{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- |This module provides ''check box'' widgets and ''radio button'' -- widgets. In addition, this module provides a generalized -- ''multi-state'' check box type which allows you to set multiple -- states in the checkbox, each with its own character -- representation. -- -- All of these types of widgets are toggled with the Spacebar and -- Enter keys. module Graphics.Vty.Widgets.CheckBox ( CheckBox , RadioGroup -- * Traditional binary-mode checkboxes , newCheckbox , setCheckboxUnchecked , setCheckboxChecked , toggleCheckbox -- * Event handler registration , onCheckboxChange -- * Generalized checkbox functions , newMultiStateCheckbox , setCheckboxState , cycleCheckbox , setStateChar , setBracketChars , getCheckboxLabel , getCheckboxState -- * Radio groups , newRadioGroup , onRadioChange , addToRadioGroup , getCurrentRadio ) where import Data.IORef import Data.List ( findIndex ) import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad import Control.Exception import Data.Typeable import Graphics.Vty import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Core import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Events import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Util data RadioGroupData = RadioGroupData { currentlySelected :: Maybe (Widget (CheckBox Bool)) , changeHandlers :: Handlers (Widget (CheckBox Bool)) } type RadioGroup = IORef RadioGroupData -- |Create a new radio button group. This is used to guarantee -- exclusivity among the check boxes in the group so that they behave -- like radio buttons. newRadioGroup :: IO RadioGroup newRadioGroup = do hs <- newHandlers newIORef $ RadioGroupData Nothing hs -- |Register a handler to be notified when the currently-selected -- check box in a radio group changes. onRadioChange :: RadioGroup -> (Widget (CheckBox Bool) -> IO ()) -> IO () onRadioChange rg act = do rd <- readIORef rg addHandler (return . changeHandlers) rd act -- |Get the currently-selected checkbox in a radio group, if any. getCurrentRadio :: RadioGroup -> IO (Maybe (Widget (CheckBox Bool))) getCurrentRadio = (currentlySelected <~) -- |Add a check box to a radio group. The check box's apperance will -- be changed so that it resembles a radio button. addToRadioGroup :: RadioGroup -> Widget (CheckBox Bool) -> IO () addToRadioGroup rg wRef = do setStateChar wRef True '*' setBracketChars wRef '(' ')' setCheckboxUnchecked wRef wRef `onCheckboxChange` \v -> when v $ do rd <- readIORef rg fireEvent rd (return . changeHandlers) wRef wRef `onCheckboxChange` \v -> when v $ do -- Uncheck the old currently-selected checkbox in the radio -- group, if any, before updating the radiogroup state. rgData <- readIORef rg -- If the radio group has a currently-selected checkbox, -- uncheck it (but only if it's a different widget: it could -- be the only one in this group!) when ((isJust $ currentlySelected rgData) && (currentlySelected rgData /= Just wRef)) $ do let cur = fromJust $ currentlySelected rgData thaw cur setChecked_ cur False freeze wRef writeIORef rg $ rgData { currentlySelected = Just wRef } data CheckBoxError = EmptyCheckboxStates -- ^Indicates that an empty state list was used to -- create a multi-state checkbox. | BadCheckboxState -- ^Indicates that a checkbox state value is not a -- valid state value in the checkbox's state -- mapping. | BadStateArgument -- ^Indicates that a state argument used for a -- checkbox state transition is not a valid state -- for the checkbox. deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception CheckBoxError data CheckBox a = CheckBox { leftBracketChar :: Char , rightBracketChar :: Char , checkboxStates :: [(a, Char)] , currentState :: a , checkboxLabel :: String , checkboxChangeHandlers :: Handlers a , checkboxFrozen :: Bool } instance Show a => Show (CheckBox a) where show cb = concat [ "CheckBox { " , " checkboxLabel = ", show $ checkboxLabel cb , ", checkboxStates = ", show $ checkboxStates cb , ", currentState = ", show $ currentState cb , ", checkboxFrozen = ", show $ checkboxFrozen cb , " }" ] -- |Create a new checkbox with the specified text label. newCheckbox :: String -> IO (Widget (CheckBox Bool)) newCheckbox label = newMultiStateCheckbox label [(False, ' '), (True, 'x')] -- |Create a new multi-state checkbox. newMultiStateCheckbox :: (Eq a) => String -- ^The checkbox label. -> [(a, Char)] -- ^The list of valid states that -- the checkbox can be in, along -- with the visual representation -- ('Char') for each state. -> IO (Widget (CheckBox a)) newMultiStateCheckbox _ [] = throw EmptyCheckboxStates newMultiStateCheckbox label states = do cchs <- newHandlers wRef <- newWidget $ \w -> w { state = CheckBox { checkboxLabel = label , checkboxChangeHandlers = cchs , leftBracketChar = '[' , rightBracketChar = ']' , checkboxStates = states , currentState = fst $ states !! 