{-# language Strict #-} {-# language CPP #-} {-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# language PatternSynonyms #-} {-# language DataKinds #-} {-# language TypeOperators #-} {-# language DuplicateRecordFields #-} module Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Queue ( VkPipelineStageFlagBits(..) , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT , pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT , VkQueue , VkCommandBuffer , VkFence , VkSemaphore , vkGetDeviceQueue , vkQueueSubmit , vkQueueWaitIdle , vkDeviceWaitIdle , VkSubmitInfo(..) , VkPipelineStageFlags ) where import Data.Bits ( Bits , FiniteBits ) import Data.Word ( Word32 ) import Foreign.Ptr ( plusPtr , Ptr ) import Foreign.Storable ( Storable(..) , Storable ) import GHC.Read ( expectP , choose ) import Graphics.Vulkan.NamedType ( (:::) ) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec ( (+++) , prec , step ) import Text.Read ( Read(..) , parens ) import Text.Read.Lex ( Lexeme(Ident) ) import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core ( VkStructureType(..) , VkResult(..) , VkFlags ) import Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization ( VkDevice ) -- ** VkPipelineStageFlagBits -- | VkPipelineStageFlagBits - Bitmask specifying pipeline stages -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT@ specifies the stage of the -- pipeline where any commands are initially received by the queue. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT@ specifies the stage of the -- pipeline where Draw\/DispatchIndirect data structures are consumed. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT@ specifies the stage of the -- pipeline where vertex and index buffers are consumed. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT@ specifies the vertex shader -- stage. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT@ specifies the -- tessellation control shader stage. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT@ specifies the -- tessellation evaluation shader stage. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT@ specifies the geometry -- shader stage. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT@ specifies the fragment -- shader stage. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT@ specifies the stage of -- the pipeline where early fragment tests (depth and stencil tests -- before fragment shading) are performed. This stage also includes -- <{html_spec_relative}#renderpass-load-store-ops subpass load operations> -- for framebuffer attachments with a depth\/stencil format. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT@ specifies the stage of -- the pipeline where late fragment tests (depth and stencil tests -- after fragment shading) are performed. This stage also includes -- <{html_spec_relative}#renderpass-load-store-ops subpass store operations> -- for framebuffer attachments with a depth\/stencil format. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT@ specifies the stage -- of the pipeline after blending where the final color values are -- output from the pipeline. This stage also includes -- <{html_spec_relative}#renderpass-load-store-ops subpass load and store operations> -- and multisample resolve operations for framebuffer attachments with -- a color format. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT@ specifies the execution of copy -- commands. This includes the operations resulting from all -- <{html_spec_relative}#copies copy commands>, -- <{html_spec_relative}#clears clear commands> (with the exception of -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdClearAttachments'), -- and -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults'. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT@ specifies the execution of a -- compute shader. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT@ specifies the final stage in -- the pipeline where operations generated by all commands complete -- execution. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT@ specifies a pseudo-stage indicating -- execution on the host of reads\/writes of device memory. This stage -- is not invoked by any commands recorded in a command buffer. -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT@ specifies the execution of all -- graphics pipeline stages, and is equivalent to the logical OR of: -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT@ -- -- - @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT@ is equivalent to the logical OR -- of every other pipeline stage flag that is supported on the queue it -- is used with. -- -- __Note__ -- -- An execution dependency with only @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT@ -- in the destination stage mask will only prevent that stage from -- executing in subsequently submitted commands. As this stage does not -- perform any actual execution, this is not observable - in effect, it -- does not delay processing of subsequent commands. Similarly an execution -- dependency with only @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT@ in the source -- stage mask will effectively not wait for any prior commands to complete. -- -- When defining a memory dependency, using only -- @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT@ or -- @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT@ would never make any accesses -- available and\/or visible because these stages do not access memory. -- -- @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT@ and -- @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT@ are useful for accomplishing layout -- transitions and queue ownership operations when the required execution -- dependency is satisfied by other means - for example, semaphore -- operations between queues. -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'VkPipelineStageFlags', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_AMD_buffer_marker.vkCmdWriteBufferMarkerAMD', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdWriteTimestamp' newtype VkPipelineStageFlagBits = VkPipelineStageFlagBits VkFlags deriving (Eq, Ord, Storable, Bits, FiniteBits) instance Show VkPipelineStageFlagBits where showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT" showsPrec _ VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT" -- The following values are from extensions, the patterns themselves are exported from the extension modules showsPrec _ (VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00020000) = showString "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMMAND_PROCESS_BIT_NVX" showsPrec p (VkPipelineStageFlagBits x) = showParen (p >= 11) (showString "VkPipelineStageFlagBits " . showsPrec 11 x) instance Read VkPipelineStageFlagBits where readPrec = parens ( choose [ ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT) , ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT", pure VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT) , -- The following values are from extensions, the patterns themselves are exported from the extension modules ("VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMMAND_PROCESS_BIT_NVX", pure (VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00020000)) ] +++ prec 10 (do expectP (Ident "VkPipelineStageFlagBits") v <- step readPrec pure (VkPipelineStageFlagBits v) ) ) -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000001 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000002 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000004 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000008 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000010 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000020 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000040 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000080 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000100 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000200 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000400 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00000800 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00001000 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00002000 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00004000 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00008000 -- No documentation found for Nested "VkPipelineStageFlagBits" "VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT" pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT :: VkPipelineStageFlagBits pattern VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT = VkPipelineStageFlagBits 0x00010000 -- | Dummy data to tag the 'Ptr' with data VkQueue_T -- | VkQueue - Opaque handle to a queue object -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'vkGetDeviceQueue', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_protected_memory.vkGetDeviceQueue2', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_debug_utils.vkQueueBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.SparseResourceMemoryManagement.vkQueueBindSparse', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_debug_utils.vkQueueEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_debug_utils.vkQueueInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_swapchain.vkQueuePresentKHR', -- 'vkQueueSubmit', 'vkQueueWaitIdle' type VkQueue = Ptr VkQueue_T -- | Dummy data to tag the 'Ptr' with data VkCommandBuffer_T -- | VkCommandBuffer - Opaque handle to a command buffer object -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_NVX_device_generated_commands.VkCmdProcessCommandsInfoNVX', -- 'VkSubmitInfo', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBuffer.vkAllocateCommandBuffers', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBuffer.vkBeginCommandBuffer', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_debug_utils.vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdBeginQuery', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdBeginRenderPass', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdBindDescriptorSets', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdBindIndexBuffer', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdBindPipeline', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdBindVertexBuffers', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdBlitImage', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdClearAttachments', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdClearColorImage', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdCopyBuffer', