INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "LOAG/Rep" INCLUDE "ExecutionPlanPre" MODULE {LOAG.Prepare} {} {} { -- | Translating UUAGC types to MyTypes drhs f | f == _LHS = Inh | f == _LOC = AnyDir | f == _INST = AnyDir | otherwise = Syn dlhs f | f == _LHS = Syn | f == _LOC = AnyDir | f == _INST = AnyDir | otherwise = Inh depToEdge :: PMP_R -> PLabel -> Dependency -> Edge depToEdge pmpr p e = (findWithErr pmpr "depToEdge" $ MyOccurrence (p,getName f1) (getName i1, drhs f1), findWithErr pmpr "depToEdge" $ MyOccurrence (p,getName f2) (getName i2, dlhs f2)) where Dependency (OccAttr f1 i1) (OccAttr f2 i2) = e vertexToAttr :: NMP -> Vertex -> Attributes vertexToAttr nmp v = Map.singleton (identifier a) (fromMyTy ty) where (MyAttribute ty (a,_)) = findWithErr nmp "vertexToAttr" v } SEM Grammar | Grammar inst.smf : LOAGRep loc.initO= if Map.null @nonts.pmp then 1 else fst $ Map.findMin @nonts.pmp inst.smf = LOAGRep @nonts.ap @loc.ain @loc.asn @loc.sfp @nonts.pmp @nonts.pmpr @loc.nmp @loc.nmpr (A.array (@loc.initO, @loc.initO + Map.size @nonts.gen) $ Map.toList $ @nonts.gen) (A.array (1,Map.size @nonts.inss) $ Map.toList $ @nonts.inss) (A.array (@loc.initO, @loc.initO + length @nonts.ofld) $ @nonts.ofld) @nonts.fty @nonts.fieldMap @nonts.fsInP loc.nmp = Map.fromList $ zip [1..] @loc.atts loc.nmpr = Map.fromList $ zip @loc.atts [1..] = Map.unionWith (++) @loc.ain @loc.asn loc.ain = @nonts.inhs loc.asn = @nonts.syns loc.atts = concat $ Map.elems loc.occs = concat $ Map.elems @nonts.ap nonts.augM = @manualAttrOrderMap -- Collecting the attributes ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal [ augM : {Map.Map Identifier (Map.Map Identifier (Set.Set Dependency))} || inhs USE {Map.union} {Map.empty} : AI_N syns USE {Map.union} {Map.empty} : AS_N ] SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal lhs.inhs = let dty = TyData (getName @nt) in Map.singleton dty (toMyAttr Inh dty @inh) lhs.syns = let dty = TyData (getName @nt) in Map.singleton dty (toMyAttr Syn dty @syn) prods.augM = case Map.lookup @nt @lhs.augM of Nothing -> Map.empty Just a -> a -- Adding all attribute sets to the AG type -- and sending it all down the abstract tree ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production Children Child MySegments MySegment [ ain : {MyType -> MyAttributes} asn : {MyType -> MyAttributes} pmpf : PMP pmprf : PMP_R lfpf : SF_P hoMapf: HOMap fty : FTY nmp : NMP || ] SEM Grammar | Grammar nonts.ain = map2F @loc.ain nonts.asn = map2F @loc.asn nonts.pmpf = @nonts.pmp nonts.pmprf = @nonts.pmpr nonts.lfpf = @nonts.lfp nonts.hoMapf= @nonts.hoMap nonts.ftyf = @nonts.fty nonts.fty = @nonts.fty -- Make sure TDP AND LFPRF are passed around correctly to code-generation ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production [ ftyf: FTY ||] -- Calculate the set of production labels SEM Grammar | Grammar = ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production [ || ads USE {(++)} {[]} : {[Edge]} fieldMap USE {(Map.union)} {Map.empty} : FMap hoMap USE {(Map.union)} {Map.empty} : HOMap fsInP USE {(Map.union)} {Map.empty} : FsInP] SEM Nonterminals Nonterminal [ || ps USE {(++)} {([])} : {[PLabel]} ] SEM Productions [ || ps USE {:} {([])} : {[PLabel]} ] SEM Production [ || ps : PLabel ] | Production = (@lhs.dty,getName @con) = case Map.lookup @con @lhs.augM of Nothing -> [] Just a -> Set.toList $ (depToEdge @children.pmpr @loc.pll) a children.dty = @lhs.dty ATTR Productions Production [ augM : {Map.Map Identifier (Set.Set Dependency)} || ] -- We didnt calculate A_P yet, inheriting A_N we can ATTR Productions Production Rules Rule [ -- result type of this constructor dty : {MyType} || ] ATTR Rules Rule Children Child Expression HsTokensRoot HsTokens HsToken [ pll : {PLabel} || ] SEM Nonterminal | Nonterminal loc.dty = TyData (getName @nt) ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production Children Child FieldAtts FieldAtt [ an : {MyType -> MyAttributes} nmprf : NMP_R| olab : Int -- chained attribute for handing out labels to occurrences flab : Int |--chained attribute for handing out labels to fields ap USE {Map.unionWith (++)} {Map.empty} : A_P gen USE {Map.union} {Map.empty} : {Map Int Int} inss USE {Map.unionWith (++)} {Map.empty} : {Map Int [Int]} pmp USE {Map.union} {Map.empty} : PMP pmpr USE {Map.union} {Map.empty} : PMP_R -- maps for each occurrence to which field it belongs ofld USE {(++)} {[]} : {[(Int, Int)]} fty USE {Map.union} {Map.empty} : FTY ] SEM Grammar | Grammar = map2F nonts.nmprf= @loc.nmpr nonts.olab = if Map.null @loc.nmp then 0 else (fst $ Map.findMax @loc.nmp) nonts.flab = 0 ATTR Children Child [|| fieldMap USE {Map.union} {Map.empty} : FMap hoMap USE {Map.unionWith (Set.union)} {Map.empty} : HOMap ] SEM Children [ dty : {MyType} || ] | Nil loc.flab = @lhs.flab + 1 loc.atp = fst @lhs.pll inst.fatts : FieldAtts inst.fatts = map ((FieldAtt @loc.atp @lhs.pll "lhs") . alab) $ @loc.atp fatts.flab = @loc.flab loc.label = (@lhs.pll, "lhs") loc.foccsI = Set.fromList $ handAllOut @loc.label $ @lhs.ain @loc.atp loc.foccsS = Set.fromList $ handAllOut @loc.label $ @lhs.asn @loc.atp loc.fieldMap= Map.singleton @loc.label (@loc.foccsI, @loc.foccsS) lhs.fty = Map.singleton @loc.label @lhs.dty SEM Child | Child loc.flab = @lhs.flab + 1 loc.atp = toMyTy @tp inst.fatts : FieldAtts inst.fatts = map ((FieldAtt @loc.atp @lhs.pll (getName @name)) . alab) $ @loc.atp fatts.flab = @loc.flab loc.ident = getName @name loc.label = (@lhs.pll, @loc.ident) loc.foccsI = Set.fromList $ handAllOut @loc.label $ @lhs.ain @loc.atp loc.foccsS = Set.fromList $ handAllOut @loc.label $ @lhs.asn @loc.atp loc.fieldMap= if Set.null @loc.foccsI && Set.null @loc.foccsS then Map.empty else Map.singleton @loc.label (@loc.foccsS,@loc.foccsI) loc.hoMap = case @kind of ChildAttr -> Map.singleton @lhs.pll (Set.singleton @loc.ident) _ -> Map.empty lhs.fty = Map.singleton (@lhs.pll, getName @name) @loc.atp SEM FieldAtt | FieldAtt loc.olab = @lhs.olab + 1 loc.alab = findWithErr @lhs.nmprf "getting attr label" @loc.att loc.att = @t <.> @a loc.occ = (@p, @f) >.< @a loc.pmp = Map.singleton @loc.olab @loc.occ loc.pmpr = Map.singleton @loc.occ @loc.olab loc.inss = Map.singleton @loc.alab [@loc.olab] loc.gen = Map.singleton @loc.olab @loc.alab lhs.ap = Map.singleton @p [@loc.occ] lhs.ofld = [(@loc.olab, @lhs.flab)] -- calculate representation of semantic function -- definitions per non-terminal and from it, calculate E_P SEM Grammar | Grammar loc.sfp = repLocRefs @nonts.lfp $ addHigherOrders @nonts.lfp @nonts.sfp ATTR Nonterminals Nonterminal Productions Production Rules Rule [ || sfp USE {Map.unionWith (Set.union)} {Map.empty} : SF_P -- deps of non-locals ruleMap USE {Map.union} {Map.empty} : {Map.Map MyOccurrence Identifier} lfp USE {Map.unionWith (Set.union)} {Map.empty} : SF_P -- deps of local attrs lfpr USE {Map.unionWith (Set.union)} {Map.empty} : SF_P ]-- reverse SEM Production | Production loc.pll = (@lhs.dty,getName @con) rules.pll = @pll rules.pts = @children.pts lhs.fsInP = Map.singleton @pll $ Map.keys @children.fieldMap ATTR Children Child [ || pts USE {Set.union} {Set.empty} : {Set.Set FLabel} ] SEM Child | Child lhs.pts = Set.singleton $ getName @name ATTR Rules Rule [ lfpf : SF_P || usedLocals USE {(Set.union)} {Set.empty} : {Set.Set MyOccurrence}] SEM Rule | Rule loc.usedLocals = Set.filter (\(MyOccurrence (_,f) _) -> f == "loc") @rhs.used loc.usesLocals = not $ Set.null @loc.usedLocals (lhs.sfp,lhs.ruleMap,lhs.lfp,lhs.lfpr) = foldr (\(f, a, b) (m',rm', l', lr') -> let att = (@lhs.pll, f) >.< a rm = Map.insert att @rulename rm' l = if @loc.usesLocals && not b then Map.insert att @loc.usedLocals l' else l' lr = if @loc.usesLocals && not b then Set.fold (\k m -> Map.insertWith (Set.union) k (Set.singleton att) m) lr' @loc.usedLocals else lr' sfpins = Map.insert att (@rhs.used `Set.union` fromHO) m' fromHO = maybe Set.empty id (Map.lookup hOcc @lhs.lfpf) where hOcc = (@lhs.pll, "inst") >.< (f, AnyDir) in if b then (m',rm, Map.insert att @rhs.used l, Set.fold (\k m -> Map.insertWith (Set.union) k (Set.singleton att) m) lr @rhs.used) else (sfpins,rm,l,lr)) (Map.empty,Map.empty,Map.empty,Map.empty) @pattern.afs ATTR Patterns Pattern [ || -- the boolean represents whether this occurrence is -- an transparent occurrence (only there to pass on dependencies) afs USE {++} {[]} : {[(FLabel, ALabel, Bool)]} ] SEM Pattern | Alias lhs.afs = let isLocal = (@field == _LOC || @field == _INST) in [(getName @field, (getName @attr, dlhs @field), isLocal)] ++ @pat.afs ATTR Rules Rule Expression HsTokensRoot HsTokens HsToken [ -- the terminals of current production pts : {Set.Set (FLabel)} || ] ATTR Rule Expression HsTokensRoot HsTokens HsToken [ || used USE {Set.union} {Set.empty} : {Set.Set MyOccurrence} ] SEM Expression | Expression inst.tokens : HsTokensRoot inst.tokens = HsTokensRoot @tks tokens.pll = @lhs.pll tokens.pts = @lhs.pts lhs.used = @tokens.used -- reference to terminals of which some are local attributes SEM HsToken | AGLocal lhs.used = case getName @var `Set.member` @lhs.pts of True -> Set.empty -- local found without flabel False -> Set.singleton $ (@lhs.pll, getName _LOC) >.< (getName @var, drhs _LOC) -- includes both locals and attributes -- locals will be replaced later by repLocRefs SEM HsToken | AGField lhs.used = Set.singleton $ (@lhs.pll, getName @field) >.< (getName @attr, drhs @field) { -- | Replace the references to local attributes, by his attrs dependencies, -- | rendering the local attributes 'transparent'. repLocRefs :: SF_P -> SF_P -> SF_P repLocRefs lfp sfp = (setConcatMap $ rep Set.empty) sfp where rep :: Set.Set MyOccurrence -> MyOccurrence -> Set.Set MyOccurrence rep done occ | occ `Set.member` done = Set.empty | isLoc occ = setConcatMap (rep $ Set.insert occ done) $ findWithErr lfp "repping locals" occ | otherwise = Set.singleton occ -- | Add dependencies from a higher order child to all its attributes addHigherOrders :: SF_P -> SF_P -> SF_P addHigherOrders lfp sfp = Map.mapWithKey f $ (setConcatMap (\mo -> f mo (Set.singleton mo))) sfp where f :: MyOccurrence -> Set.Set MyOccurrence -> Set.Set MyOccurrence f mo@(MyOccurrence (p,f) _) deps = let ho = ((p,"inst") >.< (f,AnyDir)) in if ho `Map.member` lfp then ho `Set.insert` deps else deps }