{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |This module provides visual borders to be placed between and
-- around widgets.  Border widgets in this module use the active
-- 'Skin' in the 'RenderContext'.
module Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Borders
    ( HasBorderAttr(..)
    , Bordered
    , HBorder
    , VBorder
    -- * Border Widget Constructors
    , vBorder
    , hBorder
    , bordered
    -- * Setting Attributes and Labels
    , withBorderAttribute
    , withHBorderLabel
    , withBorderedLabel
    , setHBorderLabel
    , setBorderedLabel

import qualified Data.Text as T

import Graphics.Vty
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Core
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Box
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Text
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Util
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Skins

-- |The class of types with a border attribute, which differs from the
-- normal and focused attributes.
class HasBorderAttr a where
    setBorderAttribute :: a -> Attr -> IO ()

data HBorder = HBorder Attr T.Text
               deriving (Show)

instance HasBorderAttr (Widget HBorder) where
    setBorderAttribute t a =
        updateWidgetState t $ \(HBorder a' s) -> HBorder (mergeAttr a a') s

-- | Sets the border attribute of a thing with a border attribute.
withBorderAttribute :: (HasBorderAttr a) => Attr -> a -> IO a
withBorderAttribute att w = setBorderAttribute w att >> return w

-- | Adds a label to a horizontal border.  The label will be
-- horizontally centered.
withHBorderLabel :: T.Text -> Widget HBorder -> IO (Widget HBorder)
withHBorderLabel label w = setHBorderLabel w label >> return w

-- | Adds a label to a horizontal border.  The label will be
-- horizontally centered.
setHBorderLabel :: Widget HBorder -> T.Text -> IO ()
setHBorderLabel w label =
    updateWidgetState w $ \(HBorder a _) -> HBorder a label

-- | Adds a label to the top border of a bordered widget.  The label
-- will be horizontally centered.
withBorderedLabel :: T.Text -> Widget (Bordered a) -> IO (Widget (Bordered a))
withBorderedLabel label w = setBorderedLabel w label >> return w

-- | Adds a label to the top border of a bordered widget.  The label
-- will be horizontally centered.
setBorderedLabel :: Widget (Bordered a) -> T.Text -> IO ()
setBorderedLabel w label =
    updateWidgetState w $ \(Bordered a ch _) -> Bordered a ch label

-- |Create a single-row horizontal border using the specified
-- attribute and character.
hBorder :: IO (Widget HBorder)
hBorder = do
  let initSt = HBorder def_attr T.empty
  wRef <- newWidget initSt $ \w ->
      w { growHorizontal_ = const $ return True
        , render_ = renderHBorder
  return wRef

renderHBorder :: Widget HBorder -> DisplayRegion -> RenderContext -> IO Image
renderHBorder _ (DisplayRegion 0 _) _ = return empty_image
renderHBorder _ (DisplayRegion _ 0) _ = return empty_image
renderHBorder this s ctx = do
  HBorder attr str <- getState this
  let attr' = mergeAttrs [ overrideAttr ctx
                         , attr
                         , normalAttr ctx
      ch = skinHorizontal $ skin ctx
      noTitle = T.pack $ replicate (fromEnum $ region_width s) ch

  wStr <- case T.null str of
            True -> return noTitle
            False -> do
              let title = T.concat [ T.pack " "
                                   , str
                                   , T.pack " "
              case (textWidth title) > (Phys $ fromEnum $ region_width s) of
                True -> return noTitle
                False -> do
                       let remaining = (Phys $ fromEnum $ region_width s) - (textWidth title)
                           Phys side1 = remaining `div` Phys 2
                           side2 = if remaining `mod` Phys 2 == Phys 0 then side1 else side1 + 1
                       return $ T.concat [ T.pack $ replicate side1 ch
                                         , title
                                         , T.pack $ replicate side2 ch

  w <- plainTextWithAttrs [(wStr, attr')]
  render w s ctx

data VBorder = VBorder Attr
               deriving (Show)

instance HasBorderAttr (Widget VBorder) where
    setBorderAttribute t a =
        updateWidgetState t $ \(VBorder a') -> VBorder (mergeAttr a a')

