-- Module      :  VCSGui.Git.Commit
-- Copyright   :  2011 Stephan Fortelny, Harald Jagenteufel
-- License     :  GPL
-- Maintainer  :  stephanfortelny at gmail.com, h.jagenteufel at gmail.com
-- Stability   :
-- Portability :
-- | Every function related to commiting changes to the Git repository is found in this module.

module VCSGui.Git.Commit (
) where

import Control.Monad.Trans(liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader(ask)

import Graphics.UI.Gtk

import VCSGui.Common.GtkHelper
import qualified VCSGui.Common.Commit as Commit

import qualified VCSWrapper.Git as Git
import qualified VCSWrapper.Common as Wrapper

doCommit :: String -> [FilePath] -> [Commit.Option] -> Wrapper.Ctx ()
doCommit commitMsg files _ = do
    Git.add files
    (Wrapper.Config _ _ mbAuthor _) <- ask
    case mbAuthor of
        Nothing -> Git.commit files Nothing commitMsg []
        Just (Wrapper.Author author mbEmail) -> do
            case mbEmail of
                Nothing -> Git.commit files (Just (author, "noEmailSet@noEmailSet")) commitMsg []
                Just m -> Git.commit files (Just (author, m)) commitMsg []

{- | Calls 'Commit.showCommitGUI' with a 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.ListStore' and 'OkCallBack' setup for Git.
    This will display a window to enter a commit message and select the files to be commited by this commit.
showCommitGUI :: Git.Ctx ()
showCommitGUI = do
    Commit.showCommitGUI setupListStore doCommit

setupListStore :: TreeView -> Wrapper.Ctx (ListStore Commit.SCFile)
setupListStore view = do
        repoStatus <- Git.status
        --GITSCFile Bool FilePath String
        let selectedF = [Commit.GITSCFile True fp (show mod) | (Wrapper.GITStatus fp mod) <- repoStatus, mod == Wrapper.Modified || mod == Wrapper.Added]
            notSelectedF = [Commit.GITSCFile False fp (show mod) | (Wrapper.GITStatus fp mod) <- repoStatus, mod /= Wrapper.Modified && mod /= Wrapper.Added]

        liftIO $ do
            store <- listStoreNew (selectedF ++ notSelectedF)
            treeViewSetModel view store
            let item = (store, view)

            toggleRenderer <- cellRendererToggleNew
            addColumnToTreeView' item toggleRenderer "Commit" (\(Commit.GITSCFile s _ _)-> [cellToggleActive := s])
            addTextColumnToTreeView' item "File" (\(Commit.GITSCFile _ p _) -> [cellText := p])
            addTextColumnToTreeView' item "File status" (\(Commit.GITSCFile _ _ m) -> [cellText := m])

            -- register toggle renderer
            on toggleRenderer cellToggled $ \filepath -> do
                putStrLn ("toggle called: " ++ filepath)

                Just treeIter <- treeModelGetIterFromString store filepath
                value <- listStoreGetValue store $ listStoreIterToIndex treeIter
                let newValue = (\(Commit.GITSCFile b fp m) -> Commit.GITSCFile (not b) fp m) value
                listStoreSetValue store (listStoreIterToIndex treeIter) newValue
                return ()
            return store