{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module        : Web.Encodings
-- Copyright     : Michael Snoyman
-- License       : BSD3
-- Maintainer    : Michael Snoyman <michael@snoyman.com>
-- Stability     : Stable
-- Portability   : portable
-- Various web encodings.
module Web.Encodings
      -- * Simple encodings.
      -- ** URL (percentage encoding)
    , decodeUrl
    , decodeUrlFailure
    , DecodeUrlException (..)
      -- ** HTML (entity encoding)
    , encodeHtml
    , decodeHtml
      -- ** JSON
    , encodeJson
    , decodeJson
      -- * HTTP level encoding.
      -- ** Query string- pairs of percentage encoding
    , encodeUrlPairs
    , decodeUrlPairs
    , decodeUrlPairsFailure
      -- ** Post parameters
    , FileInfo (..)
    , parseMultipart
    , parsePost
      -- ** Specific HTTP headers
    , decodeCookies
    , parseCookies
    , parseHttpAccept
      -- * Date/time encoding
    , formatW3
      -- * WAI-specific decodings
    , parseRequestBody
    , Sink (..)
    , lbsSink
    , tempFileSink
    ) where

import Numeric (showHex)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, sortBy)
import Web.Encodings.MimeHeader
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Locale
import Data.Time.Format

import Web.Encodings.StringLike (StringLike)
import qualified Web.Encodings.StringLike as SL
import Control.Failure
import Data.Char (ord, isControl)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Network.Wai
import System.Directory (getTemporaryDirectory, removeFile)
import System.IO
import Control.Monad (foldM)

-- | Encode all but unreserved characters with percentage encoding.
-- This function implicitly converts the given value to a UTF-8 bytestream.
encodeUrl :: StringLike a => a -> a
encodeUrl = SL.concatMapUtf8 encodeUrlChar

encodeUrlChar :: Char -> String
encodeUrlChar c
    -- List of unreserved characters per RFC 3986
    -- Gleaned from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding
    | 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' = [c]
    | 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' = [c]
    | '0' <= c && c <= '9' = [c]
encodeUrlChar c@'-' = [c]
encodeUrlChar c@'_' = [c]
encodeUrlChar c@'.' = [c]
encodeUrlChar c@'~' = [c]
encodeUrlChar ' ' = "+"
encodeUrlChar y =
    let (a, c) = fromEnum y `divMod` 16
        b = a `mod` 16
        showHex' x -- FIXME just use Numeric version?
            | x < 10 = toEnum $ x + (fromEnum '0')
            | x < 16 = toEnum $ x - 10 + (fromEnum 'A')
            | otherwise = error $ "Invalid argument to showHex: " ++ show x
     in ['%', showHex' b, showHex' c]

-- | Decode percentage encoding. Assumes use of UTF-8 character encoding.
-- If there are any parse errors, this returns the original input. If you would
-- like to be alerted more directly of errors, use 'decodeUrlFailure'.
decodeUrl :: StringLike s => s -> s
decodeUrl s = fromMaybe s $ decodeUrlFailure s

data DecodeUrlException = InvalidPercentEncoding | InvalidUtf8Encoding
    deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception DecodeUrlException

-- | Same as 'decodeUrl', but 'failure's on either invalid percent or UTF8
-- encoding.
decodeUrlFailure :: (Failure DecodeUrlException m, StringLike s,
                     Monad m)
                 => s -> m s
decodeUrlFailure s = do
    bs <- decodeUrlFailure' s
    case SL.unpackUtf8 bs of
        Nothing -> failure InvalidUtf8Encoding
        Just x -> return x

decodeUrlFailure' :: (Failure DecodeUrlException m, StringLike s,
                      Monad m)
                  => s -> m BS.ByteString
decodeUrlFailure' s = do
  case SL.uncons s of
    Nothing -> return SL.empty
    Just (a, s') ->
      case a of
        '%' -> do
          case SL.uncons s' of
            Nothing -> failure InvalidPercentEncoding
            Just (b, s'') ->
              case SL.uncons s'' of
                Nothing -> failure InvalidPercentEncoding
                Just (c, s''') ->
                  case getHex b c of
                    Nothing -> failure InvalidPercentEncoding
                    Just h -> do
                      s'''' <- decodeUrlFailure' s'''
                      return $ h `SL.cons` s''''
        '+' -> do
            s'' <- decodeUrlFailure' s'
            return $ ' ' `SL.cons` s''
        _ -> do
            s'' <- decodeUrlFailure' s'
            return $ a `SL.cons` s''

getHex :: Char -> Char -> Maybe Char
getHex x y = do
    x' <- hexVal x
    y' <- hexVal y
    return $ toEnum $ x' * 16 + y'

