-- Copyright 2009 Corey O'Connor
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
-- | This module provides functions to measure the terminal column width
-- of characters and strings.
-- The functions provided in this module all ultimately make calls to
-- the C implementation in @cbits/mk_wcwidth.c@. That code manages some
-- global state that carries a table of Unicode character widths. For
-- more details, see 'Graphics.Vty.UnicodeWidthTable.Install', the C
-- code, and the "Multi-Column Character Support" section of the project
-- @README@.
module Graphics.Text.Width
  ( wcwidth
  , wcswidth
  , wctwidth
  , wctlwidth
  , safeWcwidth
  , safeWcswidth
  , safeWctwidth
  , safeWctlwidth

import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL

foreign import ccall unsafe "vty_mk_wcwidth" wcwidth :: Char -> Int

wcswidth :: String -> Int
wcswidth = foldl' (\l c -> wcwidth c + l) 0
{-# INLINE [1] wcswidth #-}

wctwidth :: T.Text -> Int
wctwidth = T.foldl' (\l c -> wcwidth c + l) 0

wctlwidth :: TL.Text -> Int
wctlwidth = TL.foldl' (\l c -> wcwidth c + l) 0

"wcswidth/unpack" forall x. wcswidth (T.unpack x) = wctwidth x
"wcswidth/lazy-unpack" forall x. wcswidth (TL.unpack x) = wctlwidth x

-- | Returns the display width of a character. Assumes all characters
-- with unknown widths are 0 width.
safeWcwidth :: Char -> Int
safeWcwidth = max 0 . wcwidth

-- | Returns the display width of a string. Assumes all characters with
-- unknown widths are 0 width.
safeWcswidth :: String -> Int
safeWcswidth = foldl' (\l c -> safeWcwidth c + l) 0

-- | Returns the display width of a text. Assumes all characters with
-- unknown widths are 0 width.
safeWctwidth :: T.Text -> Int
safeWctwidth = T.foldl' (\l c -> safeWcwidth c + l) 0

-- | Returns the display width of a lazy text. Assumes all characters
-- with unknown widths are 0 width.
safeWctlwidth :: TL.Text -> Int
safeWctlwidth = TL.foldl' (\l c -> safeWcwidth c + l) 0