-- |Create a single-column vertical border using the specified
-- attribute and character.
vBorder :: IO (Widget VBorder)
vBorder = do
  let initSt = VBorder def_attr
  wRef <- newWidget initSt $ \w ->
      w { growVertical_ = const $ return True
        , render_ = \this s ctx -> do
                   VBorder attr <- getState this
                   let attr' = mergeAttrs [ overrideAttr ctx
                                          , attr
                                          , normalAttr ctx
                   return $ char_fill attr' (skinVertical $ skin ctx) 1 (region_height s)
  return wRef

data Bordered a = (Show a) => Bordered Attr (Widget a) T.Text

instance Show (Bordered a) where
    show (Bordered attr _ l) = concat [ "Bordered { attr = "
                                      , show attr
                                      , ", label = "
                                      , show l
                                      , ", ... }"

instance HasBorderAttr (Widget (Bordered a)) where
    setBorderAttribute t a =
        updateWidgetState t $ \(Bordered a' ch s) -> Bordered (mergeAttr a a') ch s

-- |Wrap a widget in a bordering box.
bordered :: (Show a) => Widget a -> IO (Widget (Bordered a))
bordered child = do
  let initSt = Bordered def_attr child T.empty
  wRef <- newWidget initSt $ \w ->
      w { growVertical_ = const $ growVertical child
        , growHorizontal_ = const $ growHorizontal child

        , keyEventHandler =
            \this key mods -> do
              Bordered _ ch _ <- getState this
              handleKeyEvent ch key mods

        , render_ =
            \this s ctx -> do
              st <- getState this
              drawBordered st s ctx

        , setCurrentPosition_ =
            \this pos -> do
              Bordered _ ch _ <- getState this
              let chPos = pos `plusWidth` 1 `plusHeight` 1
              setCurrentPosition ch chPos
  wRef `relayFocusEvents` child
  wRef `relayKeyEvents` child
  return wRef

drawBordered :: (Show a) =>
                Bordered a -> DisplayRegion -> RenderContext -> IO Image
drawBordered this s ctx
    | region_width s < 2 || region_height s < 2 = return empty_image
    | otherwise = do
  let Bordered attr child label = this
      attr' = mergeAttrs [ overrideAttr ctx
                         , attr
                         , normalAttr ctx
      sk = skin ctx

  -- Render the contained widget with enough room to draw borders.
  -- Then, use the size of the rendered widget to constrain the space
  -- used by the (expanding) borders.
  let constrained = DisplayRegion (region_width s - 2) (region_height s - 2)

  childImage <- render child constrained ctx

  let adjusted = DisplayRegion (image_width childImage + 2)
                 (image_height childImage)

  tlCorner <- plainText (T.singleton $ skinCornerTL sk)
              >>= withNormalAttribute attr'
  trCorner <- plainText (T.singleton $ skinCornerTR sk)
              >>= withNormalAttribute attr'
  blCorner <- plainText (T.singleton $ skinCornerBL sk)
              >>= withNormalAttribute attr'
  brCorner <- plainText (T.singleton $ skinCornerBR sk)
              >>= withNormalAttribute attr'

  hb <- hBorder >>= withHBorderLabel label
  setBorderAttribute hb attr'

  topWidget <- hBox tlCorner =<< hBox hb trCorner
  top <- render topWidget adjusted ctx

  hb2 <- hBorder
  bottomWidget <- hBox blCorner =<< hBox hb2 brCorner
  bottom <- render bottomWidget adjusted ctx

  vb <- vBorder
  setBorderAttribute vb attr'

  leftRight <- render vb adjusted ctx

  let middle = horiz_cat [leftRight, childImage, leftRight]

  return $ vert_cat [top, middle, bottom]