-- | Escape special HTML characters.
encodeHtml :: StringLike s => s -> s
encodeHtml = SL.concatMap encodeHtmlChar

encodeHtmlChar :: Char -> String
encodeHtmlChar '<' = "&lt;"
encodeHtmlChar '>' = "&gt;"
encodeHtmlChar '&' = "&amp;"
encodeHtmlChar '"' = "&quot;"
encodeHtmlChar '\'' = "&#39;"
encodeHtmlChar c = [c]

-- | Decode HTML-encoded content into plain content.
-- Note: this does not support all HTML entities available. It also swallows
-- all failures.
decodeHtml :: StringLike s => s -> s
decodeHtml s = case SL.uncons s of
    Nothing -> SL.empty
    Just ('&', xs) -> fromMaybe ('&' `SL.cons` decodeHtml xs) $ do
        (before, after) <- SL.breakCharMaybe ';' xs
        c <- case SL.unpack before of -- this are small enough that unpack is ok
            "lt" -> return '<'
            "gt" -> return '>'
            "amp" -> return '&'
            "quot" -> return '"'
            '#' : 'x' : hex -> readHexChar hex
            '#' : 'X' : hex -> readHexChar hex
            '#' : dec -> readDecChar dec
            _ -> Nothing -- just to shut up a warning
        return $ c `SL.cons` decodeHtml after
    Just (x, xs) -> x `SL.cons` decodeHtml xs

readHexChar :: String -> Maybe Char
readHexChar s = helper 0 s where
    helper i "" = return $ toEnum i
    helper i (c:cs) = do
        c' <- hexVal c
        helper (i * 16 + c') cs

hexVal :: Char -> Maybe Int
hexVal c
    | '0' <= c && c <= '9' = Just $ ord c - ord '0'
    | 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' = Just $ ord c - ord 'A' + 10
    | 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' = Just $ ord c - ord 'a' + 10
    | otherwise = Nothing

readDecChar :: String -> Maybe Char
readDecChar s = do
    case reads s of
        (i, _):_ -> Just $ toEnum (i :: Int)
        _ -> Nothing

-- | Convert into key-value pairs. Strips the leading ? if necesary.
decodeUrlPairs :: StringLike s
               => s
               -> [(s, s)]
decodeUrlPairs = map decodeUrlPair
               . SL.split '&'
               . SL.dropWhile (== '?')

-- | Convert into key-value pairs. Strips the leading ? if necesary. 'failure's
-- as necesary for invalid encodings.
decodeUrlPairsFailure :: (StringLike s, Failure DecodeUrlException m,
                          Monad m)
                      => s
                      -> m [(s, s)]
decodeUrlPairsFailure = mapM decodeUrlPairFailure
                      . SL.split '&'
                      . SL.dropWhile (== '?')

decodeUrlPairFailure :: (StringLike s, Failure DecodeUrlException m,
                         Monad m)
                     => s
                     -> m (s, s)
decodeUrlPairFailure b = do
    let (x, y) = SL.breakChar '=' b
    x' <- decodeUrlFailure x
    y' <- decodeUrlFailure y
    return (x', y')

decodeUrlPair :: StringLike s
              => s
              -> (s, s)
decodeUrlPair b =
    let (x, y) = SL.breakChar '=' b
     in (decodeUrl x, decodeUrl y)

-- | Convert a list of key-values pairs into a query string.
-- Does not include the question mark at the beginning.
encodeUrlPairs :: StringLike s
               => [(s, s)]
               -> s
encodeUrlPairs = SL.intercalate (SL.pack "&")
               . map encodeUrlPair

encodeUrlPair :: StringLike s
               => (s, s)
               -> s
encodeUrlPair (x, y) = encodeUrl x `SL.append` ('=' `SL.cons` encodeUrl y)

