PRAGMA strictwrap PRAGMA strictdata INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" imports { import CommonTypes import SequentialTypes import Code hiding (Type) import qualified Code import Options import CodeSyntax import ErrorMessages import GrammarInfo import DeclBlocks import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map(Map) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set(Set) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Sequence(Seq) import UU.Scanner.Position import TokenDef import HsToken import HsTokenScanner import Data.List(partition,intersperse) import Data.Maybe(fromJust,isJust) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule CInterface CSegments CSegment [ o_unbox,o_sig,o_sem,o_newtypes,o_case,o_pretty,o_rename,o_cata,o_strictwrap,o_splitsems,o_traces,o_costcentre,o_linePragmas,o_monadic,o_clean : Bool o_data : {Maybe Bool} prefix : String options : Options | | ] SEM CGrammar [ options : Options | | ] | CGrammar nonts.o_sig = typeSigs @lhs.options .o_cata = folds @lhs.options .o_sem = semfuns @lhs.options .o_newtypes = newtypes @lhs.options .o_unbox = unbox @lhs.options .o_case = cases @lhs.options .o_pretty = attrInfo @lhs.options .o_rename = rename @lhs.options .o_strictwrap = strictWrap @lhs.options .o_splitsems = splitSems @lhs.options .o_data = if dataTypes @lhs.options then Just (strictData @lhs.options) else Nothing .prefix = prefix @lhs.options .o_traces = genTraces @lhs.options .o_costcentre = genCostCentres @lhs.options .o_linePragmas = genLinePragmas @lhs.options .o_monadic = monadic @lhs.options .o_clean = clean @lhs.options SEM CGrammar | CGrammar loc.options = @lhs.options { breadthFirst = breadthFirst @lhs.options && visit @lhs.options && cases @lhs.options && @multivisit } ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit [ allPragmas : PragmaMap | | ] SEM CGrammar | CGrammar nonts.allPragmas = @pragmas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Passing information about nonterminal and constructor down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule CInterface CSegments CSegment [ nt:NontermIdent inh,syn:Attributes | | ] SEM CNonterminal | CNonterminal inter.(inh,syn,nt) = (@inh,@syn,@nt) prods.(inh,syn,nt) = (@inh,@syn,@nt) ATTR CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule [ con:ConstructorIdent terminals : {[Identifier]} | | ] SEM CProduction | CProduction visits.con = @con visits.terminals = @terminals ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal CSegments CSegment CInterface CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule [ paramMap : ParamMap | | ] SEM CGrammar | CGrammar nonts.paramMap = @paramMap ATTR CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule [ paramInstMap : {Map Identifier (NontermIdent, [String])} | | ] SEM CProduction | CProduction loc.paramInstMap = Map.fromList [(nm, (extractNonterminal tp, tps)) | (nm,tp,_) <- @children, let tps = map (cleanupArg @lhs.options) $ nontermArgs tp, not (null tps) ] { -- remove possible @v references in the types of a data type. cleanupArg :: Options -> String -> String cleanupArg opts s = case idEvalType opts (SimpleType s) of SimpleType s' -> s' _ -> error "Only SimpleType supported" } ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit [ contextMap : {ContextMap} quantMap : QuantMap | | ] SEM CGrammar | CGrammar nonts.contextMap = @contextMap nonts.quantMap = @quantMap { appContext :: ContextMap -> NontermIdent -> Code.Type -> Code.Type appContext mp nt tp = maybe tp (\ctx -> CtxApp (map (\(n,ns) -> (getName n, ns)) ctx) tp) $ Map.lookup nt mp appQuant :: QuantMap -> NontermIdent -> Code.Type -> Code.Type appQuant mp nt tp = foldr QuantApp tp $ Map.findWithDefault [] nt mp } ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule [ allNts : {Set NontermIdent} | | ] SEM CGrammar | CGrammar nonts.allNts = @nonts.gathNts ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal [ | | gathNts USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set NontermIdent} ] SEM CNonterminal | CNonterminal lhs.gathNts = Set.singleton @nt -- keep track of which children have had their first visit ATTR CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule [ | visitedSet : {Set Identifier} | ] SEM CProduction | CProduction visits.visitedSet = Set.empty SEM CRule | CChildVisit loc.visitedSet = Set.insert @name @lhs.visitedSet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generating declarations from the sequence. We generate the origin -- comment if pretty printing is requested. A childvisit takes inherited -- attributes and returns synthesized attributes and the next visit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Sequence CRule [ | | decls USE {++} {[]} : {Decls} ] SEM CRule | CRule loc.instTypes = [ (n, (t, mb, for)) | (n, NT t _ for, mb) <- @lhs.children ] loc.originComment = if @lhs.o_pretty then (Comment @origin:) else id loc.instDecls = [ mkDecl @lhs.o_monadic (Pattern3 (Alias _INST' inst (Underscore (getPos inst)))) ( let (nm,mb,defor) = fromJust $ inst `lookup` @loc.instTypes in unwrapSem @lhs.o_newtypes nm $ case mb of ChildReplace _ -> App instLocFieldName [SimpleExpr $ fieldname inst] _ -> if defor then SimpleExpr instLocFieldName else App (cataname @lhs.prefix nm) [SimpleExpr instLocFieldName] ) (Set.singleton instSemFieldName) (Set.singleton instLocFieldName) | inst <- @loc.definedInsts , let instLocFieldName = attrname @lhs.options True _INST inst instSemFieldName = attrname @lhs.options False _INST' inst ] loc.patDescr = if @isIn then "_" else concat $ intersperse "," (map (\(f,a) -> show f ++ "." ++ show a) @pattern.patternAttributes) loc.traceDescr = (maybe "" (\nm -> show nm ++ ":") @mbNamed) ++ show @nt ++ " :: " ++ show @con ++ " :: " ++ @loc.patDescr loc.addTrace = \v -> if @lhs.o_traces then Trace @loc.traceDescr v else v loc.costCentreDescr = show @nt ++ ":" ++ show @con ++ ":" ++ @loc.patDescr loc.addCostCentre = \v -> if @lhs.o_costcentre then PragmaExpr True False ("SCC \"" ++ @loc.costCentreDescr ++ "\"") v else v loc.addLinePragma = \v -> let p = getPos @name hasPos = line p > 0 && column p >= 0 && not (null (file p)) in if @lhs.o_linePragmas && hasPos then PragmaExpr True True ("LINE " ++ show (line p) ++ " " ++ show (file p)) $ LineExpr $ v else v loc.decls = if @hasCode then @originComment ( mkDecl (@lhs.o_monadic && @explicit) (Pattern3 @pattern.copy) (@loc.addTrace $ @loc.addCostCentre $ @loc.addLinePragma $ (TextExpr @rhs)) (Set.fromList [attrname @lhs.options False fld nm | (fld,nm,_) <- Map.elems @defines]) (Set.fromList [attrname @lhs.options True fld nm | (fld,nm) <- Set.toList @uses]) : @loc.instDecls) else @loc.instDecls | CChildVisit loc.costCentreDescr = show @lhs.nt ++ ":" ++ show @lhs.con ++ ":" ++ show @name ++ ":" ++ show @nt ++ ":" ++ show @nr loc.addCostCentre = \v -> if @lhs.o_costcentre then PragmaExpr True False ("SCC \"" ++ @loc.costCentreDescr ++ "\"") v else v loc.decls = let lhsVars = map (attrname @lhs.options True @name) (Map.keys @syn) ++ if @isLast then [] else [unwrap ++ funname @name (@nr+1)] rhsVars = map (attrname @lhs.options False @name) (Map.keys @inh) unwrap = if @lhs.o_newtypes then typeName @nt (@nr + 1) ++ " " else "" tuple | isMerging = TupleLhs [locname @lhs.options @name ++ "_comp"] | otherwise = mkTupleLhs @lhs.o_unbox (null $ Map.keys @inh) lhsVars rhs = @loc.addCostCentre $ Code.InvokeExpr (typeName @nt @nr) (SimpleExpr fun) (map SimpleExpr rhsVars) isVirtual _ [] = False isVirtual nm ((n,_,kind) : r) | nm == n = case kind of ChildAttr -> True ChildReplace _ -> True _ -> False | otherwise = isVirtual nm r isMerged = @name `Map.member` @lhs.mergeMap isMerging = @name `elem` concatMap (\(_,cs) -> cs) (Map.elems @lhs.mergeMap) merges = [ (c,cs) | (c,(_,cs)) <- Map.assocs @lhs.mergeMap, all (`Set.member` @loc.visitedSet) cs, @name `elem` (c:cs) ] baseNm = if @nr == 0 && isVirtual @name @lhs.children then Ident (getName @name ++ "_inst") (getPos @name) else @name fun | @nr == 0 && Set.member @name @lhs.aroundMap = locname @lhs.options @name ++ "_around " ++ funname baseNm 0 | otherwise = funname baseNm @nr outDecls | isMerged = [] -- merged variant is only produced after the last visit of the merged children | otherwise = -- [mkDecl @lhs.o_monadic tuple rhs (Set.fromList lhsVars) (Set.fromList (funname baseNm @nr : rhsVars))] if isMerging then [mkDecl @lhs.o_monadic tuple rhs Set.empty Set.empty] else [Resume @lhs.o_monadic (typeName @nt @nr) tuple rhs] outMerged | null merges || @nr /= 0 = [] -- no merged child to produce | otherwise = let (c,cs) = head merges tuple' = mkTupleLhs @lhs.o_unbox (null $ Map.keys @inh) lhsVars' lhsVars' = map (attrname @lhs.options True c) (Map.keys @syn) ++ if @isLast then [] else [unwrap ++ funname c (@nr+1)] rhsVars' = [ locname @lhs.options c' ++ "_comp" | c' <- cs ] fun' = locname @lhs.options c ++ "_merge" rhs' = App fun' (map SimpleExpr rhsVars') in [Resume @lhs.o_monadic (typeName @nt @nr) tuple' rhs'] in -- trace (show @name ++ " # " ++ show @loc.visitedSet ++ " # " ++ show (Map.assocs @lhs.mergeMap) ++ " # " ++ show merges ++ " # " ++ show @nr ++ " # " ++ show (length outMerged)) $ (outDecls ++ outMerged) { mkDecl :: Bool -> Lhs -> Expr -> Set String -> Set String -> Decl mkDecl True lhs rhs _ _ = Bind lhs rhs mkDecl False lhs rhs s1 s2 = Decl lhs rhs s1 s2 unwrapSem :: Bool -> NontermIdent -> Expr -> Expr unwrapSem False _ e = e unwrapSem True nm e = Case e alts where alts = [CaseAlt left right] left = Fun (typeName nm 0) [SimpleExpr "x"] right = SimpleExpr "x" } ATTR Sequence CRule [ children : {[(Identifier,Type,ChildKind)]} ||] ATTR Sequence CRule Pattern Patterns [|| definedInsts USE {++} {[]} : {[Identifier]} ] SEM Pattern | Alias lhs.definedInsts = (if @field == _INST then [@attr] else []) ++ @pat.definedInsts SEM CRule | CRule loc.definedInsts = if @isIn then [] else @pattern.definedInsts ATTR Pattern Patterns [ | | patternAttributes USE {++} {[]} : {[(Identifier, Identifier)]} ] SEM Pattern | Alias lhs.patternAttributes = (@field,@attr) : @pat.patternAttributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Numbering the visits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule CSegments CSegment [ nr : Int | | ] SEM CProduction | CProduction = 0 SEM CVisits | Cons = + 1 SEM CInterface | CInterface = 0 SEM CSegments | Cons = + 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checking last visit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CVisit CSegment [ isLast : Bool | | ] ATTR CVisits CSegments [ | | isNil : Bool ] SEM CVisits | Cons lhs.isNil = False hd.isLast = @tl.isNil | Nil lhs.isNil = True SEM CSegments | Cons lhs.isNil = False hd.isLast = @tl.isNil | Nil lhs.isNil = True ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Getting the next intra-visit dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CVisit [ nextIntra : {Exprs} nextIntraVars : {Set String} | | ] ATTR CVisits CVisit [ | | intra : {Exprs} intraVars : {Set String} ] SEM CVisit | CVisit lhs.intra = @intra.exprs lhs.intraVars = @intra.usedVars SEM CVisits | Cons hd.nextIntra = @tl.intra hd.nextIntraVars = @tl.intraVars lhs.intra = @hd.intra lhs.intraVars = @hd.intraVars | Nil lhs.intra = [] lhs.intraVars = Set.empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Superfluous intra-visit dependencies due to higher-order children -- (higher-order children can only be passed from their moment of creation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM CRule | CChildVisit loc.isSuperfluousHigherOrderIntra = <= Map.findWithDefault (-1) @name @lhs.instVisitNrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Intra-visit dependencies are expressions that need to be passed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Sequence CRule [ | | exprs USE {++} {[]} : {Exprs} ] SEM CRule | CRule loc.rulename = if @field == _LOC && @name `elem` @lhs.terminals then funname @name 0 else attrname @lhs.options @isIn @field @name lhs.exprs = [SimpleExpr @loc.rulename] | CChildVisit loc.names = -- do not pass inst-childs as parameter if they are not defined yet if @loc.isSuperfluousHigherOrderIntra then [] else [funname @name (@nr+1)] lhs.exprs = let wrap = if @lhs.o_newtypes then \x -> App (typeName @nt (@nr + 1)) [x] else id addType expr | null @loc.instParams = expr | otherwise = TypedExpr expr (@lhs.unfoldSemDom @nt (@nr+1) @loc.instParams) in map (wrap . addType . SimpleExpr) @loc.names ATTR Sequence CRule [ | | usedVars USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set String} ] SEM CRule | CRule lhs.usedVars = Set.singleton @loc.rulename | CChildVisit lhs.usedVars = Set.fromList @loc.names ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type signatures are added to the declarations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Sequence CRule [ | | tSigs USE {++} {[]} : {[Decl]} ] SEM CRule | CRule loc.mkTp = typeToCodeType (Just @lhs.nt) @loc.orgParams lhs.tSigs = [ TSig (attrname @lhs.options False field attr) tp' | (field,attr,tp) <- Map.elems @defines, isJust tp , let tp1 = @loc.evalTp field $ @mkTp (fromJust tp) tp' = case findOrigType attr @lhs.children of Just tp' -> let tp'' = case tp' of NT n params b -> NT (Ident ("T_" ++ show n) (getPos n)) params b _ -> tp' tp2 = @loc.evalTp field $ @mkTp tp'' in Arr tp2 tp1 Nothing -> tp1 findOrigType _ [] = Nothing findOrigType nm ((n,_,kind) : r) | nm == n = case kind of ChildReplace orig -> Just orig _ -> Nothing | otherwise = findOrigType nm r ] loc.orgParams = map getName $ Map.findWithDefault [] @lhs.nt @lhs.paramMap loc.evalTp = \field tp -> let orgFldParams = map getName $ Map.findWithDefault [] childNt @lhs.paramMap (childNt,instParams) = Map.findWithDefault (@lhs.nt,[]) field @lhs.paramInstMap replMap = Map.fromList (zip orgFldParams instParams) replace k = Map.findWithDefault ('@':k) k replMap in if null instParams then if null @orgParams then tp else idEvalType @lhs.options tp else evalType @lhs.options replace tp | CChildVisit loc.mkTp = @loc.evalTp . typeToCodeType (Just @nt) @loc.orgParams loc.definedTps = [ TSig (attrname @lhs.options True @name a) (@mkTp tp) | (a,tp) <- Map.toList @syn ] loc.nextTp = typeName @nt (@nr+1) lhs.tSigs = (if @isLast then id else (TSig (funname @name (@nr+1)) (TypeApp (SimpleType @nextTp) (map SimpleType @loc.instParams)) :)) @definedTps loc.orgParams = map getName $ Map.findWithDefault [] @nt @lhs.paramMap loc.instParams = snd $ Map.findWithDefault (@nt,[]) @name @lhs.paramInstMap loc.replParamMap = Map.fromList (zip @loc.orgParams @loc.instParams) loc.replace = \k -> Map.findWithDefault k k @loc.replParamMap loc.evalTp = if null @loc.orgParams then id else evalType @lhs.options @loc.replace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types of intra-visit dependencies are needed in the type of the -- semantic function. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CVisits CVisit [ children : {[(Identifier,Type, ChildKind)]} | | ] SEM CProduction | CProduction visits.children = @children ATTR Sequence CRule [ | | tps USE {++} {[]} : {[Type]} allTpsFound USE {&&} {True} : Bool ] SEM CRule | CRule lhs.(tps,allTpsFound) = maybe ([],False) (\tp -> ([tp],True)) @tp | CChildVisit lhs.tps = if @loc.isSuperfluousHigherOrderIntra then [] else [NT (ntOfVisit @nt (@nr+1)) @loc.instParams False] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Each visit has its semantic function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CVisits [ | | decls : {Decls} ] ATTR CVisit [ | decls : {Decls} | ] SEM CVisits | Nil lhs.decls = [] | Cons lhs.decls = @hd.decls hd.decls = @tl.decls -- Note: lhs.decls are the decls related to the next visit function. We pass it -- chained from right to left in order to build the next visit function inside -- the previous one. -- Note: intra decls are ignored. The intra-visit variables are not passed on -- explicitly, but handled automatically due to nesting level. SEM CVisit | CVisit (loc.higherOrderChildren,loc.firstOrderChildren) = partition (\(_,_,virt) -> isHigherOrder virt) @lhs.children loc.firstOrderOrig = map pickOrigType @loc.firstOrderChildren loc.funcname = seqSemname @lhs.prefix @lhs.nt @lhs.con loc.nextVisitName = if @lhs.isLast then [] else [visitname @lhs.prefix @lhs.nt (] loc.nextVisitDecl = let lhs = TupleLhs @nextVisitName -- rhs = App fun @lhs.nextIntra rhs = Let @lhs.decls (SimpleExpr fun) fun = seqSemname @lhs.prefix @lhs.nt @lhs.con ( in if @lhs.isLast then [] else [Decl lhs rhs (Set.fromList @nextVisitName) @lhs.nextIntraVars] loc.isOneVisit = @lhs.isLast && == 0 loc.hasWrappers = @lhs.nt `Set.member` @lhs.wrappers loc.refDecls = if @loc.isOneVisit && @loc.hasWrappers && reference @lhs.options