{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | -- Module: Web.Mongrel2 -- Copyright: (c) 2011 Clint Moore -- License: BSD-style -- Maintainer: cmoore@wamboli.com -- Stability: experimental -- Portability: GHC -- -- -- A simple abstraction for applications to use Mongrel2. -- Mongrel2 is simple and easy to use, and hopefully others -- find this module almost as easy. -- -- > require Web.Mongrel2 -- > require Control.Monad (forever) -- > -- > main :: IO () -- > main = do -- > conn <- connect $ def { m2_publish = "tcp:// -- > , m2_pull = "tcp://" -- > , m2_uuid = "my-awesome-webapp" } -- > case m2_pull_socket conn of -- > Nothing -> error "Didn't connect to Mongrel2!" -- > Just sock -> -- > forever $ poll sock >>= -- > recv dumper conn >> -- > return () -- > -- > where -- > dumper :: Request -> IO Response -- > dumper req = do -- > putStrLn req -- > return $ defaultr req -- > module Web.Mongrel2 ( -- * Connection connect , poll , recv -- * Utilities , defaultr ) where import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Control.Applicative import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Data.Default (def) import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile) import System.Time (getClockTime) import qualified System.ZMQ as Z import Text.StringTemplate import Web.Mongrel2.Parsing import Web.Mongrel2.Types -- | Generate a 'Response' from the 'Request' copying sane defaults. defaultr :: Request -> Response defaultr req = def { response_uuid = request_uuid req , response_id = request_id req , response_path = request_path req , response_headers = request_headers req } -- Request -- UUID ID PATH SIZE:HEADERS,SIZE:BODY -- Response -- UUID SIZE:ID ID ID, BODY send_response :: Z.Socket a -> Response -> IO () send_response sock resp = do now <- getClockTime -- TODO: Why the hell do I have to do this? -- TODO: Otherwise, every response is missing one character. let leng = (T.length $ response_body resp) + 1 let res = BS.pack $ render $ setAttribute "headers" (response_headers resp) $ setManyAttrib [("id", (response_id resp)), ("uuid", (response_uuid resp)), ("idl", (T.pack $ show $ T.length $ response_id resp)), ("now", (T.pack $ show now)), ("clen", T.pack $ show leng), ("sep", T.pack "\r\n"), ("status", response_status resp), ("contenttype", response_content_type resp), ("charset", response_charset resp), ("body",(response_body resp))] $ newSTMP response_template Z.send sock res [] -- | The receive action. -- recv :: (Request -> IO Response) -> M2 -> [Z.Poll] -> IO () recv handle pub ((Z.S s _):_ss) = do req <- Z.receive s [] case m2_parse (TE.decodeUtf8 req) of Left err -> error $ T.unpack err Right rq -> do rsp <- handle rq case m2_publish_socket pub of Nothing -> error "Publish socket not connected?!" Just so -> send_response so rsp recv _ _ _ = return () -- | Shortcut for @system-zeromq@'s poll function. -- Interval is hardcoded to 1000000 ms. poll :: Z.Socket a -> IO [Z.Poll] poll sock = Z.poll [Z.S sock Z.InOut] 1000000 -- | Connects the internal sockets. connect :: M2 -> IO M2 connect mong = do case ((,) <$> m2_publish_socket mong <*> m2_pull_socket mong ) of Just _ -> return mong Nothing -> do ctx <- Z.init 1 pub <- Z.socket ctx Z.Pub pull <- Z.socket ctx Z.Pull let uid = case m2_uuid mong of Just v -> v Nothing -> T.pack "82209006-86GF-4982-B5EA-D1E29E55D481" Z.connect pull $ T.unpack $ m2_pull mong Z.setOption pull $ Z.Identity $ T.unpack uid Z.connect pub $ T.unpack $ m2_publish mong return $ mong { m2_publish_socket = Just pub , m2_pull_socket = Just pull , m2_context = Just ctx , m2_uuid = Just uid } response_template :: String response_template = BS.unpack $(embedFile "response_template.st")