Metadata revisions for vec-0

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No. Time User SHA256
-r1 (vec-0-r1) 2017-11-29T19:25:48Z phadej 55d1ee5ab9b0c0d6ef689b85ff49981b5dea12df71b25b8cc7f2c9a92feedb20
  • Changed synopsis from

    Nat, Fin and Vec types.
    Vec: length-indexed (sized) list

  • Changed description from

    This package provides length indexed lists, i.e. 'Vec'.
    data Vec n a where
    VNil  :: Vec 'Nat.Z a
    (:::) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec ('Nat.S n) a
    The functions are implemented in three flavours:
    * __naive__: with explicit recursion. It's simple, constraint-less, yet slow.
    * __pull__: using @Fin n -> a@ representation, which fuses well,
    but makes some programs hard to write. And
    * __inline__: which exploits how GHC dictionary inlining works, unrolling
    recursion if the size of 'Vec' is known statically.
    As best approach depends on the application, @vec@ doesn't do any magic
    transformation. Benchmark your code.
    Differences to other packages:
    * [linear]( has 'V' type,
    which uses 'Vector' from @vector@ package as backing store.
    `Vec` is a real GADT, but tries to provide as many useful instances (upto @lens@).
    * [sized-vector]( depends
    on @singletons@ package. `vec` isn't light on dependencies either,
    but try to provide wide GHC support.
    * [sized]( also depends
    on a @singletons@ package. The @Sized f n a@ type is generalisation of
    @linear@'s @V@ for any @ListLike@.
    * [clash-prelude](
    is a kitchen sink package, which has @CLaSH.Sized.Vector@ module.
    Also depends on @singletons@.
    This package provides length-indexed (sized) lists, also known as vectors.
    data Vec n a where
    \    VNil  :: Vec 'Nat.Z a
    \    (:::) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec ('Nat.S n) a
    The functions are implemented in three flavours:
    * __naive__: with explicit recursion. It's simple, constraint-less, yet slow.
    * __pull__: using @Fin n -> a@ representation, which fuses well,
    but makes some programs hard to write. And
    * __inline__: which exploits how GHC dictionary inlining works, unrolling
    recursion if the size of 'Vec' is known statically.
    As best approach depends on the application, @vec@ doesn't do any magic
    transformation. Benchmark your code.
    This package uses [fin](, i.e. not @GHC.TypeLits@, for indexes.
    See [Hasochism: the pleasure and pain of dependently typed haskell programming](
    by Sam Lindley and Conor McBride for answers to /how/ and /why/.
    Read [APLicative Programming with Naperian Functors](
    by Jeremy Gibbons for (not so) different ones.
    === Similar packages
    * [linear]( has 'V' type,
    which uses 'Vector' from @vector@ package as backing store.
    @Vec@ is a real GADT, but tries to provide as many useful instances (upto @lens@).
    * [vector-sized](
    Great package using @GHC.TypeLits@. Current version ( uses
    @finite-typelits@ and @Int@ indexes.
    * [sized-vector]( depends
    on @singletons@ package. @vec@ isn't light on dependencies either,
    but try to provide wide GHC support.
    * [fixed-vector](
    * [sized]( also depends
    on a @singletons@ package. The @Sized f n a@ type is generalisation of
    @linear@'s @V@ for any @ListLike@.
    * [clash-prelude](
    is a kitchen sink package, which has @CLaSH.Sized.Vector@ module.
    Also depends on @singletons@.

-r0 (vec-0-r0) 2017-11-21T12:18:19Z phadej b380fa287213f98d32b3ff0936621d29a889550ca77e2fa62c83becfbc00dec7