module VectorUtils where import qualified Data.Vector as V -- An implimentation of the chunksOf function from the split package for Vectors. This -- should be moved into the split or maybe a package called split-vector. vectorChunksOf :: Int -> V.Vector a -> [V.Vector a] vectorChunksOf chunkSize = go where go :: V.Vector a -> [V.Vector a] go v = if V.length v < chunkSize then let (x, xs) = V.splitAt chunkSize v in x : go xs else [v] -- TODO how efficient is this operation? Could it be turned into something more efficient? joinVectors :: [V.Vector a] -> V.Vector [a] joinVectors = sequence -- A convenience method to transform a vector into a list, perform an operation and -- transform back again asList :: ([a] -> [a]) -> V.Vector a -> V.Vector a asList f vec = V.fromList $ f (V.toList vec) -- An efficient version of the groupBy function for Vectors -- Attempting to get it merged back in. See: groupByVector :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> V.Vector a -> [V.Vector a] groupByVector eq vec = if V.null vec then [] else V.take (1 + V.length ys) vec : groupByVector eq zs where (ys, zs) = V.span (eq x) xs x = V.head vec xs = V.tail vec -- TODO this is a dodgy hack...really should remove it instance Bounded Double where maxBound = 1 / 0 minBound = -1 / 0 -- I implimented this method myself minMax :: (Bounded a, Ord a) => V.Vector a -> (a, a) minMax vec = if V.null vec then (maxBound, minBound) else (min x minVal, max x maxVal) where (minVal, maxVal) = minMax xs x = V.head vec xs = V.tail vec