-- | Perform JSON-encoding on a string. Does not wrap in quotation marks.
-- Taken from json package by Sigbjorn Finne.
encodeJson :: StringLike s => s -> s
encodeJson = SL.concatMap encodeJsonChar

encodeJsonChar :: Char -> String
encodeJsonChar '\b' = "\\b"
encodeJsonChar '\f' = "\\f"
encodeJsonChar '\n' = "\\n"
encodeJsonChar '\r' = "\\r"
encodeJsonChar '\t' = "\\t"
encodeJsonChar '"' = "\\\""
encodeJsonChar '\\' = "\\\\"
encodeJsonChar c
    | not $ isControl c = [c]
    | c < '\x10'   = '\\' : 'u' : '0' : '0' : '0' : hexxs
    | c < '\x100'  = '\\' : 'u' : '0' : '0' : hexxs
    | c < '\x1000' = '\\' : 'u' : '0' : hexxs
    where hexxs = showHex (fromEnum c) "" -- FIXME
encodeJsonChar c = [c]

decodeJson :: StringLike s => s -> s
decodeJson s = case SL.uncons s of
    Nothing -> SL.empty
    Just ('\\', xs) -> fromMaybe ('\\' `SL.cons` decodeJson xs) $ do
        (x, xs') <- SL.uncons xs
        if x == 'u'
            then do
                (a, e) <- SL.uncons xs'
                (b, f) <- SL.uncons e
                (c, g) <- SL.uncons f
                (d, h) <- SL.uncons g
                res <- readHexChar [a, b, c, d]
                return $ res `SL.cons` decodeJson h
            else do
                c <- case x of
                        'b' -> return '\b'
                        'f' -> return '\f'
                        'n' -> return '\n'
                        'r' -> return '\r'
                        't' -> return '\t'
                        '"' -> return '"'
                        '\'' -> return '\''
                        '\\' -> return '\\'
                        _ -> Nothing
                return $ c `SL.cons` decodeJson xs'
    Just (x, xs) -> x `SL.cons` decodeJson xs

-- | Information on an uploaded file.
data FileInfo s c = FileInfo
    { fileName :: s
    , fileContentType :: s
    , fileContent :: c
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Parse a multipart form into parameters and files.
parseMultipart :: StringLike s
               => String -- ^ boundary
               -> s -- ^ content
               -> ([(s, s)], [(s, FileInfo s s)])
parseMultipart boundary =
    partitionEithers . catMaybes . map parsePiece . getPieces boundary

-- | Parse a single segment of a multipart/form-data POST.
parsePiece :: (StringLike s, Failure (AttributeNotFound s) m,
               Monad m)
           => s
           -> m (Either (s, s) (s, FileInfo s s))
parsePiece b = do
    let (headers', content) = SL.takeUntilBlank b
        headers = map parseHeader headers'
    name <- lookupHeaderAttr (SL.pack "Content-Disposition")
                             (SL.pack "name")
    let filename = lookupHeaderAttr (SL.pack "Content-Disposition")
                                    (SL.pack "filename")
    let ctype = fromMaybe SL.empty $ lookupHeader (SL.pack "Content-Type")
    -- charset = lookupHeaderAttr "Content-Type" "charset" headers
    return $ case filename of
        Nothing -> Left (name, SL.chomp content)
        Just f -> Right (name, FileInfo f ctype content)

-- | Split up a bytestring along the given boundary.
getPieces :: StringLike s
          => String -- ^ boundary
          -> s -- ^ content
          -> [s]
getPieces _ c | SL.null c = []
getPieces b c =
        let fullBound = SL.pack $ '-' `SL.cons` ('-' `SL.cons` b)
            (next, rest) = SL.breakString fullBound c
            rest' = checkRest rest
            rest'' = getPieces b rest'
         in if SL.null next then rest'' else SL.chomp next : rest''
        br = '\r'
        bn = '\n'
        dash = '-'
        checkRest bs
            | SL.lengthLT 2 bs = SL.empty
            | SL.head bs == bn = SL.tail bs
            | SL.head bs == br && SL.head (SL.tail bs) == bn =
                SL.tail $ SL.tail bs
            | SL.head bs == dash && SL.head (SL.tail bs) == dash = SL.empty
            | otherwise = SL.empty -- FIXME

