{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Response (
  , fileRange -- for testing
  , warpVersion
  , defaultServerValue
  ) where

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString, Builder, toByteStringIO, flush)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.HTTP (chunkedTransferEncoding, chunkedTransferTerminator)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Array ((!))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B (pack)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Blaze (unsafeBuilderToByteString)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (deleteBy)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, listToMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Network.HTTP.Attoparsec (parseByteRanges)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import Network.Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Date as D
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Header
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.ResponseHeader
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Timeout as T
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types
import Network.Wai.Internal
import Numeric (showInt)
import qualified Paths_warp
import qualified System.PosixCompat.Files as P

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings


fileRange :: H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> FilePath
           -> Maybe FilePart -> Maybe HeaderValue
          -> IO (Either SomeException
                        (H.Status, H.ResponseHeaders, Integer, Integer))
fileRange s0 hs0 path mPart mRange = try $ do
    fileSize <- checkFileSize mPart
    let (beg, end, len, isEntire) = checkPartRange fileSize mPart mRange
    let hs1 = addContentLength len hs0
        hs | isEntire  = hs1
           | otherwise = addContentRange beg end fileSize hs1
        s  | isEntire  = s0
           | otherwise = H.status206
    return (s, hs, beg, len)
    checkFileSize Nothing = fromIntegral . P.fileSize <$> P.getFileStatus path
    checkFileSize (Just part) = return $ filePartFileSize part

checkPartRange :: Integer -> Maybe FilePart -> Maybe HeaderValue
               -> (Integer, Integer, Integer, Bool)
checkPartRange fileSize mPart mRange = checkPart mPart mRange
    checkPart Nothing Nothing = (0, fileSize - 1, fileSize, True)
    checkPart Nothing (Just range) = case parseByteRanges range >>= listToMaybe of
        -- Range is broken
        Nothing              -> (0, fileSize - 1, fileSize, True)
        Just hrange          -> checkRange hrange
    -- Ignore Range if FilePart is specified.
    -- We assume that an application handled Range and specified
    -- FilePart.
    checkPart (Just part) _   = (beg, end, len, isEntire)
        beg = filePartOffset part
        len = filePartByteCount part
        end = beg + len - 1
        isEntire = beg == 0 && len == fileSize

    checkRange (H.ByteRangeFrom   beg)     = fromRange beg (fileSize - 1)
    checkRange (H.ByteRangeFromTo beg end) = fromRange beg end
    checkRange (H.ByteRangeSuffix count)   = fromRange (fileSize - count) (fileSize - 1)

    fromRange beg end = (beg, end, len, isEntire)
        len = end - beg + 1
        isEntire = beg == 0 && len == fileSize


-- | Sending a HTTP response to 'Connection' according to 'Response'.
--   Applications/middlewares MUST specify a proper 'H.ResponseHeaders'.
--   so that inconsistency does not happen.
--   No header is deleted by this function.
--   Especially, Applications/middlewares MUST take care of
--   Content-Length, Content-Range, and Transfer-Encoding
--   because they are inserted, when necessary,
--   regardless they already exist.
--   This function does not insert Content-Encoding. It's middleware's
--   responsibility.
--   The Server header is added if not exist in HTTP response header.
--   There are three basic APIs to create 'Response':
--   ['responseFile' :: 'H.Status' -> 'H.ResponseHeaders' -> 'FilePath' -> 'Maybe' 'FilePart' -> 'Response']
--     HTTP response body is sent by sendfile().
--     Applications are categorized into simple and sophisticated.
--     Simple applications should specify 'Nothing' to
--     'Maybe' 'FilePart'. The size of the specified file is obtained
--     by disk access. Then Range is handled.
--     Sophisticated applications should specify 'Just' to
--     'Maybe' 'FilePart'. They should treat Range (and If-Range) by
--     thierselves. In both cases,
--     Content-Length and Content-Range (if necessary) are automatically
--     added into the HTTP response header.
--     If Content-Length and Content-Range exist in the HTTP response header,
--     they would cause inconsistency.
--     Status is also changed to 206 if necessary.
--   ['responseBuilder' :: 'H.Status' -> 'H.ResponseHeaders' -> 'Builder' -> 'Response']
--     HTTP response body is created from 'Source'.
--     Typically, Transfer-Encoding: chunked is used.
--     If Content-Length is specified, Transfer-Encoding: chunked is not used.
--   ['responseSource' :: 'H.Status' -> 'H.ResponseHeaders' -> 'Source' 'IO' ('Flush' 'Builder') -> 'Response']
--     HTTP response body is created from 'Builder'.
--     Typically, Transfer-Encoding: chunked is used.
--     If Content-Length is specified, Transfer-Encoding: chunked is not used.