0 , checkboxFrozen = False } , getCursorPosition_ = \this -> do pos <- getCurrentPosition this return $ Just (pos `plusWidth` 1) , keyEventHandler = radioKeyEvent , render_ = \this sz ctx -> do f <- focused <~ this st <- getState this let attr = mergeAttrs [ overrideAttr ctx , normalAttr ctx ] fAttr = if f then focusAttr ctx else attr v = currentState st ch = fromJust $ lookup v (checkboxStates st) s = [leftBracketChar st, ch, rightBracketChar st, ' '] ++ (checkboxLabel st) return $ string fAttr $ take (fromEnum $ region_width sz) s } return wRef modifyElem :: [a] -> Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] modifyElem as i f = concat [ take i as , [f $ as !! i] , drop (i + 1) as ] -- |Set the visual representation for a state in a checkbox. May -- throw 'BadStateArgument'. setStateChar :: (Eq a) => Widget (CheckBox a) -> a -> Char -> IO () setStateChar wRef v ch = do states <- checkboxStates <~~ wRef let mIdx = findIndex ((== v) . fst) states when (isNothing mIdx) $ throw BadStateArgument let Just i = mIdx newStates = modifyElem states i (\(k, _) -> (k, ch)) updateWidgetState wRef $ \s -> s { checkboxStates = newStates } -- |Set the checkbox's bracketing characters for the left and right -- brackets around the state character. setBracketChars :: Widget (CheckBox a) -> Char -> Char -> IO () setBracketChars wRef chL chR = updateWidgetState wRef $ \s -> s { leftBracketChar = chL , rightBracketChar = chR } -- |Get a checkbox's text label. getCheckboxLabel :: Widget (CheckBox a) -> IO String getCheckboxLabel = (checkboxLabel <~~) radioKeyEvent :: (Eq a) => Widget (CheckBox a) -> Key -> [Modifier] -> IO Bool radioKeyEvent this (KASCII ' ') [] = cycleCheckbox this >> return True radioKeyEvent this KEnter [] = cycleCheckbox this >> return True radioKeyEvent _ _ _ = return False -- |Set the state of a checkbox. May throw 'BadCheckboxState'. setCheckboxState :: (Eq a) => Widget (CheckBox a) -> a -> IO () setCheckboxState = setChecked_ -- |Set a binary checkbox to unchecked. setCheckboxUnchecked :: Widget (CheckBox Bool) -> IO () setCheckboxUnchecked wRef = setCheckboxState wRef False -- |Set a binary checkbox to checked. setCheckboxChecked :: Widget (CheckBox Bool) -> IO () setCheckboxChecked wRef = setCheckboxState wRef True -- |Toggle a binary checkbox. toggleCheckbox :: Widget (CheckBox Bool) -> IO () toggleCheckbox wRef = do v <- currentState <~~ wRef setCheckboxState wRef (not v) -- |Get a checkbox's current state value. getCheckboxState :: Widget (CheckBox a) -> IO a getCheckboxState = (currentState <~~) -- |Cycle a checkbox's state to the next value in its state list. cycleCheckbox :: (Eq a) => Widget (CheckBox a) -> IO () cycleCheckbox wRef = do v <- currentState <~~ wRef states <- checkboxStates <~~ wRef let Just curI = findIndex ((== v) . fst) states nextI = (curI + 1) `mod` length states setChecked_ wRef $ fst $ states !! nextI setChecked_ :: (Eq a) => Widget (CheckBox a) -> a -> IO () setChecked_ wRef v = do f <- checkboxFrozen <~~ wRef when (not f) $ do oldV <- currentState <~~ wRef states <- checkboxStates <~~ wRef when (not $ v `elem` (map fst states)) $ throw BadCheckboxState when (oldV /= v) $ do updateWidgetState wRef $ \s -> s { currentState = v } notifyChangeHandlers wRef notifyChangeHandlers :: Widget (CheckBox a) -> IO () notifyChangeHandlers wRef = do v <- currentState <~~ wRef fireEvent wRef (checkboxChangeHandlers <~~) v -- |Register a handler for a checkbox state change. The handler will -- be passed the new state value. onCheckboxChange :: Widget (CheckBox a) -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO () onCheckboxChange = addHandler (checkboxChangeHandlers <~~) thaw :: Widget (CheckBox a) -> IO () thaw wRef = updateWidgetState wRef $ \s -> s { checkboxFrozen = False } freeze :: Widget (CheckBox a) -> IO () freeze wRef = updateWidgetState wRef $ \s -> s { checkboxFrozen = True }