-- | Parse a post request. This function determines the correct decoding
-- function to use.
parsePost :: StringLike s
          => String -- ^ content type
          -> String -- ^ content length
          -> s -- ^ body of the post
          -> ([(s, s)], [(s, FileInfo s s)])
parsePost ctype clength body
    | urlenc `SL.isPrefixOf` ctype = (decodeUrlPairs content, [])
    | formBound `isPrefixOf` ctype = parseMultipart boundProcessed content
    | otherwise = ([], [])
        len = case reads clength of
            ((x, _):_) -> x
            [] -> 0
        content = SL.take len body
        boundProcessed = drop (length formBound) ctype

urlenc :: String
urlenc = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

formBound :: String
formBound = "multipart/form-data; boundary="

{-# DEPRECATED decodeCookies "Please use parseCookies instead" #-}
-- | Deprecate alias for 'parseCookies'.
decodeCookies :: StringLike s => s -> [(s, s)]
decodeCookies = parseCookies

-- | Decode the value of an HTTP_COOKIE header into key/value pairs.
parseCookies :: StringLike s => s -> [(s, s)]
parseCookies s
  | SL.null s = []
  | otherwise =
    let (first, rest) = SL.break (== ';') s
     in parseCookie first : parseCookies (SL.dropWhile (== ';') rest)

parseCookie :: StringLike s => s -> (s, s)
parseCookie s =
    let (key, value) = SL.break (== '=') s
        key' = SL.dropWhile (== ' ') key
        value' =
          case SL.uncons value of
            Just ('=', rest) -> rest
            _ -> value
     in (key', value')

-- | Parse the HTTP accept string to determine supported content types.
parseHttpAccept :: StringLike s => s -> [s]
parseHttpAccept = map fst
                . sortBy (rcompare `on` snd)
                . map grabQ
                . SL.split ','

rcompare :: Ord a => a -> a -> Ordering
rcompare x y = case compare x y of
    LT -> GT
    GT -> LT
    EQ -> EQ

grabQ :: StringLike s => s -> (s, Double)
grabQ s =
    let (s', q) = SL.breakChar ';' s
        (_, q') = SL.breakChar '=' q
     in (trimWhite s', readQ $ trimWhite q')

readQ :: StringLike s => s -> Double
readQ s = case reads $ SL.unpack s of
            (x, _):_ -> x
            _ -> 1.0

trimWhite :: StringLike s => s -> s
trimWhite = SL.dropWhile (== ' ')

-- | Format a 'UTCTime' in W3 format; useful for setting cookies.
formatW3 :: UTCTime -> String
formatW3 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%X-00:00"

-- | A destination for data, the opposite of a 'Source'.
data Sink x y = Sink
    { sinkInit :: IO x
    , sinkAppend :: x -> BS.ByteString -> IO x
    , sinkClose :: x -> IO y
    , sinkFinalize :: y -> IO ()

lbsSink :: Sink ([BS.ByteString] -> [BS.ByteString]) BL.ByteString
lbsSink = Sink
    { sinkInit = return id
    , sinkAppend = \front bs -> return $ front . (:) bs
    , sinkClose = \front -> return $ BL.fromChunks $ front []
    , sinkFinalize = \_ -> return ()

tempFileSink :: Sink (FilePath, Handle) FilePath
tempFileSink = Sink
    { sinkInit = do
        tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
        openBinaryTempFile tempDir "webenc.buf"
    , sinkAppend = \(fp, h) bs -> BS.hPut h bs >> return (fp, h)
    , sinkClose = \(fp, h) -> do
        hClose h
        return fp
    , sinkFinalize = \fp -> removeFile fp

