INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" imports { import AbstractSyntax import HsToken import Expression import Patterns import Options import PPUtil import Pretty import Knuth1 import KennedyWarren import ExecutionPlan import Data.Maybe import Debug.Trace import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Distributing options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Grammar [ options : {Options} | | ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Give unique names to rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Nonterminal Nonterminals Production Productions Rule Rules [ | rulenumber : Int | ] SEM Grammar | Grammar nonts.rulenumber = 0 SEM Rule | Rule lhs.rulenumber = @lhs.rulenumber + 1 loc.rulename = maybe (identifier $ "rule" ++ show @lhs.rulenumber) id @mbName ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Gather all rules per production for the execution plan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Expression [ | | copy : SELF ] ATTR Rule [ | | erules : ERule ] ATTR Rules [ | | erules USE {:} {[]} : ERules ] SEM Rule | Rule lhs.erules = ERule @loc.rulename @pattern.copy @rhs.copy @owrt @origin @explicit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Gather all childs per production for the execution plan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Child [ | | echilds : EChild ] ATTR Children [ | | echilds USE {:} {[]} : EChildren ] SEM Child | Child lhs.echilds = EChild @name @tp @virtual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dependency graph per production ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Gather vertices ATTR HsToken Expression Rule Rules Pattern Patterns Child Children [ | | vertices USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set.Set Vertex} ] -- All vertices from the righthandside of a rule SEM HsToken | AGLocal lhs.vertices = Set.singleton $ VAttr Loc _LOC @var | AGField lhs.vertices = Set.singleton $ VAttr (if @field == _LHS then Inh else if @field == _LOC then Loc else Syn) @field @attr -- Gather vertices for an expression (make a higher order child) SEM Expression | Expression lhs.vertices = Set.unions $ map (\tok -> vertices_Syn_HsToken (wrap_HsToken (sem_HsToken tok) Inh_HsToken)) @tks -- Gather vertices at patterns SEM Pattern | Alias loc.vertex = if @field == _INST then VChild @attr else VAttr (if @field == _LHS then Syn else if @field == _LOC then Loc else Inh) @field @attr lhs.vertices = Set.insert @loc.vertex $ @parts.vertices `Set.union` @pat.vertices -- Gather vertices for children SEM Child | Child loc.vertex = VChild @name loc.synvertices = map (VAttr Syn @name) . Map.keys $ @syn loc.inhvertices = map (VAttr Inh @name) . Map.keys $ @inh lhs.vertices = case @tp of -- only Nonterminal children need to be in dependency graph NT _ _ -> Set.insert @loc.vertex (Set.fromList $ @loc.synvertices ++ @loc.inhvertices) _ -> Set.empty -- Add extra vertex for a rule SEM Rule | Rule loc.vertex = VRule @loc.rulename lhs.vertices = Set.insert @loc.vertex $ @pattern.vertices `Set.union` @rhs.vertices -- Combine all vertices for a production SEM Production | Production loc.vertices = @rules.vertices `Set.union` @children.vertices -- Gather edges ATTR Rule Rules Child Children [ | | edges USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set.Set Edge} ] -- Gather edges for a rule SEM Rule | Rule loc.edgesout = map ((,) @loc.vertex) (Set.toList @rhs.vertices) loc.edgesin = map (flip (,) @loc.vertex) (Set.toList @pattern.vertices) lhs.edges = Set.fromList $ @loc.edgesout ++ @loc.edgesin -- Gather edges for a child SEM Child | Child loc.edgesout = [] loc.edgesin = map (flip (,) @loc.vertex) @loc.synvertices lhs.edges = Set.fromList $ @loc.edgesout ++ @loc.edgesin -- Combine all edges for a production SEM Production | Production loc.edges = @rules.edges `Set.union` @children.edges -- Find all child nonterminal names for a production ATTR Child Children [ | | nontnames USE {++} {[]} : {[(Identifier, Identifier)]}] SEM Child | Child lhs.nontnames = case @tp of NT nont _ -> [(@name, nont)] _ -> [] -- Return a dependency graph for each production ATTR Production [ | | depgraph : {ProdDependencyGraph} ] ATTR Productions [ | | depgraph USE {:} {[]} : {[ProdDependencyGraph]} ] SEM Production | Production lhs.depgraph = ProdDependencyGraph { pdgVertices = Set.toList @loc.vertices , pdgEdges = Set.toList @loc.edges , pdgRules = @rules.erules , pdgChilds = @children.echilds , pdgProduction = @con , pdgChildMap = @children.nontnames } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dependency graph per nonterminal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Vertices are just all inherited and syntesized attributes SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal loc.synvertices = map (VAttr Syn @nt) . Map.keys $ @syn loc.inhvertices = map (VAttr Inh @nt) . Map.keys $ @inh loc.vertices = @loc.synvertices ++ @loc.inhvertices -- Construct nonterminal dependency graph for production SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal loc.nontgraph = NontDependencyGraph { ndgVertices = @loc.vertices , ndgEdges = [] } -- Create dependency information for nonterminal and pass it upwards ATTR Nonterminal [ | | depinfo : {NontDependencyInformation} ] ATTR Nonterminals [ | | depinfo USE {:} {[]} : {[NontDependencyInformation]} ] SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal lhs.depinfo = NontDependencyInformation { ndiNonterminal = @nt , ndiParams = @params , ndiInh = Map.keys @inh , ndiSyn = Map.keys @syn , ndiDepGraph = @loc.nontgraph , ndiProds = @prods.depgraph } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Call the kennedy-warren algorithm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Grammar [ | | output : {ExecutionPlan} depgraphs : {PP_Doc} visitgraph : {PP_Doc} ] SEM Grammar | Grammar (Just (lhs.output, lhs.depgraphs, lhs.visitgraph)) = kennedyWarrenOrder @wrappers @nonts.depinfo @typeSyns @derivings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Output nonterminal type mappings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Grammar Nonterminals [ | | inhmap USE {`Map.union`} {Map.empty} : {Map.Map NontermIdent Attributes} synmap USE {`Map.union`} {Map.empty} : {Map.Map NontermIdent Attributes} ] ATTR Nonterminal [ | | inhmap : {Map.Map NontermIdent Attributes} synmap : {Map.Map NontermIdent Attributes} ] SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal lhs.inhmap = Map.singleton @nt @inh lhs.synmap = Map.singleton @nt @syn