{-# Language DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- Draw Unicode sparklines, using code points 0x2581 to 0x2588 module Main where import System.Console.ANSI import Data.Char (chr) import Data.List (sort) import System.Console.CmdArgs import ESIV import Count import VExtr (makeConsensus, Format(IUPAC)) import MPileup -- import Count import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL data Options = Test | Disp | Info -- maybe select samples to contrast? color? | Cite deriving (Typeable,Data) test, disp, info, cite :: Options test = Test &= details ["Prints a test string.", "This is useful for checking that your terminal supports the graphical characters needed to generate sparklines. It should look like gradual transitions from one color to the next."] disp = Disp &= details ["Show per sample consensus sequences.","Reads mpile-formatted input, and shows the consensus for each sample, one line each. This can potentially result in very long lines, use 'samtools mpileup' with the '-r' option to restrict output."] info = Info &= details ["Show expected information values.","This shows the information value for observing each allele, i.e. how diagnostic each site is between the two samples."] cite = Cite &= details ["Output citation information."] main :: IO () main = do opts <- cmdArgsRun $ cmdArgsMode $ modes [test,disp,info,cite] &= summary "Visualize information from 'samtools mpileup' as sparklines" &= program "sparks" inp <- BL.getContents let ms = map readPile1 $ BL.lines inp mapM_ putStrLn $ case opts of Test -> teststr Disp -> sparklines ms Info -> infoline ms Cite -> citestr citestr :: [String] citestr = ["If you use this program, please cite:" ," BMC Genomics 2014, 15(Suppl 6):S20" ," http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/15/S6/S20" ] teststr :: [String] teststr = [ concat [count2char [5,b,0,0] | b <- [0..10]] ++concat [count2char [0,5,b,0] | b <- [0..10]] ++ concat [count2char [0,0,5,b] | b <- [0..10]] ++ count2char [0,0,0,10] ++ setSGRCode []] infoline :: [MPileRecord] -> [String] infoline ms = (cons:esivs) where cons = makeConsensus (IUPAC,1,5) ms esivs = map (concat . (++ rst)) $ transpose $ map esivstr ms rst = [setSGRCode []] esivstr :: MPileRecord -> [String] esivstr m = let (s1:s2:_) = counts m [t1,t2] = map covC [s1,s2] [l1,l2] = map toList [s1,s2] [maxpos1,maxpos2] = map (snd . last . sort) [zip xs [0..3] | xs <- [l1,l2]] es = [esiv1 1.64 0.01 (x,t1-x) (y,t2-y) | (x,y) <- zip l1 l2] sorted = sort (zip es [0..3::Int]) echar :: Color -> Color -> Double -> String echar bg fg f = setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Dull fg,SetColor Background Dull bg] ++ if f<0 then [chr (0x2589-max 1 (min 8 (round (20*abs f))))] else [chr (0x2580+max 1 (min 8 (round (10*f))))] toCol = ([Red,Blue,Green,Yellow]!!) in if sum (map abs es) > 0.1 then let (plus,ppos) = last sorted (minus,mpos) = head sorted in [echar Black (toCol ppos) plus, echar (toCol mpos) Black minus] else [echar Black (toCol maxpos1) 0, echar (toCol maxpos2) Black 99] sparklines :: [MPileRecord] -> [String] sparklines = map sparkline . transpose . map counts transpose :: [[a]] -> [[a]] transpose xs | any null xs = [] | otherwise = map head xs : transpose (map tail xs) sparkline :: [Counts] -> String sparkline = (++setSGRCode []) . concatMap (count2char . toList) -- display a frequency spectrum as a sparkline char count2char :: [Int] -> String count2char [0,0,0,0] = setSGRCode [SetColor Background Dull Black] ++ " " count2char cts = let ((a,b):(c,d):_) = reverse $ sort $ zip cts [0..3] [(majpos,major),(minpos,minor)] = sort [(b,a),(d,c)] freq = fromIntegral major / fromIntegral (major + minor) in f2char ("acgt"!!majpos) ("acgt"!!minpos) freq -- show (majpos,minpos,majfreq,counts) -- -- From colors and frequency, calculate the appropriate sparkline char -- f should range be in the range [0..9] f2char :: Char -> Char -> Double -> String f2char c1 c2 f | f<=0 = setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Dull Black,SetColor Background Dull bg] ++ [c2] | f>=1 = setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Dull Black,SetColor Background Dull fg] ++ [c1] | otherwise = cols ++ [chr (0x2580+round (9*f))] where cols = setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Dull fg,SetColor Background Dull bg] fg = toCol c1 bg = toCol c2 toCol 'a' = Red -- A toCol 'c' = Blue -- C toCol 'g' = Green -- G toCol 't' = Yellow -- T toCol x = error ("illegal character "++show x) reset :: IO () reset = setSGR []