{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Network.Wai.Handler.Launch
    ( run
    , runUrl
    ) where

import Network.Wai
import Network.HTTP.Types
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Data.IORef
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.Enumerator (($$), joinI, Enumeratee, Stream (..), Iteratee (..), Step (..))
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString)
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.String
import System.Cmd (rawSystem)
import Codec.Zlib.Enum (ungzip)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Enumerator (builderToByteString)
import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as EL
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)

ping :: IORef Bool -> Middleware
ping  var app req
    | pathInfo req == ["_ping"] = do
        liftIO $ writeIORef var True
        return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
    | otherwise = do
        res <- app req
        let isHtml hs =
                case lookup "content-type" hs of
                    Just ct -> "text/html" `S.isPrefixOf` ct
                    Nothing -> False
        case res of
            ResponseFile _ hs _ _
                | not $ isHtml hs -> return res
            ResponseBuilder _ hs _
                | not $ isHtml hs -> return res
            _ -> do
                let renum = responseEnumerator res
                return $ ResponseEnumerator $ \f -> renum $ \status headers ->
                    if isHtml headers
                        then do
                            let (isEnc, headers') = fixHeaders id headers
                            let headers'' = filter (\(x, _) -> x /= "content-length") headers'
                            let fixEnc x =
                                    if isEnc
                                        then joinI $ ungzip $$ x
                                        else x
                            joinI $ builderToByteString $$ fixEnc $ joinI $ insideHead "<script>setInterval(function(){var x;if(window.XMLHttpRequest){x=new XMLHttpRequest();}else{x=new ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\");}x.open(\"GET\",\"/_ping\",false);x.send();},60000)</script>" $$ joinI $ EL.map fromByteString $$ f status headers''
                        else f status headers

insideHead :: S.ByteString -> Enumeratee S.ByteString S.ByteString IO a
insideHead toInsert =
    go "" whole
    whole = "<head>"
    go :: S.ByteString -> S.ByteString -> Step S.ByteString IO a -> Iteratee S.ByteString IO (Step S.ByteString IO a)
    go held atFront step = do
        mx <- EL.head
        case mx of
            Nothing -> feedDone $ Chunks [held, toInsert]
            Just x
                | atFront `S.isPrefixOf` x -> do
                    let y = S.drop (S.length atFront) x
                    let stream = Chunks [held, atFront, toInsert, y]
                    feedDone stream
                | whole `S.isInfixOf` x -> do
                    let (before, rest) = S.breakSubstring whole x
                    let after = S.drop (S.length whole) rest
                    feedDone $ Chunks [held, before, whole, toInsert, after]
                | x `S.isPrefixOf` atFront -> go
                    (held `S.append` x)
                    (S.drop (S.length x) atFront)
                | otherwise -> do
                    let (held', atFront', x') = getOverlap whole x
                    feedCont held' atFront' $ Chunks [held, x']
        --feedDone :: Stream S.ByteString -> Iteratee S.ByteString IO (Step S.ByteString IO a)
        feedDone stream =
            case step of
                Continue k -> do
                    step' <- lift $ runIteratee $ k stream
                    EL.map id step'
                Yield b s -> return $ Yield b s
                Error e -> return $ Error e

        --feedCont :: Monad m => S.ByteString -> S.ByteString -> Stream S.ByteString -> Iteratee S.ByteString m (Step S.ByteString m a)
        feedCont held' atFront' stream = do
            case step of
                Continue k -> do
                    step' <- lift $ runIteratee $ k stream
                    go held' atFront' step'
                Yield b s -> return $ Yield b s
                Error e -> return $ Error e

getOverlap :: S.ByteString -> S.ByteString -> (S.ByteString, S.ByteString, S.ByteString)
getOverlap whole x =
    go whole
    go piece
        | S.null piece = ("", whole, x)
        | piece `S.isSuffixOf` x =
            let x' = S.take (S.length x - S.length piece) x
                atFront = S.drop (S.length piece) whole
             in (piece, atFront, x')
        | otherwise = go $ S.init piece

fixHeaders :: ([Header] -> [Header])
           -> [Header]
           -> (Bool, [Header])
fixHeaders front [] = (False, front [])
fixHeaders front (("content-encoding", "gzip"):rest) = (True, front rest)
fixHeaders front (x:xs) = fixHeaders (front . (:) x) xs

foreign import ccall "launch"
    launch' :: Int -> CString -> IO ()

launch :: String -> IO ()

launch s = withCString s $ launch' 4587
launch s = forkIO (rawSystem
#if MAC
    ["" ++ s] >> return ()) >> return ()

run :: Application -> IO ()
run = runUrl ""

runUrl :: String -> Application -> IO ()
runUrl url app = do
    x <- newIORef True
    _ <- forkIO $ Warp.runSettings Warp.defaultSettings
        { Warp.settingsPort = 4587
        , Warp.settingsOnException = const $ return ()
        , Warp.settingsHost = ""
        } $ ping x app
    launch url
    loop x

loop :: IORef Bool -> IO ()
loop x = do
    let seconds = 120
    threadDelay $ 1000000 * seconds
    b <- readIORef x
    if b
        then writeIORef x False >> loop x
        else return ()