{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |
-- Module:      Game.Waddle.Types
-- Copyright:   (c) 2015 Martin Grabmueller
-- License:     BSD3
-- Maintainer:  martin@grabmueller.de
-- Stability:   provisional
-- Portability: portable
-- Waddle is a library of WAD file utilities.
-- This is a convenience module which re-exports the modules which are
-- essential for using Waddle.
module Game.Waddle.Types
        Seg(..)) where

import Control.Exception
import Data.Typeable

import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.ByteString(ByteString)
import Data.CaseInsensitive(CI)
import Data.Map(Map)

data WadException
  = WadExceptionFormatError String String
  | WadExceptionDecodeError String String
 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

instance Exception WadException

data WadHeader = WadHeader {
  wadHeaderIdentifier :: ByteString,
  -- ^ Normally "IWAD" or "PWAD", always of length 4.
  wadHeaderLumpCount :: Int32,
  -- ^ Number of lumps in the file.
  wadHeaderDirectoryOffset :: Int32
  -- ^ Byte offset (relative to beginning of the file) of the WAD
  -- directory.

data WadEntry = WadEntry {
  wadEntryOffset :: Int32,
  -- ^ Offset of the lump data in the file.
  wadEntrySize :: Int32,
  -- ^ Size (in bytes) of the lump data.
  wadEntryName :: ByteString
  -- ^ Name of the lump. Note that trailing NULs are stripped when the
  -- name is read in.

type LumpName = ByteString

data Wad = Wad {
  wadHeader     :: WadHeader,
  -- ^ WAD header.
  wadDirectory  :: [WadEntry],
  -- ^ All WAD directory entries, in the same order as in the file.
  wadLumps :: [ByteString],
  -- ^ All WAD lumps, each entry matching the corresponding entry in wadDirectory.
  wadLumpLookup :: Map (CI LumpName) ByteString,
  -- ^ Mapping from lump names to lump content.
  wadFlats :: Map (CI LumpName) Flat,
  -- ^ Mapping from lump names to flats (floors and ceilings).
  wadSprites :: Map (CI LumpName) Sprite,
  -- ^ Mapping from lump names to sprites (monsters and things).
  wadPatches :: Map (CI LumpName) Patch,
  -- ^ Mapping from lump names to patches (parts of wall textures).
  wadTextures :: Map (CI LumpName) Texture,
  -- ^ Mapping from lump names to wall textures.
  wadLevels :: Map (CI LumpName) Level,
  -- ^ Mapping from lump names to levels.
  wadPNames :: Map Int LumpName,
  -- ^ Mapping from patch indices to patch names.
  wadColormap :: Maybe Colormap,
  -- ^ WAD colormap for mapping palette entries according to light
  -- levels.
  wadPalettes :: Maybe Palettes
  -- ^ Palettes for mapping color indices to RGB tuples.

data Level = Level {
  levelName :: LumpName,
  levelThings :: [Thing],
  levelVertices :: [Vertex],
  levelLineDefs :: [LineDef],
  levelSideDefs :: [SideDef],
  levelSegs :: [Seg],
  levelSSectors :: [SSector],
  levelSectors :: [Sector],
  levelNodes :: [Node],
  levelReject :: Maybe Reject,
  levelBlockmap :: Maybe Blockmap

data Picture = Picture {
  pictureWidth      :: Int,
  pictureHeight     :: Int,
  pictureLeftOffset :: Int,
  pictureTopOffset  :: Int,
  picturePosts      :: [[Post]]

data Post
  = Post {
    postTop    :: Word8,
    postPixels :: ByteString
  deriving (Show)

data Sprite = Sprite {
  spriteName    :: LumpName,
  spritePicture :: Picture

data Flat = Flat {
  flatName :: LumpName,
  -- ^ Name of this flat.
  flatData :: ByteString
  -- ^ Alrays 64 x 64 =  4096 bytes.

