{-# Language BangPatterns #-} module MPileup (Counts(..), readPile1, toList, major_allele, by_major_allele, showC, showV, sumList, MPileRecord(..)) where import Data.Char (toUpper) import Data.List (intercalate,nub,elemIndex) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import Variants hiding (parse) import Count data MPileRecord = MPR { ignore :: !Bool , chrom, cpos :: !B.ByteString , refnuc :: !Char , counts :: ![Counts] } -- convert counts to major/non-major allele counts by_major_allele :: [Counts] -> [(Int,Int)] -- always length 2 by_major_allele cs = let ls = map toList cs s = toList $ ptSum cs :: [Int] Just i = elemIndex (maximum s) s in map (\l -> (l!!i,sum l-l!!i)) ls -- pick out major allele in first count, and output number of same/different major_allele :: Counts -> Counts -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int)) major_allele x y = let s1 = toList x s2 = toList y m = maximum s1 Just i = elemIndex m s1 in ((m, sum s1-m),(s2!!i,sum [s2!!j | j <- [0..3], j /= i])) -- count major allele in first sample -- return flag whether informative, chrom, pos, ref, readPile1 :: B.ByteString -> MPileRecord readPile1 = parse1 . B.split '\t' -- later samtools sometimes outputs empty strings in columns where parse1 (chr:pos:r:rest) = let trs = triples ref rest ref = B.head r in MPR (ign trs) chr pos ref trs parse1 xs = error ("parse1: line too short: "++show xs) -- set the ignore flag if we only see one or zero alleles ign xs = (length $ filter (/=(0::Int)) $ toList $ ptSum xs) <= 1 -- variants are checked for in the showPile' function triples _ [] = [] triples ref (_cnt:bases:_quals:rest) = let this = parse ref czero (B.map toUpper bases) in this `seq` this : triples ref rest triples _ _ = error "triples: incorrect number of columns" -- note: does not (yet) deal with '<' and '>', which apparently can occur -- perhaps it would be faster to do this as a sequence of BS ops, which would fuse? parse :: Char -> Counts -> B.ByteString -> Counts parse ref !cts bs = case B.uncons bs of Nothing -> cts Just (c_,str_) -> p c_ str_ where p !c !str | c == '.' || c == ',' = parse ref (addRef cts 1) str | c == 'A' = parse ref (addA_ cts 1) str | c == 'C' = parse ref (addC_ cts 1) str | c == 'G' = parse ref (addG_ cts 1) str | c == 'T' = parse ref (addT_ cts 1) str | c == 'N' = parse ref (addN_ cts 1) str | c == '^' = parse ref cts $ B.drop 1 str | c == '*' = parse ref (addDel_ cts 1) str | c == '$' = parse ref cts str | c == '-' || c == '+' = let Just (cnt,rest) = B.readInt str var = (if c=='+' then Ins else Del) (B.unpack $ B.take (fromIntegral cnt) rest) in parse ref (addV cts var) (B.drop (fromIntegral cnt) rest) | otherwise = error ("Not a nucleotide: "++show c) addRef = case ref of { 'A' -> addA_; 'C' -> addC_; 'G' -> addG_; 'T' -> addT_; _ -> addN_ } -- | Show SNP counts and coverage showC :: Counts -> (String,Int) showC x = (" "++(intercalate ":" $ map show [getA_ x,getC_ x,getG_ x,getT_ x,getN_ x,getDel_ x]),covC x) -- | Show structural variant count showV :: [Counts] -> String showV cs = let vs = [[v | Ins v <- getV c] | c <- cs] vuniq = nub $ concat vs countV v = map (length . filter (==v)) vs in intercalate "," $ [unwords (v:(map show $ countV v)) | v <- vuniq]