{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module ResponseSpec (main, spec) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Network (connectTo, PortID (PortNumber)) import Network.HTTP.Types import Network.Wai import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Response import RunSpec (withApp) import System.IO (hClose, hFlush) import Test.Hspec main :: IO () main = hspec spec testRange :: S.ByteString -- ^ range value -> String -- ^ expected output -> String -- ^ expected content-range value -> Spec testRange range out crange = it title $ withApp defaultSettings app $ \port -> do handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port S.hPutStr handle "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" S.hPutStr handle "Range: bytes=" S.hPutStr handle range S.hPutStr handle "\r\n\r\n" hFlush handle threadDelay 10000 bss <- fmap (lines . filter (/= '\r') . S8.unpack) $ S.hGetSome handle 1024 hClose handle out `shouldBe` last bss let hs = mapMaybe toHeader bss lookup "Content-Range" hs `shouldBe` Just ("bytes " ++ crange) lookup "Content-Length" hs `shouldBe` Just (show $ length $ last bss) where app _ = return $ responseFile status200 [] "attic/hex" Nothing title = show (range, out, crange) toHeader s = case break (== ':') s of (x, ':':y) -> Just (x, dropWhile (== ' ') y) _ -> Nothing testPartial :: Integer -- ^ file size -> Integer -- ^ offset -> Integer -- ^ byte count -> String -- ^ expected output -> Spec testPartial size offset count out = it title $ withApp defaultSettings app $ \port -> do handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port S.hPutStr handle "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" hFlush handle threadDelay 10000 bss <- fmap (lines . filter (/= '\r') . S8.unpack) $ S.hGetSome handle 1024 hClose handle out `shouldBe` last bss let hs = mapMaybe toHeader bss lookup "Content-Length" hs `shouldBe` Just (show $ length $ last bss) lookup "Content-Range" hs `shouldBe` Just range where app _ = return $ responseFile status200 [] "attic/hex" $ Just $ FilePart offset count size title = show (offset, count, out) toHeader s = case break (== ':') s of (x, ':':y) -> Just (x, dropWhile (== ' ') y) _ -> Nothing range = "bytes " ++ show offset ++ "-" ++ show (offset + count - 1) ++ "/" ++ show size testFileRange :: String -> Status -> ResponseHeaders -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePart -> Maybe HeaderValue -> Either String (Status, ResponseHeaders, Integer, Integer) -> Spec testFileRange desc s rsphdr file mPart mRange ans = it desc $ do eres <- fileRange s rsphdr file mPart mRange let res = case eres of Left e -> Left $ show e Right r -> Right r res `shouldBe` ans spec :: Spec spec = do describe "range requests" $ do testRange "2-3" "23" "2-3/16" testRange "5-" "56789abcdef" "5-15/16" testRange "5-8" "5678" "5-8/16" testRange "-3" "def" "13-15/16" describe "partial files" $ do testPartial 16 2 2 "23" testPartial 16 0 2 "01" testPartial 16 3 8 "3456789a" describe "fileRange" $ do testFileRange "gets a file size from file system" status200 [] "attic/hex" Nothing Nothing $ Right (status200,[("Content-Length","16")],0,16) testFileRange "gets an error if a file does not exist" status200 [] "attic/nonexist" Nothing Nothing $ Left "attic/nonexist: getFileStatus: does not exist (No such file or directory)" testFileRange "changes status if FileParts is specified" status200 [] "attic/hex" (Just (FilePart 2 10 16)) Nothing $ Right (status206,[("Content-Range", "bytes 2-11/16"),("Content-Length","10")],2,10) testFileRange "does not change status and does not add Content-Range if FileParts means the entire" status200 [] "attic/hex" (Just (FilePart 0 16 16)) Nothing $ Right (status200,[("Content-Length","16")],0,16) testFileRange "gets a file size from file system and handles Range and returns Partical Content" status200 [] "attic/hex" Nothing (Just "bytes=2-14") $ Right (status206,[("Content-Range","bytes 2-14/16"),("Content-Length","13")],2,13) testFileRange "gets a file size from file system and handles Range and returns OK if Range means the entire" status200 [] "attic/hex" Nothing (Just "bytes=0-15") $ Right (status200,[("Content-Length","16")],0,16) testFileRange "igores Range if FilePart is specified" status200 [] "attic/hex" (Just (FilePart 2 10 16)) (Just "bytes=8-9") $ Right (status206,[("Content-Range", "bytes 2-11/16"),("Content-Length","10")],2,10)