webdriver-w3c ============= [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/nbloomf/webdriver-w3c.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/nbloomf/webdriver-w3c) Haskell bindings for the W3C WebDriver API. What is it? ----------- `webdriver-w3c` is a Haskell library providing bindings to the WebDriver API, enabling us to write Haskell programs that control web browsers. It is actively tested against `geckodriver` and `chromedriver`, as well as a fake remote end implementation. It is implemented as a monad transformer. Also included is an integration with the [tasty](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/tasty) test framework. Note that this library requires GHC >=8.6 due to a transitive dependency on `QuantifiedConstraints`. [WebDriver](https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/) is an HTTP API for interacting with a web browser remotely. It is on track to become a W3C specification and based on work done by the [Selenium](https://www.seleniumhq.org/) community. Who is it for? -------------- If you: * Are interested in browser automation, especially for testing, * Want to write browser automation code in Haskell, and * Don't mind filing bug and feature requests, then you might give `webdriver-w3c` a try. This library is unrelated to [webdriver](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/webdriver) except in spirit. That library is older and more mature, and depending on your needs may be more appropriate. Where is the documentation? --------------------------- Depends on what you want! * _A cursory glance:_ This brief [tutorial](https://github.com/nbloomf/webdriver-w3c/blob/master/doc/Tutorial.md) shows how to go from nothing to one very simple test. * _To start a simple project:_ If you want to write a test suite, there's a separate tutorial on using the [tasty integration](https://github.com/nbloomf/webdriver-w3c/blob/master/doc/TastyDemo.md). * _To dig into the API:_ The API docs are on [Hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/webdriver-w3c). * _To mess with the library code:_ There's a very small amount of [developer documentation](https://github.com/nbloomf/webdriver-w3c/blob/master/dev/doc.md); I'm also happy to answer questions. Who is responsible for this? ---------------------------- Nathan Bloomfield (@nbloomf) wrote and maintains the code. Other contributors, in lexicographic order: * Ivan Enderlin (@hywan) And users like you! Also thanks to my employer for allowing -- actually, requiring :) -- this to be open source. And special thanks to Jonathan Lipps' [Simplified Guide](https://github.com/jlipps/simple-wd-spec) to the WebDriver spec.