{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings , QuasiQuotes #-} module Network.Wai.Middleware.ContentTypeSpec where import Network.Wai.Middleware.ContentType import Network.Wai.Trans import Network.Wai.Internal import Network.HTTP.Types import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Lucid as L import qualified Text.Lucius as SL import qualified Text.Julius as SJ import qualified Text.Pandoc as P import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Wai as HW mockServer :: Spec mockServer = do describe "All Requests Respond to the Accept Header" $ with (return app) $ do describe "Text" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/" [("Accept", "text/plain")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "Text!" } describe "Json" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/" [("Accept", "application/json")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "\"Json!\"" } describe "Html" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/" [("Accept", "text/html")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "Html!" } describe "Css" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/" [("Accept", "text/css")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "body{background:#fff}" } describe "JavaScript" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/" [("Accept", "application/javascript")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "function foo () {return;}" } describe "Markdown" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/" [("Accept", "text/markdown")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "*Pandoc*!" } describe "All Requests Respond to the File Extension" $ with (return app) $ do describe "Text" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.get "/index.txt" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "Text!" } describe "Json" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.get "/index.json" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "\"Json!\"" } describe "Html" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.get "index.html" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "Html!" } describe "Css" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.get "/index.css" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "body{background:#fff}" } describe "JavaScript" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.get "/index.js" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "function foo () {return;}" } describe "Markdown" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.get "/index.md" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "*Pandoc*!" } describe "All Requests Respond to Both" $ with (return app) $ do describe "Text" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/index.txt" [("Accept", "text/plain")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "Text!" } describe "Json" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/index.json" [("Accept", "application/json")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "\"Json!\"" } describe "Html" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/index.html" [("Accept", "text/html")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "Html!" } describe "Css" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/index.css" [("Accept", "text/css")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "body{background:#fff}" } describe "JavaScript" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/index.js" [("Accept", "application/javascript")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "function foo () {return;}" } describe "Markdown" $ it "should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/index.md" [("Accept", "text/markdown")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "*Pandoc*!" } describe "Outlier behavior" $ with (return app) $ do describe "No extension, with header" $ it " should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/index" [("Accept", "text/plain")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "Text!" } describe ".markdown & text/plain" $ it " should respond with 200" $ HW.request "GET" "/index.md" [("Accept", "text/plain")] "" `shouldRespondWith` "" { matchStatus = 200 , matchBody = Just "*Pandoc*!" } describe "Unfulfillable accept headers should break" $ with (return app) $ do describe "Text on non-ContentType" $ it "should respond with 406" $ HW.request "GET" "/index.txt" [("Accept", "foo/bar")] "" `shouldRespondWith` 406 app :: Application app = fileExtsToMiddleware allExamples $ (\req respond -> respond (textOnly "Something went wrong" status406 [])) allExamples :: FileExtListenerT Response IO () allExamples = mapResponse (\f -> f status200 []) $ do text "Text!" json ("Json!" :: T.Text) lucid (L.toHtmlRaw ("Html!" :: T.Text)) cassius ([SL.lucius|body {background: #fff;}|] undefined) julius ([SJ.julius|function foo () {return;}|] undefined) markdown $ case P.readMarkdown P.def "*Pandoc*!" of Left e -> error $ show e Right p -> p