module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Settings where

import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Network (HostPreference (HostIPv4))
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(..))
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Timeout
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types
import System.IO (hPrint, stderr)
import System.IO.Error (ioeGetErrorType)

-- | Various Warp server settings. This is purposely kept as an abstract data
-- type so that new settings can be added without breaking backwards
-- compatibility. In order to create a 'Settings' value, use 'defaultSettings'
-- and record syntax to modify individual records. For example:
-- > defaultSettings { settingsTimeout = 20 }
data Settings = Settings
    { settingsPort :: Int -- ^ Port to listen on. Default value: 3000
    , settingsHost :: HostPreference -- ^ Default value: HostIPv4
    , settingsOnException :: SomeException -> IO () -- ^ What to do with exceptions thrown by either the application or server. Default: ignore server-generated exceptions (see 'InvalidRequest') and print application-generated applications to stderr.
    , settingsOnOpen :: IO () -- ^ What to do when a connection is open. Default: do nothing.
    , settingsOnClose :: IO ()  -- ^ What to do when a connection is close. Default: do nothing.
    , settingsTimeout :: Int -- ^ Timeout value in seconds. Default value: 30
    , settingsIntercept :: Request -> Maybe (Source (ResourceT IO) S.ByteString -> Connection -> ResourceT IO ())
    , settingsManager :: Maybe Manager -- ^ Use an existing timeout manager instead of spawning a new one. If used, 'settingsTimeout' is ignored. Default is 'Nothing'
    , settingsFdCacheDuration :: Int -- ^ Cache duratoin time of file descriptors in seconds. 0 means that the cache mechanism is not used. Default value: 10
    , settingsResourceTPerRequest :: Bool
      -- ^ If @True@, each request\/response pair will run in a separate
      -- @ResourceT@. This provides more intuitive behavior for dynamic code,
      -- but can hinder performance in high-throughput cases. File servers can
      -- safely set to @False@ for increased performance. Default is @True@.
    , settingsBeforeMainLoop :: IO ()
      -- ^ Code to run after the listening socket is ready but before entering
      -- the main event loop. Useful for signaling to tests that they can start
      -- running, or to drop permissions after binding to a restricted port.
      -- Default: do nothing.
      -- Since 1.3.6
    , settingsServerName :: S.ByteString
      -- ^ Server name to be sent in the Server header.
      -- Default: Warp\//version/
      -- Since 1.3.8

-- | The default settings for the Warp server. See the individual settings for
-- the default value.
defaultSettings :: Settings
defaultSettings = Settings
    { settingsPort = 3000
    , settingsHost = HostIPv4
    , settingsOnException = defaultExceptionHandler
    , settingsOnOpen = return ()
    , settingsOnClose = return ()
    , settingsTimeout = 30
    , settingsIntercept = const Nothing
    , settingsManager = Nothing
    , settingsFdCacheDuration = 10
    , settingsResourceTPerRequest = True
    , settingsBeforeMainLoop = return ()
    , settingsServerName = S8.pack $ "Warp/" ++ warpVersion

defaultExceptionHandler :: SomeException -> IO ()
defaultExceptionHandler e = throwIO e `catches` handlers
    handlers = [Handler ah, Handler ih, Handler oh, Handler sh]

    ah :: AsyncException -> IO ()
    ah ThreadKilled = return ()
    ah x            = hPrint stderr x

    ih :: InvalidRequest -> IO ()
    ih _ = return ()

    oh :: IOException -> IO ()
    oh x
      | et == ResourceVanished || et == InvalidArgument = return ()
      | otherwise         = hPrint stderr x
        et = ioeGetErrorType x

    sh :: SomeException -> IO ()
    sh x = hPrint stderr x