0.10.0 * Update `singletons` dependency. 0.9.0 * Remove upper-bounds of dependencies. * Use FPL instead of MPL. 0.8.6 * Bugfix release (Github issue #2) 0.8.5 * Update `singletons` upper bound. 0.8.4 * Update `bytestring-conversion` upper bound. 0.8.3 * Update various upper bounds. 0.8.2 * Update `bytestring-conversion` to version 0.2 0.8 * Replace `bytestring-from` with `bytestring-conversion` and update test dependencies. 0.7 * Update dependencies to include WAI 3.0.x 0.6 * Move `def` and `opt` from `Data.Predicate` to `Network.Wai.Predicate` and make both specific to `Predicate r Error t`. * Remove `mapOkay` and `mapFail`. * Update `bytestring-from` dependency. 0.5 * Update dependencies constraints. 0.4 * Use `singletons` library instead of `GHC.TypeLits` from base. * Remove `mapResult` (use `fmap` instead). 0.3.2 * Update dependencies constraints. 0.3.1 * Add `fromVault` predicate and `HasVault` type-class. 0.3 * Change `header`, `hasHeader` and `lookupHeader` to use `HeaderName` instead of `ByteString` for the lookup key. 0.2.1 * Update WAI version bounds to include 2.1 0.2 * Rename `getRequest` predicate to `request` and `request` method of `HasRequest` to `getRequest`. * Add `MonadTrans` and `MonadIO` instance declarations for `ResultT` and some helper functions. 0.1 * Initial release.