{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- NOTE: Due to https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/issues/192, this module should
-- not use CPP.
module Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger
    ( -- * Basic stdout logging
    , logStdoutDev
      -- * Create more versions
    , mkRequestLogger
    , RequestLoggerSettings
    , outputFormat
    , autoFlush
    , destination
    , OutputFormat (..)
    , OutputFormatter
    , Destination (..)
    , Callback
    , IPAddrSource (..)
    ) where

import System.IO (Handle, stdout)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Network.Wai (Request(..), Middleware, responseStatus, Response, responseHeaders)
import System.Log.FastLogger
import Network.HTTP.Types as H
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)

import Network.Wai.Parse (sinkRequestBody, lbsBackEnd, fileName, Param, File, getRequestBodyType)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8

import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL

import System.Console.ANSI
import Data.IORef.Lifted
import System.IO.Unsafe

import Data.Default (Default (def))
import Network.Wai.Logger
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger.Internal

data OutputFormat = Apache IPAddrSource
                  | Detailed Bool -- ^ use colors?
                  | CustomOutputFormat OutputFormatter

type OutputFormatter = ZonedDate -> Request -> Status -> Maybe Integer -> LogStr

data Destination = Handle Handle
                 | Logger LoggerSet
                 | Callback Callback

type Callback = LogStr -> IO ()

data RequestLoggerSettings = RequestLoggerSettings
      -- | Default value: @Detailed@ @True@.
      outputFormat :: OutputFormat
      -- | Only applies when using the @Handle@ constructor for @destination@.
      -- Default value: @True@.
    , autoFlush :: Bool
      -- | Default: @Handle@ @stdout@.
    , destination :: Destination

instance Default RequestLoggerSettings where
    def = RequestLoggerSettings
        { outputFormat = Detailed True
        , autoFlush = True
        , destination = Handle stdout

mkRequestLogger :: RequestLoggerSettings -> IO Middleware
mkRequestLogger RequestLoggerSettings{..} = do
    let (callback, flusher) =
            case destination of
                Handle h -> (BS.hPutStr h . logToByteString, return ())
                Logger l -> (pushLogStr l, flushLogStr l)
                Callback c -> (c, return ())
    case outputFormat of
        Apache ipsrc -> do
            getdate <- getDateGetter flusher
            apache <- initLogger ipsrc (LogCallback callback (return ())) getdate
            return $ apacheMiddleware apache
        Detailed useColors -> detailedMiddleware
                                  (\str -> callback str >> flusher)
        CustomOutputFormat formatter -> do
            getdate <- getDateGetter flusher
            return $ customMiddleware callback getdate formatter

apacheMiddleware :: ApacheLoggerActions -> Middleware
apacheMiddleware ala app req = do
    res <- app req
    let msize = lookup "content-length" (responseHeaders res) >>= readInt'
        readInt' bs =
            case S8.readInteger bs of
                Just (i, "") -> Just i
                _ -> Nothing
    apacheLogger ala req (responseStatus res) msize
    return res

customMiddleware :: Callback -> IO ZonedDate -> OutputFormatter -> Middleware
customMiddleware cb getdate formatter app req = do
    res <- app req
    date <- liftIO getdate
    -- We use Nothing for the response size since we generally don't know it
    liftIO $ cb $ formatter date req (responseStatus res) Nothing
    return res

-- | Production request logger middleware.
-- Implemented on top of "logCallback", but prints to 'stdout'
logStdout :: Middleware
logStdout = unsafePerformIO $ mkRequestLogger def { outputFormat = Apache FromSocket }

-- | Development request logger middleware.
-- Implemented on top of "logCallbackDev", but prints to 'stdout'
-- Flushes 'stdout' on each request, which would be inefficient in production use.
-- Use "logStdout" in production.
logStdoutDev :: Middleware
logStdoutDev = unsafePerformIO $ mkRequestLogger def

-- no black or white which are expected to be existing terminal colors.
colors0 :: [Color]
colors0 = [
  , Yellow
  , Blue
  , Magenta
  , Cyan

rotateColors :: [Color] -> ([Color], Color)
rotateColors [] = error "Impossible! There must be colors!"
rotateColors (c:cs) = (cs ++ [c], c)

