{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Juicy
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2017 Jeffrey Rosenbluth
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  jeffrey.rosenbluth@gmail.com
-- Tools for creating symmtery images specific to JuicyPixels.
-- <<examples/squares.png>>

module Portrait
   -- * Wallpaper Generation
  , rosette
  , recipe

  -- * Color Wheels
  , colorWheel

  -- * Image Processing
  , invertImage
  , flipVertical
  , flipHorizontal
  , flipBoth
  , beside
  , below
  , antiSymmHorizontal
  , antiSymmVertical

  -- * JuicyPixels Utilities
  , toImageRGBA8
  , writeJpeg
  , writeImage
  ) where

import           Core
import           Recipes.Frieze
import           Recipes.Rosette
import           Recipes.Wallpaper
import           Types

import           Codec.Picture
import           Codec.Picture.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L (writeFile)
import           Data.Complex
import           Data.Word            (Word8)
import           System.FilePath      (takeExtension)

-- Domain Coloring -------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Crate a wallpaper or phase portrait.
img2Pattern :: RealFloat a
            => Options a
            -> ([Coef a] -> Recipe a)
            -> [Coef a]
            -> WPtype a
            -> PreProcess
            -> FilePath
            -> IO (Image PixelRGBA8)
img2Pattern opts rf cs typ pp inFile = do
  dImg <- readImage inFile
  return $ case dImg of
     Left e  -> error e
     Right i ->  let img' = Picture (preProcess pp . toImageRGBA8 $ i)
                 in case typ of
       Plain   -> domainColoring opts (rf cs) img'
       Morph c -> morph opts (rf cs) c img'
       Blend g -> blend opts (rf cs) (recipe g cs) img'

-- | Create and write a wallpaper or frieze image.
pattern :: RealFloat a
        => Options a
        -> ([Coef a] -> Recipe a)
        -> [Coef a]
        -> WPtype a
        -> PreProcess
        -> Maybe FilePath
        -> FilePath
        -> IO ()
pattern opts rf cs typ pp mInFile outFile = do
  case mInFile of
    Just inFile -> writeImage outFile =<< img2Pattern opts rf cs typ pp inFile
    Nothing     -> writeImage outFile
                 $ domainColoring opts (rf cs) (Function colorWheel)

-- | Create and write a rosette.
rosette :: RealFloat a
                => Options a
                -> [Coef a]
                -> Int
                -> Bool
                -> PreProcess
                -> Maybe FilePath
                -> FilePath
                -> IO ()
rosette opts cs pfold mirror pp mInFile outFile = do
  case mInFile of
    Just inFile -> do
      dImg <- readImage inFile
      let img = case dImg of
            Left e  -> error e
            Right i -> let img' = Picture (preProcess pp . toImageRGBA8 $ i)
                       in  if mirror
                             then domainColoring opts (rosettePM pfold cs) img'
                             else domainColoring opts (rosetteP pfold cs) img'
      writeImage outFile img
    Nothing -> do
      let img = if mirror
                  then domainColoring opts (rosettePM pfold cs) (Function colorWheel)
                  else domainColoring opts (rosetteP pfold cs) (Function colorWheel)
      writeImage outFile img

-- | Build a recipe for a group.
recipe :: RealFloat a => SymmetryGroup a -> [Coef a] -> Recipe a
recipe sg = case sg of
  P1 a b -> p1 a b
  P2 a b -> p2 a b
  CM a   -> cm a
  CMM a  -> cmm a
  PM a   -> pm a
  PG a   -> pg a
  PMM a  -> pmm a
  PMG a  -> pmg a
  PGG a  -> pgg a
  P4     -> p4
  P4M    -> p4m
  P4G    -> p4g
  P3     -> p3
  P31M   -> p31m
  P3M1   -> p3m1
  P6     -> p6
  P6M    -> p6m
  P111   -> p111
  P211   -> p211
  P1M1   -> p1m1
  P11M   -> p11m
  P11G   -> p11g
  P2MM   -> p2mm
  P2MG   -> p2mg

-- | Convert a hue in radians (-pi, pi] to RGB
hue :: forall a. RealFloat a => a -> PixelRGBA8
hue radians = case hi of
  0 -> PixelRGBA8 255 t 0 255
  1 -> PixelRGBA8 q 255 0 255
  2 -> PixelRGBA8 0 255 t 255
  3 -> PixelRGBA8 0 q 255 255
  4 -> PixelRGBA8 t 0 255 255
  5 -> PixelRGBA8 255 0 q 255
  _ -> error "The sky is falling, mod 6 can only be [0,5]"
    rad = if radians <= 0 then radians + 2 * pi else radians
    degrees = 360 * rad / (2 * pi)
    hi :: Int
    hi = floor (degrees/60) `mod` 6
    t =  round $ 255 * mod1 (degrees/60)
    q = 255 - t
    mod1 x
      | f < 0 = f + 1
      | otherwise = f
        (_, f) :: (Int, a) = properFraction x

