{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{- |
Module      :  Numeric.VariablePrecision.Algorithms
Copyright   :  (c) Claude Heiland-Allen 2012
License     :  BSD3

Maintainer  :  claude@mathr.co.uk
Stability   :  unstable
Portability :  BangPatterns

Implementations of various floating point algorithms.  Accuracy has not
been extensively verified, and termination has not been proven.

Everything assumes that 'floatRadix' is 2.  This is *not* checked.

Functions taking an @accuracy@ parameter may fail to terminate if
@accuracy@ is too small.  Accuracy is measured in least significant
bits, similarly to '(=~=)'.

In this documentation, /basic functionality/ denotes that methods used
are from classes:

  * 'Num', 'Eq', 'Ord'.

Further, /basic RealFloat functionality/ denotes /basic functionality/
with the addition of:

  * Anything in 'RealFloat' except for 'atan2'.

The intention behind the used functionality documentation is to help
users decide when it is appropriate to use these generic implementations
to implement instances.

module Numeric.VariablePrecision.Algorithms
  ( recodeFloat
  , viaDouble
  , (=~=)
  , genericRecip
  , genericSqrt
  , genericExp
  , genericLog
  , genericLog'
  , genericLog2
  , genericLog''
  , genericPi
  , genericPositiveZero
  , genericNegativeZero
  , genericPositiveInfinity
  , genericNegativeInfinity
  , genericNotANumber
  , sameSign
  ) where

import Data.Bits (bit, shiftR)

-- | Special values implemented using basic RealFloat functionality.
genericPositiveZero, genericNegativeZero, genericPositiveInfinity, genericNegativeInfinity, genericNotANumber :: RealFloat a => a

genericPositiveZero =  0

genericNegativeZero = -0

genericPositiveInfinity = result
    result = encodeFloat m e
    m = bit (floatDigits (undefined `asTypeOf` result))
    e = snd (floatRange  (undefined `asTypeOf` result))

genericNegativeInfinity = result
    result = encodeFloat (negate m) e
    m = bit (floatDigits (undefined `asTypeOf` result))
    e = snd (floatRange  (undefined `asTypeOf` result))

genericNotANumber = genericPositiveInfinity + genericNegativeInfinity

-- | Convert between generic 'RealFloat' types more efficiently than
--   'realToFrac'.  Tries hard to preserve special values like
--   infinities and negative zero, but any NaN payload is lost.
--   Uses only basic RealFloat functionality.
recodeFloat :: (RealFloat a, RealFloat b) => a -> b
recodeFloat !x
  | isNaN x               = genericNotANumber
  | isInfinite x && x > 0 = genericPositiveInfinity
  | isInfinite x && x < 0 = genericNegativeInfinity
  | isNegativeZero x      = genericNegativeZero
  | x == 0                = genericPositiveZero
  | otherwise = uncurry encodeFloat (decodeFloat x)

-- | Check if two numbers have the same sign.
--   May give a nonsense result if an argument is NaN.
sameSign :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> Bool
sameSign a b = compare 0 a == compare 0 b

-- | Approximate equality.
--   @(a =~= b) c@ when adding the difference to the larger in magnitude
--   changes at most @c@ least significant mantissa bits.
--   Uses only basic RealFloat functionality.
(=~=) :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> Int -> Bool
(=~=) !x !y !s
  | x == y = True
  | isNaN x && isNaN y = True
  | isNaN x || isNaN y = False
  | isInfinite x || isInfinite y = False
  | not (sameSign a b) = False
  | otherwise = abs (e - f) <= s && abs (x - y) <= encodeFloat 1 (s + (e `max` f))
    (a, e) = decodeFloat x
    (b, f) = decodeFloat y

-- | Compute a reciprocal using the Newton-Raphson division algorithm,
--   as described in
--   <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_%28digital%29#Newton.E2.80.93Raphson_division>.
--   Uses only basic RealFloat functionality.
genericRecip :: RealFloat a => Int {- ^ accuracy -} -> a -> a
genericRecip accuracy y = recip' y
    recip' f0
      | isNaN f0 = f0
      | isInfinite f0 && f0 > 0 = genericPositiveZero
      | isInfinite f0 && f0 < 0 = genericNegativeZero
      | isNegativeZero f0       = genericNegativeInfinity
      | f0 == 0                 = genericPositiveInfinity
      | f0 <  0 = negate . recip' . negate $ f0
      | otherwise = scaleFloat sh (go d s0 x0)
        x0 = k48 - k32 * d
        d = significand f0  -- in [0.5,1)
        sh = exponent d - exponent f0
    go !d !s !x
      | (x =~= x') accuracy = x'
      | s == 0 = x'
      | otherwise = go d (s - 1) x'
        x' = scaleFloat 1 x - d * x * x  -- x * (2 - d * x)
    -- an attempt to avoid recomputing per-type constants
    p = floatDigits (undefined `asTypeOf` y)
    s0 = ceiling (logBase 2 (fromIntegral (p + 1) / logBase 2 17) :: Double) :: Int
    k48 = recodeFloat (48/17 :: Double)
    k32 = recodeFloat (32/17 :: Double)