then let synAttrs = Map.toList @syn synNT = "Syn" ++ "_" ++ getName @lhs.nt synVars = [ SimpleExpr (attrname @lhs.options False _LHS a) | (a,_) <- synAttrs ] rhs = App synNT synVars lhs = Fun "___node" [] in [Decl lhs rhs Set.empty Set.empty] else [] loc.decls = if @lhs.o_clean then @vss.decls ++ @nextVisitDecl ++ @loc.refDecls -- Don't generate type signatures for Clean, they will cause the compiler to generate functions, even for constants else @typeSigs ++ @vss.decls ++ @nextVisitDecl ++ @loc.refDecls vss.lastExpr = mkTupleExpr @lhs.o_unbox (null $ Map.keys @inh) $ map (SimpleExpr . lhsname @lhs.options False) (Map.keys @syn) ++ map SimpleExpr @nextVisitName intra.lastExpr = error "lastExpr: not used here" loc.lastExprVars = map (lhsname @lhs.options False) (Map.keys @syn) ++ @loc.nextVisitName (loc.blockFunDecls, loc.blockFirstFunCall) = mkPartitionedFunction @loc.funcname @loc.o_case @loc.nextVisitDecl @loc.lastExprVars @vss.blockDecls loc.costCentreDescr = "b" ++ ":" ++ show @lhs.nt ++ ":" ++ show @lhs.con ++ ":" ++ show loc.addCostCentre = \v -> if @lhs.o_costcentre then PragmaExpr True False ("SCC \"" ++ @loc.costCentreDescr ++ "\"") v else v loc.params = map getName $ Map.findWithDefault [] @lhs.nt @lhs.paramMap loc.semFun = let lhs = Fun @funcname lhs_args lhs_args = if == 0 then map field @loc.firstOrderOrig else [] -- @intra.exprs field (name,NT tp tps _,_) = let unwrap | @lhs.o_newtypes = \x -> App (sdtype tp) [x] | otherwise = id addType expr | null tps = expr | otherwise = TypedExpr expr (@lhs.unfoldSemDom tp 0 tps) in unwrap $ addType $ SimpleExpr $ funname name 0 field (name,tp,_) = let expr = SimpleExpr (funname name 0) in if null @loc.params then expr else TypedExpr expr (idEvalType @lhs.options $ typeToCodeType (Just @lhs.nt) @loc.params $ removeDeforested tp) mbEvalTp | null @loc.params = const Nothing | otherwise = Just . (idEvalType @lhs.options) rhs = wrap . mkSemFun @lhs.nt [mkLambdaArg (lhsname @lhs.options True nm) (mbEvalTp $ typeToCodeType (Just @lhs.nt) @loc.params $ removeDeforested tp) | (nm,tp) <- Map.assocs @inh] $ @loc.addCostCentre $ if @ordered && @loc.o_splitsems then @loc.blockFirstFunCall else mkDecls @loc.declsType @decls . ResultExpr (typeName @lhs.nt . mkTupleExpr @lhs.o_unbox (null $ Map.keys @inh) $ map (SimpleExpr . lhsname @lhs.options False) (Map.keys @syn) ++ map SimpleExpr @nextVisitName wrap = if @lhs.o_newtypes then \x -> App (typeName @lhs.nt [x] else id in Decl lhs rhs Set.empty Set.empty loc.tsig = TSig @funcname @semType loc.semType = let argType (NT tp tps _) r | tp /= _SELF = typeAppStrs (sdtype tp) tps `Arr` r | tp == _SELF = error "GenerateCode: found an intra-type with type SELF, which should have been prevented by CRule.tps" argType (Haskell tp) r = SimpleType tp `Arr` r argType _ _ = error "Self type not allowed here" evalTp | null @loc.params = id | otherwise = idEvalType @lhs.options in appQuant @lhs.quantMap @lhs.nt $ appContext @lhs.contextMap @lhs.nt $ evalTp $ if == 0 then foldr argType (typeAppStrs (sdtype @lhs.nt ) @loc.params) (map (\(_,t,_) -> t) @loc.firstOrderOrig) else foldr argType (typeAppStrs (typeName @lhs.nt @loc.params) [] -- @intra.tps lhs.decls = ( if @lhs.with_sig then [@tsig, @semFun] else [@semFun] ) ++ ( if @ordered && @loc.o_splitsems then @loc.blockFunDecls else [] ) loc.typeSigs = if @lhs.o_sig && not @o_case then @vss.tSigs else [] loc.o_do = @ordered && @lhs.o_monadic loc.o_case = not @loc.o_do && @lhs.o_case && @ordered && not (hasPragma @lhs.allPragmas @lhs.nt @lhs.con _NOCASE) loc.declsType = if @loc.o_do then DeclsDo else if @loc.o_case then DeclsCase else DeclsLet loc.o_splitsems = @ordered && @lhs.o_splitsems { mkLambdaArg :: String -> Maybe Code.Type -> Expr mkLambdaArg nm Nothing = SimpleExpr nm mkLambdaArg nm (Just tp) = TypedExpr (SimpleExpr nm) tp mkLambda :: Exprs -> Expr -> Expr mkLambda [] e = e mkLambda xs e = Lambda xs e mkSemFun :: Identifier -> Int -> Exprs -> Expr -> Expr mkSemFun nt nr xs e = SemFun (typeName nt nr) xs e typeAppStrs :: String -> [String] -> Code.Type typeAppStrs nm params = TypeApp (SimpleType nm) (map SimpleType params) isHigherOrder :: ChildKind -> Bool isHigherOrder ChildAttr = True isHigherOrder _ = False pickOrigType :: (Identifier, Type, ChildKind) -> (Identifier, Type, ChildKind) pickOrigType (nm, _, virt@(ChildReplace x)) = (nm, x, virt) pickOrigType x = x } ATTR CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule [ instVisitNrs : {Map Identifier Int} || ] ATTR CVisits CVisit [|| gatherInstVisitNrs USE {`Map.union`} {Map.empty} : {Map Identifier Int} ] SEM CProduction | CProduction visits.instVisitNrs = @visits.gatherInstVisitNrs SEM CVisit | CVisit lhs.gatherInstVisitNrs = Map.fromList [(i, | i <- @vss.definedInsts] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Push aroundsMap downward ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal [ aroundMap : {Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Set Identifier))} || ] ATTR CProductions CProduction [ aroundMap : {Map ConstructorIdent (Set Identifier)} || ] ATTR CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule [ aroundMap : {Set Identifier} | | ] SEM CGrammar | CGrammar loc.aroundMap = @aroundsMap SEM CNonterminal | CNonterminal loc.aroundMap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty @nt @lhs.aroundMap SEM CProduction | CProduction loc.aroundMap = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty @con @lhs.aroundMap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Push mergeMap downward ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal [ mergeMap : {Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier, [Identifier])))} || ] ATTR CProductions CProduction [ mergeMap : {Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier, [Identifier]))} || ] ATTR CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule [ mergeMap : {Map Identifier (Identifier, [Identifier])} | | ] SEM CGrammar | CGrammar loc.mergeMap = @mergeMap SEM CNonterminal | CNonterminal loc.mergeMap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty @nt @lhs.mergeMap SEM CProduction | CProduction loc.mergeMap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty @con @lhs.mergeMap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate a partitioned version of the sequence of rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Sequence [ lastExpr : Expr | | blockDecls : DeclBlocks ] ATTR Sequence CRule [ | declsAbove : {[Decl]} | ] SEM CVisit | CVisit vss.declsAbove = [] intra.declsAbove = error "declsAbove: not used here" SEM CRule | CRule lhs.declsAbove = @lhs.declsAbove ++ @loc.decls | CChildVisit lhs.declsAbove = [] SEM Sequence | Cons lhs.blockDecls = @hd.bldBlocksFun @tl.blockDecls | Nil lhs.blockDecls = DeclTerminator @lhs.declsAbove @lhs.lastExpr ATTR CRule [ | | bldBlocksFun : {DeclBlocks -> DeclBlocks} ] SEM CRule | CRule lhs.bldBlocksFun = id | CChildVisit lhs.bldBlocksFun = DeclBlock @lhs.declsAbove (head @loc.decls) { mkPartitionedFunction :: String -> Bool -> [Decl] -> [String] -> DeclBlocks -> ([Decl], Expr) mkPartitionedFunction prefix' optCase nextVisitDecls lastExprVars cpsTree = let inh = Inh_DeclBlocksRoot { prefix_Inh_DeclBlocksRoot = prefix' , optCase_Inh_DeclBlocksRoot = optCase , nextVisitDecls_Inh_DeclBlocksRoot = nextVisitDecls , lastExprVars_Inh_DeclBlocksRoot = lastExprVars } sem = sem_DeclBlocksRoot (DeclBlocksRoot cpsTree) syn = wrap_DeclBlocksRoot sem inh in (lambdas_Syn_DeclBlocksRoot syn, firstCall_Syn_DeclBlocksRoot syn) } WRAPPER DeclBlocksRoot ATTR DeclBlocksRoot DeclBlocks [ prefix : String optCase : Bool nextVisitDecls : {[Decl]} lastExprVars : {[String]} | | ] ATTR DeclBlocksRoot [ | | lambdas : {[Decl]} firstCall : Expr ] SEM DeclBlocksRoot | DeclBlocksRoot lhs.lambdas = @blocks.decls lhs.firstCall = @blocks.callExpr ATTR DeclBlocks [ blockNr : Int | | ] SEM DeclBlocksRoot | DeclBlocksRoot blocks.blockNr = 1 SEM DeclBlocks | DeclBlock next.blockNr = @lhs.blockNr + 1 ATTR DeclBlocks [ | | callExpr : Expr freeVars : {[String]} ] SEM DeclBlocks | DeclBlock DeclTerminator loc.lambdaName = @lhs.prefix ++ "_block" ++ show @lhs.blockNr loc.pragmaDecl = PragmaDecl ("NOINLINE " ++ @loc.lambdaName) lhs.callExpr = App @loc.lambdaName (map SimpleExpr @loc.freeVars) | DeclTerminator loc.freeVars = freevars @lhs.lastExprVars (@defs ++ @lhs.nextVisitDecls) | DeclBlock loc.freeVars = freevars @next.freeVars (@visit : @defs) ATTR DeclBlocks [ | | decls : {[Decl]} ] SEM DeclBlocks | DeclTerminator lhs.decls = [ mkBlockLambda @lhs.optCase @loc.lambdaName @loc.freeVars (@defs ++ @lhs.nextVisitDecls) @result ] | DeclBlock loc.decl = mkBlockLambda @lhs.optCase @loc.lambdaName @loc.freeVars (@defs ++ [@visit]) @next.callExpr lhs.decls = (if @lhs.blockNr > 1 then [@loc.pragmaDecl] else []) ++ [@loc.decl] ++ @next.decls { freevars :: [String] -> [Decl] -> [String] freevars additional decls = Set.toList (allused `Set.difference` alldefined) where allused = Set.unions (Set.fromList additional : map usedvars decls) alldefined = Set.unions (map definedvars decls) usedvars (Decl _ _ _ uses) = uses usedvars _ = Set.empty definedvars (Decl _ _ defs _) = defs definedvars _ = Set.empty mkBlockLambda :: Bool -> String -> [String] -> [Decl] -> Expr -> Decl mkBlockLambda optCase name args decls expr = Decl lhs rhs Set.empty Set.empty where lhs = Fun name (map SimpleExpr args) rhs = mkLet optCase decls expr } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The semantic domain is generated from the interface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CInterface CSegments CSegment [ | | semDom USE {++} {[]} : {[Decl]} ] SEM CInterface | CInterface lhs.semDom = Comment "semantic domain" : @seg.semDom SEM CSegment | CSegment loc.altSemForm = breadthFirst @lhs.options = if @loc.altSemForm then TypeApp (SimpleType "Child") [SimpleType "EvalInfo", @loc.indexExpr ] else foldr Arr @loc.synTps @loc.inhTps loc.inhTps = [typeToCodeType (Just @lhs.nt) @loc.params tp | tp <- Map.elems @inh] loc.inhTup = mkTupleType @lhs.o_unbox (null @loc.inhTps) @loc.inhTps loc.synTps = mkTupleType @lhs.o_unbox (null @loc.inhTps) ([typeToCodeType (Just @lhs.nt) @loc.params tp | tp <- Map.elems @syn] ++ @loc.continuation) loc.curTypeName = typeName @lhs.nt loc.nextTypeName = typeName @lhs.nt ( + 1) loc.indexName = "I_" ++ @loc.curTypeName loc.dataIndex = Code.Data @loc.indexName @loc.params [DataAlt @loc.indexName []] False [] loc.indexExpr = TypeApp (SimpleType @loc.indexName) (map (SimpleType . ('@':)) @loc.params) loc.indexStr = "(" ++ @loc.indexName ++ concatMap (\p -> " " ++ p) @loc.params ++ ")" loc.inhInstance = Code.Data "instance Inh" [@loc.indexStr] [DataAlt (typeName @lhs.nt ++ "_Inh") [@loc.inhTup] ] False [] loc.synInstance = Code.Data "instance Syn" [@loc.indexStr] [DataAlt (typeName @lhs.nt ++ "_Syn") [@loc.synTps] ] False [] loc.continuation = if @lhs.isLast then [] else [TypeApp (SimpleType @loc.nextTypeName) (map (SimpleType . ('@':)) @loc.params)] loc.params = map getName $ Map.findWithDefault [] @lhs.nt @lhs.paramMap lhs.semDom = let name = typeName @lhs.nt evalTp | null @loc.params = id | otherwise = idEvalType @lhs.options in ( if @lhs.o_newtypes then [ Code.NewType name @loc.params name (evalTp ] else [ Code.Type name @loc.params (evalTp ] ) ++ ( if @loc.altSemForm then [@loc.dataIndex, @loc.inhInstance, @loc.synInstance] else [] ) ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal CInterface CSegments CSegment [ | | semDomUnfoldGath USE {`Map.union`} {Map.empty} : {Map (NontermIdent, Int) ([String], Code.Type)} ] SEM CSegment | CSegment lhs.semDomUnfoldGath = Map.singleton (@lhs.nt, (@loc.params, ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule [ unfoldSemDom : {NontermIdent -> Int -> [String] -> Code.Type} | | ] SEM CGrammar | CGrammar loc.unfoldSemDom = \nt nr repl -> let (params, tp) = Map.findWithDefault (error ("No such semantic domain: " ++ show nt)) (nt, nr) @nonts.semDomUnfoldGath replMap = Map.fromList (zip params repl) replace k = Map.findWithDefault ('@':k) k replMap in evalType @lhs.options replace tp { typeToCodeType :: Maybe NontermIdent -> [String] -> Type -> Code.Type typeToCodeType _ _ tp = case tp of NT nt tps defor -> NontermType (getName nt) tps defor Haskell t -> SimpleType t Self -> error "Self type not allowed here." evalType :: Options -> (String -> String) -> Code.Type -> Code.Type evalType opts replf t' = chase t' where chase t = case t of Arr l r -> Arr (chase l) (chase r) TypeApp f as -> TypeApp (chase f) (map chase as) TupleType tps -> TupleType (map chase tps) UnboxedTupleType tps -> UnboxedTupleType (map chase tps) Code.List tp -> Code.List (chase tp) SimpleType txt -> let tks = lexTokens opts (initPos txt) txt tks' = map replaceTok tks txt' = unlines . showTokens . tokensToStrings $ tks' in SimpleType txt' TMaybe m -> TMaybe (chase m) TEither l r -> TEither (chase l) (chase r) TMap k v -> TMap (chase k) (chase v) TIntMap v -> TIntMap (chase v) TSet m -> TSet (chase m) _ -> t replaceTok t = case t of AGLocal v p _ -> HsToken (replf $ getName v) p _ -> t idEvalType :: Options -> Code.Type -> Code.Type idEvalType options = evalType options id } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Wrapper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM CNonterminal | CNonterminal loc.semWrapper = let params' = map getName @params inhAttrs = Map.toList @inh synAttrs = Map.toList @syn inhVars = [ SimpleExpr (attrname @lhs.options True _LHS a) | (a,_) <- inhAttrs ] synVars = [ SimpleExpr (attrname @lhs.options False _LHS a) | (a,_) <- synAttrs ] var = "sem" wrapNT = "wrap" ++ "_" ++ getName @nt inhNT = "Inh" ++ "_" ++ getName @nt synNT = "Syn" ++ "_" ++ getName @nt varPat = if @lhs.o_newtypes then App (sdtype @nt) [SimpleExpr var] else SimpleExpr var evalTp | null params' = id | otherwise = idEvalType @lhs.options appParams nm = TypeApp (SimpleType nm) (map SimpleType params') typeSig = TSig wrapNT (evalTp $ appParams (sdtype @nt) `Arr` (appParams inhNT `Arr` appParams synNT)) mkstrict = Named @lhs.o_strictwrap mkdata n attrs = Data n params' [Record n [mkstrict (getName f++"_"++n) $ evalTp $ typeToCodeType (Just @nt) params' t | (f,t) <- attrs]] False [] datas = [mkdata inhNT inhAttrs, mkdata synNT synAttrs] in datas ++ [ typeSig , Decl (Fun wrapNT [varPat, App inhNT inhVars]) (Let @inter.wrapDecls (App synNT synVars)) Set.empty Set.empty ] ATTR CInterface CSegments CSegment [ | | wrapDecls USE {++} {[]}: {Decls} ] SEM CSegment | CSegment lhs.wrapDecls = let lhsVars = map (lhsname @lhs.options False) (Map.keys @syn) ++ if @lhs.isLast then [] else [unwrap ++ sem (] rhsVars = map (lhsname @lhs.options True) (Map.keys @inh) rhs = map SimpleExpr rhsVars unwrap = if @lhs.o_newtypes then typeName @lhs.nt ( + 1) ++ " " else "" var = "sem" sem 0 = var sem n = var ++ "_" ++ show n ntt = typeName @lhs.nt in [ EvalDecl ntt (mkTupleLhs @lhs.o_unbox (null $ Map.keys @inh) lhsVars) (InvokeExpr ntt (SimpleExpr $ sem rhs) ] -- [ Decl (mkTupleLhs @lhs.o_unbox (null $ Map.keys @inh) lhsVars) (App (sem rhs) (Set.fromList lhsVars) (Set.fromList rhsVars) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Errors for missing type signatures. It's an error when one of the -- attributes in the intra-visit dependencies does not have a type. -- UPDATE: it is not an error anymore... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit [ with_sig : Bool | | ] SEM CGrammar | CGrammar nonts.with_sig = typeSigs @lhs.options SEM CGrammar [ | | errors : {Seq Error} ] | CGrammar lhs.errors = Seq.empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Provide a description of the interfaces as comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM CNonterminal | CNonterminal loc.comment = Comment . unlines . map ind $ ( @inter.comments ++ ("alternatives:" : map ind @prods.comments) ) ATTR CInterface CSegments CSegment CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit Sequence CRule [ | | comments USE {++} {[]}: {[String]} ] ATTR Sequence CRule [ what:String | | ] SEM CSegment | CSegment lhs.comments = let body = map ind (showsSegment (CSegment @inh @syn)) in if null body then [] else ("visit " ++ show ++ ":") : body SEM CProduction | CProduction loc.firstOrderChildren = [ (nm,fromJust mb,virt) | (nm,tp,virt) <- @children, let mb = isFirstOrder virt tp, isJust mb ] lhs.comments = ("alternative " ++ getName @con ++ ":") : map ind ( map (\(x,y,_) -> makeLocalComment 14 "child" x (Just y)) @loc.firstOrderChildren ++ @visits.comments ) { -- for a virtual child that already existed as a child, returns isFirstOrder :: ChildKind -> Type -> Maybe Type isFirstOrder ChildSyntax tp = Just tp isFirstOrder ChildAttr _ = Nothing isFirstOrder (ChildReplace tp) _ = Just tp } SEM CVisit | CVisit lhs.comments = let body = map ind (@vss.comments ++ @intra.comments) in if null body then [] else ("visit " ++ show ++ ":") : body vss.what = "local" intra.what = "intra" SEM CRule | CRule lhs.comments = [ makeLocalComment 11 @lhs.what name tp | (field,name,tp) <- Map.elems @defines, field == _LOC ] ++ [ makeLocalComment 11 "inst " name tp | (field,name,tp) <- Map.elems @defines, field == _INST ] { makeLocalComment :: Int -> String -> Identifier -> Maybe Type -> String makeLocalComment width what name tp = let x = getName name y = maybe "_" (\t -> case t of (NT nt tps _) -> getName nt ++ " " ++ unwords tps Haskell t' -> '{' : t' ++ "}" Self -> error "Self type not allowed here.") tp in ( what ++ " " ++ x ++ replicate ((width - length x) `max` 0) ' ' ++ " : " ++ y ) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- And tie it all together ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal [ | | chunks USE {++} {[]} : {Chunks} ] ATTR CProductions CProduction [ | | decls USE {++} {[]} : {Decls} ] ATTR CGrammar [ | | output : Program ] SEM CGrammar | CGrammar lhs.output = Program @nonts.chunks @multivisit SEM CNonterminal | CNonterminal lhs.chunks = [ Chunk (getName @nt) (Comment (getName @nt ++ " " ++ replicate (60 - length (getName @nt)) '-')) (if @lhs.o_pretty then [@loc.comment] else []) (if isJust @lhs.o_data then [@loc.dataDef] else []) (if @lhs.o_cata && @loc.genCata then @loc.cataFun else []) (if @lhs.o_sig then @inter.semDom else []) (if @nt `Set.member` @lhs.wrappers then @loc.semWrapper else []) (if @lhs.o_sem then @prods.decls else []) (if @lhs.o_sem then @prods.semNames else []) ] { -- Lets or nested Cases? -- or even a do-expression? data DeclsType = DeclsLet | DeclsCase | DeclsDo mkDecls :: DeclsType -> Decls -> Expr -> Expr mkDecls DeclsLet = mkLet False mkDecls DeclsCase = mkLet True mkDecls DeclsDo = \decls -> Do (map toBind decls) where toBind (Decl lhs rhs _ _) = BindLet lhs rhs toBind d = d mkLet :: Bool -> Decls -> Expr -> Expr mkLet False decls body = Let decls body mkLet True decls body = foldr oneCase body decls oneCase :: Decl -> Expr -> Expr oneCase (Decl left rhs _ _) ex = Case rhs [CaseAlt left ex] oneCase (Resume _ nt left rhs) ex = ResumeExpr nt rhs left ex oneCase _ ex = ex -- Gives the name of the visit function funname :: Show a => a -> Int -> String funname field 0 = show field ++ "_" funname field nr = show field ++ "_" ++ show nr -- Gives the name of a semantic function seqSemname :: String -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> Int -> String seqSemname pre nt con 0 = semname pre nt con seqSemname pre nt con nr = semname pre nt con ++ "_" ++ show nr -- Gives the name of a type typeName :: NontermIdent -> Int -> String typeName nt 0 = "T_" ++ show nt typeName nt n = "T_" ++ show nt ++ "_" ++ show n ntOfVisit :: NontermIdent -> Int -> NontermIdent ntOfVisit nt 0 = nt ntOfVisit nt n = Ident (show nt ++ "_" ++ show n) (getPos nt) -- Gives the name of a visit function visitname :: String -> NontermIdent -> Int -> String visitname pre nt n = pre ++ getName nt ++ "_" ++ show n } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Datatypes were already present ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal [ derivings: {Derivings} typeSyns : {TypeSyns} | | ] ATTR CNonterminals CNonterminal CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit [ wrappers:{Set NontermIdent} | | ] SEM CGrammar | CGrammar nonts . typeSyns = @typeSyns . derivings = @derivings . wrappers = @wrappers SEM CNonterminal | CNonterminal loc.dataDef = let params' = map getName @params typeSyn tp = let theType = case tp of CommonTypes.Maybe t -> TMaybe $ typeToCodeType (Just @nt) params' t CommonTypes.Either t1 t2 -> TEither (typeToCodeType (Just @nt) params' t1) (typeToCodeType (Just @nt) params' t2) CommonTypes.Map t1 t2 -> TMap (typeToCodeType (Just @nt) params' t1) (typeToCodeType (Just @nt) params' t2) CommonTypes.IntMap t -> TIntMap $ typeToCodeType (Just @nt) params' t CommonTypes.List t -> Code.List $ typeToCodeType (Just @nt) params' t CommonTypes.Tuple ts -> Code.TupleType [typeToCodeType (Just @nt) params' t | (_,t) <- ts ] CommonTypes.OrdSet t -> TSet $ typeToCodeType (Just @nt) params' t CommonTypes.IntSet -> TIntSet in Code.Type (getName @nt) params' (idEvalType @lhs.options theType) derivings = maybe [] (map getName . Set.toList) (Map.lookup @nt @lhs.derivings) dataDef = Data (getName @nt) (map getName @params) @prods.dataAlts (maybe False id @lhs.o_data) derivings in maybe dataDef typeSyn $ lookup @nt @lhs.typeSyns ATTR CProductions [ | | dataAlts : {DataAlts} ] ATTR CProduction [ | | dataAlt : {DataAlt} ] SEM CProductions | Cons lhs.dataAlts = @hd.dataAlt : @tl.dataAlts | Nil lhs.dataAlts = [] SEM CProduction | CProduction loc.params = map getName $ Map.findWithDefault [] @lhs.nt @lhs.paramMap lhs.dataAlt = let conNm = conname @lhs.o_rename @lhs.nt @con mkFields :: (NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> Identifier -> Code.Type -> a) -> [a] mkFields f = map (\(nm,t,_) -> f @lhs.nt @con nm (typeToCodeType (Just @lhs.nt) @loc.params $ removeDeforested t)) @loc.firstOrderChildren in if dataRecords @lhs.options then Record conNm $ mkFields $ toNamedType (strictData @lhs.options) else DataAlt conNm $ mkFields $ \_ _ _ t -> t { toNamedType :: Bool -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> Identifier -> Code.Type -> Code.NamedType toNamedType genStrict nt con nm tp = Code.Named genStrict strNm tp where strNm = recordFieldname nt con nm } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Catamorphism were already present ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM CNonterminal | CNonterminal loc.genCata = not (@nt `Set.member` nocatas @lhs.options) loc.cataFun = let appParams nm = TypeApp (SimpleType nm) (map SimpleType (map getName @params)) evalTp | null @params = id | otherwise = idEvalType @lhs.options tSig = TSig (cataname @lhs.prefix @nt) (appQuant @lhs.quantMap @nt $ appContext @lhs.contextMap @nt $ evalTp $ appParams (getName @nt) `Arr` appParams (sdtype @nt)) special typ = case typ of CommonTypes.List tp -> let cons = SimpleExpr (semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Cons")) nil = SimpleExpr (semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Nil" )) arg = SimpleExpr "list" rarg = case tp of NT t _ _ -> let t' = maybe t id (deforestedNt t) in SimpleExpr ("( " ++ (cataname @lhs.prefix t') ++ " list)") _ -> arg lhs = Fun (cataname @lhs.prefix @nt) [arg] rhs = (App "Prelude.foldr" [cons,nil,rarg]) in [Decl lhs rhs Set.empty Set.empty] CommonTypes.Maybe tp -> let just = semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Just") nothing = semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Nothing" ) arg = SimpleExpr "x" rarg = case tp of NT t _ _ -> let t' = maybe t id (deforestedNt t) in App (cataname @lhs.prefix t') [arg] _ -> arg lhs a = Fun (cataname @lhs.prefix @nt) [a] in [Decl (lhs (App "Prelude.Just" [arg])) (App just [rarg]) Set.empty Set.empty ,Decl (lhs (SimpleExpr "Prelude.Nothing")) (SimpleExpr nothing) Set.empty Set.empty ] CommonTypes.Either tp1 tp2 -> let left = semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Left") right = semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Right" ) arg = SimpleExpr "x" rarg0 = case tp1 of NT t _ _ -> let t' = maybe t id (deforestedNt t) in App (cataname @lhs.prefix t') [arg] _ -> arg rarg1 = case tp2 of NT t _ _ -> let t' = maybe t id (deforestedNt t) in App (cataname @lhs.prefix t') [arg] _ -> arg lhs a = Fun (cataname @lhs.prefix @nt) [a] in [Decl (lhs (App "Prelude.Left" [arg])) (App left [rarg0]) Set.empty Set.empty ,Decl (lhs (App "Prelude.Right" [arg])) (App right [rarg1]) Set.empty Set.empty ] CommonTypes.Map _ tp -> let entry = SimpleExpr (semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Entry")) nil = SimpleExpr (semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Nil")) arg = SimpleExpr "m" rarg = case tp of NT t _ _ -> let t' = maybe t id (deforestedNt t) in App "" [SimpleExpr $ cataname @lhs.prefix t', arg] _ -> arg lhs = Fun (cataname @lhs.prefix @nt) [arg] rhs = App "Data.Map.foldrWithKey" [entry,nil,rarg] in [Decl lhs rhs Set.empty Set.empty] CommonTypes.IntMap tp -> let entry = SimpleExpr (semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Entry")) nil = SimpleExpr (semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Nil")) arg = SimpleExpr "m" rarg = case tp of NT t _ _ -> let t' = maybe t id (deforestedNt t) in App "" [SimpleExpr $ cataname @lhs.prefix t', arg] _ -> arg lhs = Fun (cataname @lhs.prefix @nt) [arg] rhs = App "Data.IntMap.foldWithKey" [entry,nil,rarg] in [Decl lhs rhs Set.empty Set.empty] CommonTypes.Tuple tps -> let con = semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Tuple") tps' = [ (SimpleExpr (getName x),y) | (x,y) <- tps] rargs = map rarg tps' rarg (n, tp) = case tp of NT t _ _ -> let t' = maybe t id (deforestedNt t) in App (cataname @lhs.prefix t') [n] _ -> n lhs = Fun (cataname @lhs.prefix @nt) [TupleExpr (map fst tps')] rhs = App con rargs in [Decl lhs rhs Set.empty Set.empty] CommonTypes.OrdSet tp -> let entry = SimpleExpr (semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Entry")) nil = SimpleExpr (semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Nil" )) arg = SimpleExpr "set" rentry = case tp of NT t _ _ -> let t' = maybe t id (deforestedNt t) in App "(.)" [entry, SimpleExpr $ cataname @lhs.prefix t'] _ -> entry lhs = Fun (cataname @lhs.prefix @nt) [arg] rhs = (App "Data.Set.foldr" [rentry,nil,arg]) in [Decl lhs rhs Set.empty Set.empty] CommonTypes.IntSet -> let entry = SimpleExpr (semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Entry")) nil = SimpleExpr (semname @lhs.prefix @nt (identifier "Nil" )) arg = SimpleExpr "set" lhs = Fun (cataname @lhs.prefix @nt) [arg] rhs = (App "Data.IntSet.foldr" [entry,nil,arg]) in [Decl lhs rhs Set.empty Set.empty] in Comment "cata" : (if @lhs.o_sig then [tSig] else []) ++ maybe @prods.cataAlts special (lookup @nt @lhs.typeSyns) ATTR CProductions [ | | cataAlts : {Decls} ] ATTR CProduction [ | | cataAlt : {Decl} ] SEM CProductions | Cons lhs.cataAlts = @hd.cataAlt : @tl.cataAlts | Nil lhs.cataAlts = [] SEM CProduction | CProduction lhs.cataAlt = let lhs = Fun (cataname @lhs.prefix @lhs.nt) [lhs_pat] lhs_pat = App (conname @lhs.o_rename @lhs.nt @con) (map (\(n,_,_) -> SimpleExpr $ locname @lhs.options $ n) @loc.firstOrderChildren) rhs = App (semname @lhs.prefix @lhs.nt @con) (map argument @loc.firstOrderChildren) argument (nm,NT tp _ _,_) = App (cataname @lhs.prefix tp) [SimpleExpr (locname @lhs.options nm)] argument (nm, _,_) = SimpleExpr (locname @lhs.options nm) in Decl lhs rhs Set.empty Set.empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collect names of generated stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR CProductions CProduction CVisits CVisit [ | | semNames USE {++} {[]} : {[String]} ] {- SEM CProduction | CProduction lhs.semNames = [cataname @lhs.prefix @lhs.nt] ++ @visits.semNames -} SEM CVisit | CVisit lhs.semNames = [@loc.funcname]