INCLUDE "AbstractSyntax" INCLUDE "Patterns" INCLUDE "CodeSyntax" INCLUDE "Expression" INCLUDE "HsToken" INCLUDE "LOAG/Rep" INCLUDE "LOAG/Prepare" INCLUDE "ExecutionPlanCommon" MODULE {LOAG.Order} {} {} imports{ import qualified Data.Array as A import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.IntMap as IMap import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified CommonTypes as CT import Control.Monad (forM,when) import Control.Monad.ST import Data.Maybe(catMaybes) import Data.Monoid(mappend,mempty) import Data.STRef import AbstractSyntax import qualified LOAG.AOAG as AOAG import LOAG.Common import LOAG.Chordal import LOAG.Rep import LOAG.Graphs import CodeSyntax import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust) import ExecutionPlan import GrammarInfo import HsToken (HsToken(..)) import Pretty import qualified System.IO as IO import System.IO.Unsafe } { fst' (a,_,_) = a snd' (_,b,_) = b trd' (_,_,c) = c } ATTR Grammar [ | | output : ExecutionPlan ads : {Maybe PP_Doc} errors : {Seq.Seq Error}] SEM Grammar | Grammar lhs.errors = either Seq.singleton (const Seq.empty) @loc.schedRes = case either (const []) trd' @loc.schedRes of [] -> Nothing ads -> Just $ ppAds @lhs.options @nonts.pmp ads lhs.output = ExecutionPlan @nonts.enonts @typeSyns @wrappers @derivings nonts.sched = either (const Map.empty) snd' @loc.schedRes nonts.tdp = either (error "no tdp") (fromJust.fst') @loc.schedRes loc.schedRes = if CT.loag @lhs.options then if CT.aoag @lhs.options then AOAG.schedule @smf.self @self else @loc.loagRes else Right (Nothing,Map.empty,[]) loc.loagRes = let putStrLn s = when (verbose @lhs.options) (IO.putStrLn s) in Right $ unsafePerformIO $ scheduleLOAG putStrLn @lhs.options = repToAg @smf.self @self nonts.res_ads = either (const []) trd' @loc.schedRes -- Gather the fake dependencies from the ads result of AOAG ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production [ res_ads : {[Edge]} || ] ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal [ || fdps USE {Map.union} {Map.empty} : AttrOrderMap ] SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal lhs.fdps = Map.singleton @nt @prods.fdps ATTR Productions Production [ || fdps USE {Map.union} {Map.empty} : {Map.Map ConstructorIdent (Set Dependency)} ] SEM Production | Production lhs.fdps = let op d@(f,t) ds | fst (argsOf $ findWithErr @lhs.pmpf "fdps" f) == (@lhs.dty,getName @con) = Set.insert (edgeToDep @lhs.pmpf d) ds | otherwise = ds in Map.singleton @con $ foldr op Set.empty @lhs.res_ads { data AltAttr = AltAttr Identifier Identifier Bool deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) edgeToDep :: PMP -> Edge -> Dependency edgeToDep pmp (f,t) = Dependency (OccAttr (identifier f1) (identifier i1)) (OccAttr (identifier f2) (identifier i2)) where (MyOccurrence (_,f1) (i1,_),MyOccurrence (_,f2) (i2,_)) = (findWithErr pmp "edgeToDep" f, findWithErr pmp "edgeToDep" t) ppAds :: Options -> PMP -> [Edge] -> PP_Doc ppAds opts pmp = foldr ((>-<) . ppEdge opts pmp) empty ppEdge :: Options -> PMP -> Edge -> PP_Doc ppEdge opts pmp (f,t) = text sem >#< text (show ty) >|< " | " >|< text p >|< " " >|< ppOcc pmp f >|< text " < " >|< ppOcc pmp t where (MyOccurrence ((ty,p),_) _) = pmp Map.! f sem | lcKeywords opts = "sem" | otherwise = "SEM" ppOcc :: PMP -> Vertex -> PP_Doc ppOcc pmp v = text f >|< text "." >|< fst a where (MyOccurrence ((t,p),f) a) = findWithErr