module Actions ( cabalUpdate , installCabalConfig , installCabalWrapper , installActivateScript , copyBaseSystem , initGhcDb , installGhc , createDirStructure ) where import System.Directory (setCurrentDirectory, getCurrentDirectory, createDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive) import System.FilePath (()) import Distribution.Version (Version (..)) import Distribution.Package (PackageName(..)) import Safe (lastMay) import Data.List (intercalate) import MyMonad import Types import Paths import PackageManagement import Process import Util.Template (substs) import Util.IO (makeExecutable, createTemporaryDirectory) import Skeletons -- update cabal package info inside Virtual Haskell Environmentn cabalUpdate :: MyMonad () cabalUpdate = do env <- getVirtualEnvironment cabalConfig <- cabalConfigLocation info "Updating cabal package database inside Virtual Haskell Environment." _ <- indentMessages $ runProcess (Just env) "cabal" ["--config-file=" ++ cabalConfig, "update"] Nothing return () -- install cabal wrapper (in bin/ directory) inside virtual environment dir structure installCabalWrapper :: MyMonad () installCabalWrapper = do cabalConfig <- cabalConfigLocation dirStructure <- vheDirStructure let cabalWrapper = virthualEnvBinDir dirStructure "cabal" info $ concat [ "Installing cabal wrapper using " , cabalConfig , " at " , cabalWrapper ] let cabalWrapperContents = substs [("", cabalConfig)] cabalWrapperSkel indentMessages $ do trace "cabal wrapper contents:" indentMessages $ mapM_ trace $ lines cabalWrapperContents liftIO $ writeFile cabalWrapper cabalWrapperContents liftIO $ makeExecutable cabalWrapper installActivateScriptSupportFiles :: MyMonad () installActivateScriptSupportFiles = do debug "installing supporting files" dirStructure <- vheDirStructure ghc <- asks ghcSource indentMessages $ do let pathVarPrependixLocation = virthualEnvDir dirStructure "path_var_prependix" pathVarElems = case ghc of System -> [virthualEnvBinDir dirStructure, cabalBinDir dirStructure] Tarball _ -> [ virthualEnvBinDir dirStructure , cabalBinDir dirStructure , ghcBinDir dirStructure ] pathVarPrependix = intercalate ":" pathVarElems debug $ "installing path_var_prependix file to " ++ pathVarPrependixLocation indentMessages $ trace $ "path_var_prependix contents: " ++ pathVarPrependix liftIO $ writeFile pathVarPrependixLocation pathVarPrependix ghcPkgDbPath <- indentMessages ghcPkgDbPathLocation let ghcPackagePathVarLocation = virthualEnvDir dirStructure "ghc_package_path_var" ghcPackagePathVar = ghcPkgDbPath debug $ "installing ghc_package_path_var file to " ++ ghcPackagePathVarLocation indentMessages $ trace $ "path_var_prependix contents: " ++ ghcPackagePathVar liftIO $ writeFile ghcPackagePathVarLocation ghcPackagePathVar -- install activate script (in bin/ directory) inside virtual environment dir structure installActivateScript :: MyMonad () installActivateScript = do info "Installing activate script" virthualEnvName <- asks vheName dirStructure <- vheDirStructure ghcPkgDbPath <- indentMessages ghcPkgDbPathLocation let activateScript = virthualEnvBinDir dirStructure "activate" indentMessages $ debug $ "using location: " ++ activateScript let activateScriptContents = substs [ ("", virthualEnvName) , ("", virthualEnvDir dirStructure) , ("", virthualEnv dirStructure) , ("", ghcPkgDbPath) , ("", virthualEnvBinDir dirStructure) , ("", cabalBinDir dirStructure) , ("", ghcBinDir dirStructure) ] activateSkel indentMessages $ do trace "activate script contents:" indentMessages $ mapM_ trace $ lines activateScriptContents liftIO $ writeFile activateScript activateScriptContents indentMessages installActivateScriptSupportFiles -- install cabal's config file (in cabal/ directory) inside virtual environment dir structure installCabalConfig :: MyMonad () installCabalConfig = do cabalConfig <- cabalConfigLocation dirStructure <- vheDirStructure info $ "Installing cabal config at " ++ cabalConfig let cabalConfigContents = substs [ ("", ghcPackagePath dirStructure) , ("", cabalDir dirStructure) ] cabalConfigSkel indentMessages $ do trace "cabal config contents:" indentMessages $ mapM_ trace $ lines cabalConfigContents liftIO $ writeFile cabalConfig cabalConfigContents