{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Network.Wai.Zlib (compress) where

import Prelude hiding (length)
import Network.Wai hiding (status)

import Data.ByteString.Unsafe
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (defaultChunkSize)

import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad

import Data.ByteString.Char8 hiding (putStrLn)

chunkSize :: Int
chunkSize = defaultChunkSize

compress :: Enumerator -> Enumerator
compress enum =
    Enumerator $ \iter acc ->
            (compressInner iter acc enum)

compressInner :: (acc -> ByteString -> IO (Either acc acc))
              -> acc
              -> Enumerator
              -> ZStream
              -> IO (Either acc acc)
compressInner iter acc enum stream = allocaBytes chunkSize $ \outbuff -> do
    when (stream == nullPtr) $ error "Error from zlib library"
    c_set_avail_out stream outbuff $ fromIntegral chunkSize
    eacc <- runEnumerator enum (compressIter iter stream outbuff) acc
    case eacc of
        Left acc' -> return $ Left acc'
        Right acc' -> finishStream iter stream outbuff acc'

drainOutput :: Bool -- ^ are we finishing?
            -> ZStream
            -> Ptr CChar -- ^ output buffer
            -> (acc -> ByteString -> IO (Either acc acc))
            -> acc
            -> IO (Either acc acc)
drainOutput isFinish stream outbuff iter acc = do
    if isFinish
        then c_call_deflate_finish stream >> return ()
        else c_call_deflate_noflush stream
    newAvail <- fromIntegral `fmap` c_get_avail_out stream
    if newAvail == 0 || (isFinish && newAvail /= chunkSize)
        then do
            bs <- unsafePackCStringLen (outbuff, chunkSize - newAvail)
            eacc <- iter acc bs
            case eacc of
                Left acc' -> return $ Left acc'
                Right acc' -> do
                    c_set_avail_out stream outbuff $ fromIntegral chunkSize
                    drainOutput isFinish stream outbuff iter acc'
        else return $ Right acc

finishStream :: (acc -> ByteString -> IO (Either acc acc))
             -> ZStream
             -> Ptr CChar
             -> acc
             -> IO (Either acc acc)
finishStream iter stream outbuff acc =
    drainOutput True stream outbuff iter acc

compressIter :: (acc -> ByteString -> IO (Either acc acc))
             -> ZStream
             -> Ptr CChar
             -> acc
             -> ByteString
             -> IO (Either acc acc)
compressIter iter stream outbuff acc bsInput = do
    unsafeUseAsCStringLen bsInput $ \(cstr, len) ->
        c_set_avail_in stream cstr $ fromIntegral len
    drainOutput False stream outbuff iter acc

data ZStreamStruct
type ZStream = Ptr ZStreamStruct

foreign import ccall unsafe "create_z_stream"
    c_create_z_stream :: IO ZStream

foreign import ccall unsafe "free_z_stream"
    c_free_z_stream :: ZStream -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "set_avail_in"
    c_set_avail_in :: ZStream -> Ptr CChar -> CUInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "set_avail_out"
    c_set_avail_out :: ZStream -> Ptr CChar -> CUInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "call_deflate_noflush"
    c_call_deflate_noflush :: ZStream -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "call_deflate_finish"
    c_call_deflate_finish :: ZStream -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "get_avail_out"
    c_get_avail_out :: ZStream -> IO CUInt