pmp "ppOcc" v } -- Construct Execution Plan ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal [ visMapf : {IMap.IntMap Int} tdp : TDPRes || enonts USE {(++)} {[]} : ENonterminals visMap USE {IMap.union} {IMap.empty} : {IMap.IntMap Int}] SEM Grammar | Grammar nonts.visMapf = @nonts.visMap nonts.visitnum = 0 SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal loc.initial = @lhs.visitnum loc.vnums = zipWith const [@loc.initial..] @segments loc.initialVisit = @vnums loc.nextVis = Map.fromList $ (@loc.initial + length @vnums, NoneVis) : [(v, OneVis v) | v <- @vnums ] loc.prevVis = Map.fromList $ (@loc.initial, NoneVis) : [(v+1, OneVis v) | v <- @vnums ] loc.visMap = let op vnr (MySegment visnr ins syns _ _) = IMap.fromList $ zip syns (repeat vnr) in IMap.unions $ zipWith op [@loc.initial..] @mysegments lhs.enonts = [ENonterminal @nt @params @loc.classContexts @loc.initial @loc.initialVisit @loc.nextVis @loc.prevVis @prods.eprods @loc.recursive @loc.hoInfo ] ATTR Productions Production [ visMapf : {IMap.IntMap Int} tdp : TDPRes || eprods USE {(++)} {[]} : EProductions ] SEM Production | Production segs.ruleMap = @rules.ruleMap segs.done = (Set.empty, Set.empty, Set.empty, Set.empty) loc.intros = let intro (Child nm _ kind) | kind == ChildAttr = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ ChildIntro nm in catMaybes $ map intro @children.self lhs.eprods = let ((Visit ident from to inh syn steps kind):vss) = @segs.evisits steps' = @loc.intros ++ steps visits | null @segs.evisits = [] | otherwise = ((Visit ident from to inh syn steps' kind):vss) in [EProduction @con @params @constraints @rules.erules @children.echilds visits ] ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production MySegments MySegment [ | visitnum : Int | ] -- Visit nums should be the same for each production, but different globally SEM Productions | Cons tl.visitnum = @lhs.visitnum lhs.visitnum = @hd.visitnum SEM MySegment | MySegment +visitnum = (+1) ATTR MySegments MySegment [ -- maps which attribute occurrence is calculated in which visit visMapf : {IMap.IntMap Int} | | ] ATTR MySegments MySegment [ ps : PLabel ruleMap : {Map.Map MyOccurrence Identifier} nmprf : NMP_R options : {Options} tdp : TDPRes done : { (Set.Set MyOccurrence, Set.Set FLabel , Set.Set Identifier, Set.Set (FLabel,Int))} ||] ATTR MySegments [|| evisits USE {:} {[]} : {Visits}] ATTR MySegment [|| evisits : {Visit} -- synthesized attribute occurrences of this segment synsO : {[Int]} visnr : Int done : { (Set.Set MyOccurrence, Set.Set FLabel ,Set.Set Identifier, Set.Set (FLabel,Int))}] SEM MySegments | Cons hd.done = @lhs.done tl.done = @hd.done SEM MySegment | MySegment loc.inhs = Map.keysSet$ Map.unions $ map (vertexToAttr @lhs.nmp) @inhAttr loc.syns = Map.keysSet$ Map.unions $ map (vertexToAttr @lhs.nmp) @synAttr loc.inhsO= maybe (error "segment not instantiated") id @inhOccs loc.synsO= maybe (error "segment not instantiated") id @synOccs lhs.visnr= @visnr loc.kind = if monadic @lhs.options then VisitMonadic else VisitPure True lhs.evisits = Visit @lhs.visitnum @lhs.visitnum (@lhs.visitnum+1) @loc.inhs @loc.syns @loc.steps @loc.kind loc.steps = if monadic @lhs.options then [Sim @loc.vss] else [PureGroup @loc.vss True] (loc.vss,lhs.done) = (runST $ getVss @lhs.done @lhs.tdp @synsO @lhs.lfpf @lhs.nmprf @lhs.pmpf @lhs.pmprf @lhs.fty @lhs.visMapf @lhs.ruleMap @lhs.hoMapf) { getVss (done,intros,rules,vnrs) ps tdp synsO lfp nmpr pmp pmpr fty visMap ruleMap hoMap = do ref <- newSTRef done introed <- newSTRef intros ruleref <- newSTRef rules vnrsref <- newSTRef vnrs lists <- forM synsO (visit ref introed ruleref vnrsref . (pmp Map.!)) done <- readSTRef ref intros <- readSTRef introed rules <- readSTRef ruleref vnrs <- readSTRef vnrsref return (concat lists, (done, intros, rules, vnrs)) where hochildren = maybe Set.empty id $ Map.lookup ps hoMap visit ref introed ruleref vnrsref o@(MyOccurrence (_,f) (_,d)) = do visited <- readSTRef ref if (o `Set.member` visited) then return [] -- already visited else do -- prevent doubles modifySTRef ref (Set.insert o) if inOutput then do -- has to be calculated in this sequence rest' <- rest locs' <- locs sem' <- sem o return $ (rest' ++ locs' ++ sem') else if "lhs" == (snd $ argsOf o) then return [] -- inherited of parent, nothing todo else do -- other input occurrence, perform visit locs' <- locs rest' <- rest visit'<- toVisit o return (rest' ++ locs' ++ visit') where preds = maybe [] (IS.toList . (tdp A.!)) $ Map.lookup o pmpr rest = forM preds (visit ref introed ruleref vnrsref. (pmp Map.!)) >>= (return . concat) free = maybe [] (Set.toList) $ Map.lookup o lfp locs = forM free (visit ref introed ruleref vnrsref) >>= (return . concat) sem o = do rules <- readSTRef ruleref if r `Set.member` rules then return [] else do writeSTRef ruleref (r `Set.insert` rules) return [Sem r] where r = maybe (error "ruleMap") id $ Map.lookup o ruleMap inOutput = f == "lhs" && d == Syn || f /= "lhs" && d == Inh toVisit o = do vnrs <- readSTRef vnrsref if (child,visnr) `Set.member` vnrs then return [] else writeSTRef vnrsref ((child,visnr) `Set.insert` vnrs) >> if child `Set.member` hochildren then do intros <- readSTRef introed case child `Set.member` intros of True -> return [cvisit] False -> do writeSTRef introed (Set.insert child intros) let occ = (ps,"inst") >.< (child, AnyDir) preds = Set.toList $ setConcatMap rep $ lfp Map.! occ rep :: MyOccurrence -> Set.Set MyOccurrence rep occ | isLoc occ = Set.insert occ $ setConcatMap rep $ lfp Map.! occ | otherwise = Set.singleton occ rest <- forM preds (visit ref introed ruleref vnrsref) sem' <- sem occ return $ (concat rest) ++ sem' ++ [ChildIntro (identifier child)] ++ [cvisit] else return [cvisit] where cvisit= ChildVisit (identifier child) ntid visnr child = snd $ argsOf o ntid = ((\(NT name _ _ )-> name) . fromMyTy) nt visnr = (\x-> visMap IMap.! x) (nmpr Map.! (nt <.> attr o)) nt = fty Map.! (ps,child) } ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal [ sched : {InterfaceRes} ||] SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal loc.assigned = findWithErr @lhs.sched "could not const. interfaces" (getName @nt) = if Map.null @lhs.sched then 0 else let mx = fst $ IMap.findMax @loc.assigned in if even mx then mx else mx + 1 loc.mysegments = map (\i -> MySegment (( - i) `div` 2) (maybe [] id $ IMap.lookup i @loc.assigned) (maybe [] id $ IMap.lookup (i-1) @loc.assigned) Nothing Nothing) [, .. 