data Patch = Patch {
  patchName :: LumpName,
  patchPicture :: Picture

data Thing = Thing {
  thingX     :: Int16,
  thingY     :: Int16,
  thingAngle :: Int16,
  thingType  :: ThingType,
  thingFlags :: Int16
data Vertex = Vertex {
  vertexX :: Int16,
  vertexY :: Int16

data LineDef = LineDef {
  lineDefStartVertex  :: Int16,
  lineDefEndVertex    :: Int16,
  lineDefFlags        :: Int16,
  lineDefEffect       :: Int16,
  lineDefTag          :: Int16,
  lineDefRightSideDef :: Int16,
  lineDefLeftSideDef  :: Maybe Int16

data SideDef = SideDef {
  sideDefXOffset           :: Int16,
  sideDefYOffset           :: Int16,
  sideDefUpperTextureName  :: ByteString,
  sideDefLowerTextureName  :: ByteString,
  sideDefMiddleTextureName :: ByteString,
  sideDefSector            :: Int16

data Seg = Seg {
  segStartVertex :: Int16,
  segEndVertex :: Int16,
  segAngle :: Int16,
  segLineDef :: Int16,
  segDirection :: Int16,
  segOffset :: Int16

data SSector = SSector {
  ssectorSegCount :: Int16,
  ssectorSegStart :: Int16

data Sector = Sector {
  sectorFloorHeight   :: Int16,
  sectorCeilingHeight :: Int16,
  sectorFloorFlat     :: ByteString,
  sectorCeilingFlat   :: ByteString,
  sectorLightLevel    :: Int16,
  sectorSpecial       :: Int16,
  sectorTag           :: Int16

data Node = Node {
  nodeX :: Int16,
  nodeY :: Int16,
  nodeDX :: Int16,
  nodeDY :: Int16,
  nodeRightBBUY :: Int16,
  nodeRightBBLY :: Int16,
  nodeRightBBLX :: Int16,
  nodeRightBBUX :: Int16,
  nodeLeftBBUY :: Int16,
  nodeLeftBBLY :: Int16,
  nodeLeftBBLX :: Int16,
  nodeLeftBBUX :: Int16,
  nodeRightNodeOrSSector :: Either Int16 Int16,
  nodeLeftNodeOrSSector :: Either Int16 Int16

data Reject = Reject {
  rejectBytes :: ByteString

type Blocklist = [Int16]

data Blockmap = Blockmap {
  blockmapOriginX :: Int16,
  blockmapOriginY :: Int16,
  blockmapColumns :: Int16,
  blockmapRows :: Int16,
  blockmapOffsets :: [Word16],
  blockmapBlocklists :: [Blocklist]

data Palettes = Palettes [[(Word8, Word8, Word8)]]

data Colormap = Colormap [ByteString] -- 34 maps, 256 bytes each

data PatchDescriptor = PatchDescriptor {
  patchDescriptorXOffset :: Int16,
  patchDescriptorYOffset :: Int16,
  patchDescriptorPNameIndex :: Int16,
  patchDescriptorStepDir :: Int16,
  patchDescriptorColorMap :: Int16

data Texture = Texture {
  textureName :: LumpName,
  textureWidth :: Int16,
  textureHeight :: Int16,
  texturePatchDescriptors :: [PatchDescriptor]

data ThingType
  = ZeroThing -- Appears in PLUTONIA.WAD
  | Player1StartPos
  | Player2StartPos
  | Player3StartPos
  | Player4StartPos
  | DeathMatchStartPos
  | FormerHuman
  | WolfensteinOfficer
  | FormerHumanSergeant
  | FormerHumanCommando
  | Imp
  | Demon
  | Spectre
  | LostSoul
  | Cacodemon
  | HellKnight
  | BaronOfHell
  | Arachnotron
  | PainElemental
  | Revenant
  | Mancubus
  | ArchVile
  | Spiderdemon
  | Cyberdemon
  | BossBrain