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdCopyBufferToImage', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdCopyImage', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_debug_marker.vkCmdDebugMarkerBeginEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_debug_marker.vkCmdDebugMarkerEndEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_debug_marker.vkCmdDebugMarkerInsertEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdDispatch', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_device_group.vkCmdDispatchBase', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_device_group.vkCmdDispatchBaseKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdDispatchIndirect', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdDraw', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdDrawIndexed', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_AMD_draw_indirect_count.vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirectCountAMD', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdDrawIndirect', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_AMD_draw_indirect_count.vkCmdDrawIndirectCountAMD', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_debug_utils.vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdEndQuery', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdEndRenderPass', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdExecuteCommands', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdFillBuffer', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_debug_utils.vkCmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdNextSubpass', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdPipelineBarrier', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_NVX_device_generated_commands.vkCmdProcessCommandsNVX', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdPushConstants', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_push_descriptor.vkCmdPushDescriptorSetKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_push_descriptor.vkCmdPushDescriptorSetWithTemplateKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_NVX_device_generated_commands.vkCmdReserveSpaceForCommandsNVX', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdResetEvent', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdResetQueryPool', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdResolveImage', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetBlendConstants', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetDepthBias', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetDepthBounds', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_device_group.vkCmdSetDeviceMask', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_device_group.vkCmdSetDeviceMaskKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_discard_rectangles.vkCmdSetDiscardRectangleEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetEvent', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetLineWidth', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_sample_locations.vkCmdSetSampleLocationsEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetScissor', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetStencilReference', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetViewport', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling.vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdUpdateBuffer', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdWaitEvents', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_AMD_buffer_marker.vkCmdWriteBufferMarkerAMD', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdWriteTimestamp', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBuffer.vkEndCommandBuffer', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBuffer.vkFreeCommandBuffers', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBuffer.vkResetCommandBuffer' type VkCommandBuffer = Ptr VkCommandBuffer_T -- | Dummy data to tag the 'Ptr' with data VkFence_T -- | VkFence - Opaque handle to a fence object -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_swapchain.VkAcquireNextImageInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_external_fence_fd.VkFenceGetFdInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_external_fence_win32.VkFenceGetWin32HandleInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_external_fence_fd.VkImportFenceFdInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_external_fence_win32.VkImportFenceWin32HandleInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_swapchain.vkAcquireNextImageKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Fence.vkCreateFence', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Fence.vkDestroyFence', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Fence.vkGetFenceStatus', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.SparseResourceMemoryManagement.vkQueueBindSparse', -- 'vkQueueSubmit', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_display_control.vkRegisterDeviceEventEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_display_control.vkRegisterDisplayEventEXT', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Fence.vkResetFences', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Fence.vkWaitForFences' type