-- | A Color wheel on the entire complex plane.
--   The color is solely based on the phase of the complex number.
colorWheel :: RealFloat a => Complex a -> PixelRGBA8
colorWheel z = hue (phase z)

-- | Alter and image to use as a color wheel before making a pattern.
preProcess :: (Pixel p, Invertible p) => PreProcess -> Image p -> Image p
preProcess process = case process of
  FlipHorizontal     -> flipHorizontal
  FlipVertical       -> flipVertical
  FlipBoth           -> flipBoth
  Invert             -> invertImage
  AntiSymmHorizontal -> antiSymmHorizontal
  AntiSymmVertical   -> antiSymmVertical
  None               -> id

-- Image Processing -------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Invert the colors of an image.
invertImage :: (Pixel p, Invertible p) => Image p -> Image p
invertImage = pixelMap invert

-- | Reflect and image about the horizontal axis.
flipHorizontal :: Pixel a => Image a -> Image a
flipHorizontal img@(Image w h _) = generateImage g  w h
    g x = pixelAt img (w - 1 - x)
{-# INLINEABLE flipHorizontal #-}

-- | Reflect and image about the horizontal axis.
flipVertical :: Pixel a => Image a -> Image a
flipVertical img@(Image w h _) = generateImage g w h
    g x y = pixelAt img x (h - 1 - y)
{-# INLINEABLE flipVertical #-}

-- | Reflect and image about the both axis.
flipBoth :: Pixel a => Image a -> Image a
flipBoth img@(Image w h _) = generateImage g w h
    g x y = pixelAt img (w - 1 - x) (h - 1 - y)
{-# INLINEABLE flipBoth #-}

-- | Place two images side by side.
beside :: Pixel a => Image a -> Image a -> Image a
beside img1@(Image w1 h _) img2@(Image w2 _ _) =
  generateImage g (w1 + w2) h
    g x
      | x < w1 = pixelAt img1 x
      | otherwise = pixelAt img2 (x - w1)
{-# INLINEABLE beside #-}

-- | Place the second image below the first.
below :: Pixel a => Image a -> Image a -> Image a
below img1@(Image w h1 _) img2@(Image _ h2 _) =
  generateImage g w (h1 + h2)
    g x y
      | y < h1 = pixelAt img1 x y
      | otherwise = pixelAt img2 x (y - h1)
{-# INLINEABLE below #-}

-- | Flip an image horizontally, invert it and place it below the
--   original image.
antiSymmHorizontal :: (Pixel a, Invertible a) => Image a -> Image a
antiSymmHorizontal img = below img (flipHorizontal . invertImage $ img)
{-# INLINEABLE antiSymmHorizontal #-}

-- | Flip an image vertically, invert it and place it beside the
--   original image.
antiSymmVertical :: (Pixel a, Invertible a) => Image a -> Image a
antiSymmVertical img = beside img (flipVertical . invertImage $ img)
{-# INLINEABLE antiSymmVertical #-}

-- Utilities --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Convert a 'DynamicImage' to RGBA8 format.
toImageRGBA8 :: DynamicImage -> Image PixelRGBA8
toImageRGBA8 (ImageRGBA8 i)  = i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageRGB8 i)   = promoteImage i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageYCbCr8 i) = promoteImage (convertImage i :: Image PixelRGB8)
toImageRGBA8 (ImageY8 i)     = promoteImage i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageYA8 i)    = promoteImage i
toImageRGBA8 (ImageCMYK8 i)  = promoteImage (convertImage i :: Image PixelRGB8)
toImageRGBA8 _               = error "Unsupported Pixel type"

-- | Write a jpeg image to a file.
writeJpeg :: Word8 -> FilePath -> Image PixelRGBA8 -> IO ()
writeJpeg quality outFile img = L.writeFile outFile bs
    bs = encodeJpegAtQuality quality (pixelMap (convertPixel . dropTransparency) img)

-- | Write an image file to disk, the image type depends on the file extension
--   of the output file name.
writeImage :: FilePath -> Image PixelRGBA8 -> IO ()
writeImage outFile img =
  case takeExtension outFile of
     ".png" -> writePng outFile img
     ".tif" -> writeTiff outFile img
     ".bmp" -> writeBitmap outFile img
     ".jpg" -> writeJpeg 80 outFile img
     _      -> writePng outFile img