createDirStructure :: MyMonad () createDirStructure = do dirStructure <- vheDirStructure info "Creating Virtual Haskell directory structure" indentMessages $ do debug $ "virthualenv directory: " ++ virthualEnvDir dirStructure liftIO $ createDirectory $ virthualEnvDir dirStructure debug $ "cabal directory: " ++ cabalDir dirStructure liftIO $ createDirectory $ cabalDir dirStructure debug $ "virthualenv bin directory: " ++ virthualEnvBinDir dirStructure liftIO $ createDirectory $ virthualEnvBinDir dirStructure -- initialize private GHC package database inside virtual environment initGhcDb :: MyMonad () initGhcDb = do dirStructure <- vheDirStructure info $ "Initializing GHC Package database at " ++ ghcPackagePath dirStructure out <- indentMessages $ outsideGhcPkg ["--version"] case lastMay $ words out of Nothing -> throwError $ MyException $ "Couldn't extract ghc-pkg version number from: " ++ out Just versionString -> do indentMessages $ trace $ "Found version string: " ++ versionString version <- parseVersion versionString let ghc_6_12_1_version = Version [6,12,1] [] if version < ghc_6_12_1_version then do indentMessages $ debug "Detected GHC older than 6.12, initializing GHC_PACKAGE_PATH to file with '[]'" liftIO $ writeFile (ghcPackagePath dirStructure) "[]" else do _ <- indentMessages $ outsideGhcPkg ["init", ghcPackagePath dirStructure] return () -- copy optional packages and don't fail completely if this copying fails -- some packages mail fail to copy and it's not fatal (e.g. older GHCs don't have haskell2010) transplantOptionalPackage :: String -> MyMonad () transplantOptionalPackage name = transplantPackage (PackageName name) `catchError` handler where handler e = do warning $ "Failed to copy optional package " ++ name ++ " from system's GHC: " indentMessages $ warning $ getExceptionMessage e -- copy base system -- base - needed for ghci and everything else -- Cabal - needed to install non-trivial cabal packages with cabal-install -- haskell98 - some packages need it but they don't specify it (seems it's an implicit dependancy) -- haskell2010 - maybe it's similar to haskell98? -- ghc and ghc-binary - two packages that are provided with GHC and cannot be installed any other way -- also include dependant packages of all the above -- when using GHC from tarball, just reuse its package database -- cannot do the same when using system's GHC, because there might be additional packages installed -- then it wouldn't be possible to work on them insie virtual environment copyBaseSystem :: MyMonad () copyBaseSystem = do info "Copying necessary packages from original GHC package database" indentMessages $ do ghc <- asks ghcSource case ghc of System -> do transplantPackage $ PackageName "base" transplantPackage $ PackageName "Cabal" mapM_ transplantOptionalPackage ["haskell98", "haskell2010", "ghc", "ghc-binary"] Tarball _ -> debug "Using external GHC - nothing to copy, Virtual environment will reuse GHC package database" installGhc :: MyMonad () installGhc = do info "Installing GHC" ghc <- asks ghcSource case ghc of System -> indentMessages $ debug "Using system version of GHC - nothing to install." Tarball tarballPath -> indentMessages $ installExternalGhc tarballPath installExternalGhc :: FilePath -> MyMonad () installExternalGhc tarballPath = do info $ "Installing GHC from " ++ tarballPath indentMessages $ do dirStructure <- vheDirStructure tmpGhcDir <- liftIO $ createTemporaryDirectory (virthualEnv dirStructure) "ghc" debug $ "Unpacking GHC tarball to " ++ tmpGhcDir _ <- indentMessages $ runProcess Nothing "tar" ["xf", tarballPath, "-C", tmpGhcDir, "--strip-components", "1"] Nothing let configureScript = tmpGhcDir "configure" debug $ "Configuring GHC with prefix " ++ ghcDir dirStructure cwd <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory tmpGhcDir make <- asks makeCmd let configureAndInstall = do _ <- indentMessages $ runProcess Nothing configureScript ["--prefix=" ++ ghcDir dirStructure] Nothing debug $ "Installing GHC with " ++ make ++ " install" _ <- indentMessages $ runProcess Nothing make ["install"] Nothing return () configureAndInstall `finally` liftIO (setCurrentDirectory cwd) liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive tmpGhcDir return ()