VkFence = Ptr VkFence_T -- | Dummy data to tag the 'Ptr' with data VkSemaphore_T -- | VkSemaphore - Opaque handle to a semaphore object -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_swapchain.VkAcquireNextImageInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.SparseResourceMemoryManagement.VkBindSparseInfo', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd.VkImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32.VkImportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_swapchain.VkPresentInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd.VkSemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32.VkSemaphoreGetWin32HandleInfoKHR', -- 'VkSubmitInfo', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_swapchain.vkAcquireNextImageKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.QueueSemaphore.vkCreateSemaphore', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.QueueSemaphore.vkDestroySemaphore' type VkSemaphore = Ptr VkSemaphore_T -- | vkGetDeviceQueue - Get a queue handle from a device -- -- = Parameters -- #_parameters# -- -- - @device@ is the logical device that owns the queue. -- -- - @queueFamilyIndex@ is the index of the queue family to which the -- queue belongs. -- -- - @queueIndex@ is the index within this queue family of the queue to -- retrieve. -- -- - @pQueue@ is a pointer to a @VkQueue@ object that will be filled with -- the handle for the requested queue. -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- == Valid Usage -- -- - @queueFamilyIndex@ /must/ be one of the queue family indices -- specified when @device@ was created, via the -- @VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo@ structure -- -- - @queueIndex@ /must/ be less than the number of queues created for -- the specified queue family index when @device@ was created, via the -- @queueCount@ member of the @VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo@ structure -- -- - 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Device.VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo'::@flags@ -- /must/ have been set to zero when @device@ was created -- -- == Valid Usage (Implicit) -- -- - @device@ /must/ be a valid @VkDevice@ handle -- -- - @pQueue@ /must/ be a valid pointer to a @VkQueue@ handle -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.VkDevice', 'VkQueue' foreign import ccall "vkGetDeviceQueue" vkGetDeviceQueue :: ("device" ::: VkDevice) -> ("queueFamilyIndex" ::: Word32) -> ("queueIndex" ::: Word32) -> ("pQueue" ::: Ptr VkQueue) -> IO () -- | vkQueueSubmit - Submits a sequence of semaphores or command buffers to a -- queue -- -- = Parameters -- #_parameters# -- -- - @queue@ is the queue that the command buffers will be submitted to. -- -- - @submitCount@ is the number of elements in the @pSubmits@ array. -- -- - @pSubmits@ is a pointer to an array of 'VkSubmitInfo' structures, -- each specifying a command buffer submission batch. -- -- - @fence@ is an /optional/ handle to a fence to be signaled once all -- submitted command buffers have completed execution. If @fence@ is -- not 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Constants.VK_NULL_HANDLE', it defines a -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization-fences-signaling fence signal operation>. -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- __Note__ -- -- Submission can be a high overhead operation, and applications /should/ -- attempt to batch work together into as few calls to @vkQueueSubmit@ as -- possible. -- -- @vkQueueSubmit@ is a -- <{html_spec_relative}#devsandqueues-submission queue submission command>, -- with each batch defined by an element of @pSubmits@ as an instance of -- the 'VkSubmitInfo' structure. Batches begin execution in the order they -- appear in @pSubmits@, but /may/ complete out of order. -- -- Fence and semaphore operations submitted with 'vkQueueSubmit' have -- additional ordering constraints compared to other submission commands, -- with dependencies involving previous and subsequent queue operations. -- Information about these additional constraints can be found in the -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization-semaphores semaphore> and -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization-fences fence> sections of -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization the synchronization chapter>. -- -- Details on the interaction of @pWaitDstStageMask@ with synchronization -- are described in the -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization-semaphores-waiting semaphore wait operation> -- section of -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization the synchronization chapter>. -- -- The order that batches appear in @pSubmits@ is used to determine -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization-submission-order submission order>, -- and thus all the -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization-implicit implicit ordering guarantees> -- that respect it. Other than these implicit ordering guarantees and any -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization explicit synchronization primitives>, -- these batches /may/ overlap or otherwise execute out of order. -- -- If any command buffer submitted to this