-- | Prints a message using the given callback function for each request.
-- This is not for serious production use- it is inefficient.
-- It immediately consumes a POST body and fills it back in and is otherwise inefficient
-- Note that it logs the request immediately when it is received.
-- This meanst that you can accurately see the interleaving of requests.
-- And if the app crashes you have still logged the request.
-- However, if you are simulating 10 simultaneous users you may find this confusing.
-- The request and response are connected by color on Unix and also by the request path.
-- This is lower-level - use 'logStdoutDev' unless you need greater control.
-- Example ouput:
-- > GET search
-- > Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
-- >
-- > Status: 200 OK. search
-- >
-- > GET static/css/normalize.css
-- > Accept: text/css,*/*;q=0.1
-- > GET [("LXwioiBG","")]
-- >
-- > Status: 304 Not Modified. static/css/normalize.css

detailedMiddleware :: Callback -> Bool -> IO Middleware
detailedMiddleware cb useColors = do
    getAddColor <-
        if not useColors then return (return return) else do
                icolors <- newIORef colors0
                return $ do
                    color <- liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef icolors rotateColors
                    return $ ansiColor color
    return $ detailedMiddleware' cb getAddColor

ansiColor :: Color -> BS.ByteString -> [BS.ByteString]
ansiColor color bs = [
    pack $ setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid color]
  , bs
  , pack $ setSGRCode [Reset]

detailedMiddleware' :: Callback
                    -> IO (BS.ByteString -> [BS.ByteString])
                    -> Middleware
detailedMiddleware' cb getAddColor app req = do
    let mlen = lookup "content-length" (requestHeaders req) >>= readInt
    (req', body) <-
        case mlen of
            -- log the request body if it is small
            Just len | len <= 2048 -> do
                 body <- requestBody req C.$$ CL.consume
                 -- logging the body here consumes it, so fill it back up
                 -- obviously not efficient, but this is the development logger
                 -- Note: previously, we simply used CL.sourceList. However,
                 -- that meant that you could read the request body in twice.
                 -- While that in itself is not a problem, the issue is that,
                 -- in production, you wouldn't be able to do this, and
                 -- therefore some bugs wouldn't show up during testing. This
                 -- implementation ensures that each chunk is only returned
                 -- once.
                 ichunks <- newIORef body
                 let rbody = do
                        chunks <- readIORef ichunks
                        case chunks of
                            [] -> return ()
                            x:xs -> do
                                writeIORef ichunks xs
                                C.yield x
                 let req' = req { requestBody = rbody }
                 return (req', body)
            _ -> return (req, [])

    postParams <- if requestMethod req `elem` ["GET", "HEAD"]
      then return []
      else do postParams <- liftIO $ allPostParams body
              return $ collectPostParams postParams

    let getParams = map emptyGetParam $ queryString req

    addColor <- getAddColor
    let accept = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "Accept" $ requestHeaders req

    -- log the request immediately.
    liftIO $ cb $ mconcat $ map toLogStr $ addColor (requestMethod req) ++
        [ " "
        , rawPathInfo req
        , " :: "
        , accept
        , paramsToBS  "GET " getParams
        , paramsToBS "POST " postParams
        , "\n"

    rsp <- app req'

    -- log the status of the response
    -- this is color coordinated with the request logging
    -- also includes the request path to connect it to the request
    liftIO $ cb $ mconcat $ map toLogStr $
        addColor "Status: " ++ statusBS rsp ++
        [ " "
        , msgBS rsp
        , ". "
        , rawPathInfo req -- if you need help matching the 2 logging statements
        , "\n"
    return rsp
    paramsToBS prefix params =
      if null params then ""
        else BS.concat ["\n", prefix, pack (show params)]

    allPostParams body =
        case getRequestBodyType req of
            Nothing -> return ([], [])
            Just rbt -> CL.sourceList body C.$$ sinkRequestBody lbsBackEnd rbt

    emptyGetParam :: (BS.ByteString, Maybe BS.ByteString) -> (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)
    emptyGetParam (k, Just v) = (k,v)
    emptyGetParam (k, Nothing) = (k,"")

    collectPostParams :: ([Param], [File LBS.ByteString]) -> [Param]
    collectPostParams (postParams, files) = postParams ++
      map (\(k,v) -> (k, BS.append "FILE: " (fileName v))) files

    readInt bs =
        case reads $ unpack bs of
            (i, _):_ -> Just (i :: Int)
            [] -> Nothing

statusBS :: Response -> [BS.ByteString]
statusBS rsp =
    if status >= 400 then ansiColor Red bs else [bs]
    bs = pack $ show status
    status = statusCode $ responseStatus rsp

msgBS :: Response -> BS.ByteString
msgBS = statusMessage . responseStatus