{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Network.Wai.Application.Classic.Path (
  , fromString, fromByteString
  , (+++), (</>), (<\>), (<.>)
  , breakAtSeparator, hasLeadingPathSeparator, hasTrailingPathSeparator
  , isSuffixOf
  ) where

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (null, head, tail, last, concat, append, drop, length, breakByte, isSuffixOf)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (pack, unpack)
import Data.String
import Data.Word
import Data.Function


-- | Smart file path.
data Path = Path {
    pathString :: FilePath
  , pathByteString :: ByteString

instance IsString Path where
    fromString path = Path {
        pathString = path
      , pathByteString = BS.pack path

instance Show Path where
    show = show . pathByteString

instance Eq Path where
    (==) = (==) `on` pathByteString


fromByteString :: ByteString -> Path
fromByteString path = Path {
    pathString = BS.unpack path
  , pathByteString = path

-- pathDot :: Word8
-- pathDot = 46

pathDotBS :: ByteString
pathDotBS = "."

pathSep :: Word8
pathSep = 47

pathSepBS :: ByteString
pathSepBS = "/"

  Checking if the path ends with the path separator.

>>> hasLeadingPathSeparator "/foo/bar"
>>> hasLeadingPathSeparator "foo/bar"
hasLeadingPathSeparator :: Path -> Bool
hasLeadingPathSeparator path
  | BS.null bs            = False
  | BS.head bs == pathSep = True
  | otherwise             = False
    bs = pathByteString path

  Checking if the path ends with the path separator.

>>> hasTrailingPathSeparator "/foo/bar/"
>>> hasTrailingPathSeparator "/foo/bar"
hasTrailingPathSeparator :: Path -> Bool
hasTrailingPathSeparator path
  | BS.null bs            = False
  | BS.last bs == pathSep = True
  | otherwise             = False
    bs = pathByteString path

infixr +++


(+++) :: Path -> Path -> Path
p1 +++ p2 = fromByteString p
    p = pathByteString p1 `BS.append` pathByteString p2

  Appending with the file separator.

>>> "/foo" </> "bar"
>>> "/foo/" </> "bar"
>>> "/foo" </> "/bar"
>>> "/foo/" </> "/bar"

(</>) :: Path -> Path -> Path
p1 </> p2
  | has1 && not has2 || not has1 && has2 = p1 +++ p2
  | has1      = fromByteString pp1
  | otherwise = fromByteString pp2
    has1 = hasTrailingPathSeparator p1
    has2 = hasLeadingPathSeparator p2
    p1' = pathByteString p1
    p2' = pathByteString p2
    pp1 = p1' `BS.append` BS.tail p2'
    pp2 = BS.concat [p1',pathSepBS,p2']

  Removing prefix. The prefix of the second argument is removed
  from the first argument.

>>> "foobar" <\> "foo"
>>> "foo" <\> "foobar"
>>> "foobar" <\> "baz"
(<\>) :: Path -> Path -> Path
p1 <\> p2 = fromByteString p
    p1' = pathByteString p1
    p2' = pathByteString p2
    p = BS.drop (BS.length p2') p1'

  Adding suffix.
(<.>) :: Path -> Path -> Path
p1 <.> p2 = fromByteString p
    p1' = pathByteString p1
    p2' = pathByteString p2
    p = BS.concat [p1',pathDotBS,p2']

  Breaking at the first path separator.
>>> breakAtSeparator "/foo/bar/baz"
>>> breakAtSeparator "foo/bar/baz"
>>> breakAtSeparator "foo"
breakAtSeparator :: Path -> (Path,Path)
breakAtSeparator p = (fromByteString r1, fromByteString r2)
    p' = pathByteString p
    (r1,r2) = BS.breakByte pathSep p'

isSuffixOf :: Path -> Path -> Bool
isSuffixOf p1 p2 = p1' `BS.isSuffixOf` p2'
    p1' = pathByteString p1
    p2' = pathByteString p2