  | TeleportLanding
  | BossShooter
  | SpawnSpot

  | Chainsaw
  | Shotgun
  | SuperShotgun
  | Chaingun
  | RocketLauncher
  | Plasmagun
  | BFG9000

  | AmmoClip
  | ShotgunShells
  | Rocket
  | CellCharge
  | BoxOfAmmo
  | BoxOfShells
  | BoxOfRockets
  | CellChargePack
  | Backpack

  | StimPack
  | Medikit
  | HealthPotion
  | SpiritArmor
  | SecurityArmor
  | CombatArmor
  | MegaSphere
  | SoulSphere
  | Invulnerability
  | BerserkPack
  | Invisibility
  | RadiationSuit
  | ComputerMap
  | LightAmplificationGoggles

  | BlueKeyCard
  | RedKeyCard
  | YellowKeyCard
  | BlueSkullKey
  | RedSkullKey
  | YellowSkullKey

  | Barrel
  | BurningBarrel
  | Candle
  | Candelabra
  | TallTechnocolumn
  | TallGreenPillar
  | TallRedPillar
  | ShortGreenPillar
  | ShortGreenPillarWithHeart
  | ShortGreenPillarWithBeatingHeart
  | ShortRedPillar
  | ShortRedPillarWithSkull
  | Stalagmite
  | BurntGrayTree
  | LargeBrownTree
  | TallBlueFirestick
  | TallGreenFirestick
  | TallRedFirestick
  | ShortBlueFirestick
  | ShortGreenFirestick
  | ShortRedFirestick
  | FloorLamp
  | TallTechnoLamp
  | ShortTechnoLamp
  | EvilEyeSymbol
  | FlamingSkullRock
  | ImpaledHuman
  | TwitchingImpaledHuman
  | SkullOnPole
  | FiveSkullShishKebap
  | PileOfSkullsAndCandles
  | HangingVictim
  | HangingVictimTwitching
  | HangingPairOfLegs
  | HangingVictim1Leg
  | HangingLeg
  | HangingVictimNoGuts
  | HangingVictimNoGutsBrain
  | HangingTorsoLookingDown
  | HangingTorsoOpenSkull
  | HangingTorsoLookingUp
  | HangingTorsoNoBrain
  | HangingBilly

  | DeadPlayer
  | DeadFormerHuman
  | DeadFormerSergeant
  | DeadImp
  | DeadDemon
  | DeadCacodemon
  | DeadLostSoulInvisible
  | BloodyMessExplodedPlayer
  | BloodyMessAsAbove
  | PoolOfBlood
  | PoolOfGuts
  | SmallPoolOfGuts
  | PoolOfBrains
  | HangingVictimTwitching2
  | HangingVictimArmsSpread
  | HangingVictim1Legged
  | HangingPairOfLegs2
  | HangingLeg2
  | ThingTypeOther Int
    deriving (Show)

-- Mostly taken from: UDS in the version at
-- http://web.archive.org/web/20100906191901/http://the-stable.lancs.ac.uk/~esasb1/doom/uds/things.html
thingTypeFromNumber :: Integral a => a -> ThingType
thingTypeFromNumber n = case n of
  0 -> ZeroThing -- Appears in PLUTONIA.WAD
  1 -> Player1StartPos
  2 -> Player2StartPos
  3 -> Player3StartPos
  4 -> Player4StartPos
  11 -> DeathMatchStartPos

  3004 -> FormerHuman
  84 -> WolfensteinOfficer
  9 -> FormerHumanSergeant
  65 -> FormerHumanCommando
  3001 -> Imp
  3002 -> Demon
  58 -> Spectre
  3006 -> LostSoul
  3005 -> Cacodemon
  69 -> HellKnight
  3003 -> BaronOfHell
  68 -> Arachnotron
  71 -> PainElemental
  66 -> Revenant
  67 -> Mancubus
  64 -> ArchVile
  7 -> Spiderdemon
  16 -> Cyberdemon
  88 -> BossBrain

