0.7.2 ----- * Only depend on `deepseq`, `hashable`, and `semigroups` if using GHC 7.8 or earlier. * Cleaned up spurious "redundant constraint" warnings on GHC 8+ 0.7.1 ----- * Support `semigroups` 0.17 on older GHCs * Backported `NFData`'s `semigroup` instance to older GHCs. 0.7 --- * adapt to `Data.Void` being moved into `base-4.8` * `vacuousM` removed 0.6 --- * `instance Exception Void` * `instance Generic Void` * `instance Hashable Void` 0.5.12 ------ * Fixed compatibility with GHC 7.2 (#6) * Added `CHANGELOG.markdown` and `README.markdown`