{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Creating basic 'WebServer'. Created 'WebServer' can handle GET \/ HEAD \/ POST; OK, Not Found, Not Modified, Moved Permanently, etc; partial getting; language negotication; CGI, chunked data for CGI output; -} module Network.Web.Server.Basic (basicServer, module Network.Web.Server.Params) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import Data.List import Data.Time import Network.TCPInfo import Network.Web.Date import Network.Web.HTTP import Network.Web.Server import Network.Web.Server.CGI import Network.Web.Server.Lang import Network.Web.Server.Params import Network.Web.Server.Range import Network.Web.URI import System.FilePath ---------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Creating 'WebServer' with 'BasicConfig'. The created 'WebServer' can handle GET \/ HEAD \/ POST; OK, Not Found, Not Modified, Moved Permanently, etc; partial getting; language negotication; CGI, chunked data for CGI output; If http:\/\/example.com\/path does not exist but http:\/\/example.com\/path\/ exists, the created 'WebServer' redirects it. http:\/\/example.com\/path\/ is mapped to \/somewhere\/path\/ by 'mapper' and index.html and index.html.en automatically added and try to read by 'obtain'. If Accept-Language is "xx" and "yy" in order, index.html.xx, index.html.yy, index.html and index.html.en are tried. The created 'WebServer' does not dynamically make index.html for a directory even if index.html does not exist for security reasons. -} basicServer :: BasicConfig -> WebServer basicServer cnf mreq = case mreq of Nothing -> adjust <$> pure responseBadRequest Just req -> case reqMethod req of GET -> adjust <$> processGET cnf req HEAD -> adjust <$> processHEAD cnf req POST -> adjust <$> processPOST cnf req _ -> adjust <$> pure responseNotImplement where adjust = addServer . addPeerToLog addServer rsp = insertField FkServer (serverName cnf) rsp addPeerToLog rsp = rsp { rspLogMsg = logmsg} peer = peerAddr (tcpInfo cnf) logmsg = "[" ++ peer ++ "] " ++ maybe "" uri mreq uri req = "\"" ++ (S.unpack . toURLwoPort . reqURI) req ++ "\"" ---------------------------------------------------------------- runAnyIO :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO a runAnyIO [] = error "runAnyIO" runAnyIO (a:as) = do mrsp <- a case mrsp of Nothing -> runAnyIO as Just rsp -> return rsp runAnyMaybeIO :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe a) runAnyMaybeIO [] = return Nothing runAnyMaybeIO (a:as) = do mx <- a case mx of Nothing -> runAnyMaybeIO as Just _ -> return mx processGET :: BasicConfig -> Request -> IO Response processGET cnf req = do let uri = reqURI req langs = map ('.':) (languages req) ++ ["",".en"] runAnyIO [ tryGet cnf req uri langs , tryRedirect cnf uri langs , notFound ] -- always Just processHEAD :: BasicConfig -> Request -> IO Response processHEAD cnf req = do let uri = reqURI req langs = map ('.':) (languages req) ++ ["",".en"] runAnyIO [ tryHead cnf uri langs , tryRedirect cnf uri langs , notFound ] -- always Just processPOST :: BasicConfig -> Request -> IO Response processPOST cnf req = tryPost cnf req languages :: Request -> [String] languages req = maybe [] (parseLang . S.unpack) $ lookupField FkAcceptLanguage req ---------------------------------------------------------------- (>>|) :: Maybe a -> (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> IO (Maybe b) v >>| act = case v of Nothing -> return Nothing Just x -> act x (|>|) :: IO (Maybe a) -> (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> IO (Maybe b) a |>| act = do v <- a case v of Nothing -> return Nothing Just x -> act x (|||) :: Maybe Status -> Maybe Status -> Maybe Status (|||) = mplus ---------------------------------------------------------------- ifModifiedSince :: Request -> Maybe UTCTime ifModifiedSince = lookupAndParseDate FkIfModifiedSince ifUnmodifiedSince :: Request -> Maybe UTCTime ifUnmodifiedSince = lookupAndParseDate FkIfUnmodifiedSince ifRange :: Request -> Maybe UTCTime ifRange = lookupAndParseDate FkIfRange lookupAndParseDate :: FieldKey -> Request -> Maybe UTCTime lookupAndParseDate key req = lookupField key req >>= parseDate tryGet :: BasicConfig -> Request -> URI -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Response) tryGet cnf req uri langs = tryGet' $ mapper cnf uri where tryGet' None = return Nothing tryGet' (File file) = tryGetFile cnf req file langs tryGet' (PathCGI cgi) = tryGetCGI cnf req cgi tryGetFile :: BasicConfig -> Request -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Response) tryGetFile cnf req file langs | ".html" `isSuffixOf` file = runAnyMaybeIO $ map (tryGetFile' cnf req file) langs | otherwise = tryGetFile' cnf req file "" tryGetFile' :: BasicConfig -> Request -> FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe