{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} module Main (main) where import Prelude hiding (read, length) import qualified Prelude as P import Control.Monad.ST import Control.Monad.Error import Data.Char import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.List (maximumBy) import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Insertion as INS import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as INT import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.TriHeap as TH import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Merge as M import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Radix as R import System.Environment import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Random.Mersenne import Blocks -- Does nothing. For testing the speed/heap allocation of the building blocks. noalgo :: (Unbox e) => MVector RealWorld e -> IO () noalgo _ = return () -- Allocates a temporary buffer, like mergesort for similar purposes as noalgo. alloc :: (Unbox e) => MVector RealWorld e -> IO () alloc arr | len <= 4 = arr `seq` return () | otherwise = (new (len `div` 2) :: IO (MVector RealWorld Int)) >> return () where len = length arr displayTime :: String -> Integer -> IO () displayTime s elapsed = putStrLn $ s ++ " : " ++ show (fromIntegral elapsed / 1e12) ++ " seconds" run :: String -> IO Integer -> IO () run s t = t >>= displayTime s sortSuite :: String -> MTGen -> Int -> (MVector RealWorld Int -> IO ()) -> IO () sortSuite str g n sort = do putStrLn $ "Testing: " ++ str run "Random " $ speedTest n (rand g >=> modulo n) sort run "Sorted " $ speedTest n ascend sort run "Reverse-sorted " $ speedTest n (descend n) sort run "Random duplicates " $ speedTest n (rand g >=> modulo 1000) sort let m = 4 * (n `div` 4) run "Median killer " $ speedTest m (medianKiller m) sort partialSortSuite :: String -> MTGen -> Int -> Int -> (MVector RealWorld Int -> Int -> IO ()) -> IO () partialSortSuite str g n k sort = sortSuite str g n (\a -> sort a k) -- ----------------- -- Argument handling -- ----------------- data Algorithm = DoNothing | Allocate | InsertionSort | IntroSort | IntroPartialSort | IntroSelect | TriHeapSort | TriHeapPartialSort | TriHeapSelect | MergeSort | RadixSort deriving (Show, Read, Enum, Bounded) data Options = O { algos :: [Algorithm], elems :: Int, portion :: Int, usage :: Bool } deriving (Show) defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = O [] 10000 1000 False type OptionsT = Options -> Either String Options options :: [OptDescr OptionsT] options = [ Option ['A'] ["algorithm"] (ReqArg parseAlgo "ALGO") ("Specify an algorithm to be run. Options:\n" ++ algoOpts) , Option ['n'] ["num-elems"] (ReqArg parseN "INT") "Specify the size of arrays in algorithms." , Option ['k'] ["portion"] (ReqArg parseK "INT") "Specify the number of elements to partial sort/select in\nrelevant algorithms." , Option ['?','v'] ["help"] (NoArg $ \o -> Right $ o { usage = True }) "Show options." ] where allAlgos :: [Algorithm] allAlgos = [minBound .. maxBound] algoOpts = fmt allAlgos fmt (x:y:zs) = '\t' : pad (show x) ++ show y ++ "\n" ++ fmt zs fmt [x] = '\t' : show x ++ "\n" fmt [] = "" size = (" " ++) . maximumBy (comparing P.length) . map show $ allAlgos pad str = zipWith const (str ++ repeat ' ') size parseAlgo :: String -> Options -> Either String Options parseAlgo "None" o = Right $ o { algos = [] } parseAlgo "All" o = Right $ o { algos = [DoNothing .. RadixSort] } parseAlgo s o = leftMap (\e -> "Unrecognized algorithm `" ++ e ++ "'") . fmap (\v -> o { algos = v : algos o }) $ readEither s leftMap :: (a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c leftMap f (Left a) = Left (f a) leftMap _ (Right c) = Right c parseNum :: (Int -> Options) -> String -> Either String Options parseNum f = leftMap (\e -> "Invalid numeric argument `" ++ e ++ "'") . fmap f . readEither parseN, parseK :: String -> Options -> Either String Options parseN s o = parseNum (\n -> o { elems = n }) s parseK s o = parseNum (\k -> o { portion = k }) s readEither :: Read a => String -> Either String a readEither s = case reads s of [(x,t)] | all isSpace t -> Right x _ -> Left s runTest :: MTGen -> Int -> Int -> Algorithm -> IO () runTest g n k alg = case alg of DoNothing -> sortSuite "no algorithm" g n noalgo Allocate -> sortSuite "allocate" g n alloc InsertionSort -> sortSuite "insertion sort" g n insertionSort IntroSort -> sortSuite "introsort" g n introSort IntroPartialSort -> partialSortSuite "partial introsort" g n k introPSort IntroSelect -> partialSortSuite "introselect" g n k introSelect TriHeapSort -> sortSuite "tri-heap sort" g n triHeapSort TriHeapPartialSort -> partialSortSuite "partial tri-heap sort" g n k triHeapPSort TriHeapSelect -> partialSortSuite "tri-heap select" g n k triHeapSelect MergeSort -> sortSuite "merge sort" g n mergeSort RadixSort -> sortSuite "radix sort" g n radixSort _ -> putStrLn $ "Currently unsupported algorithm: " ++ show alg mergeSort :: MVector RealWorld Int -> IO () mergeSort v = M.sort v {-# NOINLINE mergeSort #-} introSort :: MVector RealWorld Int -> IO () introSort v = INT.sort v {-# NOINLINE introSort #-} introPSort :: MVector RealWorld Int -> Int -> IO () introPSort v k = INT.partialSort v k {-# NOINLINE introPSort #-} introSelect :: MVector RealWorld Int -> Int -> IO () introSelect v k = INT.select v k {-# NOINLINE introSelect #-} triHeapSort :: MVector RealWorld Int -> IO () triHeapSort v = TH.sort v {-# NOINLINE triHeapSort #-} triHeapPSort :: MVector RealWorld Int -> Int -> IO () triHeapPSort v k = TH.partialSort v k {-# NOINLINE triHeapPSort #-} triHeapSelect :: MVector RealWorld Int -> Int -> IO () triHeapSelect v k = TH.select v k {-# NOINLINE triHeapSelect #-} insertionSort :: MVector RealWorld Int -> IO () insertionSort v = INS.sort v {-# NOINLINE insertionSort #-} radixSort :: MVector RealWorld Int -> IO () radixSort v = R.sort v {-# NOINLINE radixSort #-} main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs gen <- getStdGen case getOpt Permute options args of (fs, _, []) -> case foldl (>>=) (Right defaultOptions) fs of Left err -> putStrLn $ usageInfo err options Right opts | not (usage opts) -> mapM_ (runTest gen (elems opts) (portion opts)) (algos opts) | otherwise -> putStrLn $ usageInfo "uvector-algorithms-bench" options (_, _, errs) -> putStrLn $ usageInfo (concat errs) options