# Changelog for valida ## 1.1.0 (Aug 25, 2021) * Add `withDefault` combinator. * Make `optionally` preserve output of given validator. * Remove redundant `fixV` usage from examples. ## 1.0.0 (Aug 24, 2021) * Add `profunctors` dependency. * Add `Profunctor` instance for `Validator`. * Rework `Validator` semigroup instance. The new semigroup instance now works similar to the `ValidationRule` semigroup instance. * Add `Monoid` instance for `Validator`. * Remove `ValidationRule`. * Remove `Selector` type alias. * Rewrite all previous `ValidationRule` combinators to work with `Validator`s instead. * Rename `negateRule` -> `negateV`. * Rename `falseRule` -> `failV`. * Add `fixV` - refer to the documentation for more information. * Remove `validate` - no longer necessary. * Rename `labelV` -> `label`. * Rename `` -> ``. Infix precedence 6. * Remove `label` and ``. * `verify` is now an alias to flipped `lmap` from `Data.Profunctor`, specialized for `Validator`s. * Allow usage with base == 4.12 * Explicitly constraint smallcheck dependency to 1.2.0+ ## 0.1.0 (Aug 20, 2021) Initial release.