{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.Wai.MakeAssetsSpec where import Control.Exception import Control.Lens import Data.ByteString.Lazy (isPrefixOf) import Data.List (intercalate) import Network.Wai import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp import Network.Wreq as Wreq import System.Directory import System.IO.Silently import Test.Hspec import Test.Mockery.Directory import Network.Wai.MakeAssets serveDef :: IO Application serveDef = serveAssets def spec :: Spec spec = do around_ silence $ do describe "serverClient" $ do it "returns static files" $ do inTempDirectory $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True "client" createDirectoryIfMissing True "assets" writeFile "assets/foo" "bar" writeFile "client/Makefile" "all:\n\ttrue" testWithApplication serveDef $ \ port -> do let url = "http://localhost:" ++ show port ++ "/foo" response <- get url response ^. responseBody `shouldBe` "bar" it "runs 'make' in 'client/' before answering requests" $ do inTempDirectory $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True "client" createDirectoryIfMissing True "assets" writeFile "client/Makefile" "all:\n\techo bar > ../assets/foo" testWithApplication serveDef $ \ port -> do let url = "http://localhost:" ++ show port ++ "/foo" response <- get url response ^. responseBody `shouldBe` "bar\n" it "allows to configure the name of the 'client/' directory" $ do inTempDirectory $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True "custom" createDirectoryIfMissing True "assets" writeFile "custom/Makefile" "all:\n\techo bar > ../assets/foo" let options = def{ clientDir = "custom" } testWithApplication (serveAssets options) $ \ port -> do let url = "http://localhost:" ++ show port ++ "/foo" response <- get url response ^. responseBody `shouldBe` "bar\n" it "returns the error messages in case 'make' fails" $ do inTempDirectory $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True "client" createDirectoryIfMissing True "assets" writeFile "client/Makefile" "all:\n\t>&2 echo error message ; false" testWithApplication serveDef $ \ port -> do let url = "http://localhost:" ++ show port ++ "/foo" response <- getWith acceptErrors url let body = response ^. responseBody body `shouldSatisfy` ("make error:\nerror message\n" `isPrefixOf`) context "complains about missing files or directories" $ do it "missing client/" $ do inTempDirectory $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True "assets" let expected = intercalate "\n" $ "missing directory: 'client/'" : "Please create 'client/'." : "(You should put sources for assets in there.)" : [] testWithApplication serveDef (\ _ -> return ()) `shouldThrow` errorCall expected it "missing client/Makefile" $ do inTempDirectory $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True "client" createDirectoryIfMissing True "assets" let expected = intercalate "\n" $ "missing file: 'client/Makefile'" : "Please create 'client/Makefile'." : "(Which will be invoked to build the assets. It should put compiled assets into 'assets/'.)" : [] testWithApplication serveDef (\ _ -> return ()) `shouldThrow` errorCall expected it "missing assets/" $ do inTempDirectory $ do touch "client/Makefile" let expected = intercalate "\n" $ "missing directory: 'assets/'" : "Please create 'assets/'." : "(All files in 'assets/' will be served.)" : [] catch (testWithApplication serveDef (\ _ -> return ())) $ \ (ErrorCall message) -> do message `shouldBe` expected acceptErrors :: Wreq.Options acceptErrors = defaults & checkResponse .~ Just (\ _ _ -> return ())