queue is in the -- <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-lifecycle executable state>, it is -- moved to the -- <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-lifecycle pending state>. Once -- execution of all submissions of a command buffer complete, it moves from -- the <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-lifecycle pending state>, back -- to the <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-lifecycle executable state>. -- If a command buffer was recorded with the -- @VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT@ flag, it instead moves -- back to the -- <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-lifecycle invalid state>. -- -- If @vkQueueSubmit@ fails, it /may/ return @VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY@ -- or @VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY@. If it does, the implementation -- /must/ ensure that the state and contents of any resources or -- synchronization primitives referenced by the submitted command buffers -- and any semaphores referenced by @pSubmits@ is unaffected by the call or -- its failure. If @vkQueueSubmit@ fails in such a way that the -- implementation is unable to make that guarantee, the implementation -- /must/ return @VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST@. See -- <{html_spec_relative}#devsandqueues-lost-device Lost Device>. -- -- == Valid Usage -- -- - If @fence@ is not 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Constants.VK_NULL_HANDLE', -- @fence@ /must/ be unsignaled -- -- - If @fence@ is not 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Constants.VK_NULL_HANDLE', -- @fence@ /must/ not be associated with any other queue command that -- has not yet completed execution on that queue -- -- - Any calls to -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetEvent', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdResetEvent' or -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdWaitEvents' that -- have been recorded into any of the command buffer elements of the -- @pCommandBuffers@ member of any element of @pSubmits@, /must/ not -- reference any 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Event.VkEvent' that is -- referenced by any of those commands in a command buffer that has -- been submitted to another queue and is still in the /pending state/. -- -- - Any stage flag included in any element of the @pWaitDstStageMask@ -- member of any element of @pSubmits@ /must/ be a pipeline stage -- supported by one of the capabilities of @queue@, as specified in the -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization-pipeline-stages-supported table of supported pipeline stages>. -- -- - Each element of the @pSignalSemaphores@ member of any element of -- @pSubmits@ /must/ be unsignaled when the semaphore signal operation -- it defines is executed on the device -- -- - When a semaphore unsignal operation defined by any element of the -- @pWaitSemaphores@ member of any element of @pSubmits@ executes on -- @queue@, no other queue /must/ be waiting on the same semaphore. -- -- - All elements of the @pWaitSemaphores@ member of all elements of -- @pSubmits@ /must/ be semaphores that are signaled, or have -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization-semaphores-signaling semaphore signal operations> -- previously submitted for execution. -- -- - Each element of the @pCommandBuffers@ member of each element of -- @pSubmits@ /must/ be in the -- <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-lifecycle pending or executable state>. -- -- - If any element of the @pCommandBuffers@ member of any element of -- @pSubmits@ was not recorded with the -- @VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT@, it /must/ not be in -- the <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-lifecycle pending state>. -- -- - Any -- <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-secondary secondary command buffers recorded> -- into any element of the @pCommandBuffers@ member of any element of -- @pSubmits@ /must/ be in the -- <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-lifecycle pending or executable state>. -- -- - If any -- <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-secondary secondary command buffers recorded> -- into any element of the @pCommandBuffers@ member of any element of -- @pSubmits@ was not recorded with the -- @VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT@, it /must/ not be in -- the <{html_spec_relative}#commandbuffers-lifecycle pending state>. -- -- - Each element of the @pCommandBuffers@ member of each element of -- @pSubmits@ /must/ have been allocated from a @VkCommandPool@ that -- was created for the same queue family @queue@ belongs to. -- -- == Valid Usage (Implicit) -- -- - @queue@ /must/ be a valid @VkQueue@ handle -- -- - If @submitCount@ is not @0@, @pSubmits@ /must/ be a valid pointer to -- an array of @submitCount@ valid @VkSubmitInfo@ structures -- -- - If @fence@ is not 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Constants.VK_NULL_HANDLE', -- @fence@ /must/ be a valid @VkFence@ handle -- -- - Both of @fence@, and @queue@ that are valid handles /must/ have been -- created, allocated, or retrieved from the same @VkDevice@ -- -- == Host Synchronization -- -- - Host access to @queue@ /must/ be externally synchronized -- -- - Host access to @pSubmits@[].pWaitSemaphores[] /must/ be externally -- synchronized -- -- - Host access to @pSubmits@[].pSignalSemaphores[] /must/ be externally -- synchronized -- -- - Host access to @fence@ /must/ be externally synchronized -- -- == Command Properties -- -- > +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ -- > | <#VkCommandBuff | <#vkCmdBeginRen | <#VkQueueFlagBi | <#synchronizati | -- > | erLevel Command | derPass Render | ts Supported Qu | on-pipeline-sta | -- > | Buffer Levels> | Pass Scope> | eue Types> | ges-types Pipel | -- > | | | | ine Type> | -- > +=================+=================+=================+=================+ -- > | - | - | Any | - | -- > +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ -- -- == Return Codes -- -- [<#fundamentals-successcodes Success>] -- - @VK_SUCCESS@ -- -- [<#fundamentals-errorcodes Failure>] -- - @VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY@ -- -- - @VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY@ -- -- - @VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST@ -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'VkFence', 'VkQueue', 'VkSubmitInfo' foreign import ccall "vkQueueSubmit" vkQueueSubmit :: ("queue" ::: VkQueue) -> ("submitCount" ::: Word32) -> ("pSubmits" ::: Ptr VkSubmitInfo) -> ("fence" ::: VkFence) -> IO VkResult -- | vkQueueWaitIdle - Wait for a queue to become idle -- -- = Parameters -- #_parameters# -- -- - @queue@ is the queue on which to wait. -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- @vkQueueWaitIdle@ is equivalent to submitting a fence to a queue and -- waiting with an infinite timeout for that fence to signal. -- -- == Valid Usage (Implicit) -- -- - @queue@ /must/ be a valid @VkQueue@ handle -- -- == Command Properties -- -- > +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ -- > | <#VkCommandBuff | <#vkCmdBeginRen | <#VkQueueFlagBi | <#synchronizati | -- > | erLevel Command | derPass Render | ts Supported Qu | on-pipeline-sta | -- > | Buffer Levels> | Pass Scope> | eue Types> | ges-types Pipel | -- > | | | | ine Type> | -- > +=================+=================+=================+=================+ -- > | - | - | Any | - | -- > +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ -- -- == Return Codes -- -- [<#fundamentals-successcodes Success>] -- - @VK_SUCCESS@ -- -- [<#fundamentals-errorcodes Failure>] -- - @VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY@ -- -- - @VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY@ -- -- - @VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST@ -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'VkQueue' foreign import ccall "vkQueueWaitIdle" vkQueueWaitIdle :: ("queue" ::: VkQueue) -> IO VkResult -- | vkDeviceWaitIdle - Wait for a device to become idle -- -- = Parameters -- #_parameters# -- -- - @device@ is the logical device to idle. -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- @vkDeviceWaitIdle@ is equivalent to calling @vkQueueWaitIdle@ for all -- queues owned by @device@. -- -- == Valid Usage (Implicit) -- -- - @device@ /must/ be a valid @VkDevice@ handle -- -- == Host Synchronization -- -- - Host access to all @VkQueue@ objects created from @device@ /must/ be -- externally synchronized -- -- == Return Codes -- -- [<#fundamentals-successcodes Success>] -- - @VK_SUCCESS@ -- -- [<#fundamentals-errorcodes Failure>] -- - @VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY@ -- -- - @VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY@ -- -- - @VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST@ -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.VkDevice' foreign import ccall "vkDeviceWaitIdle" vkDeviceWaitIdle :: ("device" ::: VkDevice) -> IO VkResult -- | VkSubmitInfo - Structure specifying a queue submit operation -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- The order that command buffers appear in @pCommandBuffers@ is used to -- determine -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization-submission-order submission order>, -- and thus all the -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization-implicit implicit ordering guarantees> -- that respect it. Other than these implicit ordering guarantees and any -- <{html_spec_relative}#synchronization explicit synchronization primitives>, -- these command buffers /may/ overlap or otherwise execute out of order. -- -- == Valid Usage -- -- - Each element of @pCommandBuffers@ /must/ not have been allocated -- with @VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_SECONDARY@ -- -- - If the -- <{html_spec_relative}#features-features-geometryShader geometry shaders> -- feature is not enabled, each element of @pWaitDstStageMask@ /must/ -- not contain @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT@ -- -- - If the -- <{html_spec_relative}#features-features-tessellationShader tessellation shaders> -- feature is not enabled, each element of @pWaitDstStageMask@ /must/ -- not contain @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT@ or -- @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT@ -- -- - Each element of @pWaitDstStageMask@ /must/ not include -- @VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT@. -- -- == Valid Usage (Implicit) -- -- - @sType@ /must/ be @VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SUBMIT_INFO@ -- -- - Each @pNext@ member of any structure (including this one) in the -- @pNext@ chain /must/ be either @NULL@ or a pointer to a valid -- instance of -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32.VkD3D12FenceSubmitInfoKHR', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_from_VK_KHR_device_group.VkDeviceGroupSubmitInfo', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_protected_memory.VkProtectedSubmitInfo', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex.VkWin32KeyedMutexAcquireReleaseInfoKHR', -- or -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Extensions.VK_NV_win32_keyed_mutex.VkWin32KeyedMutexAcquireReleaseInfoNV' -- -- - Each @sType@ member in the @pNext@ chain /must/ be unique -- -- - If @waitSemaphoreCount@ is not @0@, @pWaitSemaphores@ /must/ be a -- valid pointer to an array of @waitSemaphoreCount@ valid -- @VkSemaphore@ handles -- -- - If @waitSemaphoreCount@ is not @0@, @pWaitDstStageMask@ /must/ be a -- valid pointer to an array of @waitSemaphoreCount@ valid combinations -- of 'VkPipelineStageFlagBits' values -- -- - Each element of @pWaitDstStageMask@ /must/ not be @0@ -- -- - If @commandBufferCount@ is not @0@, @pCommandBuffers@ /must/ be a -- valid pointer to an array of @commandBufferCount@ valid -- @VkCommandBuffer@ handles -- -- - If @signalSemaphoreCount@ is not @0@, @pSignalSemaphores@ /must/ be -- a valid pointer to an array of @signalSemaphoreCount@ valid -- @VkSemaphore@ handles -- -- - Each of the elements of @pCommandBuffers@, the elements of -- @pSignalSemaphores@, and the elements of @pWaitSemaphores@ that are -- valid handles /must/ have been created, allocated, or retrieved from -- the same @VkDevice@ -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'VkCommandBuffer', 'VkPipelineStageFlags', 'VkSemaphore', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Core.VkStructureType', 'vkQueueSubmit' data VkSubmitInfo = VkSubmitInfo { -- No documentation found for Nested "VkSubmitInfo" "vkSType" vkSType :: VkStructureType , -- No documentation found for Nested "VkSubmitInfo" "vkPNext" vkPNext :: Ptr () , -- No documentation found for Nested "VkSubmitInfo" "vkWaitSemaphoreCount" vkWaitSemaphoreCount :: Word32 , -- No documentation found for Nested "VkSubmitInfo" "vkPWaitSemaphores" vkPWaitSemaphores :: Ptr VkSemaphore , -- No documentation found for Nested "VkSubmitInfo" "vkPWaitDstStageMask" vkPWaitDstStageMask :: Ptr VkPipelineStageFlags , -- No documentation found for Nested "VkSubmitInfo" "vkCommandBufferCount" vkCommandBufferCount :: Word32 , -- No documentation found for Nested "VkSubmitInfo" "vkPCommandBuffers" vkPCommandBuffers :: Ptr VkCommandBuffer , -- No documentation found for Nested "VkSubmitInfo" "vkSignalSemaphoreCount" vkSignalSemaphoreCount :: Word32 , -- No documentation found for Nested "VkSubmitInfo" "vkPSignalSemaphores" vkPSignalSemaphores :: Ptr VkSemaphore } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable VkSubmitInfo where sizeOf ~_ = 72 alignment ~_ = 8 peek ptr = VkSubmitInfo <$> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 0) <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 8) <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 16) <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 24) <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 32) <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 40) <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 48) <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 56) <*> peek (ptr `plusPtr` 64) poke ptr poked = poke (ptr `plusPtr` 0) (vkSType (poked :: VkSubmitInfo)) *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 8) (vkPNext (poked :: VkSubmitInfo)) *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 16) (vkWaitSemaphoreCount (poked :: VkSubmitInfo)) *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 24) (vkPWaitSemaphores (poked :: VkSubmitInfo)) *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 32) (vkPWaitDstStageMask (poked :: VkSubmitInfo)) *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 40) (vkCommandBufferCount (poked :: VkSubmitInfo)) *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 48) (vkPCommandBuffers (poked :: VkSubmitInfo)) *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 56) (vkSignalSemaphoreCount (poked :: VkSubmitInfo)) *> poke (ptr `plusPtr` 64) (vkPSignalSemaphores (poked :: VkSubmitInfo)) -- | VkPipelineStageFlags - Bitmask of VkPipelineStageFlagBits -- -- = Description -- #_description# -- -- @VkPipelineStageFlags@ is a bitmask type for setting a mask of zero or -- more 'VkPipelineStageFlagBits'. -- -- = See Also -- #_see_also# -- -- 'VkPipelineStageFlagBits', 'VkSubmitInfo', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.Pass.VkSubpassDependency', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdPipelineBarrier', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdResetEvent', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdSetEvent', -- 'Graphics.Vulkan.Core10.CommandBufferBuilding.vkCmdWaitEvents' type VkPipelineStageFlags = VkPipelineStageFlagBits