sendResponse :: Connection
             -> InternalInfo
             -> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -- ^ Restore masking state.
             -> Request -- ^ HTTP request.
             -> IndexedHeader -- ^ Indexed header of HTTP request.
             -> Response -- ^ HTTP response including status code and response header.
             -> IO Bool -- ^ Returing True if the connection is persistent.
sendResponse conn ii restore req reqidxhdr response = restore $ do
    hs <- addServerAndDate hs0
    if hasBody s req then do
        sendRsp conn ver s hs rsp
        T.tickle th
        return ret
      else do
        sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs response
        T.tickle th
        return isPersist
    ver = httpVersion req
    s = responseStatus response
    hs0 = responseHeaders response
    rspidxhdr = indexResponseHeader hs0
    th = threadHandle ii
    dc = dateCacher ii
    addServerAndDate = addDate dc . addServer rspidxhdr
    mRange = reqidxhdr ! idxRange
    reqinfo@(isPersist,_) = infoFromRequest req reqidxhdr
    (isKeepAlive, needsChunked) = infoFromResponse rspidxhdr reqinfo
    rsp = case response of
        ResponseFile _ _ path mPart -> RspFile path mPart mRange (T.tickle th)
        ResponseBuilder _ _ b       -> RspBuilder b needsChunked
        ResponseSource _ _ fb       -> RspSource fb needsChunked th
    ret = case response of
        ResponseFile _ _ _ _  -> isPersist
        ResponseBuilder _ _ _ -> isKeepAlive
        ResponseSource _ _ _  -> isKeepAlive


data Rsp = RspFile FilePath (Maybe FilePart) (Maybe HeaderValue) (IO ())
         | RspBuilder Builder Bool
         | RspSource (forall b. WithSource IO (Flush Builder) b) Bool T.Handle


sendRsp :: Connection
        -> H.HttpVersion
        -> H.Status
        -> H.ResponseHeaders
        -> Rsp
        -> IO ()
sendRsp conn ver s0 hs0 (RspFile path mPart mRange hook) = do
    ex <- fileRange s0 hs path mPart mRange
    case ex of
        Left _ -> sendRsp conn ver s2 hs2 (RspBuilder body True)
        Right (s, hs1, beg, len) -> do
            lheader <- composeHeader ver s hs1
            connSendFile conn path beg len hook [lheader]
    hs = addAcceptRanges hs0
    s2 = H.status404
    hs2 =  replaceHeader H.hContentType "text/plain" hs0
    body = fromByteString "File not found"


sendRsp conn ver s hs (RspBuilder b needsChunked) = do
    header <- composeHeaderBuilder ver s hs needsChunked
    let body
         | needsChunked = header `mappend` chunkedTransferEncoding b
                                 `mappend` chunkedTransferTerminator
         | otherwise    = header `mappend` b
    flip toByteStringIO body $ \bs -> connSendAll conn bs


sendRsp conn ver s hs (RspSource withBodyFlush needsChunked th) = withBodyFlush $ \bodyFlush -> do
    header <- composeHeaderBuilder ver s hs needsChunked
    let src = yield header >> cbody bodyFlush
        buffer = connBuffer conn
    src $$ unsafeBuilderToByteString (return buffer) =$ connSink conn th
    cbody bodyFlush = if needsChunked then body $= chunk else body
        body = mapOutput (\x -> case x of
                        Flush -> flush
                        Chunk builder -> builder)
    chunk :: Conduit Builder IO Builder
    chunk = await >>= maybe (yield chunkedTransferTerminator) (\x -> yield (chunkedTransferEncoding x) >> chunk)


sendResponseNoBody :: Connection
                   -> H.HttpVersion
                   -> H.Status
                   -> H.ResponseHeaders
                   -> Response
                   -> IO ()
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs (ResponseSource _ _ withBodyFlush) =
    withBodyFlush $ \_bodyFlush ->
       composeHeader ver s hs >>= connSendAll conn
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs _ =
    composeHeader ver s hs >>= connSendAll conn