2] loc.segments = map (\(MySegment visnr is ss _ _) -> CSegment (Map.unions $ map (vertexToAttr @lhs.nmp) is) (Map.unions $ map (vertexToAttr @lhs.nmp) ss)) @loc.mysegments ATTR Productions Production [ mysegments : MySegments || ] SEM Production | Production inst.segs : MySegments --translate from attribute to occurrences inst.segs = map (\(MySegment visnr inhs syns _ _) -> MySegment visnr inhs syns (Just $ map (@lhs.pmprf Map.!) $ handAllOut (,"lhs") $ map (@lhs.nmp Map.!) inhs) (Just $ map (@lhs.pmprf Map.!) $ handAllOut (,"lhs") $ map (@lhs.nmp Map.!) syns) ) @lhs.mysegments { repToAg :: LOAGRep -> Grammar -> Ag repToAg sem (Grammar _ _ _ _ dats _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = Ag bounds_s bounds_p de (map toNt dats) where pmp = (pmp_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem) pmpr = (pmpr_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem) nmp = (nmp_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem) nmpr = (nmpr_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem) genA = gen_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem fieldM = fieldMap_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem genEdge (f,t) = (gen f, gen t) fsInP = map2F (fsInP_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem) siblings (f, t) = ofld A.! f == ofld A.! t ofld = (ofld_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem) sfp = map2F' (sfp_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem) afp = filter inOutput . ap ap = map (findWithErr pmpr "building ap") . map2F (ap_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem) inss = inss_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem gen v = genA A.! v ain = map (findWithErr nmpr "building an") . map2F (ain_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem) asn = map (findWithErr nmpr "building an") . map2F (asn_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem) inOutput = not . inContext inContext f = (f1 == "lhs" && d1 == Inh || f1 /= "lhs" && d1 == Syn) where (MyOccurrence (_,f1) (_,d1)) = pmp Map.! f de = [ e | p <- ps, e <- dpe p ] dpe p = [ (findWithErr pmpr "building dpe" a, b) | b <- ap p, a <- Set.toList $ sfp (findWithErr pmp "fetching sfp" b) ] ps = ps_LOAGRep_LOAGRep sem bounds_p = if Map.null pmp then (0,-1) else (fst $ Map.findMin pmp, fst $ Map.findMax pmp) bounds_s = if Map.null nmp then (0,-1) else (fst $ Map.findMin nmp, fst $ Map.findMax nmp) toNt :: Nonterminal -> Nt toNt (Nonterminal ntid _ _ _ prods) = Nt nt dpf dpt (addD Inh $ ain ty) (addD Syn $ asn ty) (map (toPr ty) prods) where nt = getName ntid ty = TyData nt dpt = [ (as, ai) | ai <- ain ty , as <- nub$ [ gen s | i <- inss A.! ai , s <- map (pmpr Map.!) $ Set.toList (sfp $ pmp Map.! i) , siblings (s,i)]] dpf = [ (ai, as) | as <- asn ty , ai <- nub$ [ gen i | s <- inss A.! as , i <- map (pmpr Map.!) $ Set.toList (sfp $ pmp Map.! s) , siblings (i,s)]] addD d = map (\i -> (i,inss A.! i,d)) toPr :: MyType -> Production -> Pr toPr ty (Production con _ _ _ _ _ _) = Pr p dpp fc_occs (map toFd $ fsInP p) where p = (ty, getName con) dpp = [ (f',t) | t <- afp p, f <- (Set.toList $ sfp (pmp Map.! t)) , let f' = pmpr Map.! f , not (siblings (f',t))] fc_occs = foldl' match [] fss where fss = fsInP p match s fs = [ ready (inp, out) lhs | inp <- Set.toList inhs , out <- Set.toList syns] ++ s where ((inhs, syns), lhs) | (snd fs) /= "lhs" = (swap (fieldM Map.! fs),False) | otherwise = (fieldM Map.! fs, True) ready e@(f,t) b = (e', genEdge e', b) where e' = (pmpr Map.! f, pmpr Map.! t) toFd :: (PLabel, FLabel) -> Fd toFd fs@((TyData ty, pr), fd) = Fd fd ty inhs syns where (is,ss) = fieldM Map.! fs inhs = map (((genA A.!) &&& id).(pmpr Map.!))$ Set.toList is syns = map (((genA A.!) &&& id).(pmpr Map.!))$ Set.toList ss }