{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}
module Network.Wai.Middleware.Auth
    ( -- * Settings
    , defaultAuthSettings
    , setAuthKey
    , setAuthAppRootStatic
    , setAuthAppRootGeneric
    , setAuthSessionAge
    , setAuthPrefix
    , setAuthCookieName
    , setAuthProviders
    , setAuthProvidersTemplate
      -- * Middleware
    , mkAuthMiddleware
      -- * Helpers
    , smartAppRoot
    , waiMiddlewareAuthVersion
    , getAuthUser
    ) where

import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder             (fromByteString)
import           Data.Binary                          (Binary)
import qualified Data.ByteString                      as S
import           Data.ByteString.Builder              (Builder)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                  as HM
import           Data.Monoid                          ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text                            as T
import           Data.Text.Encoding                   (decodeUtf8With,
import           Data.Text.Encoding.Error             (lenientDecode)
import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy                      as Vault
import           Data.Version                         (Version)
import           Foreign.C.Types                      (CTime (..))
import           GHC.Generics                         (Generic)
import           Network.HTTP.Types                   (status200, status303,
                                                       status404, status501)
import           Network.Wai                          (Middleware, Request,
                                                       pathInfo, rawPathInfo,
                                                       responseLBS, vault)
import           Network.Wai.Auth.AppRoot
import           Network.Wai.Auth.ClientSession
import           Network.Wai.Middleware.Auth.Provider
import qualified Paths_wai_middleware_auth            as Paths
import           System.IO.Unsafe                     (unsafePerformIO)
import           System.PosixCompat.Time              (epochTime)
import           Text.Hamlet                          (Render)

-- | Settings for creating the Auth middleware.
-- To create a value, use 'defaultAuthSettings' and then various setter
-- functions.
-- @since 0.1.0
data AuthSettings = AuthSettings
  { asGetKey            :: IO Key
  , asGetAppRoot        :: Request -> IO T.Text
  , asSessionAge        :: Int -- ^ default: 3600 seconds (1 hour)
  , asAuthPrefix        :: T.Text -- ^ default: _auth_middleware
  , asStateKey          :: S.ByteString -- ^ Cookie name, default: auth_state
  , asProviders         :: Providers
  , asProvidersTemplate :: Maybe T.Text -> Render Provider -> Providers -> Builder

-- | Default middleware settings. See various setters in order to change
-- available settings
-- @since 0.1.0
defaultAuthSettings :: AuthSettings
defaultAuthSettings =
  { asGetKey = getDefaultKey
  , asGetAppRoot = return <$> smartAppRoot
  , asSessionAge = 3600
  , asAuthPrefix = "_auth_middleware"
  , asStateKey = "auth_state"
  , asProviders = HM.empty
  , asProvidersTemplate = providersTemplate

-- | Set the function to get client session key for encrypting cookie data.
-- Default: 'getDefaultKey'
-- @since 0.1.0
setAuthKey :: IO Key -> AuthSettings -> AuthSettings
setAuthKey x as = as { asGetKey = x }

-- | Set the cookie name.
-- Default: "auth_state"
-- @since 0.1.0
setAuthCookieName :: S.ByteString -> AuthSettings -> AuthSettings
setAuthCookieName x as = as { asStateKey = x }

-- | Set the cookie key.
-- Default: "auth_state"
-- @since 0.1.0
setAuthPrefix :: T.Text -> AuthSettings -> AuthSettings
setAuthPrefix x as = as { asAuthPrefix = x }

-- | The application root for this application.
-- | Set the root for this Aplication. Required for external Authentication
-- providers to perform proper redirect.
-- Default: use the APPROOT environment variable.
-- @since 0.1.0
setAuthAppRootStatic :: T.Text -> AuthSettings -> AuthSettings
setAuthAppRootStatic = setAuthAppRootGeneric . const . return

-- | More generalized version of 'setAuthApprootStatic'.
-- @since 0.1.0
setAuthAppRootGeneric :: (Request -> IO T.Text) -> AuthSettings -> AuthSettings
setAuthAppRootGeneric x as = as { asGetAppRoot = x }

-- | Number of seconds to keep an authentication cookie active
-- Default: 3600
-- @since 0.1.0
setAuthSessionAge :: Int -> AuthSettings -> AuthSettings
setAuthSessionAge x as = as { asSessionAge = x }