-- | This function works just like 'parsePost', which two important distinctions:
-- * It runs on a 'Source', which is the datatype used by the WAI for feeding a
-- request body.
-- * It allows you to specify a 'Sink' for receiving each individual file
-- parameter, so that you can avoid allocating large amounts of memory if
-- desired.
-- Remember that it is your obligation to call 'sinkFinalize' on the returned
-- values.
parseRequestBody :: Sink x y
                 -> Request
                 -> IO ([(BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)],
                        [(BS.ByteString, FileInfo BS.ByteString y)])
parseRequestBody sink req = do
    let ctype = do
    {- NOTE: Ignoring length, WAI must handle it
        clen' <- lookup ReqContentLength $ requestHeaders req
        clen'' <- readMay $ B8.unpack clen'
        ctype' <- lookup ReqContentType $ requestHeaders req
        if B8.pack urlenc `BS.isPrefixOf` ctype'
            then Just Nothing
            else if B8.pack formBound `BS.isPrefixOf` ctype'
                    then Just $ Just (BS.drop (length formBound) ctype')
                    else Nothing
    case ctype of
        Nothing -> return ([], [])
        Just Nothing -> do
            lbs <- sourceToLbsStrict $ requestBody req
            return (decodeUrlPairs lbs, [])
        Just (Just bound) ->
            parsePieces sink (PSBegin id) bound BS.empty (requestBody req) id id

type PieceReturn sink =
              (BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)
              (BS.ByteString, FileInfo BS.ByteString sink)

data ParseState seed
    = PSBegin ([BS.ByteString] -> [BS.ByteString])
    | PSParam BL.ByteString BL.ByteString
    | PSFile BL.ByteString BL.ByteString BL.ByteString seed BS.ByteString
    | PSNothing
instance Show (ParseState x) where
    show (PSBegin x) = show ("PSBegin", B8.unpack $ B8.concat $ x [])
    show (PSParam x y) = show ("PSParam", x, y)
    show (PSFile x y z _ _) = show ("PSFile", x, y, z)
    show PSNothing = "PSNothing"

-- | Parse a single segment of a multipart/form-data POST.
parsePiece' :: Sink x y
            -> ParseState x
            -> BS.ByteString
            -> IO (ParseState x)
parsePiece' sink (PSBegin front) bs =
    case SL.takeUntilBlankMaybe $ BL.fromChunks $ front [bs] of
        Nothing -> return $ PSBegin $ front . (:) bs
        Just (headers', content) ->
            let headers = map parseHeader headers'
                name = lookupHeaderAttr
                        (SL.pack "Content-Disposition")
                        (SL.pack "name")
                fname = lookupHeaderAttr
                            (SL.pack "Content-Disposition")
                            (SL.pack "filename")
                ctype = lookupHeader (SL.pack "Content-Type") headers
             in case (name, fname, ctype) of
                    (Just name', Nothing, _) ->
                        return $ PSParam name' content
                    (Just name', Just fname', Just ctype') -> do
                        seed <- sinkInit sink
                        (seed', hasNewLine)
                            <- foldM (sinkAppendNL sink) (seed, BS.empty)
                             $ BL.toChunks content
                        return $ PSFile name' fname' ctype' seed' hasNewLine
                    _ -> return PSNothing
parsePiece' _ PSNothing _ = return PSNothing
parsePiece' _ (PSParam name content) bs =
    return $ PSParam name $ BL.append content $ BL.fromChunks [bs]
parsePiece' sink (PSFile name fname ctype seed newLine) bs = do
    let (bs', newLine') = mychomp bs
    seed' <- sinkAppend sink seed newLine
    seed'' <- sinkAppend sink seed' bs'
    return $ PSFile name fname ctype seed'' newLine'

mychomp :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)
mychomp bs
    | BS.null bs = (bs, BS.empty)
    | B8.last bs == '\n' && BS.null (BS.init bs) = (BS.empty, bs)
    | B8.last bs == '\n' && B8.last (BS.init bs) == '\r' =
        (BS.init $ BS.init bs, B8.pack "\r\n")
    | B8.last bs == '\n' = (BS.init bs, B8.pack "\n")
    | otherwise = (bs, BS.empty)

