-- | -- -- @since 3.0.14 module Network.Wai.Middleware.ForceDomain where import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty) import Network.HTTP.Types (hLocation, methodGet, status301, status307) import Prelude import Network.Wai import Network.Wai.Request -- | Force a domain by redirecting. -- The `checkDomain` function takes the current domain and checks whether it is correct. -- It should return `Nothing` if the domain is correct, or `Just "domain.com"` if it is incorrect. -- -- @since 3.0.14 forceDomain :: (ByteString -> Maybe ByteString) -> Middleware forceDomain checkDomain app req sendResponse = case requestHeaderHost req >>= checkDomain of Nothing -> app req sendResponse Just domain -> sendResponse $ redirectResponse domain where -- From: Network.Wai.Middleware.ForceSSL redirectResponse domain = responseBuilder status [(hLocation, location domain)] mempty location h = let p = if appearsSecure req then "https://" else "http://" in p <> h <> rawPathInfo req <> rawQueryString req status | requestMethod req == methodGet = status301 | otherwise = status307