module Network.Wai.Zlib (compress) where

import Prelude hiding (head)
import Data.Enumerator
    ( Enumeratee, checkDone, Stream (..)
    , (>>==), head, ($$), joinI
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, fromByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Enumerator (builderToByteString)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)

import Codec.Zlib

-- Note: this function really should return a stream of ByteStrings, but the
-- WAI protocol needs Builders anyway.
compress :: Enumeratee Builder Builder IO a
compress step0 = joinI $ builderToByteString $$ do
    def <- liftIO $ initDeflate 7 $ WindowBits 31
    loop def step0
    loop def = checkDone $ step def
    step def k = do
        minput <- head
        case minput of
            Nothing -> do
                bss <- liftIO $ finishDeflate def drain
                k (Chunks bss) >>== return
            Just input -> do
                bss <- liftIO $ withDeflateInput def input drain
                case bss of
                    [] -> step def k
                    _ -> k (Chunks bss) >>== loop def
    drain =
        go id
        go front mbs' = do
            mbs <- mbs'
            case mbs of
                Nothing -> return $ map fromByteString $ front []
                Just bs -> go (front . (:) bs) mbs'