received.  For no
                               --   timeout, use value 0.
              Enumerator s m α
enumReadBulk = enumRead c'libusb_bulk_transfer

enumReadInterrupt  (ReadableChunk s Word8, NullPoint s, MonadCatchIO m)
                   DeviceHandle    -- ^ A handle for the device to communicate
                                    --   with.
                   EndpointAddress -- ^ The address of a valid 'In' and
                                    --   'Interrupt' endpoint to communicate
                                    --   with. Make sure the endpoint belongs to
                                    --   the current alternate setting of a
                                    --   claimed interface which belongs to the
                                    --   device.
                   Size            -- ^ Chunk size. A good value for this would
                                    --   be the @'maxPacketSize' . 'endpointMaxPacketSize'@.
                   Timeout         -- ^ Timeout (in milliseconds) that this
                                    --   function should wait for each chunk
                                    --   before giving up due to no response
                                    --   being received.  For no timeout, use
                                    --   value 0.
                   Enumerator s m α
enumReadInterrupt = enumRead c'libusb_interrupt_transfer


enumRead  (ReadableChunk s Word8, NullPoint s, MonadCatchIO m)
          C'TransferFunc  ( DeviceHandle
                             Enumerator s m α
enumRead c'transfer = \devHndl
                       timeout  \iter 
    alloca $ \transferredPtr 
      allocaBytes chunkSize $ \dataPtr 
        let loop i = runIter i idoneM on_cont
            on_cont _ (Just e) = return $ throwErr e
            on_cont k Nothing  = do
              err  liftIO $ c'transfer (getDevHndlPtr devHndl)
                                        (marshalEndpointAddress endpoint)
                                        (castPtr dataPtr)
                                        (fromIntegral chunkSize)
                                        (fromIntegral timeout)
              if err  c'LIBUSB_SUCCESS 
                 err  c'LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT
                then return  k $ EOF $ Just $ toException $ convertUSBException err
                else do
                  t  liftIO $ peek transferredPtr
                  if t  0
                    then return  k $ Chunk empty
                    else do
                      s  liftIO  readFromPtr dataPtr $ fromIntegral t
                      loop  k $ Chunk s
        in loop iter

enumReadBulk  (ReadableChunk s Word8, MonadCatchIO m)
              DeviceHandle    -- ^ A handle for the device to communicate with.
              EndpointAddress -- ^ The address of a valid 'In' and 'Bulk'
                               --   endpoint to communicate with. Make sure the
                               --   endpoint belongs to the current alternate
                               --   setting of a claimed interface which belongs
                               --   to the device.
              Size            -- ^ Chunk size. A good value for this would be
                               --   the @'maxPacketSize' . 'endpointMaxPacketSize'@.
              Timeout         -- ^ Timeout (in milliseconds) that this function
                               --   should wait for each chunk before giving up
                               --   due to no response being received.  For no
                               --   timeout, use value 0.
              EnumeratorGM s Word8 m α
enumReadBulk = enumRead c'libusb_bulk_transfer

enumReadInterrupt  (ReadableChunk s Word8, MonadCatchIO m)
                   DeviceHandle    -- ^ A handle for the device to communicate
                                    --   with.
                   EndpointAddress -- ^ The address of a valid 'In' and
                                    --   'Interrupt' endpoint to communicate
                                    --   with. Make sure the endpoint belongs to
                                    --   the current alternate setting of a
                                    --   claimed interface which belongs to the
                                    --   device.
                   Size            -- ^ Chunk size. A good value for this would
                                    --   be the @'maxPacketSize' . 'endpointMaxPacketSize'@.
                   Timeout         -- ^ Timeout (in milliseconds) that this
                                    --   function should wait for each chunk
                                    --   before giving up due to no response
                                    --   being received.  For no timeout, use
                                    --   value 0.
                   EnumeratorGM s Word8 m α
enumReadInterrupt = enumRead c'libusb_interrupt_transfer


enumRead  (ReadableChunk s Word8, MonadCatchIO m)
          C'TransferFunc  ( DeviceHandle
                             EnumeratorGM s Word8 m α
enumRead c'transfer = \devHndl
                       timeout  \iter 
    alloca $ \transferredPtr 
      allocaBytes chunkSize $ \dataPtr 
        let loop i1 = do
              err  liftIO $ c'transfer (getDevHndlPtr devHndl)
                                        (marshalEndpointAddress endpoint)
                                        (castPtr dataPtr)
                                        (fromIntegral chunkSize)
                                        (fromIntegral timeout)
              if err  c'LIBUSB_SUCCESS 
                 err  c'LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT
                then enumErr (show $ convertUSBException err) i1
                else do
                  t  liftIO $ peek transferredPtr
                  if t  0
                    then return i1
                    else do
                      s  liftIO $ readFromPtr dataPtr $ fromIntegral t
                      r  runIter i1 $ Chunk s
                      case r of
                        Done x _         return $ return x
                        Cont i2 Nothing  loop i2
                        Cont _ (Just e)  return $ throwErr e
        in loop iter

-- The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------