-- | Set Authentication providers to be used.
-- Default is empty.
-- @since 0.1.0
setAuthProviders :: Providers -> AuthSettings -> AuthSettings
setAuthProviders !ps as = as { asProviders = ps }

-- | Set a custom template that will be rendered for a providers page
-- Default: `providersTemplate`
-- @since 0.1.0
setAuthProvidersTemplate :: (Maybe T.Text -> Render Provider -> Providers -> Builder)
                         -> AuthSettings
                         -> AuthSettings
setAuthProvidersTemplate t as = as { asProvidersTemplate = t }

-- | Current state of the user.
data AuthState = AuthNeedRedirect !S.ByteString
               | AuthLoggedIn !AuthUser
    deriving (Generic, Show)

instance Binary AuthState

-- | Creates an Authentication middleware that will make sure application is
-- protected, thus allowing access only to users that go through an
-- authentication process with one of the available providers. If more than one
-- provider is specified, user will be directed to a page were one can be chosen
-- from a list.
-- @since 0.1.0
mkAuthMiddleware :: AuthSettings -> IO Middleware
mkAuthMiddleware AuthSettings {..} = do
  secretKey <- asGetKey
  let saveAuthState = saveCookieValue secretKey asStateKey asSessionAge
      authRouteRender = mkRouteRender Nothing asAuthPrefix []
  -- Redirect to a list of providers if more than one is available, otherwise
  -- start login process with the only provider.
  let enforceLogin protectedPath req respond =
        case pathInfo req of
            | prefix == asAuthPrefix ->
              case rest of
                [] ->
                  case HM.elems asProviders of
                    [] ->
                      respond $
                        "No Authentication providers available."
                    [soleProvider] ->
                      let loginUrl =
                            encodeUtf8 $ authRouteRender soleProvider []
                      in respond $
                           [("Location", loginUrl)]
                           "Redirecting to Login page"
                    _ ->
                      respond $
                      responseBuilder status200 [] $
                      asProvidersTemplate Nothing authRouteRender asProviders
                  | Just provider <- HM.lookup providerName asProviders -> do
                    appRoot <- asGetAppRoot req
                    let onFailure status errMsg =
                          return $
                          responseBuilder status [] $
                            (Just $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode errMsg)
                    let onSuccess "" =
                            "Empty user identity is not allowed"
                        onSuccess userIdentity = do
                          CTime now <- epochTime
                          cookie <-
                            saveAuthState $
                            AuthLoggedIn $
                            { authUserIdentity = userIdentity
                            , authProviderName =
                                encodeUtf8 $ getProviderName provider
                            , authLoginTime = fromIntegral now
                          return $
                              [("Location", protectedPath), cookie]
                              (fromByteString "Redirecting to " <>
                               fromByteString protectedPath)
                    let providerUrlRenderer (ProviderUrl suffix) =
                            (Just appRoot)
                    respond =<<
                _ -> respond $ responseLBS status404 [] "Unknown URL"
          -- Workaround for Chrome asking for favicon.ico, causing a wrong
          -- redirect url to be stored in a cookie.
          ["favicon.ico"] -> respond $ responseLBS status404 [] "No favicon.ico"
          _ -> do
            cookie <-
              saveAuthState $
              AuthNeedRedirect (rawPathInfo req <> rawQueryString req)
            respond $
                [("Location", "/" <> encodeUtf8 asAuthPrefix), cookie]
                "Redirecting to Login Page"
  return $ \app req respond -> do
    authState <- loadCookieValue secretKey asStateKey req
    case authState of
      Just (AuthLoggedIn user) ->
        let req' = req {vault = Vault.insert userKey user $ vault req}
        in app req' respond
      Just (AuthNeedRedirect url) -> enforceLogin url req respond
      Nothing -> enforceLogin "/" req respond

userKey :: Vault.Key AuthUser
userKey = unsafePerformIO Vault.newKey
{-# NOINLINE userKey #-}

-- | Get the username for the current user.
-- If called on a @Request@ behind the middleware, should always return a
-- @Just@ value.
-- @since 0.1.0
getAuthUser :: Request -> Maybe AuthUser
getAuthUser = Vault.lookup userKey . vault

-- | Current version
-- @since 0.1.0
waiMiddlewareAuthVersion :: Version
waiMiddlewareAuthVersion = Paths.version