-- | Compute a square root using Newton's method.
--   Uses basic RealFloat functionality and '(/)'.
genericSqrt :: RealFloat a => Int {- ^ accuracy -} -> a -> a
genericSqrt accuracy f0
  | f0 < 0 = genericNotANumber
  | f0 == 0 = f0  -- preserves negative zero
  | isNaN f0 = f0
  | isInfinite f0 = f0
  | otherwise = go (viaDouble sqrt f)
    e = exponent f0
    d = if even e then 2 else 1
    s = e - d  -- even
    f = scaleFloat (negate s) f0  -- in [1,4)
    go !r =
      let r' = scaleFloat (-1) (r + f / r)
      in  if (r =~= r') accuracy then scaleFloat (s `shiftR` 1) r' else go r'

-- | Compute an exponential using power series.
--   Uses basic RealFloat functionality, '(/)' and 'recip'.
genericExp :: RealFloat a => Int {-^ accuracy -} -> a -> a
genericExp accuracy x
  | isNaN x = x
  | isInfinite x && x < 0 = 0
  | isInfinite x = x
  | x == 0 = 1
  | x <  0 = recip . genericExp accuracy . negate $ x
  | otherwise = go 0 1 1
    go !s !xnnf{- x^n / n! -} !n
      | (s =~= s') accuracy = s'
      | otherwise  = go s' (xnnf * x / fromIntegral n) (n + 1 :: Int)
        s' = s + xnnf

-- | Compute a logarithm.
--   See 'genericLog''' for algorithmic references.
--   Uses basic RealFloat functionality, 'sqrt' and 'recip'.
genericLog :: RealFloat a => Int {- ^ accuracy -} -> a -> a
genericLog accuracy = genericLog' accuracy (genericLog2 accuracy)

-- | Compute log 2.
--   See 'genericLog''' for algorithmic references.
--   Uses basic RealFloat functionality, 'sqrt' and 'recip'.
genericLog2 :: RealFloat a => Int {- ^ accuracy -} -> a
genericLog2 accuracy = negate (genericLog'' accuracy 0.5)

-- | Compute a logarithm using decomposition and a value for @log 2@.
--   See 'genericLog''' for algorithmic references.
--   Uses basic RealFloat functionality, 'sqrt', and 'recip'.
genericLog' :: RealFloat a => Int {- ^ accuracy -} -> a {- ^ log 2 -} -> a -> a
genericLog' accuracy ln2 x
  | isNaN x      = x
  | x == 0       = genericNegativeInfinity
  | x <  0       = genericNotANumber
  | isInfinite x = x
  | otherwise    = mln2 + genericLog'' accuracy s
    m = exponent    x
    s = significand x
    mln2 -- micro-optimisation
      | m == 0 = 0
      | otherwise = fromIntegral m * ln2

-- | Compute a logarithm for a value in [0.5,1) using the AGM method
--   as described in section 7 of
--   /The Logarithmic Constant: log 2/
--   Xavier Gourdon and Pascal Sebah, May 18, 2010,
--   <http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/Log2/log2.ps>.
--   The precondition is not checked.
--   Uses basic RealFloat functionality, 'sqrt', and 'recip'.
genericLog'' :: RealFloat a => Int {- ^ accuracy -} -> a {- ^ value in [0.5,1) -} -> a
genericLog'' accuracy x = result
    result = go (-1) 1 (encodeFloat 1 m) 0 1 (scaleFloat m x) 0
    m2 = accuracy - floatDigits (undefined `asTypeOf` result)
    m = m2 `shiftR` 1
    small y = y == 0 || exponent y <= m2
    go !n !a !b !s !c !d !t
      | small ds && small dt = recip (1 - s') - recip (1 - t')
      | otherwise = go n' a' b' s' c' d' t'
        a' = scaleFloat (-1) (a + b)
        c' = scaleFloat (-1) (c + d)
        b' = sqrt (a * b)
        d' = sqrt (c * d)
        ds = scaleFloat n (a * a - b * b)
        dt = scaleFloat n (c * c - d * d)
        t' = t + dt
        s' = s + ds
        n' = n + 1

-- | Compute pi using the method described in section 8 of
--   /Multiple-precision zero-finding methods and the complexity of elementary function evaluation/
--   Richard P Brent, 1975 (revised May 30, 2010),
--   <http://arxiv.org/abs/1004.3412>.
--   Uses basic RealFloat functionality, '(/)', and 'sqrt'.
genericPi :: RealFloat a => Int {- ^ accuracy -} -> a
--   Works ok up to around 600,000 bits (178,000 decimal digits) but after
--   that further increase to mantissa precision leads to problems.
--   Output compared against /Pi/ by Scott Hemphill <http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/50>.
genericPi accuracy = result
    sqr x = x * x
    result = go 1 (sqrt 0.5) 0.25 0 1
    go !a !b !t !k !p
      | (p =~= p') accuracy = p'
      | otherwise = go a' b' t' k' p'
        a' = scaleFloat (-1) (a + b)
        b' = sqrt (a * b)
        t' = t - scaleFloat k (sqr (a' - a))
        k' = k + 1
        p' = scaleFloat (-2) (sqr (a + b) / t)

-- | Lift a function from Double to generic 'RealFloat' types.
viaDouble :: (RealFloat a, RealFloat b) => (Double -> Double) -> a -> b
viaDouble f = recodeFloat . f . recodeFloat

-- FIXME everything assumes that floatRadix is 2 without checking