{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.RequestHeader ( parseHeaderLines , parseByteRanges ) where import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Control.Monad (when) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B (unpack, readInteger) import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..), memchr) import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import Data.Word (Word8) import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, plusPtr, minusPtr, nullPtr) import Foreign.Storable (peek) import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header as HH -- $setup -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings ---------------------------------------------------------------- parseHeaderLines :: [ByteString] -> IO (H.Method ,ByteString -- Path ,ByteString -- Path, parsed ,ByteString -- Query ,H.HttpVersion ,H.RequestHeaders ) parseHeaderLines [] = throwIO $ NotEnoughLines [] parseHeaderLines (firstLine:otherLines) = do (method, path', query, httpversion) <- parseRequestLine firstLine let path = H.extractPath path' hdr = map parseHeader otherLines return (method, path', path, query, httpversion, hdr) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- -- >>> parseRequestLine "GET / HTTP/1.1" -- ("GET","/","",HTTP/1.1) -- >>> parseRequestLine "POST /cgi/search.cgi?key=foo HTTP/1.0" -- ("POST","/cgi/search.cgi","?key=foo",HTTP/1.0) -- >>> parseRequestLine "GET " -- *** Exception: Warp: Invalid first line of request: "GET " -- >>> parseRequestLine "GET /NotHTTP UNKNOWN/1.1" -- *** Exception: Warp: Request line specified a non-HTTP request parseRequestLine :: ByteString -> IO (H.Method ,ByteString -- Path ,ByteString -- Query ,H.HttpVersion) parseRequestLine requestLine@(PS fptr off len) = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do when (len < 14) $ throwIO baderr let methodptr = ptr `plusPtr` off limptr = methodptr `plusPtr` len lim0 = fromIntegral len pathptr0 <- memchr methodptr 32 lim0 -- ' ' when (pathptr0 == nullPtr || (limptr `minusPtr` pathptr0) < 11) $ throwIO baderr let pathptr = pathptr0 `plusPtr` 1 lim1 = fromIntegral (limptr `minusPtr` pathptr0) httpptr0 <- memchr pathptr 32 lim1 -- ' ' when (httpptr0 == nullPtr || (limptr `minusPtr` httpptr0) < 9) $ throwIO baderr let httpptr = httpptr0 `plusPtr` 1 lim2 = fromIntegral (httpptr0 `minusPtr` pathptr) checkHTTP httpptr !hv <- httpVersion httpptr queryptr <- memchr pathptr 63 lim2 -- '?' let !method = bs ptr methodptr pathptr0 !path | queryptr == nullPtr = bs ptr pathptr httpptr0 | otherwise = bs ptr pathptr queryptr !query | queryptr == nullPtr = S.empty | otherwise = bs ptr queryptr httpptr0 return (method,path,query,hv) where baderr = BadFirstLine $ B.unpack requestLine check :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Word8 -> IO () check p n w = do w0 <- peek $ p `plusPtr` n when (w0 /= w) $ throwIO NonHttp checkHTTP httpptr = do check httpptr 0 72 -- 'H' check httpptr 1 84 -- 'T' check httpptr 2 84 -- 'T' check httpptr 3 80 -- 'P' check httpptr 4 47 -- '/' check httpptr 6 46 -- '.' httpVersion httpptr = do major <- peek $ httpptr `plusPtr` 5 minor <- peek $ httpptr `plusPtr` 7 if major == (49 :: Word8) && minor == (49 :: Word8) then return H.http11 else return H.http10 bs ptr p0 p1 = PS fptr o l where o = p0 `minusPtr` ptr l = p1 `minusPtr` p0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- -- >>> parseHeader "Content-Length:47" -- ("Content-Length","47") -- >>> parseHeader "Accept-Ranges: bytes" -- ("Accept-Ranges","bytes") -- >>> parseHeader "Host: example.com:8080" -- ("Host","example.com:8080") -- >>> parseHeader "NoSemiColon" -- ("NoSemiColon","") parseHeader :: ByteString -> H.Header parseHeader s = let (k, rest) = S.breakByte 58 s -- ':' rest' = S.dropWhile (\c -> c == 32 || c == 9) $ S.drop 1 rest in (CI.mk k, rest') parseByteRanges :: S.ByteString -> Maybe HH.ByteRanges parseByteRanges bs1 = do bs2 <- stripPrefix "bytes=" bs1 (r, bs3) <- range bs2 ranges (r:) bs3 where range bs2 = case stripPrefix "-" bs2 of Just bs3 -> do (i, bs4) <- B.readInteger bs3 Just (HH.ByteRangeSuffix i, bs4) Nothing -> do (i, bs3) <- B.readInteger bs2 bs4 <- stripPrefix "-" bs3 case B.readInteger bs4 of Nothing -> Just (HH.ByteRangeFrom i, bs4) Just (j, bs5) -> Just (HH.ByteRangeFromTo i j, bs5) ranges front bs3 = case stripPrefix "," bs3 of Nothing -> Just (front []) Just bs4 -> do (r, bs5) <- range bs4 ranges (front . (r:)) bs5 stripPrefix x y | x `S.isPrefixOf` y = Just (S.drop (S.length x) y) | otherwise = Nothing