{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets ( websocketsOr , websocketsApp , isWebSocketsReq , getRequestHead , runWebSockets ) where import Control.Exception (bracket, tryJust) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import Network.HTTP.Types (status500) import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS import qualified Network.WebSockets.Connection as WS import qualified Network.WebSockets.Stream as WS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Returns whether or not the given 'Wai.Request' is a WebSocket request. isWebSocketsReq :: Wai.Request -> Bool isWebSocketsReq req = fmap CI.mk (lookup "upgrade" $ Wai.requestHeaders req) == Just "websocket" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Upgrade a @websockets@ 'WS.ServerApp' to a @wai@ 'Wai.Application'. Uses -- the given backup 'Wai.Application' to handle 'Wai.Request's that are not -- WebSocket requests. -- -- @ -- websocketsOr opts ws_app backup_app = \\req send_response -> -- __case__ 'websocketsApp' opts ws_app req __of__ -- 'Nothing' -> backup_app req send_response -- 'Just' res -> send_response res -- @ -- -- For example, below is an 'Wai.Application' that sends @"Hello, client!"@ to -- each connected client. -- -- @ -- app :: 'Wai.Application' -- app = 'websocketsOr' 'WS.defaultConnectionOptions' wsApp backupApp -- __where__ -- wsApp :: 'WS.ServerApp' -- wsApp pending_conn = do -- conn <- 'WS.acceptRequest' pending_conn -- 'WS.sendTextData' conn ("Hello, client!" :: 'Data.Text.Text') -- -- backupApp :: 'Wai.Application' -- backupApp = 'Wai.respondLBS' 'Network.HTTP.Types.status400' [] "Not a WebSocket request" -- @ websocketsOr :: WS.ConnectionOptions -> WS.ServerApp -> Wai.Application -> Wai.Application websocketsOr opts app backup req sendResponse = case websocketsApp opts app req of Nothing -> backup req sendResponse Just res -> sendResponse res -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Handle a single @wai@ 'Wai.Request' with the given @websockets@ -- 'WS.ServerApp'. Returns 'Nothing' if the 'Wai.Request' is not a WebSocket -- request, 'Just' otherwise. -- -- Usually, 'websocketsOr' is more convenient. websocketsApp :: WS.ConnectionOptions -> WS.ServerApp -> Wai.Request -> Maybe Wai.Response websocketsApp opts app req | isWebSocketsReq req = Just $ flip Wai.responseRaw backup $ \src sink -> runWebSockets opts req' app src sink | otherwise = Nothing where req' = getRequestHead req backup = Wai.responseLBS status500 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] "The web application attempted to send a WebSockets response, but WebSockets are not supported by your WAI handler." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getRequestHead :: Wai.Request -> WS.RequestHead getRequestHead req = WS.RequestHead (Wai.rawPathInfo req `BC.append` Wai.rawQueryString req) (Wai.requestHeaders req) (Wai.isSecure req) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Internal function to run the WebSocket io-streams using the conduit library. runWebSockets :: WS.ConnectionOptions -> WS.RequestHead -> (WS.PendingConnection -> IO a) -> IO ByteString -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO a runWebSockets opts req app src sink = bracket mkStream ensureClose (app . pc) where ensureClose = tryJust onConnectionException . WS.close onConnectionException :: WS.ConnectionException -> Maybe () onConnectionException WS.ConnectionClosed = Just () onConnectionException _ = Nothing mkStream = WS.makeStream (do bs <- src return $ if BC.null bs then Nothing else Just bs) (\mbBl -> case mbBl of Nothing -> return () Just bl -> mapM_ sink (BL.toChunks bl)) pc stream = WS.PendingConnection { WS.pendingOptions = opts , WS.pendingRequest = req , WS.pendingOnAccept = \_ -> return () , WS.pendingStream = stream }