{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TemplateHaskell #-}
{- OPTIONS_GHC -optP-include -optPdist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -}
module Web.Routes.TH where

import Control.Monad (ap, replicateM)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ((<|>),many1)
import Web.Routes.PathInfo

-- FIXME: handle when called with a type (not data, newtype)
derivePathInfo :: Name -> Q [Dec]
derivePathInfo name
    = do c <- parseInfo name
         case c of
           Tagged cons cx keys ->
               do let context = [ mkCtx ''PathInfo [varT key] | key <- keys ] ++ map return cx
                  i <- instanceD (sequence context) (mkType ''PathInfo [mkType name (map varT keys)])
                       [ toPathSegmentsFn cons 
                       , fromPathSegmentsFn cons
                  return [i]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,4,0)
      mkCtx = classP
      mkCtx = mkType

      toPathSegmentsFn :: [(Name, Int)] -> DecQ
      toPathSegmentsFn cons 
          = do inp <- newName "inp"
               let body = caseE (varE inp) $
                            [ do args <- replicateM nArgs (newName "arg")
                                 let matchCon = conP conName (map varP args)
                                     conStr = (nameBase conName)
                                 match matchCon (normalB (toURLWork conStr args)) []
                                  |  (conName, nArgs) <- cons ]
                   toURLWork :: String -> [Name] -> ExpQ
                   toURLWork conStr args
                       = foldr1 (\a b -> appE (appE [| (++) |] a) b) ([| [conStr] |] : [ [| toPathSegments $(varE arg) |] | arg <- args ])
               funD 'toPathSegments [clause [varP inp] (normalB body)  []]
      fromPathSegmentsFn :: [(Name,Int)] -> DecQ
      fromPathSegmentsFn cons
          = do let body = (foldl1 (\a b -> appE (appE [| (<|>) |] a) b)
                            [ parseCon conName nArgs 
                            | (conName, nArgs) <- cons])
                   parseCon :: Name -> Int -> ExpQ
                   parseCon conName nArgs = foldl1 (\a b -> appE (appE [| ap |] a) b) 
                                                   ([| segment $(stringE (nameBase conName)) >> return $(conE conName) |]
                                                   : (replicate nArgs [| fromPathSegments |]))
               funD 'fromPathSegments [clause [] (normalB body) []]

mkType :: Name -> [TypeQ] -> TypeQ
mkType con = foldl appT (conT con)

data Class = Tagged [(Name, Int)] Cxt [Name]

parseInfo :: Name -> Q Class
parseInfo name
    = do info <- reify name
         case info of
           TyConI (DataD cx _ keys cs _)    -> return $ Tagged (map conInfo cs) cx $ map conv keys
           TyConI (NewtypeD cx _ keys con _)-> return $ Tagged [conInfo con] cx $ map conv keys
           _                            -> error "Invalid input"
    where conInfo (NormalC n args) = (n, length args)
          conInfo (RecC n args) = (n, length args)
          conInfo (InfixC _ n _) = (n, 2)
          conInfo (ForallC _ _ con) = conInfo con
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,4,0)
          conv (PlainTV nm) = nm
          conv (KindedTV nm _) = nm
          conv = id