-- | Removes one new line from end.
sinkAppendNL :: Sink x y -> (x, BS.ByteString) -> BS.ByteString
             -> IO (x, BS.ByteString)
sinkAppendNL sink (seed, prev) bs = do
    seed' <- sinkAppend sink seed prev
    let (bs', prev') = mychomp bs
    seed'' <- sinkAppend sink seed' bs'
    return (seed'', prev')

type Param = (BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)
type File y = (BS.ByteString, FileInfo BS.ByteString y)

parsePieces :: Sink x y
            -> ParseState x
            -> BS.ByteString
            -> BS.ByteString
            -> Source
            -> ([Param] -> [Param])
            -> ([File y] -> [File y])
            -> IO ([Param], [File y])
parsePieces sink pstate boundary prev (Source source) frontp frontf = do
    res <- source
    case res of
        Nothing -> do
            (pstate', prev', frontp', frontf') <- go prev
            if BS.null prev' || prev == prev' -- second clause ensures termination
                then return (frontp' [], frontf' [])
                else parsePieces sink pstate' boundary prev' (Source $ return Nothing) frontp' frontf'
        Just (bs', source') -> do
            let bs = BS.append prev bs'
            (pstate', prev', frontp', frontf') <- go bs
            parsePieces sink pstate' boundary prev' source' frontp' frontf'
        go bs =
            case hasBound boundary bs of
                NoBound -> do
                    pstate' <- parsePiece' sink pstate bs
                    return (pstate', BS.empty, frontp, frontf)
                MaybeBound -> return (pstate, bs, frontp, frontf)
                HasBound before after -> do
                    pstate' <- parsePiece' sink pstate before
                    es <- extractState sink pstate'
                    let (frontp', frontf') =
                            case es of
                                Nothing -> (frontp, frontf)
                                Just (Left p) -> (frontp . (:) p, frontf)
                                Just (Right f) -> (frontp, frontf . (:) f)
                    return (PSBegin id, after, frontp', frontf')

extractState :: Sink x y
             -> ParseState x
             -> IO (Maybe (PieceReturn y))
extractState _ (PSBegin _) = return Nothing
extractState _ PSNothing = return Nothing
extractState _ (PSParam name val) =
    return $ Just $ Left (name, SL.chomp val)
extractState sink (PSFile name fname ctype seed _newLine) = do
    output <- sinkClose sink seed
    return $ Just $ Right (BS.concat $ BL.toChunks name, FileInfo
        { fileName = BS.concat $ BL.toChunks fname
        , fileContentType = BS.concat $ BL.toChunks ctype
        , fileContent = output

data HasBound = NoBound | MaybeBound | HasBound BS.ByteString BS.ByteString
hasBound :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> HasBound
hasBound bound content =
    case notEmpty $ BS.breakSubstring fullBound1 content of
        Just (before, after) ->
            let after' = BS.drop (BS.length fullBound1) after
             in HasBound before $ SL.chompStart after'
        Nothing ->
          case notEmpty $ BS.breakSubstring fullBound2 content of
            Just (before, after) ->
                let after' = BS.drop (BS.length fullBound2) after
                 in HasBound before $ SL.chompStart after'
            Nothing ->
              case notEmpty $ BS.breakSubstring fullBound3 content of
                Just (before, after) ->
                  let after' = BS.drop (BS.length fullBound3) after
                   in HasBound before $ SL.chompStart after'
                Nothing ->
                    if endsWithBound
                        then MaybeBound
                        else NoBound
        fullBound' = B8.cons '-' $ B8.cons '-' bound
        fullBound1 = fullBound' `B8.snoc` '\n'
        fullBound2 = fullBound' `B8.snoc` '\r' `B8.snoc` '\n'
        fullBound3 = fullBound' `B8.snoc` '-' `B8.snoc` '-'
        endsWithBound =
            or $ map (\x -> x `BS.isSuffixOf` content)
               $ (BS.inits fullBound2 ++ BS.inits fullBound3)
        notEmpty (x, y)
            | BS.null y = Nothing
            | otherwise = Just (x, y)

sourceToLbsStrict :: Source -> IO BL.ByteString
sourceToLbsStrict source0 = go source0 id
    go (Source source) front = do
        res <- source
        case res of
            Nothing -> return $ BL.fromChunks $ front []
            Just (bs, source') -> go source' $ front . (:) bs