{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Network.Wai.Handler.DevelServer
    ( run
    , runQuit
    , runNoWatch
    ) where

import Language.Haskell.Interpreter hiding (typeOf)
import Network.Wai

import Data.Text.Lazy (pack)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import Control.Exception (Exception, SomeException, toException, fromException)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)

import System.Directory (getModificationTime)
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Network.Wai.Application.Devel
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Debug (debug)

import Data.List (nub, group, sort)
import System.Time (ClockTime)

type FunctionName = String

runNoWatch :: Int -> ModuleName -> FunctionName
           -> (FilePath -> IO [FilePath]) -> IO ()
runNoWatch port modu func extras = do
    ah <- initAppHolder
    _ <- reload modu func extras Nothing ah
    Warp.run port $ toApp ah

runQuit :: Int -> ModuleName -> FunctionName -> (FilePath -> IO [FilePath])
        -> IO ()
runQuit port modu func extras = do
    _ <- forkIO $ run port modu func extras
    go = do
        x <- getLine
        case x of
            'q':_ -> putStrLn "Quitting, goodbye!"
            _ -> go

run :: Int -> ModuleName -> FunctionName -> (FilePath -> IO [FilePath])
    -> IO ()
run port modu func extras = do
    ah <- initAppHolder
    _ <- forkIO $ fillApp modu func extras ah
    Warp.run port $ toApp ah

startApp :: Queue -> Handler -> IO ()
startApp queue withApp = do
    forkIO (withApp go) >> return ()
    go app = do
        msession <- C.readChan queue
        case msession of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just (req, onRes) -> do
                void $ forkIO $ (E.handle onErr $ app req) >>= onRes
                go app
    onErr :: SomeException -> IO Response
    onErr e = return
            $ responseLBS
                [("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")]
            $ charsToLBS
            $ "Exception thrown while running application\n\n" ++ show e
    void x = x >> return ()

getTimes :: [FilePath] -> IO [ClockTime]
getTimes = E.handle (constSE $ return []) . mapM getModificationTime

constSE :: x -> SomeException -> x
constSE = const

fillApp :: String -> String
        -> (FilePath -> IO [FilePath]) -> AppHolder -> IO ()
fillApp modu func dirs ah =
    go Nothing []
    go prevError prevFiles = do
        toReload <-
            if null prevFiles
                then return True
                else do
                    times <- getTimes $ map fst prevFiles
                    return $ times /= map snd prevFiles
        (newError, newFiles) <-
            if toReload
                then reload modu func dirs prevError ah
                else return (prevError, prevFiles)
        threadDelay 1000000
        go newError newFiles

reload :: String -> String
       -> (FilePath -> IO [FilePath])
       -> Maybe SomeException
       -> AppHolder
       -> IO (Maybe SomeException, [(FilePath, ClockTime)])
reload modu func extras prevError ah = do
    case prevError of
         Nothing -> putStrLn "Attempting to interpret your app..."
         _       -> return ()
    loadingApp' prevError ah
    res <- theapp modu func
    case res of
        Left err -> do
            if show (Just err) /= show prevError
               then putStrLn $ "Compile failed: " ++ showInterpError err
               else return ()
            loadingApp' (Just $ toException err) ah
            return (Just $ toException err, [])
        Right (app, files') -> E.handle onInitErr $ do
            files'' <- mapM extras files'
            let files = map head $ group $ sort $ concat $ files' : files''
            putStrLn "Interpreting success, new app loaded"
            E.handle onInitErr $ do
                swapApp (\f -> app $ f . debug) ah
                times <- getTimes files
                return (Nothing, zip files times)
        onInitErr e = do
            putStrLn $ "Error initializing application: " ++ show e
            loadingApp' (Just e) ah
            return (Just e, [])

showInterpError :: InterpreterError -> String
showInterpError (WontCompile errs) =
    concat . nub $ map (\(GhcError msg) -> '\n':'\n':msg) errs
showInterpError err = show err

loadingApp' :: Maybe SomeException -> AppHolder -> IO ()
loadingApp' err = swapApp (loadingApp err)

loadingApp :: Maybe SomeException -> Handler
loadingApp err f =
    f $ const $ return $ responseLBS status200
        ( ("Content-Type", "text/plain")
        : case err of
            Nothing -> [("Refresh", "1")]
            Just _ -> []
        ) $ toMessage err
    toMessage Nothing = "Loading code changes, please wait"
    toMessage (Just err') = charsToLBS $ "Error loading code: " ++
        (case fromException err' of
            Just e -> showInterpError e
            Nothing -> show err')

charsToLBS :: String -> L8.ByteString
charsToLBS = encodeUtf8 . pack

type Handler = (Application -> IO ()) -> IO ()

theapp :: String -> String -> IO (Either InterpreterError (Handler, [FilePath]))
theapp modu func =
    runInterpreter $ do
        loadModules [modu]
        mods <- getLoadedModules
        setImports ["Prelude", "Network.Wai", "Data.Enumerator", "Data.ByteString.Internal", modu]
        app <- interpret func infer
        return (app, map toFile mods)
    toFile s = map toSlash s ++ ".hs"
    toSlash '.' = '/'
    toSlash c   = c