-- | Use 'connSendAll' to send this data while respecting timeout rules.
connSink :: Connection -> T.Handle -> Sink ByteString IO ()
connSink Connection { connSendAll = send } th = sink
    sink = await >>= maybe close push
    close = liftIO (T.resume th)
    push x = do
        liftIO $ T.resume th
        liftIO $ send x
        liftIO $ T.pause th
    -- We pause timeouts before passing control back to user code. This ensures
    -- that a timeout will only ever be executed when Warp is in control. We
    -- also make sure to resume the timeout after the completion of user code
    -- so that we can kill idle connections.


infoFromRequest :: Request -> IndexedHeader -> (Bool  -- isPersist
                                               ,Bool) -- isChunked
infoFromRequest req reqidxhdr = (checkPersist req reqidxhdr, checkChunk req)

checkPersist :: Request -> IndexedHeader -> Bool
checkPersist req reqidxhdr
    | ver == H.http11 = checkPersist11 conn
    | otherwise       = checkPersist10 conn
    ver = httpVersion req
    conn = reqidxhdr ! idxConnection
    checkPersist11 (Just x)
        | CI.foldCase x == "close"      = False
    checkPersist11 _                    = True
    checkPersist10 (Just x)
        | CI.foldCase x == "keep-alive" = True
    checkPersist10 _                    = False

checkChunk :: Request -> Bool
checkChunk req = httpVersion req == H.http11


-- Used for ResponseBuilder and ResponseSource.
-- Don't use this for ResponseFile since this logic does not fit
-- for ResponseFile. For instance, isKeepAlive should be True in some cases
-- even if the response header does not have Content-Length.
-- Content-Length is specified by a reverse proxy.
-- Note that CGI does not specify Content-Length.
infoFromResponse :: IndexedHeader -> (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool)
infoFromResponse rspidxhdr (isPersist,isChunked) = (isKeepAlive, needsChunked)
    needsChunked = isChunked && not hasLength
    isKeepAlive = isPersist && (isChunked || hasLength)
    hasLength = isJust $ rspidxhdr ! idxContentLength


hasBody :: H.Status -> Request -> Bool
hasBody s req = sc /= 204
             && sc /= 304
             && sc >= 200
             && method /= H.methodHead
    sc = H.statusCode s
    method = requestMethod req


addAcceptRanges :: H.ResponseHeaders -> H.ResponseHeaders
addAcceptRanges hdrs = (hAcceptRanges, "bytes") : hdrs

addTransferEncoding :: H.ResponseHeaders -> H.ResponseHeaders
addTransferEncoding hdrs = (hTransferEncoding, "chunked") : hdrs

addContentLength :: Integer -> H.ResponseHeaders -> H.ResponseHeaders
addContentLength cl hdrs = (H.hContentLength, len) : hdrs
    len = B.pack $ show cl

addContentRange :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
                -> H.ResponseHeaders -> H.ResponseHeaders
addContentRange beg end total hdrs = (hContentRange, range) : hdrs
    range = B.pack
      -- building with ShowS
      $ 'b' : 'y': 't' : 'e' : 's' : ' '
      : showInt beg
      ( '-'
      : showInt end
      ( '/'
      : showInt total ""))

addDate :: D.DateCache -> H.ResponseHeaders -> IO H.ResponseHeaders
addDate dc hdrs = do
    gmtdate <- D.getDate dc
    return $ (H.hDate, gmtdate) : hdrs


-- | The version of Warp.
warpVersion :: String
warpVersion = showVersion Paths_warp.version

defaultServerValue :: HeaderValue
defaultServerValue = B.pack $ "Warp/" ++ warpVersion

addServer :: IndexedHeader -> H.ResponseHeaders -> H.ResponseHeaders
addServer rspidxhdr hdrs = case rspidxhdr ! idxServer of
    Nothing -> (hServer, defaultServerValue) : hdrs
    _       -> hdrs


-- |
-- >>> replaceHeader "Content-Type" "new" [("content-type","old")]
-- [("Content-Type","new")]
replaceHeader :: H.HeaderName -> HeaderValue -> H.ResponseHeaders -> H.ResponseHeaders
replaceHeader k v hdrs = (k,v) : deleteBy ((==) `on` fst) (k,v) hdrs


composeHeaderBuilder :: H.HttpVersion -> H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> Bool -> IO Builder
composeHeaderBuilder ver s hs True =
    fromByteString <$> composeHeader ver s (addTransferEncoding hs)
composeHeaderBuilder ver s hs False =
    fromByteString <$> composeHeader ver s hs