webgear-server-0.1.0: Composable, type-safe library to build HTTP API servers
Copyright(c) Raghu Kaippully 2020
Safe HaskellNone



WebGear helps to build composable, type-safe HTTP API servers.

The documentation below gives an overview of WebGear. Example programs built using WebGear are available at https://github.com/rkaippully/webgear/tree/master/webgear-examples.


    Serving HTTP APIs

    An HTTP API server handler can be thought of as a function that takes a request as input and produces a response as output in a monadic context.

    handler :: Monad m => Request -> m Response

    Most APIs will require extracting some information from the request, processing it and then producing a response. For example, the server might require access to some HTTP header values, query parameters, or the request body. WebGear allows to access such information using traits.

    Traits and Linking

    A trait is an attribute associated with a value. For example, a Request might have a header that we are interested in; the Header trait represents that. All traits have instances of Trait typeclass. This typeclass helps to check the presence of the trait. It also has two associated types - Val and Fail - to represent the result of checking the presence of a trait.

    For example, the Header trait has an instance of the Trait typeclass. The check function evaluates to a CheckSuccess value if the header exists and can be converted to an attribute via the FromHttpApiData typeclass. Otherwise, it evaluates to a CheckFail value.

    WebGear provides type-safety by linking traits to the request or response at type level. The Linked data type associates a Request or Response with a list of traits. This linking guarantees that the Request or Response has the specified trait.

    These functions work with traits and linked values:

    • linkzero: Establish a link between a value and an empty list of traits. This always succeeds.
    • linkplus: Attempts to establish a link between a linked value with an additional trait.
    • linkminus: Removes a trait from the list of linked traits.
    • unlink: Convert a linked value to a regular value without any type-level traits.
    • traitValue: Extract a Val associated with a trait from a linked value.

    For example, we make use of the Method @GET trait to ensure that our handler is called only for GET requests. We can link a request value with this trait using:

    linkedRequest :: Monad m => Request -> m (Either MethodMismatch (Linked '[Method GET] Request))
    linkedRequest = linkplus @(Method GET) . linkzero

    Let us modify the type signature of our handler to use linked values instead of regular values:

    handler :: Monad m => Linked req Request -> m (Linked res Response)

    Here, req is a type-level list of traits associated with the Request that this handler requires and res is a type-level list of traits associated with the Response that this handler will produce. This implies that this handler can be called only with a request possessing certain traits and it is guaranteed to produce a response having certain traits.


    Handlers in WebGear are defined with a type very similar to the above.

    type Handler m req res a = Kleisli m (Linked req Request) (Linked res (Response a))

    It is a Kleisli arrow as described in the above section with type-level trait lists. However, the response is parameterized by the type variable a, which represents the type of the response body.

    A handler can extract some trait attribute of a request with the traitValue function. It can also use linkplus function to prove the presence of traits in the response before returning it.


    A middleware is a higher-order function that takes a handler as input and produces another handler with potentially different lists of request and response traits. Thus middlewares can augment the functionality of another handler.

    For example, here is the definition of the method middleware:

    method :: (IsStdMethod t, MonadRouter m) => Handler m (Method t:req) res a -> Handler m req res a
    method handler = Kleisli $ linkplus @(Method t) >=> either (const rejectRoute) (runKleisli handler)

    The linkplus @(Method t) function is used to prove the presence of the method t in the request and the handler is invoked only if the method matches. In case of a mismatch, this route is rejected by calling rejectRoute.

    Many middlewares can be composed to form complex request handling logic.

    putUser = method @PUT
              $ requestContentType @"application/json"
              $ jsonRequestBody @User
              $ jsonResponseBody @User
              $ putUserHandler


    A typical server will have many routes and we would like to pick one based on the URL path, HTTP method etc. We need a couple of things to achieve this.

    First, we need a way to indicate that a handler cannot handle a request, possibly because the path or method did not match with what was expected. This is achieved by the rejectRoute function:

    class (Alternative m, MonadPlus m) => MonadRouter m where
      rejectRoute :: m a
      failHandler :: Response ByteString -> m a

    The failHandler can be used in cases where we find a matching route but the request handling is aborted for some reason. For example, if a route requires the request Content-type header to have a particular value but the actual request had a different Content-type, failHandler can be used to abort and return an error response.

    Second, we need a mechanism to try an alternate route when one route is rejected. Since MonadRouter is an Alternative, we can use <|> to combine many routes. When a request arrives, a match will be attempted against each route sequentially and the first matching route handler will process the request. Here is an example:

    allRoutes :: MonadRouter m => Handler m '[] '[] ByteString
    allRoutes = [match| v1/users/userId:Int |]    -- non-TH version: path @"v1/users" . pathVar @"userId" @Int
                $ getUser <|> putUser <|> deleteUser
    type IntUserId = PathVar "userId" Int
    getUser :: (MonadRouter m, Has IntUserId req) => Handler m req '[] ByteString
    getUser = method @GET getUserHandler
    putUser :: (MonadRouter m, Has IntUserId req) => Handler m req '[] ByteString
    putUser = method @PUT
              $ requestContentType @"application/json"
              $ jsonRequestBody @User
              $ putUserHandler
    deleteUser :: (MonadRouter m, Has IntUserId req) => Handler m req '[] ByteString
    deleteUser = method @DELETE deleteUserHandler

    Running the Server

    Routable handlers can be converted to a regular function using runRoute:

    runRoute :: Monad m => Handler (RouterT m) '[] res ByteString -> (Request -> m Response)

    This function converts a WebGear handler to a function from Request to Response in a monadic context m. Then it is trivial to convert that to a WAI Application and run it as a warp server:

    application :: Application
    application req respond = runRoute allRoutes req >>= respond
    main :: IO ()
    main = Warp.run 3000 application