  14 -> TeleportLanding
  89 -> BossShooter
  87 -> SpawnSpot

  2005 -> Chainsaw
  2001 -> Shotgun
  82 -> SuperShotgun
  2002 -> Chaingun
  2003 -> RocketLauncher
  2004 -> Plasmagun
  2006 -> BFG9000

  2007 -> AmmoClip
  2008 -> ShotgunShells
  2010 -> Rocket
  2047 -> CellCharge
  2048 -> BoxOfAmmo
  2049 -> BoxOfShells
  2046 -> BoxOfRockets
  17 -> CellChargePack
  8 -> Backpack

  2011 -> StimPack
  2012 -> Medikit
  2014 -> HealthPotion
  2015 -> SpiritArmor
  2018 -> SecurityArmor
  2019 -> CombatArmor
  83 -> MegaSphere
  2013 -> SoulSphere
  2022 -> Invulnerability
  2023 -> BerserkPack
  2024 -> Invisibility
  2025 -> RadiationSuit
  2026 -> ComputerMap
  2045 -> LightAmplificationGoggles

  5 -> BlueKeyCard
  13 -> RedKeyCard
  6 -> YellowKeyCard
  40 -> BlueSkullKey
  38 -> RedSkullKey
  39 -> YellowSkullKey

  2035 -> Barrel
  70 -> BurningBarrel
  34 -> Candle
  35 -> Candelabra
  48 -> TallTechnocolumn
  30 -> TallGreenPillar
  32 -> TallRedPillar
  31 -> ShortGreenPillar
  24 -> ShortGreenPillarWithHeart
  36 -> ShortGreenPillarWithBeatingHeart -- According to http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Thing_types
  33 -> ShortRedPillar
  37 -> ShortRedPillarWithSkull
  47 -> Stalagmite
  43 -> BurntGrayTree
  54 -> LargeBrownTree
  44 -> TallBlueFirestick
  45 -> TallGreenFirestick
  46 -> TallRedFirestick
  55 -> ShortBlueFirestick
  56 -> ShortGreenFirestick
  57 -> ShortRedFirestick
  2028 -> FloorLamp
  85 -> TallTechnoLamp
  86 -> ShortTechnoLamp
  41 -> EvilEyeSymbol
  42 -> FlamingSkullRock
  25 -> ImpaledHuman
  26 -> TwitchingImpaledHuman
  27 -> SkullOnPole
  28 -> FiveSkullShishKebap
  29 -> PileOfSkullsAndCandles
  50 -> HangingVictim
  49 -> HangingVictimTwitching
  52 -> HangingPairOfLegs
  51 -> HangingVictim1Leg
  53 -> HangingLeg
  73 -> HangingVictimNoGuts
  74 -> HangingVictimNoGutsBrain
  75 -> HangingTorsoLookingDown
  76 -> HangingTorsoOpenSkull
  77 -> HangingTorsoLookingUp
  78 -> HangingTorsoNoBrain
  72 -> HangingBilly

  15 -> DeadPlayer
  18 -> DeadFormerHuman
  19 -> DeadFormerSergeant
  20 -> DeadImp
  21 -> DeadDemon
  22 -> DeadCacodemon
  23 -> DeadLostSoulInvisible
  10 -> BloodyMessExplodedPlayer
  12 -> BloodyMessAsAbove
--  24 -> PoolOfBlood  -- Duplicate with ShortGreenPillarWithHeart above
  79 -> PoolOfGuts
  80 -> SmallPoolOfGuts
  81 -> PoolOfBrains
  63 -> HangingVictimTwitching
  59 -> HangingVictimArmsSpread
  61 -> HangingVictim1Legged
  60 -> HangingPairOfLegs
  62 -> HangingLeg
  _ -> ThingTypeOther (fromIntegral n)