Response) tryGetFile' cnf req file lang = do let file' = file ++ lang info cnf file' |>| \(size, mtime) -> do let ext = takeExtension file ct = selectContentType ext modified = utcToDate mtime mst = ifmodified req size mtime ||| ifunmodified req size mtime ||| ifrange req size mtime ||| unconditional req size mtime case mst of Just OK -> do val <- obtain cnf file' Nothing return . Just $ response OK val size ct modified Just st@(PartialContent skip len) -> do val <- obtain cnf file' $ Just (skip,len) return . Just $ response st val len ct modified Just st -> return . Just $ response st L.empty 0 ct modified _ -> return Nothing -- never reached ifmodified :: Request -> Integer -> UTCTime -> Maybe Status ifmodified req size mtime = do date <- ifModifiedSince req if date /= mtime then unconditional req size mtime else Just NotModified -- xxx rspBody should be Nothing ifunmodified :: Request -> Integer -> UTCTime -> Maybe Status ifunmodified req size mtime = do date <- ifUnmodifiedSince req if date == mtime then unconditional req size mtime else Just PreconditionFailed ifrange :: Request -> Integer -> UTCTime -> Maybe Status ifrange req size mtime = do date <- ifRange req rng <- lookupField FkRange req if date == mtime then Just OK else range size rng unconditional :: Request -> Integer -> UTCTime -> Maybe Status unconditional req size _ = maybe (Just OK) (range size) $ lookupField FkRange req range :: Integer -> S.ByteString -> Maybe Status range size rng = case skipAndSize (S.unpack rng) size of Nothing -> Just RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable Just (skip,len) -> Just (PartialContent skip len) ---------------------------------------------------------------- tryHead :: BasicConfig -> URI -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Response) tryHead cnf uri langs = tryHead' (mapper cnf uri) where tryHead' None = return Nothing tryHead' (PathCGI _) = return Nothing tryHead' (File file) = tryHeadFile cnf file langs tryHeadFile :: BasicConfig -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Response) tryHeadFile cnf file langs | ".html" `isSuffixOf` file = runAnyMaybeIO $ map (tryHeadFile' cnf file) langs | otherwise = tryHeadFile' cnf file "" tryHeadFile' :: BasicConfig -> FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe Response) tryHeadFile' cnf file lang = do let ext = takeExtension file ct = selectContentType ext file' = file ++ lang minfo <- info cnf file' case minfo of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (_,mt) -> return $ Just (responseOK ct (utcToDate mt)) ---------------------------------------------------------------- redirectURI :: URI -> Maybe URI redirectURI uri = let path = uriPath uri in if "/" `S.isSuffixOf` path then Nothing else Just uri { uriPath = path `S.append` "/" } tryRedirect :: BasicConfig -> URI -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Response) tryRedirect cnf uri langs = redirectURI uri >>| \ruri -> tryRedirect' (mapper cnf ruri) ruri where tryRedirect' None _ = return Nothing tryRedirect' (PathCGI _) _ = return Nothing tryRedirect' (File file) ruri = runAnyMaybeIO $ map (tryRedirectFile cnf ruri file) langs tryRedirectFile :: BasicConfig -> URI -> FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe Response) tryRedirectFile cnf ruri file lang = do let file' = file ++ lang minfo <- info cnf file' case minfo of Nothing -> return Nothing Just _ -> return $ Just (responseRedirect ruri) ---------------------------------------------------------------- tryPost :: BasicConfig -> Request -> IO Response tryPost cnf req = case mapper cnf (reqURI req) of PathCGI cgi -> do mres <- tryGetCGI cnf req cgi case mres of Nothing -> undefined -- never reached Just res -> return res _ -> return responseBadRequest ---------------------------------------------------------------- notFound :: IO (Maybe Response) notFound = return $ Just responseNotFound ---------------------------------------------------------------- response :: Status -> L.ByteString -> Integer -> CT -> HttpDate -> Response response st val len ct modified = makeResponse2 st (Just val) (Just len) kvs where kvs = [(FkContentType,ct),(FkLastModified,modified)] ---------------------------------------------------------------- responseOK :: CT -> HttpDate -> Response responseOK ct modified = makeResponse2 OK (Just L.empty) (Just 0) kvs where kvs = [(FkContentType,ct),(FkLastModified,modified)] responseRedirect :: URI -> Response responseRedirect rurl = makeResponse MovedPermanently [(FkLocation, toURL rurl)] responseNotFound :: Response responseNotFound = makeResponse NotFound [] ---------------------------------------------------------------- responseBadRequest :: Response responseBadRequest = makeResponse BadRequest [] responseNotImplement :: Response responseNotImplement = makeResponse NotImplemented []