PRAGMA strictdata PRAGMA optimize PRAGMA bangpats PRAGMA strictwrap INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" imports { import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map(Map) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Sequence(Seq,(><)) import UU.Scanner.Position(Pos(..)) import Data.Maybe import Data.List(intersperse) import AbstractSyntax import ErrorMessages import Options import HsToken import HsTokenScanner import TokenDef import CommonTypes } WRAPPER HsTokensRoot ATTR Grammar Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production Children Child Rule Rules Expression [ options:{Options} | | ] ATTR Grammar Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production Rule Rules Pattern Patterns Expression HsTokensRoot HsToken HsTokens [ | | errors USE {Seq.><} {Seq.empty} : {Seq Error} ] ATTR Grammar Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production Child Children Rule Rules Pattern Patterns TypeSig TypeSigs Expression [ | | output : SELF ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deal with RHS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM Expression | Expression (loc.tks', lhs.errors) = let inh = Inh_HsTokensRoot { childInhs_Inh_HsTokensRoot = @lhs.childInhs , childSyns_Inh_HsTokensRoot = @lhs.childSyns , nt_Inh_HsTokensRoot = @lhs.nt , con_Inh_HsTokensRoot = @lhs.con , ruleDescr_Inh_HsTokensRoot = @lhs.ruleDescr , useFieldIdent_Inh_HsTokensRoot = genUseTraces @lhs.options } sem = sem_HsTokensRoot (HsTokensRoot @tks) syn = wrap_HsTokensRoot sem inh in (tks_Syn_HsTokensRoot syn, errors_Syn_HsTokensRoot syn) lhs.output = Expression @pos @tks' ATTR HsTokensRoot HsTokens HsToken [ useFieldIdent : Bool | | ] ATTR HsToken HsTokens [ | addLines : Int | ] SEM HsTokensRoot | HsTokensRoot tokens.addLines = 0 ATTR HsTokensRoot [ | | tks : {[HsToken]} ] ATTR HsToken HsTokens [ | | tks : SELF ] SEM HsToken | AGLocal lhs.addLines = if @lhs.useFieldIdent then @lhs.addLines + 1 else @lhs.addLines loc.tks = AGLocal @var (addl @lhs.addLines @pos) (if @lhs.useFieldIdent then Just @lhs.ruleDescr else Nothing) | AGField loc.mField = findField @field @attr @lhs.childSyns loc.field' = maybe @field id @loc.mField lhs.errors = maybe (Seq.singleton (UndefAttr @lhs.nt @lhs.con @field (Ident "" (getPos @field)) False)) (const Seq.empty) @loc.mField lhs.addLines = if @lhs.useFieldIdent || length (getName @field) < length (getName @loc.field') then @lhs.addLines + 1 else @lhs.addLines loc.tks = AGField @loc.field' @attr (addl @lhs.addLines @pos) (if @lhs.useFieldIdent then Just @lhs.ruleDescr else Nothing) | HsToken loc.tks = HsToken @value (addl @lhs.addLines @pos) | CharToken loc.tks = CharToken @value (addl @lhs.addLines @pos) | StrToken loc.tks = StrToken @value (addl @lhs.addLines @pos) | Err loc.tks = Err @mesg (addl @lhs.addLines @pos) { addl :: Int -> Pos -> Pos addl n (Pos l c f) = Pos (l+n) c f } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deal with LHS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM Pattern | Alias (loc.field', loc.err1) = maybeError @field (UndefAttr @lhs.nt @lhs.con (Ident "" (getPos @field)) @attr True) $ findField @field @attr @lhs.childInhs loc.err2 = if @loc.field' == @field then Seq.empty else if (@loc.field', @attr) `Set.member` @lhs.defs then Seq.singleton $ DupRule @lhs.nt @lhs.con @field @attr @loc.field' else Seq.empty lhs.errors = @loc.err1 Seq.>< @loc.err2 Seq.>< @pat.errors loc.output = Alias @loc.field' @attr @pat.output ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Distribute attributes of children ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Children Child [ | | childInhs, childSyns USE {++} {[]} : {[(Identifier, Identifier)]} ] ATTR Rules Rule Pattern Patterns Expression HsTokensRoot HsToken HsTokens [ childInhs, childSyns : {[(Identifier, Identifier)]} | | ] SEM Child | Child lhs.childInhs = [(i, @name) | i <- Map.keys @loc.inh ] lhs.childSyns = [(s, @name) | s <- Map.keys @loc.syn ] { maybeError :: a -> Error -> Maybe a -> (a, Seq Error) maybeError def err mb = maybe (def, Seq.singleton err) (\r -> (r, Seq.empty)) mb findField :: Identifier -> Identifier -> [(Identifier,Identifier)] -> Maybe Identifier findField fld attr list | fld == _FIRST = f list | fld == _LAST = f (reverse list) | otherwise = Just fld where f = lookup attr } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Distribute nt and con ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Productions Production Rule Rules Pattern Patterns Expression HsTokensRoot HsToken HsTokens [ nt : NontermIdent | | ] ATTR Rule Rules Pattern Patterns Expression HsTokensRoot HsToken HsTokens [ con : ConstructorIdent | | ] SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal prods.nt = @nt SEM Production | Production rules.con = @con ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Distribute a pattern description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Expression HsTokensRoot HsToken HsTokens [ ruleDescr : String | | ] SEM Rule | Rule loc.ruleDescr = show @lhs.nt ++ " :: " ++ show @lhs.con ++ " :: " ++ (concat $ intersperse "," $ map (\(f,a) -> show f ++ "." ++ show a) $ Set.toList @pattern.defsCollect) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Distribute all defined attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Rule Rules Pattern Patterns [ | | defsCollect USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set (Identifier, Identifier)} ] SEM Pattern | Alias loc.def = Set.singleton (@field, @attr) lhs.defsCollect = @loc.def `Set.union` @pat.defsCollect ATTR Rule Rules Pattern Patterns [ defs : {Set (Identifier, Identifier)} | | ] SEM Production | Production rules.defs = @rules.defsCollect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collect a list of all attributes (that are not irrefutable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Grammar Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production Rule Rules Pattern Patterns [ | | allAttributes USE {`mergeAttributes`} {Map.empty} : {AttrMap} ] SEM Pattern | Alias lhs.allAttributes = (Map.singleton @lhs.nt $ Map.singleton @lhs.con $ Set.singleton (@field, @attr)) `mergeAttributes` @pat.allAttributes | Irrefutable lhs.allAttributes = Map.empty { mergeAttributes :: AttrMap -> AttrMap -> AttrMap mergeAttributes = Map.unionWith $ Map.unionWith $ Set.union } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Distribute a list of attributes forced to irrefutables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Grammar Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production Rule Rules Pattern Patterns [ forcedIrrefutables : {AttrMap} | | ] SEM Pattern | Alias lhs.output = if Set.member (@field, @attr) $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty @lhs.con $ Map.findWithDefault Map.empty @lhs.nt $ @lhs.forcedIrrefutables then Irrefutable @loc.output else @loc.output ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decompose augment map and rebuild it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal [ augmentsIn : {Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))} | | augmentsOut USE {`Map.union`} {Map.empty} : {Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))} ] ATTR Productions Production [ augmentsIn : {Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])} | | augmentsOut USE {`Map.union`} {Map.empty} : {Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])} ] SEM Grammar | Grammar nonts.augmentsIn = @augmentsMap SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal loc.augmentsIn = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty @nt @lhs.augmentsIn loc.augmentsOut = Map.singleton @nt @prods.augmentsOut SEM Production | Production loc.augmentsIn = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty @con @lhs.augmentsIn loc.augmentsOut = Map.singleton @con @loc.augmentsOut1 (loc.augmentErrs, loc.augmentsOut1) = Map.mapAccum (desugarExprs @lhs.options @lhs.nt @con @children.childInhs @children.childSyns) Seq.empty @loc.augmentsIn WRAPPER Expression { desugarExprs :: Options -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> [(Identifier, Identifier)] -> [(Identifier, Identifier)] -> Seq Error -> [Expression] -> (Seq Error, [Expression]) desugarExprs options nt con childInhs childSyns = mapAccum (desugarExpr options nt con childInhs childSyns) where mapAccum f e = foldr (\x (e0,xs) -> let (e1,x') = f e0 x in (e1, x:xs)) (e, []) desugarExpr :: Options -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> [(Identifier, Identifier)] -> [(Identifier, Identifier)] -> Seq Error -> Expression -> (Seq Error, Expression) desugarExpr options nt con childInhs childSyns errs expr = (errs Seq.>< errors_Syn_Expression syn, output_Syn_Expression syn) where inh = Inh_Expression { childInhs_Inh_Expression = childInhs , childSyns_Inh_Expression = childSyns , con_Inh_Expression = con , nt_Inh_Expression = nt , options_Inh_Expression = options , ruleDescr_Inh_Expression = "augment-rule" } sem = sem_Expression expr syn = wrap_Expression sem inh } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Errors of a production ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM Production | Production lhs.errors = @rules.errors Seq.>< @loc.augmentErrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Support for late binding of higher order children ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Grammar Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production Children Child [ mainName : {String} | | ] SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal loc.extraInh = addLateAttr @lhs.options @lhs.mainName { addLateAttr :: Options -> String -> Attributes addLateAttr options mainName | kennedyWarren options && lateHigherOrderBinding options = let tp = lateBindingType mainName in Map.singleton idLateBindingAttr tp | otherwise = Map.empty } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reconstruct the grammar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal lhs.output = Nonterminal @nt @params (@loc.extraInh `Map.union` @inh) @syn @prods.output SEM Child | Child lhs.output = Child @name @tp @kind SEM Grammar | Grammar lhs.output = Grammar @typeSyns @useMap @derivings @wrappers @nonts.output @pragmas @manualAttrOrderMap @paramMap @contextMap @quantMap @uniqueMap @nonts.augmentsOut @aroundsMap @mergeMap